Official Match Thread Season 35, Round Six: Dragons FFC vs Fighting Furies at Ljp86's Lair

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Dec 31, 2019
AFL Club
Other Teams
WPFC; WA; StGI Dragons; GumbiesFFC
sdr vs fur.png

An adventure begins:

In the land of the Sweet FA there is a magical woodland. Low clouds had hung over the woods for over 34 Seasons. This was the case whether the Sim had provided warm or rainy weather.

At the edge of the woodland two houses had stood side by side forever. Over time the fence between the two backyards had fallen down. This suited the two families as one backyard was filled with raised beds for year round veggies and the other had a big orchard with apples, avocados, mulberries, pears, peaches, mangoes, walnuts and quinces. The two families shared the produce and there was heaps left for wandering Muddiemoose , koalas, Chipmunks and even the flying beez.

Where the fence had totally gone was a mini field of sweet smelling native ground covers that were soft under the feet of the four children who played there.

Yes, there were four children, two from each household. They were Ge3ks, Lbaddie29, Shueygod and SplintWhisky. In between their duties of tending the animals, orchard and a sometimes grumpy GWS Goose , the kids found time to play games. Their favourite was called Qooty, though interest had waned as the kids had tired of a purely imaginary game.

Having been very efficient in their chores this Tuesday, they had the afternoon free. What to do? "Let's explore the Woods", said Shueygod. "Mmmm, but our folks said we're not allowed" responded Ge3ks.

"Bugger that. Let's do it!" said the other three in unison. And so they did, heading off with a dilly bag of supplies that included peaches, boiled quail at the prospect eggs and an oversized turnip.

An adventure begins.png

Meeting some new friends:

They found an old trail to walk on and marvelled as it would disappear and then reappear. As they walked on the summer light faded as the woodland got thicker.

Though none of the children spoke, each knew the others were equally nervous. Just when the natural light had gone like yesterday's bread and honey, they came on a glade of candle nut trees. Lights danced all over the trees and Lbaddie29 thought that the lights made strange soft murmurings. A Lovely lantern appeared in each kids' hand.

Wordless, the children walked along the appearing/disappearing path until they reached a large clearing, at the centre of which was a large stand of unusual mushrooms. On top of the largest was an elfin figure with gossamer wings.

"Hello children. You're late for the game. I wouldn't mind a peach but I'd really like a turnip. I'm sure Mobbsface has some pop biscuits we could give you. Oh where is he? Oh yes, I'm user Headless."

"Oof" called another voice rushing in. "You know you can call me Mobbs! I would really like some turnip before we move on. You four are lucky I have freshly made Toffee Shocks."

Meeting some new friends.png

When life gives you lemons:

For some reason the kids were reassured, Headless had mentioned a game and something about a tree. It was all good.

Suddenly a massive trunk of what could only be a massive tree appeared. It was totally surrounded by a moat of pink lemonade. Patrolling the moat was the strangest figure. “0h that's croweater 41. He supplies all of us with magic lemonade. He runs around like crazy and makes the moat full. Don’t ask and I’ll tell you no lies”, said Mobbsface.

As they walked around the moat they found a small bridge with three rather odd folk from a far off land tending a stall dispensing the lemonade. It turns out they were the Jibber Jabber triplets, BLUEALLTHRU, Jabba73 and JustaBattler.

When life gives you lemons.png

Raindrops from a mod:

Thirst quenched, the kids began to climb the tree. On the lowest branch was the Cheshire Cat who looked remarkably like serial_thrilla.

“This isn’t your story. Begone!” growled Mobbsface.

”WATCH OUT!” cried Headless as a massive cascade of susdsy water poured down from up above them. Happily 6 magic umbrellas had appeared in the hands of the kids and their two companions. Only one drop landed on the kids and it had the curious affect of transforming their clothes into full sets of Qooty gear.

Unhappily there was no umbrella for the Cheshire Cat who was thoroughly drenched and disappeared with a loud, angry ****f noise. Above them the kids could hear the mad, cackling laughter of Mrs Wosh.

Raindrops from a mod.png

The climb continues:

Warily now, the kids continued to climb and came across all manner of creatures.

* There was a charming por_please_ya elf who gave them all bags of Google Buns which were just as good as the Pop Cakes;

* An odd goblin type called okeydoke7 who just intoned “ima gonna eat more Toffee Shocks than Tarks”; and

* A rather gaunt Gumby called Barrybran and a set of dentures called CakeEater who was running across the branches chasing a frightened sponge.

All the while as the 6 climbed, their ears began to hurt from a cacophony of atonal noise.

”Oh that’s NaturalDisaster", explained Mobbsface. “Once he ran the SFA Tree but no more and now he is our Saucepan Man. And that over there is our friend The Filth Wizard, another former Admin who never believed the SFA Tree even existed!”

The climb continues.png

From branch to branch:

The kids climbed higher and higher. As the clatter of saucepans receded, the kids became alert to the new noise of ‘tick, tick, tick’ and suddenly they felt liked as if they were the best of kids. “Aah“ said Headless using a most wise tone, “That’s Ant Bear distributing likes to everyone in the tree. He’s gonna make All SFA, probably on the interchange.”

As the children climbed, the faerie folk had become odder. Eventually they came across a depressed and completely drenched little critter who was holding a fabric-less umbrella and had clearly copped the full brunt of Mrs Wosh’s tub. TedDougChris just kept repeating, “The Roys are rooned. Everyone’s gawn and there’s hopefully a coup!”

Nearing the cloud that topped the tree the kids were stopped in their tracks by an attractive elf and a massive 245 lb love muscle goblin. Miraculously the massive goblin was balancing on a mere tendril of the tree. The two spoke as one, “We’re new here. Have a wonderful game kids!”

From branch to branch.png

Into the clouds:

Just near the Cloud atop the tree they came across a fur covered wood sprite called James Colorado who said, “Furballs are cool and with the e-girls gone, we’ll run the gamelands.”

As the kids entered the clouds, Headless hung back.

”I have to leave you here as your gameland is just ahead. But don’t worry as you have until next Sunday to enjoy the game and return safely home.” explained the surprising but ever wise Headless. Oh that Headless, they’ve done it again!

“Get on with the four of ya. Here‘s a bag each of buns, biscuits and toffee shockers to keep ya going. Enjoy my world!“ said Mobbsface as he reluctantly handed over the bags. “Oh yep. Ya won’t see them but a little elf called Hate is gonna watch over you and count all your deeds in gameland. Don’t be scared children, this is a great blessing.“

Into the clouds.png

The talking c(l)ock:

A little while later, with stomachs grumbling, the children quickly became aware that much time had passed since their adventure began. “I wonder if it’s dinner time” asked SplintWhisky.

Luckily, at that moment, they came across the talking clock. Shueygod asked, “is it time for us to go home?”

The clock responded, “it is time for you to go back. It is almost dinner time……… your timezone”

The four children looked at each other and rolled their eyes. That clock is a true pedant.

The talking c(l)ock.png


With that the kids wearing their real life Qooty gear climbed into one of the 6 gamelands and found their respective teammates. Their gameland was Dragons FFC vs Fighting Furies. Their Skippers T2B_, James Colorado and Pickitt knew the drill. Lots of banter...

AND MOST IMPORTANTLY THE SKIPPERS DID KNOW …. that Teamsheets (correctly formatted) to be lodged by 11.59pm AEDST.

“Aah, thank * those two eejits didn’t forget the most important message“, said Kennedy Parker and manangatang from the apex of the gameland pyramid.

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Look Dragons! Out of the murky depths of the Royals HQ we emerge and sniff some much needed fresh air. And with that fresh air comes a new (and fun) opponent, the Furies. I don't know about you, but after last week I'm raring to go and really have an enjoyable match thread.

Go Dragons!
Oh no, you can be that too. Just anything other than Mt Buller.
america ferrera dragon GIF
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An adventure begins:

In the land of the Sweet FA there is a magical woodland. Low clouds had hung over the woods for over 34 Seasons. This was the case whether the Sim had provided warm or rainy weather.

At the edge of the woodland two houses had stood side by side forever. Over time the fence between the two backyards had fallen down. This suited the two families as one backyard was filled with raised beds for year round veggies and the other had a big orchard with apples, avocados, mulberries, pears, peaches, mangoes, walnuts and quinces. The two families shared the produce and there was heaps left for wandering Muddiemoose , koalas, Chipmunks and even the flying beez.

Where the fence had totally gone was a mini field of sweet smelling native ground covers that were soft under the feet of the four children who played there.

Yes, there were four children, two from each household. They were Ge3ks, Lbaddie29, Shueygod and SplintWhisky. In between their duties of tending the animals, orchard and a sometimes grumpy GWS Goose , the kids found time to play games. Their favourite was called Qooty, though interest had waned as the kids had tired of a purely imaginary game.

Having been very efficient in their chores this Tuesday, they had the afternoon free. What to do? "Let's explore the Woods", said Shueygod. "Mmmm, but our folks said we're not allowed" responded Ge3ks.

"Bugger that. Let's do it!" said the other three in unison. And so they did, heading off with a dilly bag of supplies that included peaches, boiled quail at the prospect eggs and an oversized turnip.

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Meeting some new friends:

They found an old trail to walk on and marvelled as it would disappear and then reappear. As they walked on the summer light faded as the woodland got thicker.

Though none of the children spoke, each knew the others were equally nervous. Just when the natural light had gone like yesterday's bread and honey, they came on a glade of candle nut trees. Lights danced all over the trees and Lbaddie29 thought that the lights made strange soft murmurings. A Lovely lantern appeared in each kids' hand.

Wordless, the children walked along the appearing/disappearing path until they reached a large clearing, at the centre of which was a large stand of unusual mushrooms. On top of the largest was an elfin figure with gossamer wings.

"Hello children. You're late for the game. I wouldn't mind a peach but I'd really like a turnip. I'm sure Mobbsface has some pop biscuits we could give you. Oh where is he? Oh yes, I'm user Headless."

"Oof" called another voice rushing in. "You know you can call me Mobbs! I would really like some turnip before we move on. You four are lucky I have freshly made Toffee Shocks."

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When life gives you lemons:

For some reason the kids were reassured, Headless had mentioned a game and something about a tree. It was all good.

Suddenly a massive trunk of what could only be a massive tree appeared. It was totally surrounded by a moat of pink lemonade. Patrolling the moat was the strangest figure. “0h that's croweater 41. He supplies all of us with magic lemonade. He runs around like crazy and makes the moat full. Don’t ask and I’ll tell you no lies”, said Mobbsface.

As they walked around the moat they found a small bridge with three rather odd folk from a far off land tending a stall dispensing the lemonade. It turns out they were the Jibber Jabber triplets, BLUEALLTHRU, Jabba73 and JustaBattler.

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Raindrops from a mod:

Thirst quenched, the kids began to climb the tree. On the lowest branch was the Cheshire Cat who looked remarkably like serial_thrilla.

“This isn’t your story. Begone!” growled Mobbsface.

”WATCH OUT!” cried Headless as a massive cascade of susdsy water poured down from up above them. Happily 6 magic umbrellas had appeared in the hands of the kids and their two companions. Only one drop landed on the kids and it had the curious affect of transforming their clothes into full sets of Qooty gear.

Unhappily there was no umbrella for the Cheshire Cat who was thoroughly drenched and disappeared with a loud, angry ****f noise. Above them the kids could hear the mad, cackling laughter of Mrs Wosh.

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The climb continues:

Warily now, the kids continued to climb and came across all manner of creatures.

* There was a charming por_please_ya elf who gave them all bags of Google Buns which were just as good as the Pop Cakes;

* An odd goblin type called okeydoke7 who just intoned “ima gonna eat more Toffee Shocks than Tarks”; and

* A rather gaunt Gumby called Barrybran and a set of dentures called CakeEater who was running across the branches chasing a frightened sponge.

All the while as the 6 climbed, their ears began to hurt from a cacophony of atonal noise.

”Oh that’s NaturalDisaster", explained Mobbsface. “Once he ran the SFA Tree but no more and now he is our Saucepan Man. And that over there is our friend The Filth Wizard, another former Admin who never believed the SFA Tree even existed!”

View attachment 1617550

From branch to branch:

The kids climbed higher and higher. As the clatter of saucepans receded, the kids became alert to the new noise of ‘tick, tick, tick’ and suddenly they felt liked as if they were the best of kids. “Aah“ said Headless using a most wise tone, “That’s Ant Bear distributing likes to everyone in the tree. He’s gonna make All SFA, probably on the interchange.”

As the children climbed, the faerie folk had become odder. Eventually they came across a depressed and completely drenched little critter who was holding a fabric-less umbrella and had clearly copped the full brunt of Mrs Wosh’s tub. TedDougChris just kept repeating, “The Roys are rooned. Everyone’s gawn and there’s hopefully a coup!”

Nearing the cloud that topped the tree the kids were stopped in their tracks by an attractive elf and a massive 245 lb love muscle goblin. Miraculously the massive goblin was balancing on a mere tendril of the tree. The two spoke as one, “We’re new here. Have a wonderful game kids!”

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Into the clouds:

Just near the Cloud atop the tree they came across a fur covered wood sprite called James Colorado who said, “Furballs are cool and with the e-girls gone, we’ll run the gamelands.”

As the kids entered the clouds, Headless hung back.

”I have to leave you here as your gameland is just ahead. But don’t worry as you have until next Sunday to enjoy the game and return safely home.” explained the surprising but ever wise Headless. Oh that Headless, they’ve done it again!

“Get on with the four of ya. Here‘s a bag each of buns, biscuits and toffee shockers to keep ya going. Enjoy my world!“ said Mobbsface as he reluctantly handed over the bags. “Oh yep. Ya won’t see them but a little elf called Hate is gonna watch over you and count all your deeds in gameland. Don’t be scared children, this is a great blessing.“

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The talking c(l)ock:

A little while later, with stomachs grumbling, the children quickly became aware that much time had passed since their adventure began. “I wonder if it’s dinner time” asked SplintWhisky.

Luckily, at that moment, they came across the talking clock. Shueygod asked, “is it time for us to go home?”

The clock responded, “it is time for you to go back. It is almost dinner time……… your timezone”

The four children looked at each other and rolled their eyes. That clock is a true pedant.

View attachment 1617554


With that the kids wearing their real life Qooty gear climbed into one of the 6 gamelands and found their respective teammates. Their gameland was Dragons FFC vs Fighting Furies. Their Skippers T2B_, James Colorado and Pickitt knew the drill. Lots of banter...

AND MOST IMPORTANTLY THE SKIPPERS DID KNOW …. that Teamsheets (correctly formatted) to be lodged by 11.59pm AEDST.

“Aah, thank * those two eejits didn’t forget the most important message“, said Kennedy Parker and manangatang from the apex of the gameland pyramid.
Appreciate the effort, although full disclosure, didn't read.

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View attachment 1617535

An adventure begins:

In the land of the Sweet FA there is a magical woodland. Low clouds had hung over the woods for over 34 Seasons. This was the case whether the Sim had provided warm or rainy weather.

At the edge of the woodland two houses had stood side by side forever. Over time the fence between the two backyards had fallen down. This suited the two families as one backyard was filled with raised beds for year round veggies and the other had a big orchard with apples, avocados, mulberries, pears, peaches, mangoes, walnuts and quinces. The two families shared the produce and there was heaps left for wandering Muddiemoose , koalas, Chipmunks and even the flying beez.

Where the fence had totally gone was a mini field of sweet smelling native ground covers that were soft under the feet of the four children who played there.

Yes, there were four children, two from each household. They were Ge3ks, Lbaddie29, Shueygod and SplintWhisky. In between their duties of tending the animals, orchard and a sometimes grumpy GWS Goose , the kids found time to play games. Their favourite was called Qooty, though interest had waned as the kids had tired of a purely imaginary game.

Having been very efficient in their chores this Tuesday, they had the afternoon free. What to do? "Let's explore the Woods", said Shueygod. "Mmmm, but our folks said we're not allowed" responded Ge3ks.

"Bugger that. Let's do it!" said the other three in unison. And so they did, heading off with a dilly bag of supplies that included peaches, boiled quail at the prospect eggs and an oversized turnip.

View attachment 1617539

Meeting some new friends:

They found an old trail to walk on and marvelled as it would disappear and then reappear. As they walked on the summer light faded as the woodland got thicker.

Though none of the children spoke, each knew the others were equally nervous. Just when the natural light had gone like yesterday's bread and honey, they came on a glade of candle nut trees. Lights danced all over the trees and Lbaddie29 thought that the lights made strange soft murmurings. A Lovely lantern appeared in each kids' hand.

Wordless, the children walked along the appearing/disappearing path until they reached a large clearing, at the centre of which was a large stand of unusual mushrooms. On top of the largest was an elfin figure with gossamer wings.

"Hello children. You're late for the game. I wouldn't mind a peach but I'd really like a turnip. I'm sure Mobbsface has some pop biscuits we could give you. Oh where is he? Oh yes, I'm user Headless."

"Oof" called another voice rushing in. "You know you can call me Mobbs! I would really like some turnip before we move on. You four are lucky I have freshly made Toffee Shocks."

View attachment 1617542

When life gives you lemons:

For some reason the kids were reassured, Headless had mentioned a game and something about a tree. It was all good.

Suddenly a massive trunk of what could only be a massive tree appeared. It was totally surrounded by a moat of pink lemonade. Patrolling the moat was the strangest figure. “0h that's croweater 41. He supplies all of us with magic lemonade. He runs around like crazy and makes the moat full. Don’t ask and I’ll tell you no lies”, said Mobbsface.

As they walked around the moat they found a small bridge with three rather odd folk from a far off land tending a stall dispensing the lemonade. It turns out they were the Jibber Jabber triplets, BLUEALLTHRU, Jabba73 and JustaBattler.

View attachment 1617544

Raindrops from a mod:

Thirst quenched, the kids began to climb the tree. On the lowest branch was the Cheshire Cat who looked remarkably like serial_thrilla.

“This isn’t your story. Begone!” growled Mobbsface.

”WATCH OUT!” cried Headless as a massive cascade of susdsy water poured down from up above them. Happily 6 magic umbrellas had appeared in the hands of the kids and their two companions. Only one drop landed on the kids and it had the curious affect of transforming their clothes into full sets of Qooty gear.

Unhappily there was no umbrella for the Cheshire Cat who was thoroughly drenched and disappeared with a loud, angry ****f noise. Above them the kids could hear the mad, cackling laughter of Mrs Wosh.

View attachment 1617545

The climb continues:

Warily now, the kids continued to climb and came across all manner of creatures.

* There was a charming por_please_ya elf who gave them all bags of Google Buns which were just as good as the Pop Cakes;

* An odd goblin type called okeydoke7 who just intoned “ima gonna eat more Toffee Shocks than Tarks”; and

* A rather gaunt Gumby called Barrybran and a set of dentures called CakeEater who was running across the branches chasing a frightened sponge.

All the while as the 6 climbed, their ears began to hurt from a cacophony of atonal noise.

”Oh that’s NaturalDisaster", explained Mobbsface. “Once he ran the SFA Tree but no more and now he is our Saucepan Man. And that over there is our friend The Filth Wizard, another former Admin who never believed the SFA Tree even existed!”

View attachment 1617550

From branch to branch:

The kids climbed higher and higher. As the clatter of saucepans receded, the kids became alert to the new noise of ‘tick, tick, tick’ and suddenly they felt liked as if they were the best of kids. “Aah“ said Headless using a most wise tone, “That’s Ant Bear distributing likes to everyone in the tree. He’s gonna make All SFA, probably on the interchange.”

As the children climbed, the faerie folk had become odder. Eventually they came across a depressed and completely drenched little critter who was holding a fabric-less umbrella and had clearly copped the full brunt of Mrs Wosh’s tub. TedDougChris just kept repeating, “The Roys are rooned. Everyone’s gawn and there’s hopefully a coup!”

Nearing the cloud that topped the tree the kids were stopped in their tracks by an attractive elf and a massive 245 lb love muscle goblin. Miraculously the massive goblin was balancing on a mere tendril of the tree. The two spoke as one, “We’re new here. Have a wonderful game kids!”

View attachment 1617552

Into the clouds:

Just near the Cloud atop the tree they came across a fur covered wood sprite called James Colorado who said, “Furballs are cool and with the e-girls gone, we’ll run the gamelands.”

As the kids entered the clouds, Headless hung back.

”I have to leave you here as your gameland is just ahead. But don’t worry as you have until next Sunday to enjoy the game and return safely home.” explained the surprising but ever wise Headless. Oh that Headless, they’ve done it again!

“Get on with the four of ya. Here‘s a bag each of buns, biscuits and toffee shockers to keep ya going. Enjoy my world!“ said Mobbsface as he reluctantly handed over the bags. “Oh yep. Ya won’t see them but a little elf called Hate is gonna watch over you and count all your deeds in gameland. Don’t be scared children, this is a great blessing.“

View attachment 1617553

The talking c(l)ock:

A little while later, with stomachs grumbling, the children quickly became aware that much time had passed since their adventure began. “I wonder if it’s dinner time” asked SplintWhisky.

Luckily, at that moment, they came across the talking clock. Shueygod asked, “is it time for us to go home?”

The clock responded, “it is time for you to go back. It is almost dinner time……… your timezone”

The four children looked at each other and rolled their eyes. That clock is a true pedant.

View attachment 1617554


With that the kids wearing their real life Qooty gear climbed into one of the 6 gamelands and found their respective teammates. Their gameland was Dragons FFC vs Fighting Furies. Their Skippers T2B_, James Colorado and Pickitt knew the drill. Lots of banter...

AND MOST IMPORTANTLY THE SKIPPERS DID KNOW …. that Teamsheets (correctly formatted) to be lodged by 11.59pm AEDST.

“Aah, thank * those two eejits didn’t forget the most important message“, said Kennedy Parker and manangatang from the apex of the gameland pyramid.
Hmmm. You forgot prpl_jss! Aren't you supposed to be the rookie guru?

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Official Match Thread Season 35, Round Six: Dragons FFC vs Fighting Furies at Ljp86's Lair

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