Official Match Thread Season 36, First Qualifying Final: Gumbies FFC versus Sin City Swamprats at House of Gumby [MOTR]

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As someone who has been happily married the for entirety of the existence of Tinder Im not sure how I feel about missing out on this pathway to picking up.
I'm not sure if I'm jealous of the ease of which young folk can meet some willing to engage in some physical player grateful that most of my awkward encounters and knockbacks that are inevitable if you are going to the moves on were at least less embarrassing due to the fact that they occured blind drunk in the early hours of the morning.
Im not sure how sober sex with a stranger would go.

Good luck to my single team mates on tinder, I hope your endeavours are fruitful. To my non single team mates on Tinder, ethically Im not prepared to wish you luck, but Im not going to to judge you either. Im a good guy like that.
GWS Goose is Up In Arms meh to dating and hook up apps.

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The Redbacks will win a Sheffield Shield before South Africa wins a World Cup.
Are you watching the Redbacks atm? This is some comeback.
Could have been worse, could have been a carton of Corona.
Agree. Corona is awful.
Worse 5 beers
1. Heineken
2. Corona
3. Peroni
4. Great Northern
5. Stella Artois

I've factored in sales/popularity
There is no value in shit canning something like Iron jack that is universal panned that no one drinks.

(For those that understand this reference, please acknowledge my greatness)
I'm gonna pretend i do so everyone thinks im cool
Agree. Corona is awful.
Worse 5 beers
1. Heineken
2. Corona
3. Peroni
4. Great Northern
5. Stella Artois

I've factored in sales/popularity
There is no value in s**t canning something like Iron jack that is universal panned that no one drinks.
All beer is awful imo


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All beer is awful imo

I'm about to do my Bogan beer run. Essentially this is a pub crawl, but running between pubs (ranging from 2 to 5km apart) dressed as bogans.
Normally lots of fun
I'm about to do my Bogan beer run. Essentially this is a pub crawl, but running between pubs (ranging from 2 to 5km apart) dressed as bogans.
Normally lots of fun
Are you that guy who arrived at his local pub the other day? He was apparently determined to walk past the pub without going in. He's heard muttering to himself, "Come on - you can do this!!!" So with every ounce of steely resolve he can muster, he walks past, and gets to the other side. Triumphantly, he raises both arms towards the heavens and shouts, "Yes: I did it."

Then he says, "Well I reckon this calls for a celebratory drink", and he walks into the pub for a beer.
I'm about to do my Bogan beer run. Essentially this is a pub crawl, but running between pubs (ranging from 2 to 5km apart) dressed as bogans.
Normally lots of fun
Running between beers is not my idea of fun. Just take an Uber. Your stomach will thank you for it.
I'm about to do my Bogan beer run. Essentially this is a pub crawl, but running between pubs (ranging from 2 to 5km apart) dressed as bogans.
Normally lots of fun
Gonna assume this is an homage to your captain. Not the running part, but the bogan part.

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