Event Season 36 SFA Players Association MVP - Beez Trophy - 15-16 December 2023 - To Be Continued AEDT 6pm

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As the outgoing beez person I just want to say that although I'm not much on speeches, it's so gratifying to... leave you wallowing in the mess you've made. You're screwed, thank you, bye.


Best acceptance speech by a B2B winner EVER!!

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19th - 428 votes - James Colorado
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  • #62


Coming in 19th place is the Fighting Furies Co-Captain James Colorado . For much of this season James Colorado has led from the front for the Furies in their quest to retrieve the wooden spoon and establish themselves as the beacon of incompetency in the league.

The thing with James Colorado I don't get is that how the hell is he a Furies captain? He's too competent, he's too intelligent, witty and almost never has embarrassing moments. He's been to law school, he reads philosophy. It's like he's starring in a sitcom that is the Fighting Furies and he's the straight-man who stands in contrast to buffoonery of the likes of ND and the ridiculous silliness of omgfridge and the AI generated poster that is Pickitt.

Such a contrast makes him highly rated by his peers, and perhaps in an ultimate display of classic SFA irony. The most competent member of the Furies team is the one to cop that suspension at the end of the season due to an omgfridge team sheet **** up thanks to the random list selector.

4-point penalty plus 2-game suspension for the captain for the Ophidian Old Boys. Fighting Furies.

The team sheet was submitted 49minutes after midnight Western Australian time.

View attachment 1845750

5A) Submission Rules

The deadline for team sheet submission is the Thursday 11:59 PM Western Australia Time before a match unless stated otherwise by the Administrator
  • Team sheets must be displayed in a logical format that is comprehensible by the game simmers. Each positional line {e.g. B, HB, C, HF, F, Foll, INT} must be defined clearly. The only acceptable format is:
B: BP / FB / BP
C: W / C / W
F: FP / FF / FP
  • Teams must contain 20 eligible players, and be submitted in a single post in the Official Team Sheet Submission Thread each round.
  • The team submission post must carry a uniquely team identifying characteristic, (eg team logo) and the correct round number.
  • Maliciously hindering the simmers from doing their jobs, by any deliberate acts to alter the team sheet such that simmers have additional difficulty in reading using them, will not be tolerated.
Failure to submit a team sheet in the correct format (20 eligible players, correct spelling of every name within the whole team sheet and in the team sheet submission thread), or AT ALL will result in penalties under Sec [6] of the Rules


The Administrator shall apply the following penalties for breaches of the Rules under Sections 4 and 5 as above.

6A) Major Offence

The following list of offences will result in a 4 point plus a 2-game suspension for the captain (if there are multiple captains at a club, the captain of the offending club will be randomly selected for suspension) in league standings:
  • Failing to submit a valid initial squad in the squad submission thread by deadline as per 4A
  • Failing to satisfy the minimum initial squad list requirement (22 eligible players) as per 4A
  • Failing to satisfy the minimum team list requirement in season (20 eligible players) as per 4A
  • Failure to submit a complete team sheet in the submission thread by the deadline as per 5A
  • Editing the team sheet after team sheet deadline as per 5A
  • Deliberately hindering the simulation team through disregard of 5A, 5B and/or 5C.
  • Deliberately naming a player that is deemed ineligible as per 5B

And since the Furies are one of those teams that have multiple captains we gotta randomise this s**t.

CONGRATULATIONS James Colorado ! You win a 2-game suspension!

omgfridge James Colorado

cc: Falconista

View attachment 1845756

Suck on that James Colorado. You have two weeks away from this place… well, that actually sounds quite nice

Well I just hope James Colorado takes some learnings from this. This is what you get for relying on me. He should of known better.

That'll teach you to not be an incompetent buffoon and captain the Furies JC. Maybe if you made some more team sheet errors yourself you'd be able to successfully miss the top 20 beez next season.

Congratulations on 19th place in the James Colorado!

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It's gonna be midnight before we even get the next one.
The bar is going to run out of liquor before then. Especially with all these Bombers around.
Thank you to all who absolutely took the piss by voting for me ❤️

Never fear, the Furies will be back, and our astounding incompetence will be sure to drop the jaws of everyone around here, as you continue to ponder, "How the * can these idiots even remember to breathe? Surely they would've died in their sleep by now!"
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View attachment 1872418


Coming in 19th place is the Fighting Furies Co-Captain James Colorado . For much of this season James Colorado has led from the front for the Furies in their quest to retrieve the wooden spoon and establish themselves as the beacon of incompetency in the league.

The thing with James Colorado I don't get is that how the hell is he a Furies captain? He's too competent, he's too intelligent, witty and almost never has embarrassing moments. He's been to law school, he reads philosophy. It's like he's starring in a sitcom that is the Fighting Furies and he's the straight-man who stands in contrast to buffoonery of the likes of ND and the ridiculous silliness of omgfridge and the AI generated poster that is Pickitt.

Such a contrast makes him highly rated by his peers, and perhaps in an ultimate display of classic SFA irony. The most competent member of the Furies team is the one to cop that suspension at the end of the season due to an omgfridge team sheet * up thanks to the random list selector.

That'll teach you to not be an incompetent buffoon and captain the Furies JC. Maybe if you made some more team sheet errors yourself you'd be able to successfully miss the top 20 beez next season.

Congratulations on 19th place in the James Colorado!
19th YOUBLUDDYBEWDYYYY! Onya James Colorado 🍻🍻
18th - 432 votes - Footyguy13
  • Thread starter
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  • #75


18th place from the Coney Island Warriors is FootyGuy13, a simmer, the man responsible for these beautiful graphics tonight and the creator of the famed Mobbs Medal Predictor which is scarily accurate.

From the start, you knew this guy was going to be something special, he's extremely sharp and that was obvious before he even played a single game when he absolutely destroyed then admin Ant Bear with some facts and logic.

Nomination 3: Zero-Game Rookie DUNKS on the ADMIN!

Not sure who FootyGuy13 is, presuming that he's a rookie. But impressively he's been here 5 minutes and ALREADY dunking on the man running the show!

Ant Bear puts up the sign-up thread for Season 30 lazily copying and pasting the OP of the previous season's thread. Resource - S30 Sign-up Thread (and Useful Links)

First post in response, Footyguy13 calls him on it, immediately picking up on a critical administrative error that could've cost the potentially 50 new recruits had it remained uncorrected as curious passerbys neglect to sign-up believing the new season is 6 months away.

View attachment 906956

It turns out that incompetence in the running of this league is so rife that you don't even need to experience the SFA to point it out.

View attachment 906952

From his clever statistical work, meticulous preparation of the live ladder and Fred leaderboard at the end of the season Footyguy adds immense value to the league.

His Mobbs Medal predictor successfully predicted that Omgfridge will win in Season 35 and this season he predicted it would be a three-way tie between Tonga Bob, Ljp86 and ant555. And this of course was pretty close with Bob winning and Ljp86 one vote off in runner up.

Clearly he's got the sim all figured out thanks to his big brain. You know this deserves a badge!

Congratulations to FG13 on your 18th place in the Season 36 Beez Trophy.

Now please post in the below thread to collect your BRAIN BADGE 🧠 - Wosh can this be arranged please?

Elton Johns Wig, manangatang, Mobbs
He knows too much. We're going to have to kill him.

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Event Season 36 SFA Players Association MVP - Beez Trophy - 15-16 December 2023 - To Be Continued AEDT 6pm

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