Selwood's offensive comments......

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I cant see it being that prevelent.
Most decent human beings wouldnt contemplate saying something like that regardless of whether they are trying to get under their skin or not.

Girlfriend / Wive comments I am sure is wide spread...That is a different story.

Sexually objectifying a 6 year old under no circumstances is ever tolerated in our society.

I think you are probably right with the bolded bit.
At the end of the day Headland will be found guilty of a striking offense ( because he is ) and Selwood will get off, guilty or not with something light because those in charge of these things have a pretty good idea of what went down.

Here in WA Headland likes to talk about himself as a role model for his people but when compared to those that have gone before him and bore vilification and abuse both on and off the ground at levels he couldn't begin to understand in todays comparatively sanitized and protected playing environment he is nothing more then a poor mans wannabe.

His lack of control and commitment are an indictment on his character.
With everything that has been said and done on the field, past and present one thing remains true. You don't **** your peers over and squeal like a stuck pig when you've been beaten mentally and or physically.

Now that he has gone down this weak path of justifying his reaction to the point of, for all we know panicking and making accusations of things worse then they really were, he has drawn unwanted and unwarranted attention to the rest of his peers and how they conduct themselves on the field.

We the non-playing community may say "good riddance " the players should be put under even more pressure then they currently are with regard to their actions on the field. I'm sure the rest of his playing peers will appreciate the extra attention ( not ).

His career will now be defined by both fellow A.F.L players and followers alike by this weak willed selfish cop out and he will be remembered forever as the over-rated hack that he is.

Are you after a pulitzer. My god what a pile of sactamonious trash. get yer hand off it.
I cant see it being that prevelent.
Most decent human beings wouldnt contemplate saying something like that regardless of whether they are trying to get under their skin or not.

Girlfriend / Wive comments I am sure is wide spread...That is a different story.

Sexually objectifying a 6 year old under no circumstances is ever tolerated in our society.

How about sexually objectifying tattoos? Do they have rights too?
Won't someone think of the innocent tattoo stuck in the middle of this!

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BBBWWWAAAAHHHHAAAHHHHAAA, because they have been so great with that in the past. :rolleyes:

Thanks for your insightful contribution to the debate it is appreciated.:rolleyes:

Now go find a tree to cry on. I'm sure you can find one that needs the water.
Why get a massive tatoo on your arm to show to the world if you dont want people to comment about it.

There is no excuse for pretty much trying to kill a guy. I am sure some excuse can be found, and by merely leaking to the press that freo are considering making a complaint is a way of giving an explaniation without actually doing anything because they will not do anything because stuff like this happens all the time, but headland just acted like a complete imbecile.

I'm sorry?

So if you get a tattoo of your 6 year old daughter who you are so proud of you should expect comments like Selwood allegedly gave?

Im sorry, you sir are moronic and an imbecile if you think thats true.

If Adam is guilty of this crime - you WCE supporters can argue no longer, and Adam should be prepared for what he will deservedly get throughout the rest of his career and maybe life. Being a tad harsh? If the comments are true Selwood is nothing more than the low life's his comments represents and we know what they deserve in life!
It would be in the clubs best interest if he was fined or given a one match club suspension, IF these allegations are true. Not because of sledging in general, because all players do it, but because he crossed a line that he probably shouldn't have.

I wish for the sake of the rest of the WCE players, that the leadership group at the club have a bit of a chat and come up with a severe punishment of their own. Forget the administration or even the football department or the tribual or the AFL... the players at WCE have to take a stand here. Assuming guilt is proven or acknowledged of course.
It is in fact attitudes like yours, the attitude that a bloke who has been sledged way beyond reason shouldn't be able to deck an arseh*le, that has runed this game, mate.

I'm sure Des is happy for it to go no further than landing a couple of sweet blows on Selwoods cocky little face.

It is how it would have been in the past. Wanting to deck a ****er is the spirit of footy.

No mate, take your Freo hat off for a while. Have you ever played a sport? I'm assuming you haven't. Ever stood at the crease while the slips are talking about your sister/mother etc. just to put you off your game? It happens every day. Does that mean I have the right to turn around and belt them with my bat? No. He deserved a suspension, and I'm glad he's gone. Little man syndrome to the max.

Is that's what you want the tribunal to turn into? Grown men saying stuff like, 'Yeh, but he called mummy a whore. He said she wears army boots and stuff.' Please... The football field is where the bigger man walks away. Take your anger out on the ball, not the man. O, but I forgot, Headland isn't a big man. He's a small man with a syndrome. **** it must suck to more than likely be doomed to go down in history as one of the most useless #1 draft picks. **** it must suck to be playing for a football team with no heart or soul...

But anyway, the whole 'its my workplace, i have rights etc.' is a joke. People play football all over the country. The nobs you see playing in the AFL are not the only ones. The players association would have you think otherwise, but it is them and nobs like you who believe the drivel that gets spoon fed you about 'players rights' and all that that are ruining it. Just because they get paid more to do it than others doesn't mean they should act like, or be treated like prom girls IMO.
If Selwood actually made these actualy comments, you'd have to wonder his mental state wouldn't you? What sort of person would look at a tattoo of someone's daughter and think up that as a sledge?

Surely he thought about the shit he was going to cop if this got out? Again this is if he indeed said what he was alledged to have said.
No mate, take your Freo hat off for a while. Have you ever played a sport? I'm assuming you haven't. Ever stood at the crease while the slips are talking about your sister/mother etc.

beside the point.

I've played plenty of sport you idiot, for the record. Unlike you it probabby wasn't for the mental institute 2nd X1.

I ask you - in all your years of sport, have you ever been told from the slips that the player ****ed your 6yo daughter last week, and then followed up with the fact she was a ****.

If so, and you didn;t deck him, then you are a ********.
beside the point.

I've played plenty of sport you idiot, for the record. Unlike you it probabby wasn't for the mental institute 2nd X1.

I ask you - in all your years of sport, have you ever been told from the slips that the player ****ed your 6yo daughter last week, and then followed up with the fact she was a ****.

If so, and you didn;t deck him, then you are a ********.

Big words, you do sound cute though :thumbsu:

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I'm only 5 - you'll have to wait a year or so.

Hold on a second, weren't you saying only a minute ago that ill themed taunts such as the one you just posted are disgusting and horrid no matter what the circumstance may be?

Tsk Tsk, shame you didn't put more thought into that one mate.
As the truth is normally somewhere in the middle i reckon that des may not have replied 'Who? thats my 6 year old daughter' but rather just 'that's my daughter', and has now (deliberately or because that's what he was thinking even though he didn't say it) added the 6 year old daughter bit.
No mate, take your Freo hat off for a while. Have you ever played a sport? I'm assuming you haven't. Ever stood at the crease while the slips are talking about your sister/mother etc. just to put you off your game? It happens every day. Does that mean I have the right to turn around and belt them with my bat? No. He deserved a suspension, and I'm glad he's gone. Little man syndrome to the max.

What if the guys spat on you, or r*ped you, do you have any right to turn around and belt them then or would you still have little man syndrome? What people like you don't "get" is stating you committed a crime against someone in your family is a pretty bad thing to do.

There is a massive difference between sledging someones mother/sister/etc. A sister is assumed to be roughly the same age as you, for instance, so they think the sister is old enough to have sex. The mother of course can have sex. A 6yo cannot have sex with a grown man, and not only that there are laws against it.

I have heard PLENTY of sledges, and I've probably played more sport than most (not much football though, but it's roughly the same). NONE of them have involved anything as illegal as rape. I have never heard anyone say "I r*ped your mother last night, she was a **** so its ok" or - "I killed your sister last night and ****ed her dead body". I have seen people get in fights over "I ****ed your sister" though, because they have a very young sister, which is semi related to this, people don't like the thought of babies getting penetrated with penises when they don't fit.

If you think big penises should fit in small children then a lot of people would probably want to kill you. Selwood is lucky that Des only assumed it was a sledge, because at least 80% of the men I know would kill someone who does that to children standing where they are.
What if the guys spat on you, or r*ped you, do you have any right to turn around and belt them then or would you still have little man syndrome? What people like you don't "get" is stating you committed a crime against someone in your family is a pretty bad thing to do.

There is a massive difference between sledging someones mother/sister/etc. A sister is assumed to be roughly the same age as you, for instance, so they think the sister is old enough to have sex. The mother of course can have sex. A 6yo cannot have sex with a grown man, and not only that there are laws against it.

I have heard PLENTY of sledges, and I've probably played more sport than most (not much football though, but it's roughly the same). NONE of them have involved anything as illegal as rape. I have never heard anyone say "I r*ped your mother last night, she was a **** so its ok" or - "I killed your sister last night and ****ed her dead body". I have seen people get in fights over "I ****ed your sister" though, because they have a very young sister, which is semi related to this, people don't like the thought of babies getting penetrated with penises when they don't fit.

If you think big penises should fit in small children then a lot of people would probably want to kill you. Selwood is lucky that Des only assumed it was a sledge, because at least 80% of the men I know would kill someone who does that to children standing where they are.

Because he was obviously deadly serious.
it is interesting that people say I've been sledged worse on the footy field, or at grade cricket, or at the pub, or wherever.

But Des was at work, where he only works with other professionals.

I tell you what if there were rival board members at BHP at a board meeting and one told another he rooted his 6yo daughter... well the board member would be sacked.

That may not happen here - but fact remains that you shouldn't have to put up with the level of sledging at your job that many do at amateur levels of sport.

That is an inane post. Are you seriously saying that all sledging should be banned? Because it effectively is at a Board meeting. Trust me, I have attended many, and they are all filled with niceties, even if the people hate each other, they still act nice. This is not the way I want to see football go.
A paragraph taken from the Herald Sun:

Australian Family Association state president Angela Conway urged police to investigate whether criminal charges could be laid against Selwood over the allegations.
"This makes my stomach turn," Ms Conway said, adding children were not fair game for sledging.
"These people are paid to be in the public domain. It's extremely disturbing (if it is true) this guy thinks a six year-old girl is an appropriate target for this type of thing."
Since you obviously think Selwood should be punished for giving Headcase shit about his 6 year old daughter, what should happen if a player gave another player shit about his mother, and his mother happened to be dead, or dying of cancer... Or what if he said something about rape and mothers, which obviously isn't as bad in your books? What if that players mother had been r*ped? OMG. We may as well just go out and kill everyone. We aren't intelligent enough to take it with a grain of salt. An intelligent person would think, 'this guys a tool. he thinks he's gonna get me off my game. think again. im smarter than that.' In Headcase's case though, he wasn't. He got suckered in and he got 5 weeks. Cop that.
A paragraph taken from the Herald Sun:

Australian Family Association state president Angela Conway urged police to investigate whether criminal charges could be laid against Selwood over the allegations.
"This makes my stomach turn," Ms Conway said, adding children were not fair game for sledging.
"These people are paid to be in the public domain. It's extremely disturbing (if it is true) this guy thinks a six year-old girl is an appropriate target for this type of thing."

This the same Australian Family Association that describes spousal abuse as "doing precisely what their wives were begging them to do in the first place ..." ?

:thumbsu: :thumbsu: Great work:rolleyes:
Selwoods alleged side of the story

"It is alleged by Headland that during the third quarter Selwood, pointing to the tattoo of Madisan on Headland's left bicep, said "I f---ed her last night" to which Headland is understood to have replied, "What do you mean, she's my daughter?" The West Coast player is then alleged by Headland to have added: "Yeah, she's a s---. I f---ed her."
It is believed Selwood's version of the incident, which set Headland after him in fury, is that he compared the image of Madisan to the likeness of a woman with whom he had recently had sex."

Not sure how the AFL can prove one persons version of events over another.

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Selwood's offensive comments......

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