Mod. Notice Setting the tone: GFC Season 2020

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Its a new decade, and the Cats are rolling into it on the back of deep run into season 2019 that ultimately fell short.
With that, a message from the GFC Mod Group going into 2020.

With the preseason proper in full swing the Geelong mod group have decided to make a statement about the tone of discussion and debate on the board for season 2020

A lot of our time - too much in fact - is taken up dealing with posters who spend almost their entire time on the board niggling and trolling others on the board. In short, they make the place less fun and enjoyable for others.

In the past we have had initiatives like the Clean Slate to encourage people to lift their own tone of posting in the hope of driving a better quality of discussion. Unfortunately that relies on widespread buy-in and when only those willing to do the right thing are the ones buying in the system inevitably breaks down.

This season we will have zero tolerance for posting that is designed to make other posters time here less pleasant. This can include:
  • any kind of abuse/denigration of a fellow poster (even if in retaliation),
  • undermining mods in doing their jobs,
  • bullying,
  • doxxing and
  • disruptive posting.

Geelong Board Mods are aware that a very small number of posters continually denigrate either players, other posters, the coaches or the club generally on a regular basis on the Geelong Board and rarely, if ever, make a positive comment when contributing to these areas of discussion. Mods will identify and take appropriate steps to deal with those posters who consistently post derisory content without offering any constructive contribution to the issues being discussed on the Geelong Board, at any particular time.

If your post is deemed by a mod to conflict with the above guidance it will be dealt with through the infraction system. If it continues you will be relieved of your posting rights on the Geelong Board for season 2020

A note about "negativity"/"positivity" on the board which has been a source of some controversy in recent years. There is nothing at all wrong with being critical of the club, the team, the coaching staff the playing group and/or individual players. The inverse also applies: you are fully entitled to heap praise too. This freedom needs to be understood to apply within the following context:

1. Your right to express an opinion in a public forum such as this comes with the equal right of anyone else to criticise that opinion. If you are offended or confronted by having your views questioned consider whether posting in a forum is a good way to spend your time.

2. Relentless or belligerent negativity OR positivity, especially where this is done to annoy other posters will not be tolerated. In assessing this issue mods will ask the question "is this poster genuinely interested in discussing or debating the issue?" If the answer is no, expect the mods to take some action.

A further note about this. When someone questions, disputes or responds to your post, the likes of the following is not a legitimate response and adds nothing to discussion:

"yeah well, you only post [negative/positive] things"

Engage with the point or stay silent.

The guiding principle with all of the above is that the mods' job is to make the BigFooty experience as enjoyable as possible for as many as possible.

If you are in any doubt as to what the GFC Board posting guidelines are, please consult the attached link

David the Cat, dazbroncos, winty and cats_09
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