Sexual assault allegations

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Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

antoher scandal brewing involveng sexual assault

no clubs or names mentioned, fingers crossed its not us!

I bet Neil Mitchell doesn't name this player.

Shouldn't we be grateful to Neil Mitchell. I mean, he has really considered the other 40 odd players on our list and done the right thing by them. He really was looking after their interests. Such a noble **** sucker.:rolleyes:
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

Haha, why should I, it's not going to involve a Collingwood player, and after the way our players have been treated by the media and the general football public over the first issue, I'm not going to hold back.

This is just another case of pure speculation though, it probably won't go any further then the pissy little article the sun printed this morning.

I'm sick of the papers glorifying the acts of so few, when there are far more blatant atrocities being committed yet footballers are treated so badly in comparison, and especially Collingwood footballers it seems.

You sure about that.

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Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

her. anyone who's read her formspring can tell she has a few issues and our boys should know better, and seem pretty dumb than to associate with her.

I'm reading it now. I can't quite gather the gist of all this, but if this is the girl making allegations, then I think the person in question doesn't have too much worry on his hands because this bird is a fruit loop it seems.
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

Just because more come forward doesn't mean it didn't happen. The worst thing people can do is turn a blind out. Find out the truth and if it involves what has been discussed sack him/them.

Any action towards a woman like what has been questioned should result in an instant termination.
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

I'm reading this formspring thing too. Good god, I have no idea what her upbringing was like, but wow.

Zero self respect.

Irrelevant though, if anyone acted inappropriately towards her, they deserve punishment.
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

I'm reading it now. I can't quite gather the gist of all this, but if this is the girl making allegations, then I think the person in question doesn't have too much worry on his hands because this bird is a fruit loop it seems.

I had a look via the link posted on a thread on the main board. That poor girl needs the care of decent parents - she is seriously at risk, in so many ways.
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

I had a look via the link posted on a thread on the main board. That poor girl needs the care of decent parents - she is seriously at risk, in so many ways.

Me thinks you're bang on the money Snag.
I don't know whats her mothers mental state's like but judging by few photos i've seen it might a very similar one to her daughters.
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

Haha, why should I, it's not going to involve a Collingwood player, and after the way our players have been treated by the media and the general football public over the first issue, I'm not going to hold back.

This is just another case of pure speculation though, it probably won't go any further then the pissy little article the sun printed this morning.

I'm sick of the papers glorifying the acts of so few, when there are far more blatant atrocities being committed yet footballers are treated so badly in comparison, and especially Collingwood footballers it seems.

I wouldn't go jumping the gun, have you read her formspring/facebook?
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

Me thinks you're bang on the money Snag.
I don't know whats her mothers mental state's like but judging by few photos i've seen it might a very similar one to her daughters.
Wait, that chick she was in the photo with that was doing the rounds on the net....that was her MOTHER?

Oh dear.
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

Regardless of whether or not any indecencies have been committed, her credibility is surely going to plummet when more and more people read for Formspring and Facebook, I honestly can't see a player being charged over this alleged incident.
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

I think there is one thing we can all agree on, she absolutely does not have stretch marks.

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Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

Wait, that chick she was in the photo with that was doing the rounds on the net....that was her MOTHER?

Oh dear.

I've seen one or two others, not much different.
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

Yeah, it had written on it yesterday that "he"(player not to be named) was going to get whats coming to him tomorrow, or in similar words.

What confuses me is, this is the same girl that was tied into the saints boys right? then why go to the police about it only now?, when it allegedly happened months ago?

It also sounds similar to the alleged actions that took place in south yarra 1 week ago.

Makes it seem like the allegations are just a personal vendetta.
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

Well like i said on b13, good old collingwood forever, bahahahaha. But having said that, my instinct tells me one a potential setup, one that is indirectly sanctioned by the afl.

Have you wondered y haven't afl said anything yet, they want the social prejudice to build and take the shine off the first flag for wobble in 20 years. AFL won't tolerate collinwood dominate the competition. Oh well victims of own success.

Shit! Is your key board busted....?
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

Rah. I'm sure everything will turn out okay for everyone involved. Although if I was a football player I think I'd hit on the members of SNSD exclusively
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

If you google the girls name you can find a fair bit more out there to read up on about her.

She really sounds like a disturbed person.

This really is starting to look like a massive set up to me.
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

Why on Earth would you even respond to those sort of comments on that formspring thing?

Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

The bit that I was most interested in was when someone said she had bragged to them about ****ing the player she has accused.
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

This is a message on behalf of the mods to explain the deleting of posts in this thread, and also as a warning for posting to come. This is a football forum and whilst the original allegations where directly linked to our club I can / could understand the interest in whether our players are guilty or not. Of late it has gone way beyond that, the level of cyber stalking has gone to far and in some cases to cyber bullying. The second allegation hasn't even been linked to any of our players, and may not go any further then a small article in the Herald Sun, there is, at this time no reason for anyone to be wasting time or effort trying to follow it up outside. Looking for personal information of people suspected to be invovled is totally uncalled for and as mentioned earlier really borders on the cyber stalking side.

To be honest whilst by and large the majority of the posters in this thread have been well mannered and well thought out, there has also been a large amount that has been disgusting. There has been no news on the original matter in around a week and the second matter at this point doesn't impact or club and more then likely never will. So unless something new comes to light there really isn't much to discuss in this thread. Posts discussing or asking for personal information of anyone involved in the case, speculating as to what has happened in either case or just plain unwarranted bumping of this thread will be deleted with a high possibility of the poster being carded.

When the news broke it was understandable that people wanted to discuss it but there has been, and probably won't be nothing for a fair while now, so I think it's about time we just let the matter play out.
Beams in the clear

Well that's my take on it anyway.

He is currently as of 21:24 well sauced at The Sportsmen Hotel in Wagga betting on the horses with a bunch of his mates. Loudest bunch of blokes in the pub.

Doesn't look like the actions of someone with too much to worry about.
Re: Beams in the clear

For me I've written off Beams.

Loved him as a player but this wasn't the first instance of him acting up but I have very good knowledge of incidents similar and different that he has misbehaved and if these prior incidents didn't make him settle down whats to say that the most recent ones will.

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Sexual assault allegations

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