Seymour District Cricket Association

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It would be fair to say that I doubt any of these lads would have the aggots to say what they say here when face to face with each other. Young Smithy was at Chittick Park on Sunday and no one had a drama with him from what I could tell . . . . . there's one thing in life lads "Never burn ya bridges" it's amazing how it could bite ya on the bum one day!!!

Hence my earlier comment.
Re your call about people not hanging around anymore, you're spot on and it's pleasing to hear that it's not just our club where this is now the case.
When I returned in the 01/02 season after four years away I couldn't believe how quickly everyone dispersed - mainly the 18-21yos - as soon as the last ball had been bowled. When I departed in the mid-1990s the Peter Ferguson Pavillion was a hive of activity from the end of the day's play until about 11pm when everyone headed down the pub.
It makes the idea of giving up every weekend over summer less appealing to an alcoholic such as myself when no one wants to hang around for a post-game bevvy.
It would be fair to say that I doubt any of these lads would have the aggots to say what they say here when face to face with each other. Young Smithy was at Chittick Park on Sunday and no one had a drama with him from what I could tell . . . . . there's one thing in life lads "Never burn ya bridges" it's amazing how it could bite ya on the bum one day!!!

2 great calls there Doon. One for the balls is significant allthough i can guarantee everything at least Ive said I can back up. If not I would not say it.

But switching from one club 2 another then rubbishing the one you came from is just ridiculous.

There are goods and bads at every club and to swap clubs and label everyone at your previous club F#@kheads or worst is appalling.

We have had 20+ easy leave Royals and I have always enjoyed playing against them and follow there progress via Newspaper stats etc.

A few even featured in Seymours 1 day side Chris Mulraney Xavier Youngman & Nathan Allum(Sey-Royals-Sey-Royals-Sey.

If I ever had to leave Royals I would hope to be both welcome at Seymour or the Hill

I know you are always welcome for a beer afterwards over at Seymour and thats how cricket should be - like football smash and bash on the field and beers all round afterwards.
Not all clubs are as bad as royals and seymour, the rook still enjoys a great social atmosphere most nights and they have great attendances at their social functions. Had a bit of a lull a few years back but now with the 4 senior teams going strong can't think of a better club to be associated with.

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Not all clubs are as bad as royals and seymour, the rook still enjoys a great social atmosphere most nights and they have great attendances at their social functions. Had a bit of a lull a few years back but now with the 4 senior teams going strong can't think of a better club to be associated with.

ROyals and Seymour are noit as bad as made out to be.
Fair enough we (Royals) have had our ups and down and most of it has made its way on here.
But $hit we party on to 12 most Saturday nights with no Bitching and plenty of beers and games of pool and pulling pi$$ out of each other.

I have also had a few drinks at Seymour in my time so I dont beleive Us nor Seymour are as bad as made out to be.

On field woes have sent Royals the way it is at present but have a look at Carlton. THey are the proudest club in AFL/VFL history and not all is well there when they are losing.

I think both Royals & Seymour would still be great places to play cricket.

Winning is not everything
As a new player to the league I can say that I have found that some of the young blokes can get a bit lippy, but i think tat is a confidence thing. I don't mind the odd word myself and am happy to be on the receiving end of some well thought out sledges. The thing that all cricketers need to remember is to keep the personal stuff out of it, enjoy the game and enjoy a beer with the opposition afterwards. I have met some great blokes already from other clubs and i think you will find these hav been the blokes i have had words with on the ground. Just buy each other a beer and talk about our great game is the way to go I reckon
Some great comments there Doona and Grandale but after reading the other comments on this thread perhaps (LIKE MYSELF) we may be the last of the old school "fight to the death on the field then have a beer off it" l also was taught unless you can back up what you say with runs or wickets you just shut up , how things have changed
Some great comments there Doona and Grandale but after reading the other comments on this thread perhaps (LIKE MYSELF) we may be the last of the old school "fight to the death on the field then have a beer off it" l also was taught unless you can back up what you say with runs or wickets you just shut up , how things have changed

I agree, if you are gunna have a chat you'd better be prepared to get it back, then perform under the extra pressre you put on yourself
I agree, if you are gunna have a chat you'd better be prepared to get it back, then perform under the extra pressre you put on yourself

Agree Roota and me publican pal in tonny - hey jobby roota met one of the past greats at this "Dilly" Miller a fotnight ago, but once stumps was called they sat and had a beer :thumbsu:

Cant believe how slow the old bugger looked turning for the second run, and he better get used to running them as that old Dilly "BANG" over mid wicket was nowhere to be seen :p
Agree Roota and me publican pal in tonny - hey jobby roota met one of the past greats at this "Dilly" Miller a fotnight ago, but once stumps was called they sat and had a beer :thumbsu:

Cant believe how slow the old bugger looked turning for the second run, and he better get used to running them as that old Dilly "BANG" over mid wicket was nowhere to be seen :p
Yer the greatman was always good on the chat but no bastard new when to take him serious, yer l heard the bang is a PUFF just over or into midwicket,the hook's gone and the BUNT over midoff may be a thing of the past but he will always remain a great character of the SDCA.
l also believe the wearing of whites (AND SPIKES ) to the pub is no longer and the big scores from 7pm till close are gone
Hence my earlier comment.
Re your call about people not hanging around anymore, you're spot on and it's pleasing to hear that it's not just our club where this is now the case.
When I returned in the 01/02 season after four years away I couldn't believe how quickly everyone dispersed - mainly the 18-21yos - as soon as the last ball had been bowled. When I departed in the mid-1990s the Peter Ferguson Pavillion was a hive of activity from the end of the day's play until about 11pm when everyone headed down the pub.
It makes the idea of giving up every weekend over summer less appealing to an alcoholic such as myself when no one wants to hang around for a post-game bevvy.

bloody oath bully, they were the days!
especially when some idiot would have his guitar with him.....:D
bloody oath bully, they were the days!
especially when some idiot would have his guitar with him.....:D

Things just haven't been the same since Collis Dunstan left the area.
And Jobby raises a good point about the lack of whites at the pub. The Seymour guys gave up on that practice when someone (Graeme Frederick Stephen Brock I believe) was refused entry to the Term in them. That was despite having the pub's name embroidered on his top!!!
Saturday nights haven't been the same since.
Things just haven't been the same since Collis Dunstan left the area.
And Jobby raises a good point about the lack of whites at the pub. The Seymour guys gave up on that practice when someone (Graeme Frederick Stephen Brock I believe) was refused entry to the Term in them. That was despite having the pub's name embroidered on his top!!!
Saturday nights haven't been the same since.

Chadd B is keeping the trend alive....He frequents the Pub before and after the game in his. Doggie and Elbows were great supporters of it as well. also i nearly forgot the Doctor Ice

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I can remember back in the day, learning off some SCC greats who loved their gas (brown, white and brock) that you ALWAYS had at least 1 beer/softy in the opposition rooms after the game. Their club normally appreciates it, and the good blokes will always return the favor next time around. Personally, I always enjoyed a beer with the broady boys after a game, whilst Kilmore we're usually OK too, especially when they had blokes like Wazza Dixon playing.
Unfortunately it seems to be a dying trend across the board. From playing experiences here in bendigo, there aint too many oppositions players in your club room straight after the game, most just pack up and head off. There's only a handful left of your brocky and browny likes in the 'G' too......
Things just haven't been the same since Collis Dunstan left the area.
And Jobby raises a good point about the lack of whites at the pub. The Seymour guys gave up on that practice when someone (Graeme Frederick Stephen Brock I believe) was refused entry to the Term in them. That was despite having the pub's name embroidered on his top!!!
Saturday nights haven't been the same since.

I'll take a snippet out of a letter Ned Flanders once wrote to Homer Simpson (it was the episode where bart and todd played golf against each other at the pitch n putt):

"i feel a sadness in my bosom"
Carn Jack, don't be like that. You might want to play for the Maroons again one day.
Boys, let's try and not let this thread denigrate into the slanging matches you see on some other threads. Let's all just have a chill pill and talk cricket again.

lol i dont think so brad i like the hill m8 but ill give u 1 thing we need to be talkin cricket and not talkin bull
Chadd B is keeping the trend alive....He frequents the Pub before and after the game in his. Doggie and Elbows were great supporters of it as well. also i nearly forgot the Doctor Ice

Dead right Fish. Chadda can often be found in his whites at strange hours in the Terminus. You guys will have to ask him what time the IGA toilets shut as One Scott Challis phoned me the other night to inform me Chad was locked up after closing time in the IGA toilets.

Geez we love ya Chad
Dead right Fish. Chadda can often be found in his whites at strange hours in the Terminus. You guys will have to ask him what time the IGA toilets shut as One Scott Challis phoned me the other night to inform me Chad was locked up after closing time in the IGA toilets.

Geez we love ya Chad

What a P.ISSA, first ive heard of it, will have to find out more. Wasnt sunday was it?. he was pretty well Gassed when i last saw him
You had to leave because no one liked you. And to be honest, you were and still arn't any good. stop waisting our time with your useless 2 year old comments. the club is a much better place without people like you in it.

hey xman i dont care what tom stevens wrote but im know im the real tom stevens but good on what the other tom stevens wrote i think it was a great pit off writing anyway mr xman this is the real tom stevens and if u want to say somthing say it to my face u weak campaigner but i will say somthing now has the real tom stevens xman or any seymour c.c want to have ago u know were i live n my door is alwayz open cheers. aand if anyting gets written under my name come an c me and i will tell u the truth. but in sayin that i really dnt like any1 from seymour. cheers the real tom stevens.
You had to leave because no one liked you. And to be honest, you were and still arn't any good. stop waisting our time with your useless 2 year old comments. the club is a much better place without people like you in it.

hey xman i dont care what tom stevens wrote but im know im the real tom stevens but good on what the other tom stevens wrote i think it was a great pit off writing anyway mr xman this is the real tom stevens and if u want to say somthing say it to my face u weak campaigner but i will say somthing now has the real tom stevens xman or any seymour c.c want to have ago u know were i live n my door is alwayz open cheers. aand if anyting gets written under my name come an c me and i will tell u the truth. but in sayin that i really dnt like any1 from seymour. cheers the real tom stevens.

I don't know where you live:D
Yer the greatman was always good on the chat but no bastard new when to take him serious, yer l heard the bang is a PUFF just over or into midwicket,the hook's gone and the BUNT over midoff may be a thing of the past but he will always remain a great character of the SDCA.
l also believe the wearing of whites (AND SPIKES ) to the pub is no longer and the big scores from 7pm till close are gone

Although i reckon since the missus entered into Dilly's life, he has become a little more bitter a little easier. He sparks up a lot quicker these days.

The characters which made the saturday night cricket rooms a hit have moved on in life. Its a real shame. Maybe there will be a few around the SCC this weekend to see off the man who is're dead right Fish, the bar takings will drop dramatically. But the hangovers of those who dare to drink with him will also die.

As for Tommy Stevens, from all reports mate, you finished at the right place. A place where violence is accepted. And half arsed efforts are standard. No one really cares if you don't like anyone at Seymour, because i heard no one liked you. I can also tell you the Hill are greatful you never put their club down on the clearance form. They'd hate for you to be the first person they've knocked back from Seymour asking to move...grow up.
Although i reckon since the missus entered into Dilly's life, he has become a little more bitter a little easier. He sparks up a lot quicker these days.

The characters which made the saturday night cricket rooms a hit have moved on in life. Its a real shame. Maybe there will be a few around the SCC this weekend to see off the man who is're dead right Fish, the bar takings will drop dramatically. But the hangovers of those who dare to drink with him will also die.

As for Tommy Stevens, from all reports mate, you finished at the right place. A place where violence is accepted. And half arsed efforts are standard. No one really cares if you don't like anyone at Seymour, because i heard no one liked you. I can also tell you the Hill are greatful you never put their club down on the clearance form. They'd hate for you to be the first person they've knocked back from Seymour asking to move...grow up.

Didn't think Peterson drank that much!
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