Event SFAEW Season 35: SweetaMania V On Now!

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Isn’t that the case for All Trios championships??
I want to make an argument against that, but then I remembered the state of the NJPW trios titles...

In My Soul!

Opening Round!


Kicking us off this evening:


por_please_ya faces Senor M!​
They lock up.
Senor M hits a kneebreaker on por_please_ya.
Senor M performs a reverse Frankensteiner against por_please_ya.
Senor M performs a kneebreaker against por_please_ya.
Supersuns comes to ringside.
Senor M attempts a spinebuster bomb, but por_please_ya counters it with a DDT.
In turn, Senor M counters it with a backdrop.
Senor M works the crowd.
The chants for Senor M are deafening.
Senor M performs a forearm to the back against por_please_ya.
Senor M throws por_please_ya out of the ring.
Richard Head counts: one, por_please_ya reenters the ring.
Senor M whips por_please_ya into the ropes.
Senor M attempts a double-axhandle chop, but por_please_ya ducks out of the way.
por_please_ya goes for a flying cross body press, but Senor M counters it with a powerslam.
Richard Head counts: One, two, shoulder up.
The crowd is behind Senor M all the way.
Senor M uses an elbowdrop on por_please_ya.
Senor M attempts a running knee strike, but por_please_ya ducks out of the way.
por_please_ya hits a high knee on Senor M.
por_please_ya tries a release dragon suplex, but Senor M counters it with a go-behind.
In turn, por_please_ya counters it with an elbowsmash.
por_please_ya uses a flying double foot stomp on Senor M.
por_please_ya chops Senor M.
por_please_ya punches Senor M.
por_please_ya chops Senor M.
por_please_ya runs into the ropes.
SuperSuns hits por_please_ya in the back with a chair.
Senor M gives the sign for the One-Mister's Angel.
Senor M goes for the One-Mister's Angel, but por_please_ya counters it with a slidedown.
por_please_ya whips Senor M into the ropes.
Senor M and por_please_ya get hit with a double clothesline.
Senor M hits a spinebuster bomb on por_please_ya.
Richard Head counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Senor M throws por_please_ya out of the ring.
Senor M jumps onto her with a springboard cross body press.
Senor M throws por_please_ya back into the ring.
Senor M tries the Doctor Bomb, but por_please_ya counters it with a backdrop.
por_please_ya is going for the pin.
Richard Head counts: One, two, kickout.
por_please_ya performs a high knee against Senor M.
por_please_ya executes a flying cross body press against Senor M.
Richard Head counts: One, two, shoulder up.
por_please_ya attempts a bulldog, but Senor M blocks it.
Senor M runs into the ropes.
Senor M hits por_please_ya with a shoulderblock.
Senor M performs a reverse neckbreaker against por_please_ya.
Senor M tries an elbowdrop, but por_please_ya moves out of the way.
por_please_ya attempts a dropkick, but Senor M steps out of the way.
The crowd is behind Senor M all the way.
Senor M performs a kneebreaker against por_please_ya.
Senor M executes a chop against por_please_ya.
Senor M attempts a vertical suplex, but por_please_ya blocks it.
por_please_ya takes Senor M down with a Northern Lights suplex.
Richard Head counts: One, two, kickout.
por_please_ya executes a dropkick against Senor M.
The chants for por_please_ya are deafening.
por_please_ya goes for a half Boston, but Senor M blocks it.
Senor M uses a reverse neckbreaker on por_please_ya.
The crowd erupts.
Senor M runs into the ropes.
Senor M hits por_please_ya with a shoulderblock.
Senor M executes a chop against por_please_ya.
Senor M sets up por_please_ya on the turnbuckle.
Senor M hits a superplex on por_please_ya.
The crowd is giving Senor M a standing ovation.
Senor M attempts the Doctor Bomb, but por_please_ya counters it with a rana.
Richard Head counts: One, two, shoulder up.
por_please_ya complains about a slow count.
Senor M uses a knee to the back on por_please_ya.
Senor M kicks por_please_ya.
Senor M kicks por_please_ya.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Senor M.
Senor M throws por_please_ya into the turnbuckle, but por_please_ya reverses it.
por_please_ya charges in with a jumping knee strike.
por_please_ya takes Senor M down with a release dragon suplex.
The chants for por_please_ya are deafening.
por_please_ya works the crowd.
por_please_ya performs a release dragon suplex against Senor M.
por_please_ya executes a flying cross body press against Senor M.
Richard Head counts: One, two, kickout.
por_please_ya performs the 6-1-9 against Senor M.
por_please_ya attempts a bulldog, but Senor M blocks it.
Senor M whips por_please_ya into the ropes.
Senor M hits por_please_ya with a clothesline.
Senor M whips por_please_ya into the ropes.
por_please_ya hits Senor M with a kick.
por_please_ya runs into the ropes.
por_please_ya executes a spinning headscissors against Senor M.
por_please_ya performs a flying huracanrana against Senor M.
Richard Head counts: One, kickout.
por_please_ya throws Senor M out of the ring.
Richard Head counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, Senor M reenters the ring.
por_please_ya takes Senor M down with a release dragon suplex.
The crowd is giving por_please_ya a standing ovation.
por_please_ya executes a flying huracanrana against Senor M.
Richard Head counts: One, two, kickout.
por_please_ya goes for a bulldog, but SuperSuns counters with the Monster Bomb.
Senor M hits the Doctor Bomb on por_please_ya.
Richard Head counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Senor M nails por_please_ya with a swinging DDT.
The crowd erupts.
Senor M executes the One-Mister's Angel on por_please_ya.
Senor M goes for the pin.
Richard Head counts: One, two, three.

The winner is Senor M. Time of match: 0:08:00
Sim Rating: **** 1/4

Senor M and SuperSuns continue to beat down por_please_ya after the bell.
Senor M barks orders at SuperSuns.
SuperSuns executes the Monster Bomb out of the ring on por_please_ya.
por_please_ya is out cold.

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They lock up.
serial_thrilla hits an inverted atomic drop on The Half Back.
serial_thrilla uses a DDT on The Half Back.
serial_thrilla tries a vertical suplex, but The Half Back reverses it.
serial_thrilla re-reverses it.
serial_thrilla runs into the ropes.
The Half Back hits serial_thrilla with a clothesline.
The Half Back performs a slingshot somersault splash against serial_thrilla.
The chants for The Half Back are deafening.
The Half Back works the crowd.
The Half Back tags out to Pantskyle.
T2B_ enters the ring and throws The Half Back out of the ring.
T2B_ tries a lariat, but Pantskyle counters it with a Fujiwara armbar.
T2B_ is valiantly trying to break the hold.
T2B_ is struggling to reach the ropes.
T2B_ makes it to the ropes after 28 seconds.
The Half Back uses a kick to the head on serial_thrilla.
Pantskyle tries an enzuigiri, but serial_thrilla steps out of the way.
The chants for serial_thrilla are deafening.
T2B_ leaves the ring.
serial_thrilla whips Pantskyle into the ropes.
Pantskyle hits serial_thrilla with a kick.
Pantskyle throws serial_thrilla out of the ring.
serial_thrilla hangs on to the top rope.
Pantskyle sees it.
serial_thrilla pulls himself back in.
Pantskyle clotheslines serial_thrilla over the top rope.
Pantskyle goes through the ropes.
serial_thrilla tries a moonsault bodyblock, but Pantskyle counters it with a powerslam.
Pantskyle shoves serial_thrilla into the guardrail.
Pantskyle tries a DDT, but serial_thrilla counters it with a backdrop.
serial_thrilla throws Pantskyle into the guardrail.
Mike Uppet counts: 1.
serial_thrilla climbs back into the ring.
Pantskyle climbs back into the ring.
serial_thrilla tags out to Hatchy1992.
The Half Back enters the ring and throws serial_thrilla out of the ring.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Pantskyle and The Half Back whip Hatchy1992 into the ropes.
They hit Hatchy1992 with a double kick to the midsection.
The Half Back leaves the ring.
Pantskyle gets a choke lift on Hatchy1992.
Mike Uppet warns Pantskyle to let go.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, three, four.
Pantskyle tags out to The Half Back.
The Half Back attempts a standing shooting star press, but Hatchy1992 rolls out of the way.
Hatchy1992 tries a slap, but The Half Back reverses it.
The Half Back tags out to The Filth Wizard.
The Filth Wizard and The Half Back whip Hatchy1992 into the ropes.
They hit Hatchy1992 with a double elbowsmash.
The Half Back leaves the ring.
The Filth Wizard hits a DDT on Hatchy1992.
The Filth Wizard covers Hatchy1992.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, kickout.
The Filth Wizard whips Hatchy1992 into the ropes, but Hatchy1992 reverses it.
Hatchy1992 hits The Filth Wizard with a kick.
Hatchy1992 runs into the ropes.
The Filth Wizard hits Hatchy1992 with a backdrop.
Hatchy1992 falls out of the ring.
The Filth Wizard jumps onto him with a plancha.
The Filth Wizard throws Hatchy1992 back into the ring.
The Filth Wizard attempts a high knee, but Hatchy1992 ducks out of the way.
Hatchy1992 kicks The Filth Wizard.
The crowd is going crazy.
Hatchy1992 hits The Filth Wizard.
Hatchy1992 kicks The Filth Wizard.
Hatchy1992 tries a springboard back elbow, but The Filth Wizard steps out of the way.
The Filth Wizard tags out to The Injury Factory.
The Filth Wizard goes for a vertical suplex, but Hatchy1992 blocks it.
The Filth Wizard rolls out of the ring.
Hatchy1992 performs the Diamond Dust against The Injury Factory.
The crowd is behind Hatchy1992 all the way.
Hatchy1992 tags out to Blaze Storm.
Blaze Storm executes a back suplex against The Injury Factory.
Blaze Storm attempts a sliding forearm smash, but The Injury Factory counters it with the STF.
Blaze Storm grabs the ropes after 6 seconds.
The Injury Factory tries an enzuigiri, but Blaze Storm steps out of the way.
Blaze Storm performs a spinebuster slam against The Injury Factory.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, kickout.
Blaze Storm puts his hand over his eyes and looks out into the crowd.
The crowd is going crazy.
Blaze Storm performs a kneelift against The Injury Factory.
Blaze Storm tries a jumping DDT, but The Injury Factory counters it with a small package.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, kickout.
The Injury Factory places Blaze Storm on the turnbuckle.
The Injury Factory executes a reverse top rope Frankensteiner against Blaze Storm.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for The Injury Factory.
The Injury Factory tags out to Pantskyle.
Pantskyle whips Blaze Storm into the ropes, but Blaze Storm reverses it.
Pantskyle hits Blaze Storm with an elbow.
The Injury Factory enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
T2B_ enters the ring, but gets cut off.
Pantskyle and The Injury Factory whip Blaze Storm into the ropes.
They hit Blaze Storm with a double kick to the midsection.
Pantskyle and The Injury Factory hit Blaze Storm with a double bodyslam.
The Injury Factory goes for a bodyslam, but Blaze Storm counters it with a small package.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, kickout.
The Injury Factory rolls out of the ring.
Blaze Storm gives him a swinging neckbreaker, but Pantskyle shows no reaction.
Pantskyle executes a Gorilla Press against Blaze Storm.
Pantskyle uses a reverse neckbreaker on Blaze Storm.
Pantskyle performs a bodyslam against Blaze Storm.
Pantskyle places Blaze Storm on the turnbuckle.
Pantskyle executes a superplex against Blaze Storm.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Pantskyle hits a dropkick on Blaze Storm.
Pantskyle nails Blaze Storm with a backbreaker.
Pantskyle uses a kick to the head on Blaze Storm.
Pantskyle tags out to The Filth Wizard.
The Filth Wizard and Pantskyle whip Blaze Storm into the ropes.
They hit Blaze Storm with a double elbowsmash.
Pantskyle leaves the ring.
The Filth Wizard hits a headsmash into the turnbuckle on Blaze Storm.
The Filth Wizard tries a backbreaker, but Blaze Storm counters it with an elbowsmash.
Blaze Storm tags out to T2B_.
T2B_ and Blaze Storm whip The Filth Wizard into the ropes.
They attempt to hit The Filth Wizard with a double elbowsmash, but he counters it with a duck-down move.
The Filth Wizard hits them with a double clothesline.
Numerous fans are using The Filth Wizard as target practice.
Blaze Storm leaves the ring.
The Filth Wizard uses a high knee on T2B_.
The Filth Wizard does a crotch chop.
Numerous fans are using The Filth Wizard as target practice.
The Filth Wizard executes the Royal Treatment on T2B_.
The Filth Wizard goes for the pin.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is vociferously booing The Filth Wizard.

The winners are The Filth Wizard, pantskyle, The Half Back and TheInjuryFactory. Time of match: 0:07:03
Sim Rating: ****
They lock up.
Grand Uncle Horace hits a legsweep on BlueAllThru.
Grand Uncle Horace uses an elbowsmash on BlueAllThru.
Grand Uncle Horace is going for the cover.
Chief counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Grand Uncle Horace executes a mounted elbowsmash against BlueAllThru.
BlueAllThru begs off.
Grand Uncle Horace whips BlueAllThru into the ropes.
BlueAllThru hits a running cross body on Grand Uncle Horace.
Grand Uncle Horace sits up.
You can hear a few scattered fans booing Grand Uncle Horace and a few others cheering him.
BlueAllThru sends Grand Uncle Horace into the turnbuckle.
BlueAllThru goes for a shoulderblock to the midsection, but Grand Uncle Horace
counters it with a kneelift.
Grand Uncle Horace hits BlueAllThru.
Grand Uncle Horace kicks BlueAllThru.
Grand Uncle Horace throws BlueAllThru out of the ring.
Grand Uncle Horace jumps onto him with a running elbowdrop.
The Bunny comes from behind, but Grand Uncle Horace nails The Bunny.
Chief counts: 1.
Chief counts: 2.
BlueAllThru is handed a fire extinguisher.
BlueAllThru hits him with the fire extinguisher.
The audience doesn't quite know how to react to BlueAllThru.
Chief counts: 3.
BlueAllThru hits him with the fire extinguisher.
BlueAllThru shoves Grand Uncle Horace into the guardrail.
BlueAllThru hits a chop on Grand Uncle Horace.
Chief counts: 4.
BlueAllThru climbs back into the ring.
Grand Uncle Horace climbs back into the ring.
Grand Uncle Horace begs off.
BlueAllThru locks Grand Uncle Horace in a choke against the ropes.
Chief warns BlueAllThru to let go.
Chief counts: One, two, three, four, five.
Chief warns BlueAllThru.
BlueAllThru whips Grand Uncle Horace into the ropes, but Grand Uncle Horace reverses it.
Grand Uncle Horace hits BlueAllThru with an elbow.
Grand Uncle Horace uses a mounted elbowsmash on BlueAllThru.
Grand Uncle Horace uses a legsweep on BlueAllThru.
Grand Uncle Horace goes for a mounted elbowsmash, but BlueAllThru blocks it.
BlueAllThru throws Grand Uncle Horace out of the ring.
Chief counts: one, two, Grand Uncle Horace reenters the ring.
BlueAllThru goes for a gutwrench suplex, but Grand Uncle Horace counters it with a backdrop.
Grand Uncle Horace nails BlueAllThru with an armbar takedown.
Grand Uncle Horace is met with a mixture of cheers and boos.
Grand Uncle Horace throws BlueAllThru out of the ring.
Grand Uncle Horace jumps onto him with a running elbowdrop.
Grand Uncle Horace nails BlueAllThru with a belly-to-belly suplex.
Grand Uncle Horace throws BlueAllThru back into the ring.
Grand Uncle Horace yells at the fans.
BlueAllThru begs off.
Grand Uncle Horace uses a high kick on BlueAllThru.
Grand Uncle Horace uses a high kick on BlueAllThru.
Grand Uncle Horace uses a kick to the midsection on BlueAllThru.
BlueAllThru begs off.
Grand Uncle Horace runs into the ropes.
Grand Uncle Horace hits BlueAllThru with a clothesline.
BlueAllThru begs off.
Grand Uncle Horace whips BlueAllThru into the ropes, but BlueAllThru reverses it.
Grand Uncle Horace hits BlueAllThru with a shoulderblock.
BlueAllThru begs off.
Grand Uncle Horace uses a fist to the midsection on BlueAllThru.
BlueAllThru begs off.
Grand Uncle Horace catches BlueAllThru in a kneebar.
BlueAllThru is valiantly trying to break the hold.
BlueAllThru grabs the ropes after 10 seconds.
Grand Uncle Horace runs into the ropes.
BlueAllThru hits Grand Uncle Horace with a kick.
Grand Uncle Horace begs off.
BlueAllThru performs a kneedrop against Grand Uncle Horace.
A portion of the crowd is booing BlueAllThru.
Grand Uncle Horace sits up.
The audience doesn't quite know how to react to Grand Uncle Horace.
BlueAllThru throws Grand Uncle Horace into the turnbuckle, but
Grand Uncle Horace reverses it.
Grand Uncle Horace runs shoulder-first into the corner, but BlueAllThru moves out of the way.
BlueAllThru runs into the ropes.
BlueAllThru performs a lariat against Grand Uncle Horace.
A portion of the crowd is cheering BlueAllThru.
Grand Uncle Horace sits up.
The audience doesn't quite know how to react to Grand Uncle Horace.
BlueAllThru whips Grand Uncle Horace into the turnbuckle, but Grand Uncle Horace reverses it.
BlueAllThru comes back and rocks Grand Uncle Horace with a kick to the midsection.
BlueAllThru hits a jumping front kick on Grand Uncle Horace.
BlueAllThru goes for a running powerslam, but Grand Uncle Horace slides down his back.
Grand Uncle Horace executes a legsweep against BlueAllThru.
Grand Uncle Horace throws BlueAllThru into the turnbuckle, but BlueAllThru reverses it.
BlueAllThru charges in with a clothesline, but Grand Uncle Horace moves out of the way.
Grand Uncle Horace executes a kick to the thigh against BlueAllThru.
Grand Uncle Horace hits a back suplex on BlueAllThru.
Grand Uncle Horace yells at the fans.
Grand Uncle Horace is met with a mixture of cheers and boos.
Grand Uncle Horace performs a kick to the head against BlueAllThru.
Grand Uncle Horace runs into the ropes.
Grand Uncle Horace hits BlueAllThru with a kick.
BlueAllThru begs off.
Grand Uncle Horace tries a belly-to-belly suplex, but BlueAllThru counters it with an elbowsmash.
BlueAllThru throws Grand Uncle Horace out of the ring.
BlueAllThru goes through the ropes.
BlueAllThru is handed a frying pan.
BlueAllThru hits him with the frying pan.
BlueAllThru hits him with a frying pan.
BlueAllThru throws Grand Uncle Horace back into the ring.
BlueAllThru brings the the frying pan into the ring.
BlueAllThru takes Grand Uncle Horace down with a running powerslam.
Chief counts: One, two, kickout.
BlueAllThru hits him with the frying pan.
Chief throws the frying pan over the top rope.
Grand Uncle Horace begs off.
BlueAllThru hits a gutwrench suplex on Grand Uncle Horace.
BlueAllThru tries a choke against the ropes, but Grand Uncle Horace blocks it.
Grand Uncle Horace whips BlueAllThru into the ropes.
Grand Uncle Horace misses with a shoulderblock.
BlueAllThru hits a lariat on Grand Uncle Horace.
Grand Uncle Horace sits up.
A portion of the crowd is cheering Grand Uncle Horace.
BlueAllThru executes a forearm to the back against Grand Uncle Horace.
BlueAllThru uses a backbreaker on Grand Uncle Horace.
BlueAllThru uses a forearm to the back on Grand Uncle Horace.
BlueAllThru uses a forearm to the back on Grand Uncle Horace.
BlueAllThru locks Grand Uncle Horace in a half Boston.
Grand Uncle Horace is struggling to reach the ropes.
Grand Uncle Horace gets ahold of the ropes after 15 seconds.
BlueAllThru executes an elbowdrop against Grand Uncle Horace.
BlueAllThru takes Grand Uncle Horace down with a fallaway slam.
BlueAllThru whips Grand Uncle Horace into the ropes, but Grand Uncle Horace reverses it.
Grand Uncle Horace uses a kick to the head on BlueAllThru.
Grand Uncle Horace uses a legsweep on BlueAllThru.
Grand Uncle Horace performs a mounted elbowsmash against BlueAllThru.
Grand Uncle Horace executes a kick to the head against BlueAllThru.
Grand Uncle Horace yells at the fans.
The audience doesn't quite know how to react to Grand Uncle Horace.
Grand Uncle Horace hits a high kick on BlueAllThru.
Grand Uncle Horace puts BlueAllThru in a Fujiwara armbar.
BlueAllThru is struggling to reach the ropes.
BlueAllThru tries to fight the pain.
BlueAllThru summons one last burst of energy.
Chief asks BlueAllThru if he should stop the fight.
BlueAllThru shakes his head.
BlueAllThru tries to fight the pain.
BlueAllThru is barely hanging in there.
Chief checks BlueAllThru's arm.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it stays up!
BlueAllThru fights his way out of the hold after 37 seconds.
BlueAllThru catches Grand Uncle Horace in a bearhug.
Grand Uncle Horace is struggling to reach the ropes.
Grand Uncle Horace manages to grab the ropes after being locked up for 11 seconds.
BlueAllThru hits a bodyslam on Grand Uncle Horace.
BlueAllThru uses an inverted atomic drop on Grand Uncle Horace.
BlueAllThru puts Grand Uncle Horace in a chokehold.
Chief warns BlueAllThru to let go.
Chief counts: One, two, three.
BlueAllThru goes for a gutbuster, but Grand Uncle Horace counters it with a front-layout suplex.
In turn, BlueAllThru counters it with a kneelift.
BlueAllThru whips Grand Uncle Horace into the ropes, but Grand Uncle Horace reverses it.
Grand Uncle Horace hits BlueAllThru with an elbow.
Grand Uncle Horace nails BlueAllThru with a high kick.
A portion of the crowd is cheering Grand Uncle Horace.
Grand Uncle Horace hits a belly-to-back suplex on BlueAllThru.
Grand Uncle Horace whips BlueAllThru into the ropes.
BlueAllThru hits Grand Uncle Horace with a kick.
BlueAllThru puts Grand Uncle Horace in a Texas Cloverleaf.
Grand Uncle Horace manages to grab the ropes after holding out for 5 seconds.
BlueAllThru gives the sign for the Beer Bash.
BlueAllThru executes the Beer Bash on Grand Uncle Horace.
Chief counts: One, two, in the ropes...
BlueAllThru gives him a bearhug, but Grand Uncle Horace doesn't budge.
Grand Uncle Horace hits a kick to the thigh on BlueAllThru.
Grand Uncle Horace hits a legsweep on BlueAllThru.
Grand Uncle Horace whips BlueAllThru into the ropes.
Grand Uncle Horace hits BlueAllThru with a kick.
Grand Uncle Horace locks BlueAllThru in a single-leg takedown into a leglock.
BlueAllThru is valiantly trying to break the hold.
BlueAllThru tries to escape the hold.
BlueAllThru manages to grab the ropes after being trapped for 15 seconds.
Grand Uncle Horace executes the Caesar's Claw on BlueAllThru.
BlueAllThru tries to escape the hold.
BlueAllThru is struggling to reach the ropes.
BlueAllThru summons one last burst of energy.
Chief tells BlueAllThru to respond or he'll stop the fight.
BlueAllThru nods.
Chief asks BlueAllThru if he's had enough.
BlueAllThru shakes his head.
Chief checks BlueAllThru's arm.
He lifts it... it stays up!
BlueAllThru fights his way out of the hold after 49 seconds.
BlueAllThru runs into the ropes.
BlueAllThru misses with a clothesline.
BlueAllThru performs a running cross body against Grand Uncle Horace.
BlueAllThru gives him a fallaway slam, but Grand Uncle Horace ignores it and just smiles at him.
Grand Uncle Horace performs a legsweep against BlueAllThru.
Grand Uncle Horace yells at the fans.
Grand Uncle Horace is starting to get more cheers than boos.
Grand Uncle Horace executes a punch against BlueAllThru.
Grand Uncle Horace locks BlueAllThru in a hammerlock.
BlueAllThru tries to escape the hold.
Grand Uncle Horace lets go after 12 seconds.
Grand Uncle Horace gets an achilles tendon hold on BlueAllThru.
BlueAllThru is struggling to reach the ropes.
BlueAllThru manages to grab the ropes after 10 seconds.
Grand Uncle Horace goes for a kick to the midsection, but BlueAllThru blocks it.
BlueAllThru performs an open-handed chop against Grand Uncle Horace.
BlueAllThru uses a forearm to the back on Grand Uncle Horace.
Grand Uncle Horace begs off.
BlueAllThru executes a jumping DDT against Grand Uncle Horace.
The cheers for BlueAllThru are drowning out the boos.
BlueAllThru uses a snap suplex on Grand Uncle Horace.
BlueAllThru executes a kick to the head against Grand Uncle Horace.
BlueAllThru nails Grand Uncle Horace with a lariat.
BlueAllThru runs into the ropes.
Grand Uncle Horace hits BlueAllThru with a kick.
Grand Uncle Horace hits a fireman's carry on BlueAllThru.
Grand Uncle Horace catches BlueAllThru in a triangle choke.
BlueAllThru manages to grab the ropes after being locked up for 7 seconds.
Grand Uncle Horace locks BlueAllThru in a forearm choke.
Chief warns Grand Uncle Horace to let go.
Chief counts: One, two, three, four.
Grand Uncle Horace uses a stomp on BlueAllThru.
Grand Uncle Horace performs a kick to the midsection against BlueAllThru.
Grand Uncle Horace executes a fist to the midsection against BlueAllThru.
Grand Uncle Horace uses a back suplex on BlueAllThru.
Grand Uncle Horace whips BlueAllThru into the ropes, but BlueAllThru reverses it.
Grand Uncle Horace and BlueAllThru get hit with a double clothesline.
BlueAllThru begs off.
Grand Uncle Horace executes the Caesar's Claw on BlueAllThru.
BlueAllThru tries to escape the hold.
BlueAllThru grabs the ropes after being locked up for 25 seconds.
Grand Uncle Horace hits an elbowsmash on BlueAllThru.
Grand Uncle Horace executes a high kick against BlueAllThru.
Grand Uncle Horace performs a belly-to-back suplex against BlueAllThru.
Grand Uncle Horace locks BlueAllThru in an achilles tendon hold.
Grand Uncle Horace lets go after 11 seconds.
Grand Uncle Horace hits a kick to the head on BlueAllThru.
Grand Uncle Horace is getting a pissed look amidst all the boos.
Grand Uncle Horace tries a kick to the midsection, but BlueAllThru blocks it.
Grand Uncle Horace begs off.
BlueAllThru gives the sign for the Beer Bash.
BlueAllThru executes the Beer Bash on Grand Uncle Horace.
Chief counts: One, two, in the ropes...
BlueAllThru hits a bodyslam on Grand Uncle Horace.
BlueAllThru attempts a choke against the ropes, but Grand Uncle Horace blocks it.
Grand Uncle Horace throws BlueAllThru out of the ring.
Grand Uncle Horace goes outside.
Chief counts: 1.
Grand Uncle Horace reenters the ring.
BlueAllThru follows him back in.
Grand Uncle Horace hits a kick to the midsection on BlueAllThru.
Grand Uncle Horace runs into the ropes.
BlueAllThru puts Grand Uncle Horace in a chokehold.
Chief warns BlueAllThru to let go.
Chief counts: One, two, three, four, five.
Chief warns BlueAllThru.
BlueAllThru nails Grand Uncle Horace with a fireman's carry into a gutbuster.
BlueAllThru whips Grand Uncle Horace into the ropes, but Grand Uncle Horace reverses it.
BlueAllThru hits Grand Uncle Horace with a shoulderblock.
BlueAllThru performs a bodyslam against Grand Uncle Horace.
BlueAllThru executes a running cross body against Grand Uncle Horace.
BlueAllThru is going for the pin.
Chief counts: One, two, kickout.
BlueAllThru performs a snap suplex against Grand Uncle Horace.
BlueAllThru hits a gutwrench suplex on Grand Uncle Horace.
BlueAllThru uses a ropeburn on Grand Uncle Horace.
BlueAllThru hits Grand Uncle Horace.
BlueAllThru kicks Grand Uncle Horace.
BlueAllThru punches Grand Uncle Horace.
BlueAllThru acknowledges the portion of the crowd which is cheering him.
Grand Uncle Horace hits BlueAllThru.
Grand Uncle Horace seemingly enjoys the boos.
BlueAllThru chops Grand Uncle Horace.
BlueAllThru is starting to get more cheers than boos.
BlueAllThru nails Grand Uncle Horace with a gutwrench suplex.
BlueAllThru attempts a power bomb, but Grand Uncle Horace counters it with a backdrop.
In turn, BlueAllThru counters it with a sunset flip.
Chief counts: One, two, kickout.
BlueAllThru catches Grand Uncle Horace in a chokehold.
Chief warns BlueAllThru to let go.
Chief counts: One, two, three, four.
BlueAllThru whips Grand Uncle Horace into the ropes.
BlueAllThru hits Grand Uncle Horace with a backdrop.
Grand Uncle Horace falls out of the ring.
Chief counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine,
Grand Uncle Horace reenters the ring.
Grand Uncle Horace begs off.
BlueAllThru whips Grand Uncle Horace into the ropes, but Grand Uncle Horace reverses it.
BlueAllThru tries a lariat, but Grand Uncle Horace ducks out of the way.
Grand Uncle Horace executes the Caesar's Claw on BlueAllThru.
BlueAllThru tries to escape the hold.
BlueAllThru is valiantly trying to break the hold.
The bell rings. The time limit has expired.

This match is a time limit draw. Time of match: 0:20:00
Sim Rating: **

So close, yet so far for Horry!
They lock up.
Robertio enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Robertio tries a side slam, but Hate counters it with an elbowsmash.
Robertio rolls out of the ring.
Hate whips Kananooks into the turnbuckle.
Hate charges in with a corner forearm smash, but Kananooks lifts his leg.
Kananooks tries the Liger Bomb, but Hate counters it with a small package.
Richard Head counts: One, two, kickout.
Hate performs a headlock driver against Kananooks.
Hate executes a headbutt against Kananooks.
Hate executes a jab against Kananooks.
Hate executes a lariat against Kananooks.
Hate hits a kneelift on Kananooks.
Hate executes a jab against Kananooks.
Hate uses a kneelift on Kananooks.
Hate tags out to Ant Bear.
Ant Bear runs into the ropes.
Kananooks hits Ant Bear with a clothesline.
Kananooks covers Ant Bear.
Richard Head counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Kananooks tags out to Robertio.
Hate enters the ring, but gets cut off.
Robertio and Kananooks whip Ant Bear into the ropes.
They hit Ant Bear with a double clothesline.
Kananooks leaves the ring.
Robertio tries a kick to the head, but Ant Bear ducks out of the way.
Ant Bear performs a lariat against Robertio.
Ant Bear goes for a triangle choke, but Robertio blocks it.
Robertio hits a spear on Ant Bear.
A fan at ringside badmouths Robertio.
Robertio attempts a kick to the midsection, but Ant Bear counters it with a legsweep.
Ant Bear tags out to Hate.
Hate hits a jab on Robertio.
Hate is going for the cover.
Richard Head counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Hate works the crowd.
The chants for Hate are deafening.
Hate uses a dropkick to the knee on Robertio.
Hate works the crowd.
Hate tries a dragon screw, but Robertio blocks it.
Robertio tags out to BRAB.
BRAB whips Hate into the ropes, but Hate reverses it.
BRAB hits Hate with a kick.
BRAB uses the Pele kick on Hate.
BRAB whips Hate into the ropes.
BRAB performs a jumping knee strike against Hate.
BRAB nails Hate with a jumping knee strike.
BRAB whips Hate into the ropes, but Hate reverses it.
BRAB goes for a jumping knee strike, but Hate ducks out of the way.
Hate tags out to NaturalDisaster.
Hate tries a side slam backbreaker, but BRAB counters it with an elbowsmash.
Hate rolls out of the ring.
BRAB executes a release half nelson suplex against NaturalDisaster.
The chants for BRAB are deafening.
BRAB tags out to Robertio.
Robertio and BRAB whip NaturalDisaster into the ropes.
Robertio and BRAB hit NaturalDisaster with a double dropkick.
BRAB leaves the ring.
Robertio runs into the ropes.
NaturalDisaster executes a superkick against Robertio.
Hate enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
BRAB enters the ring, but gets cut off.
NaturalDisaster and Hate whip Robertio into the ropes.
They hit Robertio with a double elbowsmash.
BRAB gets back up and lays out Hate.
The crowd is behind BRAB all the way.
BRAB leaves the ring.
Robertio goes for a spinning backbreaker, but NaturalDisaster counters it with a spinning headscissors.
NaturalDisaster whips Robertio into the ropes.
NaturalDisaster executes a kick to the head against Robertio.
NaturalDisaster tags out to Ant Bear.
BRAB enters the ring and lays out NaturalDisaster.
BRAB leaves the ring.
Robertio performs a swinging DDT against Ant Bear.
Robertio attempts a spinning backbreaker, but Ant Bear counters it with an elbowsmash.
Ant Bear places Robertio on the turnbuckle.
Ant Bear launches Robertio across the ring with a superplex.
The chants for Ant Bear are deafening.
Ant Bear sets up Robertio on the turnbuckle.
Ant Bear performs a superplex against Robertio.
Ant Bear tries a headbutt, but Robertio blocks it.
Robertio uses a swinging DDT on Ant Bear.
Robertio executes an inverted facelock backbreaker against Ant Bear.
Robertio goes for a basement dropkick, but Ant Bear rolls out of the way.
Ant Bear whips Robertio into the turnbuckle.
Ant Bear runs shoulder-first into the corner.
Ant Bear hits Robertio.
Ant Bear punches Robertio.
The chants for Ant Bear are deafening.
Ant Bear chops Robertio.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Ant Bear.
Ant Bear tags out to NaturalDisaster.
NaturalDisaster executes an elbowsmash against Robertio.
NaturalDisaster whips Robertio into the ropes, but Robertio reverses it.
NaturalDisaster hits Robertio with a shoulderblock.
NaturalDisaster whips Robertio into the ropes.
Robertio nails NaturalDisaster with the Sling Blade.
Robertio runs into the ropes.
NaturalDisaster performs a superkick against Robertio.
NaturalDisaster is going for the cover.
Richard Head counts: One, two, kickout.
NaturalDisaster climbs to the top turnbuckle, but Robertio nails him in the stomach.
NaturalDisaster falls onto the top turnbuckle.
Robertio nails NaturalDisaster with a superplex.
Robertio is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Robertio is going for the cover.
Richard Head counts: One, two, kickout.
Robertio goes for an inverted facelock backbreaker, but NaturalDisaster blocks it.
NaturalDisaster hits a back suplex on Robertio.
NaturalDisaster punches Robertio.
Robertio chops NaturalDisaster.
Robertio punches NaturalDisaster.
Robertio hits a side slam on NaturalDisaster.
Robertio performs a flying cross body press against NaturalDisaster.
Richard Head counts: One, two, kickout.
Robertio slowly rolls out under the bottom rope.
He grabs a road sign.
Robertio takes a swing at NaturalDisaster with the road sign, but he gets out of the way.
NaturalDisaster snatches the road sign from him.
NaturalDisaster takes a swing at Robertio with the road sign, but he gets out of the way.
Robertio snatches the road sign from him.
Robertio hits him with the road sign.
Robertio is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Robertio tries the Michinoku Driver, but NaturalDisaster blocks it.
NaturalDisaster kicks Robertio.
The chants for NaturalDisaster are deafening.
NaturalDisaster chops Robertio.
Robertio kicks NaturalDisaster.
Robertio is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
NaturalDisaster punches Robertio.
The crowd erupts.
Robertio hits NaturalDisaster.
Robertio further incites the crowd.
Robertio chops NaturalDisaster.
NaturalDisaster kicks Robertio.
NaturalDisaster chops Robertio.
The crowd is giving NaturalDisaster a standing ovation.
NaturalDisaster tries the Sling Blade, but Robertio ducks out of the way.
Robertio hits him with the road sign.
Robertio whips NaturalDisaster into the ropes.
NaturalDisaster hits Robertio with a kick.
NaturalDisaster whips Robertio into the ropes, but Robertio reverses it.
NaturalDisaster performs a rolling elbowsmash against Robertio.
NaturalDisaster covers Robertio.
Richard Head counts: One, shoulder up.
NaturalDisaster runs into the ropes.
NaturalDisaster hits Robertio with an elbow.
NaturalDisaster performs a hiptoss against Robertio.
NaturalDisaster is going for the pin.
Richard Head counts: One, two, kickout.
NaturalDisaster attempts a lifting inverted DDT, but Robertio blocks it.
Robertio goes for an inverted facelock backbreaker, but NaturalDisaster blocks it.
NaturalDisaster tags out to Hate.
Hate executes a kick to the midsection against Robertio.
Hate executes the Team Shift on Robertio.
The crowd is behind Hate all the way.
Hate goes for the pin.
Richard Head counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Hate chops Robertio.
Hate hits Robertio.
Hate executes a dragon screw against Robertio.
Hate hits a lariat on Robertio.
Hate tries a sidewalk slam, but Robertio counters it with a DDT.
Robertio further incites the crowd.
Robertio is going for the pin.
Richard Head counts: One, two, kickout.
Robertio hits him with a road sign.
Robertio throws Hate out of the ring.
Richard Head counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, Hate reenters the ring.
Robertio tags out to BRAB.
BRAB and Robertio whip Hate into the ropes.
They hit Hate with a double elbowsmash.
BRAB and Robertio whip Hate into the ropes.
BRAB and Robertio hit Hate with a double lariat.
Robertio leaves the ring.
BRAB executes a cradle Tombstone against Hate.
Richard Head counts: One, two, kickout.
BRAB runs into the ropes.
Hate misses with a shoulderblock.
Hate hits BRAB with a backdrop.
Hate tags out to Ant Bear.
Kananooks enters the ring and lays out Hate.
BRAB and Kananooks whip Ant Bear into the ropes.
They hit Ant Bear with a double clothesline.
Kananooks leaves the ring.
BRAB tries an elevated power bomb, but Ant Bear blocks it.
Ant Bear nails BRAB with a gutwrench suplex.
Ant Bear executes an overhead belly-to-belly suplex against BRAB.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Ant Bear attempts a back suplex, but BRAB blocks it.
BRAB executes the Moral Compass on Ant Bear.
The crowd is behind BRAB all the way.
BRAB goes for the pin.
Richard Head counts: One, two, three.

The winners are BRAB, kananooks and Robertio. Time of match: 0:10:50
Sim Rating: *** 3/4


A fantastic victory for Robertio and Nooks, and BRAB finally has gold back around his waist!
They lock up.
Mrs Turbo uses a legsweep on DenieD.
Mrs Turbo executes an elbowsmash against DenieD.
Mrs Turbo taunts the crowd.
Mrs Turbo acknowledges the portion of the crowd which is cheering her.
Tigerturbulance comes to ringside.
Mrs Turbo locks DenieD in a figure-four leglock.
DenieD grabs the ropes after 6 seconds.
Mrs Turbo takes DenieD down with a spinebuster slam.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
Mrs Turbo executes a snap mare against DenieD.
Mrs Turbo whips DenieD into the barbed wire.
Mrs Turbo attempts a snap mare, but DenieD blocks it.
DenieD goes for a swinging neckbreaker, but Mrs Turbo counters it with a side suplex.
Mrs Turbo whips DenieD into the barbed wire.
Mrs Turbo performs a backbreaker against DenieD.
Mrs Turbo hits a snap mare on DenieD.
Mrs Turbo executes a forearm to the back against DenieD.
DenieD springs to his feet.
DenieD performs a flapjack against Mrs Turbo.
DenieD hits a forearm to the back on Mrs Turbo.
DenieD whips Mrs Turbo into the barbed wire, but Mrs Turbo reverses it.
Mrs Turbo chops DenieD.
DenieD hits Mrs Turbo.
DenieD chops Mrs Turbo.
Mrs Turbo kicks DenieD.
A portion of the crowd is booing Mrs Turbo.
DenieD hits Mrs Turbo.
Mrs Turbo punches DenieD.
Mrs Turbo rakes DenieD's face across the barbed wire.
Mrs Turbo hits a spinebuster slam on DenieD.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
Mrs Turbo executes a forearm to the back against DenieD.
Mrs Turbo is going for the cover.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
Mrs Turbo executes a kick to the midsection against DenieD.
Mrs Turbo performs a back suplex against DenieD.
Mrs Turbo performs a forearm to the back against DenieD.
Mrs Turbo executes a vertical suplex against DenieD.
Mrs Turbo goes for a bodyslam, but DenieD counters it with an elbowsmash.
DenieD whips Mrs Turbo into the barbed wire.
DenieD whips Mrs Turbo into the barbed wire.
DenieD uses a ropeburn on Mrs Turbo.
DenieD executes a jumping DDT against Mrs Turbo.
DenieD hits a fireman's carry into a gutbuster on Mrs Turbo.
DenieD hits a swinging neckbreaker on Mrs Turbo.
The boos are resurfacing again.
DenieD hits a dropkick from the second rope on Mrs Turbo.
DenieD uses a flying dropkick on Mrs Turbo.
DenieD hits the Rocker Dropper on Mrs Turbo.
DenieD attempts a faceslam, but Mrs Turbo blocks it.
Mrs Turbo attempts a short clothesline, but DenieD counters it with a crucifix.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
DenieD hits Mrs Turbo.
DenieD hits Mrs Turbo.
DenieD sends Mrs Turbo into the turnbuckle.
Mrs Turbo comes back and rocks DenieD with an elbow.
Mrs Turbo takes DenieD down with a release German suplex.
Mrs Turbo uses a forearm to the back on DenieD.
Mrs Turbo throws DenieD out of the ring.
Mrs Turbo rolls out under the bottom rope.
Mrs Turbo tries a hiptoss, but DenieD blocks it.
DenieD shoves Mrs Turbo into the guardrail.
DenieD throws Mrs Turbo into the guardrail.
DenieD knocks Mrs Turbo into the ringpost.
TigerTurbulance comes from behind and distracts DenieD.
TigerTurbulance comes from behind, but DenieD nails Smart Mark Sterling.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Mrs Turbo throws DenieD back into the ring.
Mrs Turbo executes a release German suplex against DenieD.
Mrs Turbo whips DenieD into the barbed wire.
Mrs Turbo executes a forearm to the back against DenieD.
Mrs Turbo whips DenieD into the barbed wire.
Mrs Turbo punches DenieD.
Mrs Turbo hits DenieD.
DenieD hits Mrs Turbo.
The crowd is wildly cheering DenieD with only a few scattered boos audible.
DenieD scrapes Mrs Turbo's face across the barbed wire.
DenieD uses a dropkick to the knee on Mrs Turbo.
DenieD performs a powerslam against Mrs Turbo.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
DenieD executes a dropkick from the second rope against Mrs Turbo.
DenieD uses a kick to the head on Mrs Turbo.
DenieD nails Mrs Turbo with a Hotshot.
Mrs Turbo springs to her feet.
Mrs Turbo locks DenieD in a chokehold.
DenieD grabs the ropes after holding out for 7 seconds.
Mrs Turbo punches DenieD.
Mrs Turbo acknowledges the portion of the crowd which is cheering her.
Mrs Turbo hits DenieD.
Mrs Turbo punches DenieD.
Mrs Turbo hits an elbowsmash on DenieD.
Mrs Turbo whips DenieD into the barbed wire.
Mrs Turbo uses a back suplex on DenieD.
Mrs Turbo performs an elbowsmash against DenieD.
Mrs Turbo throws DenieD out of the ring.
Mrs Turbo goes through the ropes.
Mrs Turbo runs DenieD into the ringsteps.
A portion of the crowd is booing Mrs Turbo.
Mrs Turbo clears the announcers' table.
Mrs Turbo knocks DenieD into the ringsteps.
Mrs Turbo sets up DenieD on the announcers' table.
Mrs Turbo tries to drive DenieD through the table with the Ophidian-5 but he blocks it.
DenieD sets up Mrs Turbo on the announcers' table.
DenieD tries to drive Mrs Turbo through the table with a back suplex, but she blocks it.
Mrs Turbo hits a back suplex on DenieD.
Mrs Turbo throws DenieD into the guardrail.
Mrs Turbo knocks DenieD into the ringsteps.
A portion of the crowd is booing Mrs Turbo.
Mrs Turbo hits a kneelift on DenieD.
Mrs Turbo hits a hiptoss on DenieD.
Mrs Turbo sets up DenieD on the announcers' table.
Mrs Turbo tries to drive DenieD through the table with the Ophidian-5 but he blocks it.
DenieD attempts a backbreaker, but Mrs Turbo counters it with an elbowsmash.
Mrs Turbo knocks DenieD into the ringpost.
Mrs Turbo sets up DenieD on the announcers' table.
Mrs Turbo executes the Ophidian-5 through the table.
The table doesn't break.
A portion of the crowd is booing Mrs Turbo.
Mrs Turbo hits a legsweep on DenieD.
Mrs Turbo knocks DenieD into the ringsteps.
TigerTurbulance comes from behind and distracts DenieD.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Mrs Turbo performs an elbowsmash against DenieD.
Mrs Turbo throws DenieD into the guardrail.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Mrs Turbo hits a legsweep on DenieD.
Mrs Turbo sets up DenieD on the announce table.
Mrs Turbo executes the Ophidian-5 through the table.
The table is broken in half.
Mrs Turbo goes for the pin.
Manangatang counts: One, two, three.

The winner is Mrs Turbo. Time of match: 0:10:57
Sim Rating: ** 1/2


A huge win in her first singles match! Mrs Turbo now joins an exclusive club of wrestler's who've won a championship in their first singles match! Only The Filth Wizard has done this before in SFAEW!

(Log in to remove this ad.)

They lock up.
Damicky takes PhenomenalV1 down with a bodyslam.
Damicky flicks his toothpick at him.
The crowd is behind Damicky all the way.
Damicky nails PhenomenalV1 with a flying bulldog.
Damicky uses an elbowsmash on PhenomenalV1.
Damicky attempts to place PhenomenalV1 on the turnbuckle, but PhenomenalV1 blocks it.
Damicky attempts an abdominal stretch, but PhenomenalV1 blocks it.
PhenomenalV1 executes a Russian legsweep against Damicky.
PhenomenalV1 performs a single arm DDT against Damicky.
PhenomenalV1 executes a single arm DDT against Damicky.
PhenomenalV1 takes Damicky down with a swinging DDT.
The crowd is giving PhenomenalV1 a standing ovation.
PhenomenalV1 attempts an enzuigiri, but Damicky steps out of the way.
Damicky flicks his toothpick at him.
The chants for Damicky are deafening.
Damicky sends PhenomenalV1 into the turnbuckle, but PhenomenalV1 reverses it.
PhenomenalV1 runs shoulder-first into the corner, but Damicky moves out of the way.
Damicky tries a bodyslam, but PhenomenalV1 blocks it.
PhenomenalV1 kicks Damicky.
The chants for PhenomenalV1 are deafening.
Damicky chops PhenomenalV1.
The crowd is behind Damicky all the way.
PhenomenalV1 punches Damicky.
The crowd is behind PhenomenalV1 all the way.
PhenomenalV1 chops Damicky.
PhenomenalV1 attempts a bodyslam, but Damicky counters it with a small package.
Manangatang counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Damicky chops PhenomenalV1.
The crowd is behind Damicky all the way.
Damicky kicks PhenomenalV1.
PhenomenalV1 hits Damicky.
The chants for PhenomenalV1 are deafening.
PhenomenalV1 chops Damicky.
Damicky kicks PhenomenalV1.
Damicky chops PhenomenalV1.
Damicky performs the Discus Punch against PhenomenalV1.
Damicky flicks his toothpick at him.
The crowd erupts.
Damicky attempts to place PhenomenalV1 on the turnbuckle, but PhenomenalV1 blocks it.
Damicky chops PhenomenalV1.
Damicky kicks PhenomenalV1.
Damicky takes PhenomenalV1 down with a vertical suplex.
Damicky sets up PhenomenalV1 on the turnbuckle.
Damicky performs a belly-to-back superplex against PhenomenalV1.
Damicky places PhenomenalV1 on the turnbuckle.
Damicky uses a double underhook superplex on PhenomenalV1.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
Damicky puts PhenomenalV1 in an armbar submission.
PhenomenalV1 gets ahold of the ropes after holding out for 5 seconds.
Damicky whips PhenomenalV1 into the ropes, but PhenomenalV1 reverses it.
Damicky uses a clothesline on PhenomenalV1.
Damicky attempts a bodyslam, but PhenomenalV1 counters it with an elbowsmash.
PhenomenalV1 goes for a spinning headlock elbowdrop, but Damicky throws him off.
Damicky locks PhenomenalV1 in an abdominal stretch.
PhenomenalV1 inches his way towards the ropes after being trapped for 9 seconds.
Damicky executes a kneelift against PhenomenalV1.
Damicky catches PhenomenalV1 in an armbar submission.
PhenomenalV1 tries to escape the hold.
PhenomenalV1 inches his way towards the ropes after being trapped for 8 seconds.
Damicky locks PhenomenalV1 in an abdominal stretch.
PhenomenalV1 gets ahold of the ropes after 5 seconds.
Damicky uses a headbutt on PhenomenalV1.
Damicky hits a powerslam on PhenomenalV1.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
Damicky performs a flying bulldog against PhenomenalV1.
The crowd is giving Damicky a standing ovation.
Damicky throws PhenomenalV1 into the turnbuckle, but PhenomenalV1 reverses it.
PhenomenalV1 chops Damicky.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for PhenomenalV1.
PhenomenalV1 punches Damicky.
Damicky punches PhenomenalV1.
The crowd erupts.
PhenomenalV1 punches Damicky.
The crowd erupts.
PhenomenalV1 tries the Liger Bomb, but Damicky counters it with a backdrop.
Damicky hits an elbowsmash on PhenomenalV1.
Damicky hits a gutwrench suplex on PhenomenalV1.
Damicky throws PhenomenalV1 into the turnbuckle.
Damicky uses a kneelift on PhenomenalV1.
Damicky goes for a bodyslam, but PhenomenalV1 counters it with an elbowsmash.
PhenomenalV1 attempts a headbutt, but Damicky blocks it.
Damicky whips PhenomenalV1 into the turnbuckle.
Damicky runs shoulder-first into the corner.
Damicky puts PhenomenalV1 in an armbar submission.
PhenomenalV1 gets ahold of the ropes after 5 seconds.
Damicky whips PhenomenalV1 into the ropes.
PhenomenalV1 misses with a clothesline.
PhenomenalV1 tries a swinging neckbreaker, but Damicky counters it with a side suplex.
In turn, PhenomenalV1 counters it with a spinning headscissors.
PhenomenalV1 goes for an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle, but Damicky rolls out of the way.
Damicky hits a discus lariat on PhenomenalV1.
Manangatang counts: One, shoulder up.
Damicky throws PhenomenalV1 out of the ring.
Damicky goes through the ropes.
Damicky gets back into the ring.
PhenomenalV1 follows him back in.
Damicky runs into the ropes.
PhenomenalV1 executes a hiptoss against Damicky.
PhenomenalV1 nails Damicky with the Liger Bomb.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
PhenomenalV1 sends Damicky into the turnbuckle, but Damicky reverses it.
Damicky charges into the corner.
Damicky performs a gutwrench suplex against PhenomenalV1.
Damicky takes PhenomenalV1 down with a headlock takedown.
Damicky attempts a bodyslam, but PhenomenalV1 blocks it.
PhenomenalV1 nails Damicky with a single arm DDT.
PhenomenalV1 runs into the ropes.
Damicky hits PhenomenalV1 with an elbow.
Damicky executes a headbutt against PhenomenalV1.
Damicky executes the Discus Punch against PhenomenalV1.
Damicky tries a back suplex, but PhenomenalV1 counters it with a go-behind.
PhenomenalV1 uses a spinning headlock elbowdrop on Damicky.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
PhenomenalV1 hits a diving elbowdrop on Damicky.
The chants for PhenomenalV1 are deafening.
PhenomenalV1 performs a gutwrench suplex against Damicky.
PhenomenalV1 uses a single arm DDT on Damicky.
PhenomenalV1 hits a facebite on Damicky.
PhenomenalV1 hits a lariat on Damicky.
PhenomenalV1 runs into the ropes.
PhenomenalV1 misses with a clothesline.
PhenomenalV1 misses with a clothesline.
Damicky hits PhenomenalV1 with a clothesline.
PhenomenalV1 falls out of the ring.
Damicky goes outside.
Damicky knocks PhenomenalV1 into the ringsteps.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Damicky.
Damicky sets up a table.
Damicky sets up PhenomenalV1 on the table.
Damicky tries to drive PhenomenalV1 through the table with an elbowdrop, but he moves out of the way.
The table is broken in half.
Manangatang counts: 1.
PhenomenalV1 climbs back into the ring.
Damicky follows him back in.
Damicky brings the table into the ring.
PhenomenalV1 sets up Damicky on the table.
PhenomenalV1 executes the La-Li-Lu-Le-Lowdown through the table.
The table didn't break.
PhenomenalV1 executes an enzuigiri against Damicky.
PhenomenalV1 covers Damicky.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
PhenomenalV1 attempts a spinning headlock elbowdrop, but Damicky
counters it with a swinging neckbreaker.
Damicky sets up PhenomenalV1 on the table.
Damicky executes a back suplex through the table.
The table is broken in half.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Elton Johns Wig, JoshWoodenSpoon and JT_the_Man come to ringside.
Damicky is going for the cover.
Manangatang counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Damicky executes the Cheese's Edge on PhenomenalV1.
Manangatang counts: One, two, thr...Elton Johns Wig pulls Manangatang out of the ring.
Damicky runs into the ropes.
JoshWoodenSpoon trips Damicky.
PhenomenalV1 misses with an elbow.
Damicky goes for a clothesline, but PhenomenalV1 counters it with a hiptoss.
PhenomenalV1 attempts to place Damicky on the turnbuckle, but Damicky blocks it.
PhenomenalV1 goes for a kick to the midsection, but Damicky blocks it.
Damicky executes an elbowsmash against PhenomenalV1.
Damicky executes a back suplex against PhenomenalV1.
The crowd erupts.
Damicky attempts a bulldog, but PhenomenalV1 throws him off.
PhenomenalV1 hits Damicky.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for PhenomenalV1.
Damicky chops PhenomenalV1.
Damicky hits PhenomenalV1.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
PhenomenalV1 kicks Damicky.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for PhenomenalV1.
PhenomenalV1 kicks Damicky.
PhenomenalV1 chops Damicky.
PhenomenalV1 executes a facebite against Damicky.
PhenomenalV1 tries a vertical suplex, but Damicky reverses it.
PhenomenalV1 re-reverses it.
PhenomenalV1 performs a headbutt against Damicky.
PhenomenalV1 goes for a vertical suplex, but Damicky reverses it.
Damicky takes PhenomenalV1 down with a powerslam.
Manangatang counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Damicky tries a powerslam, but PhenomenalV1 counters it with a swinging neckbreaker.
PhenomenalV1 whips Damicky into the ropes.
PhenomenalV1 hits Damicky with an elbow.
PhenomenalV1 goes for a swinging neckbreaker, but Damicky counters it with a side suplex.
Damicky goes for a roundhouse right, but PhenomenalV1 counters it with an armbreaker.
PhenomenalV1 runs into the ropes.
Damicky executes a bulldog against PhenomenalV1.
Damicky runs into the ropes.
Damicky hits PhenomenalV1 with a kick.
Damicky goes for an armbar submission, but PhenomenalV1 blocks it.
PhenomenalV1 punches Damicky.
PhenomenalV1 kicks Damicky.
PhenomenalV1 attempts to place Damicky on the turnbuckle, but Damicky blocks it.
PhenomenalV1 executes a spinning headlock elbowdrop against Damicky.
Manangatang counts: One, two, in the ropes...
PhenomenalV1 attempts a headbutt, but Damicky blocks it.
Damicky executes a slap against PhenomenalV1.
Damicky goes for an abdominal stretch, but PhenomenalV1 counters it with a hiptoss.
PhenomenalV1 tries a gutwrench suplex, but Damicky counters it with a backdrop.
Damicky uses a headbutt on PhenomenalV1.
Damicky takes PhenomenalV1 down with a bodyslam.
Damicky sets up PhenomenalV1 on the turnbuckle.
Damicky performs a double underhook superplex against PhenomenalV1.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
Damicky goes for an armbar submission, but PhenomenalV1 blocks it.
PhenomenalV1 chops Damicky.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
PhenomenalV1 punches Damicky.
PhenomenalV1 performs a vertical suplex against Damicky.
PhenomenalV1 tries a side slam, but Damicky counters it with an elbowsmash.
Damicky hits PhenomenalV1.
Damicky kicks PhenomenalV1.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Damicky.
Damicky hits PhenomenalV1.
Damicky attempts the Cheese's Edge on PhenomenalV1, but Elton Johns Wig hits him with a chair.
Damicky throws Elton Johns Wig out of the ring.
Damicky uses a roundhouse right on PhenomenalV1.
Damicky catches PhenomenalV1 in an abdominal stretch.
PhenomenalV1 gets ahold of the ropes after 5 seconds.
Damicky attempts a back suplex, but PhenomenalV1 blocks it.
PhenomenalV1 executes an enzuigiri against Damicky.
PhenomenalV1 throws Damicky out of the ring.
PhenomenalV1 jumps onto him with a flying cross body press.
PhenomenalV1 hits a vertical suplex on Damicky.
Manangatang counts: 1.
PhenomenalV1 reenters the ring.
Damicky rolls back in under the bottom rope.
PhenomenalV1 gives the sign for the La-Li-Lu-Le-Lowdown.
PhenomenalV1 executes the La-Li-Lu-Le-Lowdown on Damicky.
PhenomenalV1 goes for the pin.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
PhenomenalV1 throws Damicky out of the ring.
PhenomenalV1 jumps onto him with a flying cross body press.
PhenomenalV1 knocks Damicky into the ringpost.
JT_The_Man hands PhenomenalV1 a keyboard.
PhenomenalV1 hits him with the keyboard.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
PhenomenalV1 hits a hiptoss on Damicky.
PhenomenalV1 hits him with a keyboard.
The keyboard is broken in half.
PhenomenalV1 goes for a side slam, but Damicky blocks it.
Manangatang counts: 1.
Damicky climbs back into the ring.
PhenomenalV1 rolls back in under the bottom rope.
Damicky hits PhenomenalV1.
The crowd is giving Damicky a standing ovation.
PhenomenalV1 punches Damicky.
The crowd erupts.
PhenomenalV1 hits Damicky.
PhenomenalV1 attempts a facebite, but Damicky counters it with a kneelift.
Damicky punches PhenomenalV1.
PhenomenalV1 kicks Damicky.
Damicky chops PhenomenalV1.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Damicky chops PhenomenalV1.
Damicky executes the Cheese's Edge on PhenomenalV1.
Manangatang counts: One, two, three.

The winner is damicky. Time of match: 0:17:52
Sim Rating: *** 3/4

Damn it! Now Musical Cheese have their Tag Title rematch, and the Bad Cheese gets a future match with Bonz...
DragoDelph and Braklet start brawling in the back of the arena.
DragoDelph is handed a baseball bat.
DragoDelph hits him with the baseball bat.
DragoDelph seemingly enjoys the boos.
They're brawling in the back of the arena.
DragoDelph hits him with the baseball bat.
DragoDelph hits him with a baseball bat.
They're brawling in the back of the arena.
DragoDelph hits a vertical suplex on Braklet.
DragoDelph chokes him with a baseball bat.
They're brawling up the arena stairway.
DragoDelph chokes him with a baseball bat.
DragoDelph executes a Samoan Drop against Braklet.
DragoDelph knocks Braklet into the stairway.
They're brawling on the first floor.
They're brawling on the first floor.
Braklet performs a reverse neckbreaker against DragoDelph.
They're brawling on the first floor.
They're brawling on the first floor.
DragoDelph is handed a baseball bat.
DragoDelph hits him with the baseball bat.
The cheers for DragoDelph are drowning out the boos.
DragoDelph is going for the cover.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
DragoDelph knocks Braklet into the stairway.
DragoDelph is handed a road sign.
DragoDelph takes a swing at Braklet with the road sign, but he gets out of the way.
Braklet snatches the road sign from him.
Braklet hits him with the road sign.
The crowd seems to be rallying behind Braklet.
Braklet covers DragoDelph.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
They're brawling on the first floor.
Braklet attempts an enzuigiri, but DragoDelph steps out of the way.
The crowd seems to be rallying behind DragoDelph.
DragoDelph runs Braklet into the stairway.
They're brawling on the first floor.
DragoDelph takes Braklet down with an armdrag takedown.
DragoDelph hits him with a road sign.
They're brawling on the first floor.
DragoDelph executes a release German suplex against Braklet.
They're brawling on the first floor.
DragoDelph tries a spinebuster slam, but Braklet counters it with a small package.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
They're brawling up the arena stairway.
Braklet performs a kneelift against DragoDelph.
Braklet is handed a fire extinguisher.
Braklet hits him with the fire extinguisher.
Braklet doesn't quite know what to do with the mixed reaction he's getting.
They're brawling down the stairway.
Braklet hits him with the fire extinguisher.
They're brawling on the first floor.
They're brawling up the arena stairway.
DragoDelph tries a vertical suplex, but Braklet counters it with a small package.
Blacky counts: One, kickout.
Braklet flings DragoDelph over a row of chairs.
All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.
Braklet hits him with the fire extinguisher.
Braklet uses a forearm to the back on DragoDelph.
Braklet works the crowd.
The cheers for Braklet are drowning out the boos.
Braklet is handed a road sign.
Braklet hits him with the road sign.
They're brawling on the second floor.
Braklet executes a vertical suplex against DragoDelph.
Braklet hits him with the road sign.
They're brawling on the second floor.
Braklet hits him with a road sign.
They're brawling on the second floor.
They're brawling on the second floor.
They're brawling on the second floor.
DragoDelph throws Braklet down to the first floor.
The boos are resurfacing again.
DragoDelph descends the stairs.
DragoDelph performs a hiptoss against Braklet.
DragoDelph throws Braklet into the stairway.
DragoDelph is going for the pin.
Blacky counts: One, two, shoulder up.
DragoDelph executes an armdrag takedown against Braklet.
They're brawling up the arena stairway.
DragoDelph takes Braklet down with a vertical suplex.
They're brawling on the second floor.
They're brawling on the second floor.
They're brawling down the stairway.
They're brawling on the first floor.
Braklet executes a knee to the back against DragoDelph.
Braklet goes for a kick to the midsection, but DragoDelph counters it with a dragon screw.
In turn, Braklet counters it with an enzuigiri to the face.
The cheers for Braklet are drowning out the boos.
Braklet runs DragoDelph into the stairway.
They're brawling down the stairway.
They're brawling up the arena stairway.
Braklet executes a facerake against DragoDelph.
They're brawling on the first floor.
DragoDelph throws Braklet into the stairway.
DragoDelph is handed Chain.
DragoDelph hits him with theChain.
The boos are resurfacing again.
They're brawling on the first floor.
They're brawling on the first floor.
DragoDelph attempts a dropkick, but Braklet steps out of the way.
Braklet executes a facerake against DragoDelph.
Braklet works the crowd.
The cheers for Braklet are drowning out the boos.
They're brawling on the first floor.
Braklet throws DragoDelph down to the first floor.
Braklet descends the stairs.
Braklet is handed brass knuckles.
Braklet hits him with the knuckles.
Braklet hits a headbutt on DragoDelph.
Braklet is going for the cover.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
Braklet performs a superkick against DragoDelph.
Braklet runs DragoDelph into the arena wall.
Braklet is handed a baseball bat.
Braklet hits him with the baseball bat.
They're brawling in the back of the arena.
DragoDelph takes Braklet down with a release German suplex.
All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.
DragoDelph is handed brass knuckles.
DragoDelph takes a swing at Braklet with the knuckles, but he
gets out of the way.
Braklet snatches the knuckles from him.
Braklet hits him with the knuckles.
The crowd seems to be rallying behind Braklet.
They're brawling up the aisle.
Braklet is handed a fire extinguisher.
Braklet hits him with the fire extinguisher.
Braklet hits him with the fire extinguisher.
Braklet hits a forearm to the back on DragoDelph.
Braklet hits him with the fire extinguisher.
Braklet flings DragoDelph over a row of chairs.
Braklet is handed Beez Trophy.
Braklet hits him with the Trophy.
They're brawling up the aisle.
They're brawling behind the guardrail.
They're brawling down the aisle.
Braklet flings DragoDelph over a row of chairs.
The crowd is wildly cheering Braklet with only a few scattered boos audible.
They're brawling down the aisle.
Braklet is handed a fire extinguisher.
Braklet hits him with the fire extinguisher.
Braklet gets a sleeperhold on DragoDelph.
DragoDelph is valiantly trying to break the hold.
DragoDelph tries to escape the hold.
DragoDelph tries to fight the pain.
DragoDelph tries to escape the hold.
DragoDelph summons one last burst of energy.
Blacky checks DragoDelph's arm.
He lifts it... it stays up!
DragoDelph fights his way out of the hold after 41 seconds.
DragoDelph is going for the pin.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
DragoDelph whips Blacky into the ropes.
DragoDelph hits Blacky with a lariat.
Blacky is out cold.
They're brawling in the back of the arena.
They're brawling up the arena stairway.
DragoDelph tries a bodyslam, but Braklet counters it with an elbowsmash.
Braklet throws DragoDelph into the stairway.
Braklet doesn't quite know what to do with the mixed reaction he's getting.
They're brawling up the arena stairway.
They're brawling on the second floor.
Braklet is handed a keyboard.
Braklet hits him with the keyboard.
Braklet is going for the pin.
There is no referee to count.
Blacky slowly gets up.
Blacky counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
They're brawling on the second floor.
Braklet goes for a vertical suplex, but DragoDelph counters it with a small package.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
They're brawling on the second floor.
Braklet tries a bulldog, but DragoDelph counters it with a back suplex.
DragoDelph gloats to the crowd.
The crowd is wildly cheering DragoDelph with only a few scattered boos audible.
They're brawling down the stairway.
DragoDelph goes for a back suplex, but Braklet counters it with a bulldog.
Braklet doesn't quite know what to do with the mixed reaction he's getting.
Braklet executes a fist to the midsection against DragoDelph.
Braklet runs DragoDelph into the stairway.
They're brawling up the arena stairway.
Braklet performs a snap mare against DragoDelph.
They're brawling on the second floor.
They're brawling on the second floor.
DragoDelph performs a backbreaker against Braklet.
DragoDelph is handed a Chain.
DragoDelph hits him with the Chain.
All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.
They're brawling on the second floor.
Braklet goes for a vertical suplex, but DragoDelph counters it with a small package.
Blacky counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
DragoDelph hits him with the Chain.
They're brawling on the second floor.
DragoDelph nails Braklet with a Samoan Drop.
DragoDelph hits him with theChain.
The crowd is wildly cheering DragoDelph with only a few scattered boos audible.
DragoDelph uses a forearm to the back on Braklet.
They're brawling on the second floor.
They're brawling on the second floor.
Braklet is handed a frying pan.
Braklet hits him with the frying pan.
Braklet is going for the pin.
Blacky counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
They're brawling down the stairway.
Braklet performs a headbutt against DragoDelph.
Braklet is handed the Admin's Desk.
Braklet hits him with the Desk.
All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.
They're brawling down the stairway.
Braklet performs a bulldog against DragoDelph.
Braklet throws DragoDelph into the arena wall.
They're brawling up the arena stairway.
Braklet performs a flapjack against DragoDelph.
They're brawling on the first floor.
They're brawling on the first floor.
DragoDelph throws Braklet down to the first floor.
DragoDelph descends the stairs.
DragoDelph hits an inverted atomic drop on Braklet.
DragoDelph uses a DDT on Braklet.
The cheers for DragoDelph are drowning out the boos.
DragoDelph is handed a Chain.
DragoDelph hits him with the Chain.
DragoDelph covers Braklet.
Blacky counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
They're brawling in the back of the arena.
Braklet uses a Russian legsweep on DragoDelph.
Braklet is going for the pin.
Blacky counts: One, shoulder up.
Braklet uses a facerake on DragoDelph.
They're brawling in the back of the arena.
DragoDelph performs a hiptoss against Braklet.
DragoDelph hits him with theChain.
The cheers for DragoDelph are drowning out the boos.
They're brawling in the back of the arena.
They're brawling up the aisle.
Braklet is handed brass knuckles.
Braklet hits him with the knuckles.
They're brawling in mid-arena.
They're brawling in mid-arena.
DragoDelph performs an inverted atomic drop against Braklet.
DragoDelph hits a power bomb on Braklet.
Blacky counts: One, two, shoulder up.
DragoDelph uses a Russian legsweep on Braklet.
The crowd seems to be rallying behind DragoDelph.
DragoDelph is handed a baseball bat.
DragoDelph hits him with the baseball bat.
They're brawling in mid-arena.
DragoDelph executes the Boston Crab on Braklet on the concrete floor.
DragoDelph doesn't quite know what to do with the mixed reaction he's getting.
Braklet is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Braklet is close to escaping the hold.
Braklet is writhing in pain.
Blacky tells Braklet to respond or he'll stop the fight.
Braklet nods.
Blacky asks Braklet if he's had enough.
Braklet shakes his head.
Braklet tries to fight the pain.
Braklet is barely hanging in there.
Blacky tells Braklet to respond or he'll stop the fight.
Braklet nods.
Braklet is writhing in pain.
Blacky asks Braklet if he's had enough.
Braklet shakes his head.
Braklet summons one last burst of energy.
Blacky asks Braklet if he's had enough.
Braklet shakes his head.
Blacky checks Braklet's arm.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it stays up!
Braklet fights his way out of the hold after 46 seconds.
They're brawling mid-arena.
They're brawling up the aisle.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
DragoDelph throws Braklet over the guardrail.
DragoDelph uses a hiptoss on Braklet.
DragoDelph gloats to the crowd.
DragoDelph flings Braklet over a row of chairs.
DragoDelph throws Braklet into the guardrail.
They're brawling up the aisle.
DragoDelph takes Braklet down with a spinebuster slam.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
DragoDelph is handed a baseball bat.
DragoDelph hits him with the baseball bat.
DragoDelph throws Braklet into the guardrail.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
DragoDelph hits him with the baseball bat.
DragoDelph throws Braklet into the guardrail.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
DragoDelph uses a bodyslam on Braklet.
DragoDelph hits him with the baseball bat.
DragoDelph chokes him with a baseball bat.
DragoDelph chokes him with a baseball bat.
DragoDelph performs a snap mare against Braklet.
DragoDelph uses a side suplex on Braklet.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
DragoDelph throws Braklet over the guardrail.
DragoDelph flings Braklet over a row of chairs.
DragoDelph is handed brass knuckles.
DragoDelph hits him with the knuckles.
They're brawling behind the guardrail.
DragoDelph gloats to the crowd.
DragoDelph is handed brass knuckles.
DragoDelph hits him with the knuckles.
DragoDelph hits a flapjack on Braklet.
They're brawling behind the guardrail.
DragoDelph performs a flapjack against Braklet.
DragoDelph uses an elbowsmash on Braklet.
DragoDelph gloats to the crowd.
DragoDelph flings Braklet over a row of chairs.
DragoDelph hits him with the knuckles.
They're brawling behind the guardrail.
DragoDelph hits him with the knuckles.
DragoDelph takes Braklet down with an armdrag takedown.
They're brawling behind the guardrail.
DragoDelph hits a hiptoss on Braklet.
They're brawling behind the guardrail.
Braklet executes a snap mare against DragoDelph.
They're brawling up the aisle.
Braklet knocks DragoDelph into the ringsteps.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Braklet shoves DragoDelph into the guardrail.
Braklet catches DragoDelph in a sleeperhold.
Braklet lets go after 14 seconds.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Braklet performs a flapjack against DragoDelph.
Braklet throws DragoDelph back into the ring.
Braklet executes the Squid Clutch on DragoDelph.
DragoDelph is valiantly trying to break the hold.
DragoDelph is struggling to reach the ropes.
DragoDelph is writhing in pain.
DragoDelph submits after 12 seconds.
Braklet doesn't quite know what to do with the mixed reaction he's getting.

The winner is Braklet. Time of match: 0:25:26
Sim Rating: **** 1/2

A career defining win for Brak! Kudos to Drago too, it's not often you last 25 minutes in a brutal brawl.
They lock up.
VeinGlorious executes a low blow against Bonz.
VeinGlorious performs a European uppercut against Bonz.
VeinGlorious nails Bonz with a lariat.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
VeinGlorious nails Bonz with a powerslam.
Manangatang counts: One, two, shoulder up.
VeinGlorious runs into the ropes.
Bonz misses with a clothesline.
VeinGlorious hits a lariat on Bonz.
VeinGlorious is going for the pin.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
VeinGlorious poses for the crowd.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
VeinGlorious places Bonz on the turnbuckle.
VeinGlorious executes a rope hung cutter against Bonz.
VeinGlorious executes a back suplex against Bonz.
VeinGlorious poses for the crowd.
VeinGlorious gives him a swinging neckbreaker, but Bonz doesn't budge.
VeinGlorious takes Bonz down with a draping DDT.
VeinGlorious executes the VGKO on Bonz.
The crowd is vociferously booing VeinGlorious.
VeinGlorious goes for the pin.
Manangatang counts: One, kickout.
VeinGlorious gives him a fallaway slam, but Bonz shows no reaction.
VeinGlorious throws Bonz out of the ring.
VeinGlorious goes outside.
VeinGlorious throws Bonz into the ringpost.
Manangatang counts: 1.
VeinGlorious throws Bonz into the guardrail.
VeinGlorious goes for a back suplex, but Bonz counters it with a facerake.
Bonz executes a spinebuster slam against VeinGlorious.
Manangatang counts: 2.
Bonz climbs back into the ring.
VeinGlorious rolls back in under the bottom rope.
Bonz works the crowd.
The chants for Bonz are deafening.
Bonz performs a spinning mule kick against VeinGlorious.
Bonz performs a kick to the midsection against VeinGlorious.
Bonz attempts an STO, but VeinGlorious counters it with a low blow.
VeinGlorious attempts an inverted headlock backbreaker, but Bonz throws him off.
VeinGlorious begs off.
Bonz executes a hiptoss against VeinGlorious.
Bonz hits a gutwrench suplex on VeinGlorious.
The crowd is behind Bonz all the way.
Bonz is going for the pin.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
Bonz complains about a slow count.
Bonz works the crowd.
Bonz runs into the ropes.
VeinGlorious misses with a clothesline.
Bonz uses a spear on VeinGlorious.
The chants for Bonz are deafening.
Bonz works the crowd.
Bonz nails a spear on VeinGlorious.
Manangatang counts: One, kickout.
Bonz complains about a slow count.
VeinGlorious performs a knee to the back against Bonz.
VeinGlorious nails Bonz with a power bomb.
Manangatang counts: One, two, shoulder up.
VeinGlorious uses a slingshot suplex on Bonz.
VeinGlorious places Bonz on the turnbuckle.
VeinGlorious performs a superplex against Bonz.
VeinGlorious performs an Exploder suplex against Bonz.
VeinGlorious executes a European uppercut against Bonz.
VeinGlorious gives him an elbowsmash, but Bonz doesn't budge.
VeinGlorious kicks Bonz.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
VeinGlorious kicks Bonz.
Bonz punches VeinGlorious.
Bonz chops VeinGlorious.
VeinGlorious hits Bonz.
The crowd is vociferously booing VeinGlorious.
Bonz punches VeinGlorious.
The chants for Bonz are deafening.
VeinGlorious punches Bonz.
The crowd is vociferously booing VeinGlorious.
VeinGlorious nails Bonz with an Exploder suplex.
VeinGlorious whips Bonz into the ropes.
VeinGlorious hits a chop on Bonz.
VeinGlorious sends Bonz into the turnbuckle, but Bonz reverses it.
VeinGlorious comes back, but is met with a spear.
Bonz uses an STO on VeinGlorious.
Bonz covers VeinGlorious.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
Bonz hits a gutwrench suplex on VeinGlorious.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Bonz whips VeinGlorious into the ropes.
VeinGlorious performs a lariat against Bonz.
The crowd is vociferously booing VeinGlorious.
VeinGlorious uses a swinging neckbreaker on Bonz.
VeinGlorious runs into the ropes.
Bonz hits VeinGlorious with a clothesline.
Bonz works the crowd.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Bonz attempts a double underhook suplex, but VeinGlorious counters it with a backdrop.
In turn, Bonz counters it with a sunset flip.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
Bonz takes VeinGlorious down with a pumphandle suplex.
Bonz executes a shoulderbreaker against VeinGlorious.
Bonz attempts a bodyslam, but VeinGlorious blocks it.
VeinGlorious executes the VGKO on Bonz.
VeinGlorious is being booed out of the building.
VeinGlorious waits for Bonz to get on all fours.
VeinGlorious hits a running punt kick to the head on Bonz.
VeinGlorious goes for the pin.
Manangatang counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
VeinGlorious tries a kick to the midsection, but Bonz blocks it.
Bonz nails VeinGlorious with a spear.
The crowd erupts.
Bonz hits a spear on VeinGlorious.
Manangatang counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Bonz complains about a slow count.
Bonz hits a spear on VeinGlorious.
Bonz executes an elevated powerbomb on VeinGlorious.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
Bonz nails VeinGlorious with a spear.
Bonz gives the sign for the Cat-Hammer.
Bonz executes the Cat-Hammer on VeinGlorious.
Bonz rolls through for a second go.
Bonz executes the Cat-Hammer on VeinGlorious.
Manangatang counts: One, two, three.

The winner is Bonz. Time of match: 0:06:38
Sim Rating: ****

damicky enters the ring.
Damicky points at the SFAEW World Heavyweight Championship.
Bonz and Damicky stare down in the middle of the ring.

See you next week!
Damicky runs into the ropes.
JoshWoodenSpoon trips Damicky.
PhenomenalV1 misses with an elbow.
Damicky goes for a clothesline, but PhenomenalV1 counters it with a hiptoss.
PhenomenalV1 attempts to place Damicky on the turnbuckle, but Damicky blocks it.
PhenomenalV1 goes for a kick to the midsection, but Damicky blocks it.
Damicky executes an elbowsmash against PhenomenalV1.
Damicky executes a back suplex against PhenomenalV1.
The crowd erupts.
Damicky attempts a bulldog, but PhenomenalV1 throws him off.
PhenomenalV1 hits Damicky.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for PhenomenalV1.
Damicky chops PhenomenalV1.
Damicky hits PhenomenalV1.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
PhenomenalV1 kicks Damicky.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for PhenomenalV1.
PhenomenalV1 kicks Damicky.
PhenomenalV1 chops Damicky.
PhenomenalV1 executes a facebite against Damicky.
PhenomenalV1 tries a vertical suplex, but Damicky reverses it.
PhenomenalV1 re-reverses it.
PhenomenalV1 performs a headbutt against Damicky.
PhenomenalV1 goes for a vertical suplex, but Damicky reverses it.
Damicky takes PhenomenalV1 down with a powerslam.
Manangatang counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Damicky tries a powerslam, but PhenomenalV1 counters it with a swinging neckbreaker.
PhenomenalV1 whips Damicky into the ropes.
PhenomenalV1 hits Damicky with an elbow.
PhenomenalV1 goes for a swinging neckbreaker, but Damicky counters it with a side suplex.
Damicky goes for a roundhouse right, but PhenomenalV1 counters it with an armbreaker.
PhenomenalV1 runs into the ropes.
Damicky executes a bulldog against PhenomenalV1.
Damicky runs into the ropes.
Damicky hits PhenomenalV1 with a kick.
Damicky goes for an armbar submission, but PhenomenalV1 blocks it.
PhenomenalV1 punches Damicky.
PhenomenalV1 kicks Damicky.
PhenomenalV1 attempts to place Damicky on the turnbuckle, but Damicky blocks it.
PhenomenalV1 executes a spinning headlock elbowdrop against Damicky.
Manangatang counts: One, two, in the ropes...
PhenomenalV1 attempts a headbutt, but Damicky blocks it.
Damicky executes a slap against PhenomenalV1.
Damicky goes for an abdominal stretch, but PhenomenalV1 counters it with a hiptoss.
PhenomenalV1 tries a gutwrench suplex, but Damicky counters it with a backdrop.
Damicky uses a headbutt on PhenomenalV1.
Damicky takes PhenomenalV1 down with a bodyslam.
Damicky sets up PhenomenalV1 on the turnbuckle.
Damicky performs a double underhook superplex against PhenomenalV1.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
Damicky goes for an armbar submission, but PhenomenalV1 blocks it.
PhenomenalV1 chops Damicky.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
PhenomenalV1 punches Damicky.
PhenomenalV1 performs a vertical suplex against Damicky.
PhenomenalV1 tries a side slam, but Damicky counters it with an elbowsmash.
Damicky hits PhenomenalV1.
Damicky kicks PhenomenalV1.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Damicky.
Damicky hits PhenomenalV1.
Damicky attempts the Cheese's Edge on PhenomenalV1, but Elton Johns Wig hits him with a chair.
Damicky throws Elton Johns Wig out of the ring.
Damicky uses a roundhouse right on PhenomenalV1.
Damicky catches PhenomenalV1 in an abdominal stretch.
PhenomenalV1 gets ahold of the ropes after 5 seconds.
Damicky attempts a back suplex, but PhenomenalV1 blocks it.
PhenomenalV1 executes an enzuigiri against Damicky.
PhenomenalV1 throws Damicky out of the ring.
PhenomenalV1 jumps onto him with a flying cross body press.
PhenomenalV1 hits a vertical suplex on Damicky.
Manangatang counts: 1.
PhenomenalV1 reenters the ring.
Damicky rolls back in under the bottom rope.
PhenomenalV1 gives the sign for the La-Li-Lu-Le-Lowdown.
PhenomenalV1 executes the La-Li-Lu-Le-Lowdown on Damicky.
PhenomenalV1 goes for the pin.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
PhenomenalV1 throws Damicky out of the ring.
PhenomenalV1 jumps onto him with a flying cross body press.
PhenomenalV1 knocks Damicky into the ringpost.
JT_The_Man hands PhenomenalV1 a keyboard.
PhenomenalV1 hits him with the keyboard.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
PhenomenalV1 hits a hiptoss on Damicky.
PhenomenalV1 hits him with a keyboard.
The keyboard is broken in half.
PhenomenalV1 goes for a side slam, but Damicky blocks it.
Manangatang counts: 1.
Damicky climbs back into the ring.
PhenomenalV1 rolls back in under the bottom rope.
Damicky hits PhenomenalV1.
The crowd is giving Damicky a standing ovation.
PhenomenalV1 punches Damicky.
The crowd erupts.
PhenomenalV1 hits Damicky.
PhenomenalV1 attempts a facebite, but Damicky counters it with a kneelift.
Damicky punches PhenomenalV1.
PhenomenalV1 kicks Damicky.
Damicky chops PhenomenalV1.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Damicky chops PhenomenalV1.
Damicky executes the Cheese's Edge on PhenomenalV1.
Manangatang counts: One, two, three.

The winner is damicky. Time of match: 0:17:52
Sim Rating: *** 3/4

Damn it! Now Musical Cheese have their Tag Title rematch, and the Bad Cheese gets a future match with Bonz...

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