MRP / Trib. Shane McAdam Bump on Jacob Wehr

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Didn’t see anything wrong with it.

Hit him in the chest.

No concussion.

But ‘the optics’….

The AFL. Where appearance trumps reality.
Its Michael Christian..he has gone after us before and when Mackay beat him so to speak at the tribunal..this is revenge. I would love to see Christian gone today from his job and get in someone that operates using facts not feels and personal dislikes
It should be a blanket rule that any contact to the head requires a concussion test, it would remove any grey area. Then the result of the concussion test determines the severity of the MRO findings.
I'm not here to discuss what the rules should and shouldn't be on knocks to the head. We are forever seeing doctors reviewing vision on the sidelines and I imagine there's hundreds we don't see. They would look at a contest and decide from there if they'd like to review the player further.

Questioning a completely unrelated medical team because of frustrations brought about initially by a player of the team one supports, and then the AFL, is ****ing stupid.
I'm fine with Mcadam getting a 3-4 week ban for what he did. It was unnecessary and despite whatever some people have tried to say, he did get him high. But there is no way it should be getting graded higher than Pickett's. It looked like Mcadam was trying to send a message and hit him down the middle, he got unlucky, but if the guy played out the game, how can it possibly be graded severe? Meanwhile Pickett's was almost as bad as brodie Hollands hit that got 6 weeks (when the player played out the game) 15-20 years ago.

How can a hit like Pickett's only get 2 when they have provision for the potential for injury. He absolutely nailed Bailey Smith. If he'd done that to Brad Ebert in 2019/20, it would have ended his career. If he did it to Johnathan Brown in 2014,it would have been the same. I genuinely cannot believe how incompetent Michael Christian is. It's staggering how much of a ****ing moron the guy is. The media will say we've got tough on headhigh hits, but it's bullshit. We have overly technical decisions where someone who didn't do much wrong gets a week or 2 when they would have got 0 10 years ago. But we also have dog shots that get 3-4 (in this case 2) that would have got 5-6 even 15 years ago. I hope Adelaide come out and take a shit on Christian. He's about as useful as a limp dick and a bible on a pr0n set.

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Patrick Cripps won the 2022 Brownlow after this incident vs Ah Chee.
If anything, it was worse than McAdam's bump because the impact on Ah Chee involved more head than body, and Cripps left the ground to make contact.
Case closed. McAdam you are free to play.

Not sure I agree with that. The fact that the ball is in the air muddies the waters. You could argue that he jumped in the air to compete and then when he sense body contact was coming, dropped the shoulder to protect himself. Pickett vs Mcadam is the much fairer comparison which suggests he's going to get fisted by an extra week or 2 for something that was less reckless.
The issue isn't McAdam going to the tribunal, the issue is the other two not going there, that's where the AFL must step in. They won't though.
Agreed. 2-3 seems about right for McAdam. Franklin should be about the same. Pickett should be 4 at the very least. His effort was clearly the worst of the three and I can't fathom how he's gotten away with a couple. If the only reason is because Smith didn't do a concussion test then that's an absolute failure of the system at multiple points.
Agree. But how the hell can they get the Pickett one so badly wrong?
Media reaction decides the fate.
Pickett was "oh that's dangerous" and replayed it once, while the mcadam one they stopped short of saying he was trying to murder wehr, and replayed it multiple times

And for Franklin, he is worth too much to the afl to rub him out for more than a week
The result was the same though.. both players played on..

GWS took Wehr away for a test and he passed.

if anything the dog’s doctors should be asked why they didn’t take smith off to be tested after reviewing the footage…
You are right. Why was Smith not looked at for concussion? More ammo for the concussion class action. Afl really is extremely amateur
You are right. Why was Smith not looked at for concussion? More ammo for the concussion class action. Afl really is extremely amateur
Because a primary assessment is done without the player and the doctor then decides if they'd like to check the player further.
Because a primary assessment is done without the player and the doctor then decides if they'd like to check the player further.
So Bulldogs doctor is useless is what you're saying? Like I said more ammo for class action
So Bulldogs doctor is useless is what you're saying? Like I said more ammo for class action
If you think every doctor that does a primary assessment on the sidelines via video (that we see dozens of times every weekend) to dictate whether a proper analyzing of the player is required is useless, then you are calling every doctor in the league useless. Maybe that's the case, or maybe you need to stay in your lane.
Because a primary assessment is done without the player and the doctor then decides if they'd like to check the player further.
Looking at the hit on smith and the speed and way his head goes backwards and eventually hits the ground.. there is absolutely no way in hell a doctor could look at the vision and replay it a couple of times over in a matter of 30 seconds and not call for the player to immediately be bought off the ground for an assessment.

how the hell do you do a thorough assessment of a player that’s just received a head knock “without the player” being present so you can ask them how they feel and some other basic questions (like where are you and what fxxkn day is it) so you can immediately start to gauge whether they are out of it or not?..

it’s yet another massive failure of the system that he wasn’t.. the AFL system.. not the dogs as a club.

the dogs won’t get punished for it and I don’t care that they won’t… I dont know that they deserve any punishment.. it’s the AFL’s own complete dumbfxxkery that probably leads the dogs to be unsure of exactly what they should do in that situation.. the whole thing is still so grey.

Clubs just don’t know what constitutes a head knock worthy of a concussion test.. mainly because of the AFL’s total and utter inconsistency around it all.

it’s a system with very little clear direction, run on emotion, outcome and opinions, favourable to some, biased against others and completely chaotic and unpredictable..
how the fxxk are any of the clubs to really know what is the best response to every incident that involves the head when the AFL can’t provide consistent direction and the judgements they make after each incident are all wildly different?…

it’s a fxxkn circus.
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If you think every doctor that does a primary assessment on the sidelines via video (that we see dozens of times every weekend) to dictate whether a proper analyzing of the player is required is useless, then you are calling every doctor in the league useless. Maybe that's the case, or maybe you need to stay in your lane.
That wasn't some small collision, he was absolutely flattened and must be a real tough nut to get back up and play on..but to not send the medical team to him was a failure especially with concussion class actions happening now and it being such a serious issue

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If you think every doctor that does a primary assessment on the sidelines via video (that we see dozens of times every weekend) to dictate whether a proper analyzing of the player is required is useless, then you are calling every doctor in the league useless. Maybe that's the case, or maybe you need to stay in your lane.
There are not many incidents like the Smith Pickett one so when they occur there definitely needs to be a concussion test done on the receiving player. Why Bulldogs doctor didn't think it was necessary leads me to believe either he is bad at his job or there are instructions from Bulldogs/afl not to test well known players in case they are ruled out. Whatever the reason it is very damning in regards to the lawsuits happening. Afl can't say they have done everything they can for concussion victims when incidents like this still occur
It should be a blanket rule that any contact to the head requires a concussion test, it would remove any grey area. Then the result of the concussion test determines the severity of the MRO findings.
**** that, players getting rubbed out for 15 minutes of a game when they're totally fine is dumb as shit.
There are not many incidents like the Smith Pickett one so when they occur there definitely needs to be a concussion test done on the receiving player. Why Bulldogs doctor didn't think it was necessary leads me to believe either he is bad at his job or there are instructions from Bulldogs/afl not to test well known players in case they are ruled out. Whatever the reason it is very damning in regards to the lawsuits happening. Afl can't say they have done everything they can for concussion victims when incidents like this still occur
I don’t even know where to start. Thank god not everybody can be a doctor.
* that, players getting rubbed out for 15 minutes of a game when they're totally fine is dumb as s**t.
How do you know they’re totally fine? This is exactly the problem the AFL are facing now with the class action. Collins now has delayed concussion after passing his concussion test on the weekend, but they at least went through the right measures and tested him on gameday. Are you saying an incident like Smith’s shouldn’t be automatically assessed for concussion?
How do you know they’re totally fine? This is exactly the problem the AFL are facing now with the class action. Collins now has delayed concussion after passing his concussion test on the weekend, but they at least went through the right measures and tested him on gameday. Are you saying an incident like Smith’s shouldn’t be automatically assessed for concussion?
Absolutely i'm saying that.
In the old days a runner would go out and player, who is seeing double, stars, headache, dizzy etc goes mate I'm fine all good P-off let me play.
During the break doc asks player same thing player responds with same answer and plays the game out. Goes home with a headache for a day or two and thinks nothing of it.
20 years later there is a class action.
Club doctors, who currently do a much better job than in the past, and the AFL itself, which includes the MRO, still need to do a better job than they are currently doing.

FWIW I think both Picket and McAdam should get the same penalty regardless off injury outcome. Until the action alone is punished, not severity of injury, we are going to be going around this roundabout forever.
As far as Buddy goes, where there is form..............

The “but the bulldogs didnt take smith off for a HIA so its not as bad” line the media is blatantly pushing for the AFL is the most disgustingly pathetic load of horseshit I have ever heard.

Weasel words from one of the worst run organisations in the country.

And what a fxxkn surprise Gerald “AFL arselicker” wheatley has taken the AFL’s side..

How in the hell can you say Picketts actions werent worse than mcadams simply because the bulldog’s doctors failed in their duty of care and didnt perform a HIA after such a massive hit?..

Its simply fxxkn astounding.

Look at the footage.. wehr doesnt get knocked out and the first thing he grabs for is his stomach.. not his head or jaw..

He was fxxkn badly winded.

The GWS doctors did the right thing and put him through HIA protocols and he clearly passed them or he wouldnt have been sent back on.

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MRP / Trib. Shane McAdam Bump on Jacob Wehr

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