NO TROLLS Should AFL players bend the knee before each match in 2021?

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And it was difficult with these kids probably not because they were poor, but their families were probably poor because of certain factors? Alcoholism, IQ, things outside their control, work ethic, abuse/damaged etc. poverty itself doesn’t make them difficult to teach but other way around?

I remember one kid I felt really sorry for. Very bright, loved learning about space (he was in year 3) but he was moving house all the time as his family kept getting evicted and his older brother was in prison for dealing drugs. He missed school for 2 weeks for no apparent reason. I really hope he can break out of the poverty cycle as like I said he was very bright, and a nice kid too, but somehow I fear he will not be able to, and will end up committing crimes like his older brother.

Like I said though I hope with everything I have that I am wrong.
It’s a fact that indigenous Australians get jail time for crimes white people get fines or warnings for.

Not every crime deserves the death penalty.
It's not a fact. But here's a fact for you. Three quarters of indigenous men in jail are there for domestic violence. But yes they have a wonderful culture. Lol

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We don’t hear about most aboriginal deaths in custody. There’s no system set up for accountability or for keeping track of the rates of death or why people died by the government. The only way we know there’s been atleast 450 deaths in the last 20 years is journalists finding specific cases and adding them up.

The same method finds a lot less white people dying per capita, but without accountability it’s impossible to know how bad it is, and the system is designed that way so that the people in power don’t have to worry about being held accountable for those deaths.
You are just a blatant liar. Every death in custody goes to the coroner for investigation. Take your racist woke garbage and f### off
Pretty easy to find

That's a false statistic. Per capita is not the measure to use. Why the hell is a person not interacting with the police included in a statistic measuring outcomes from dealing with the police? It's laughable. The measure is deaths per criminal offence. Hence whites are over represented not blacks. Per violent crime interactions with the police whites are more likely to be killed in the USA.
That's a false statistic. Per capita is not the measure to use. Why the hell is a person not interacting with the police included in a statistic measuring outcomes from dealing with the police? It's laughable. The measure is deaths per criminal offence. Hence whites are over represented not blacks. Per violent crime interactions with the police whites are more likely to be killed in the USA.

Per capita is exactly the stat to use as the overall stats are skewed by the fact that there are a lot more white people in American than black people.
Per capita is exactly the stat to use as the overall stats are skewed by the fact that there are a lot more white people in American than black people.
How can a person with no interaction with the police be killed by the police genius?
I remember one kid I felt really sorry for. Very bright, loved learning about space (he was in year 3) but he was moving house all the time as his family kept getting evicted and his older brother was in prison for dealing drugs. He missed school for 2 weeks for no apparent reason. I really hope he can break out of the poverty cycle as like I said he was very bright, and a nice kid too, but somehow I fear he will not be able to, and will end up committing crimes like his older brother.

Like I said though I hope with everything I have that I am wrong.
You've just given the blueprint for the type of people most likely to be in jail and get into violent situations with the police. And that's people from lower socio-economic groups who just happen to be........ You guessed it black.
Say goodbye to the ANZAC Day game if that’s the case.

Nothing wrong with taking a knee. Doesn’t disrupt anything or hurt anyone. I don’t particularly think it’s a great way of raising awareness or getting sh*t done but good on her I guess.

we should say good bye to ANZAC day full stop

there should be no celebration of war
That's a false statistic. Per capita is not the measure to use. Why the hell is a person not interacting with the police included in a statistic measuring outcomes from dealing with the police? It's laughable. The measure is deaths per criminal offence. Hence whites are over represented not blacks. Per violent crime interactions with the police whites are more likely to be killed in the USA.

Yes that's true. White people who find themselves arrested have a much greater chance of dying than a black person who finds themselves arrested. This fact it ignored by people with an agenda.

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How original *rolls eyes*

It's been done before, why bother piggy backing on past instances, come up with your own stance/gesture instead of "taking a knee".
Lol. So I take it you are also averse to any use of the minute of silence? Purely on the basis that "it's been done before" and it's not original enough for you?

Currently happening and has been happening for years. Yet, not a word from our social warrior types or corporate interests, as to discuss could risk being them being accused of having racist motives or undertones. Yet, they will happily protest something that has no risk to themselves and actually has a tangible social and economic benefits. Yet, turns a blind eye to a actual oppressive regime engaging in ethnic cleansing.

Currently happening xinjiang - Mass executions, forced sterilisation, organ harvesting, Rape, Torture, brain washing, mass incarceration, suppression of ethnic identity, suppression of religion.

It’s a modern day Holocaust, and nobody gives a shit.
we should say good bye to ANZAC day full stop

there should be no celebration of war

There should be no celebration of war but ANZAC Day doesn't celebrate it. It's a day of reflection, sombreness and we simply say thank you to those who fought for our country, our freedom and ourselves. We should use the day to recognise the fact that war is futile and has to be avoided.

How do you interpret ANZAC Day any other way?
Similar problems in Australia as Aboriginal people are imprisoned and killed in custody per capita far more than white people. It is just a more hidden problem because there are fewer Aboriginal people in Australia as a percentage than black people in America.
No they aren't
What is it about kneeling that makes it a strong stance against a national anthem? What has the Australian national anthem got to do with Aboriginal deaths in custody and mysogyny? Can you only enjoy the national anthem when the country is perfect?

it is a symbol - a gesture that holds meaning because we all understand the meaning.

‘You’ (or anyone else) can enjoy the national anthem or view it however you wish. If someone else wants to make a political statement they can do so too (and you are equally free to just ignore it and move on with life).
Yep, those brave souls fighting against the so called "fascism", when the CCP rounds up minorities and puts them in death camps.

But, hey..... keep fighting the good fight in relative safety, protected by the civil liberties of the country they hate so much.

The argument that people shouldn’t care about issues in Australia because things are worse elsewhere is a particularly poor one.

As is the straw man argument that anyone who wants improvement in Australia ‘hates’ the country.

Nope, Australia is a bloody great place, but literal blood was spent making it that way and it is better now for some than others. Room to improve and that only happens if people agitate for change at home.

Furthermore, improvement on domestic issues gives a stronger platform for international diplomacy. Far better to address China from a position wherethey can’t as easily point fingers back at us...

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NO TROLLS Should AFL players bend the knee before each match in 2021?

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