Opinion Should BT/Darcy be barred from commentating the Grand Final after their recent biased commentary?

Should BT's recent biased commentary prevent him from calling the GF?

  • Yes

    Votes: 121 88.3%
  • No

    Votes: 15 10.9%

  • Total voters

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certainly amongst the worst comm team ever assembled

daisy is fine
BT clearly a coll man

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They should be barred because they're crap. I would get the Pommy guy and his mate who do the VFL games on the AFL website to call the game. There will be no bias and the Pommy guy has superb use of tone in his voice, don't know what his name is, but he's absolute gold in the box. Reminds me of Henry Blofeld.
Get offended by something - don't ignore it, don't pursue an alternative like watching with the volume turned down, don't contact the offending party to explain why you're offended and ask for them to change. Nah, just call for them to be banned.
Cancel culture is cancer
It’s not really a practical solution when the various radio broadcasts are out of sync with the TV broadcast. Makes for a bit of humour when watching Monkey Magic but not so much when watching the biggest footy game of the year.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with footy fans expecting and demanding professionalism and elite standards from the broadcaster who profits more than any club, player or executive from our great game.
Funny how this is the narrative when he left the club with the shits after missing 1990 and has never really has anything good to say about them in his other media roles
BT played the eminence gris in the Leon Davis retirement debacle, got in Leon's ear about how much he was worth.

Early in his career as a commentator he was known for inventing random stories because he had no idea what was really going on, as no one trusted him after he published the Taylor Diaries and he lacked the insight to work it out for himself.

Does have some fondness for Collingwood but at least as much for Richmond.

Really a non-caller. For an ex-player he shows little insight and frequently calls the wrong player's name. EG he called Reef McInnes Mihocek and Daicos before getting it right.
Seriously? who would "Bar" them? Their own employer? We are talking about a private media company that paid for the rights to broadcast the game. Whatever talent or lack of it, they opt to use is completely up to them. If they don't rate, they wont be there long I assure you. I'm reluctant to call people idiots but somehow seeing a similarity between umpires and commentators in your conspiracy theories is just bonkers. If its just because it annoys you, suck it up or use the mute button. TV broadcasters aren't here to look after YOUR hurt feelings.

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since when did who calls footy games become a democracy? its the entertainment industry doing their thing. The fact that you cry about BT all the time probably ensures he'll never be taken off :D
I’ve literally posted here about BT today. Did you see the poll? I’m clearly no orphan Brian.
I’ve literally posted here about BT today. Did you see the poll? I’m clearly no orphan Brian.
His Boss would LOVE that poll. Probably get a payrise. I'm actually no fan of him either but I know how TV ratings and cultivating outrage work. You want to get rid of BT - ignore him and find someone else to cry about.