Should footy fans be concerned about Dustin Martin?

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Jan 7, 2005
Down the rabbit hole
AFL Club
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with the news reported today that, yet again, the coaching staff have had to have "stern words" with Dustin Martin to "pull him back into line", I'd be interested in knowing whether Tiger fans and footy fans more broadly are concerned about the future for Martin.

For all the impact Martin has made in three years at Punt Road, many believe the 21-year-old still has plenty of talent lying untapped, and headlines generated from his off-field behaviour have only added to that feeling.

Most notably, the club suspended Martin for two games last season for sleeping in and missing a training session after admitting to mixing alcohol and sleeping tablets the night before.
Newman was asked on Monday about rumours that Tigers coach Damien Hardwick had been forced to have stern words with Martin and pull him into line a few weeks ago.

The former captain did not deny the talk

No doubt a prodigous talent, Martin appears to be one of those "packages" where you get the good with the bad, the yin and the yang. Some sports people actually need the bad side of them to be the calibre of sportsman they are - think Hewitt and Tomic being such knobs; or Carey being a compete tossbag off the field despite being possibly the greatest player to have graced us.

Of course, Martin is still very young, and has a lot of maturing to do. Nobody would deny him this, and perhaps the rashness and brashness of youth will give way to a maturity that will allow Martin to become the player we all hope he can be.

But sport is littered with stories of players who simply cannot or will not make the most of the natural talent they have. Despite his youth, Martin seems to be up to his ears in it more often than you would think is appropriate. Publicised incidents and whispers are different things, but Martin is over-represented in both catagories.

I guess if I was a Richmond fan I'd be concerned about two things. Firstly, is Martin going to be the player I want him to be? He came back from his first off-season fat, and now, just weeks before the start of the new season, has had to be pulled back in to line with a stern talking to by Dimma. He's had the "sleeping pill" incident - a strange episode that had senior BigFooty Richmond posters often in the know hinting darkly at bigger issues, and then rapidly retracting this when an alibi was found. He's also naturally a big boy - does Dusty have the discipline needed to make the most of himself in this hyper-professional era?

The other concern I'd have as a Richmond supporter would be: is Martin going to finish his career at Richmond? Often players need a new environment to make the most of themselves, or sometimes, like Fev, they simply get too big for their boots and need to be moved on. Can Richmond provide the framework Martin requires to be successful? You'd think if anyone could do it, Dimma could; but it seems as though even Dimma is having to repeat himself, and you wonder how often he's going to be prepared to do that!!

At the end of the day, Martin has all the tools to be an out and out superstar. I'm sure that, as lovers of football, we all want to see him achieve this, but there has to be some concern he may tease us and never get there.

Is he a lock on superstardom, a work in progress, or a real risk of being a failed talent?
I have to agree with you lance, i raised my concerns on our board some months back,

But in saying that Ben Cousins was also a small problem although it wasnt public.

With Chocco looking after him im sure he will be given an opportunity to get on the straight and narrow a bit like hurley:cool:

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I have to agree with you lance, i raised my concerns on our board some months back,

But in saying that Ben Cousins was also a small problem although it wasnt public.

With Chocco looking after him im sure he will be given an opportunity to get on the straight and narrow a bit like hurley:cool:
yep, it's some fair points you raise. Cuzz was a very similar kind of player wasn't he? And re: Hurley, I'd certainly be concerned if there was any kind of repeat of the behaviour he was so rightly vilified for
The other concern I'd have as a Richmond supporter would be: is Martin going to finish his career at Richmond? Often players need a new environment to make the most of themselves, or sometimes, like Fev, they simply get too big for their boots and need to be moved on. Can Richmond provide the framework Martin requires to be successful? You'd think if anyone could do it, Dimma could; but it seems as though even Dimma is having to repeat himself, and you wonder how often he's going to be prepared to do that!!

That's the example you use. Seriously?o_O

Anyway I'm about as worried about him as I am about Buddy Franklin. There seems to be a bit of a witch hunt with Dusty. TBH if the media just kept out of it it would be a non-issue, just like with Buddy.

I'm not really worried about his on field form. He's still easily in the top 2 of his draft and probably the best (Fyfe's kicking is really poor). He stagnated this year but everyone seems to think he's gone backwards because he ****ed their supercoach teams.
Trading him for top dollar could be the best decision the club makes.

If he cant be the guy they want him to be, make him someone else's problem.
Fingers crossed he can stay in line, certainly has the talent to be a star. I believe Choco will have a good influence on him, and though he's had a couple of minor behaviour issues and some rumours being thrown around, he's yet to do anything drastically stupid ala Cousins or a Fev. I have faith in the kid, I'm at least going to give him a chance, until he proves otherwise.
The 2nd best talent in his draft year (no way is he better than Fyfe), but he's looking like one of those guys who will never fulfill his talent. Buddy and Hurley had issues, but they look well behind them.

Jetta could go past him too, if he hasn't already ...
That's the example you use. Seriously?o_O

Anyway I'm about as worried about him as I am about Buddy Franklin. There seems to be a bit of a witch hunt with Dusty. TBH if the media just kept out of it it would be a non-issue, just like with Buddy.

I'm not really worried about his on field form. He's still easily in the top 2 of his draft and probably the best (Fyfe's kicking is really poor). He stagnated this year but everyone seems to think he's gone backwards because he screwed their supercoach teams.

His numbers were still good but he certainly didn't have the same impact on games in 2012 as he did in 2011 from where I sat.

Unfortunately, when you have sections of the media building him up to be the next Leigh Matthews or Mark Riccutio, and by 21 he hasn't reached that level, then many overreact and turn off him. Thats the nature of the football media and football supporters who are so often totally unrealistic in their expectations. A quick look over this thread proves that.

Yes he has some rough edges, but as the OP said, so have many players, some of which have become the biggest stars in the game (Dane Swan anyone).

I wouldn't be too worried at all if I were a Tiger supporter.
He certainly seems to enjoy the off field fun football stardom brings. The problem is, he doesn't know when enough is enough. If a close mate taking the fall for an incident he was at fault in doesn't wake him up and commit himself then I fear not much will.

I just feel sorry for the next bloke that gets sacked for his wrong doings.
That's the example you use. Seriously?o_O

Anyway I'm about as worried about him as I am about Buddy Franklin. There seems to be a bit of a witch hunt with Dusty. TBH if the media just kept out of it it would be a non-issue, just like with Buddy.

I'm not really worried about his on field form. He's still easily in the top 2 of his draft and probably the best (Fyfe's kicking is really poor). He stagnated this year but everyone seems to think he's gone backwards because he screwed their supercoach teams.

Err........... No.

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I'm not concerned in the slightest but those involved with utilising football as "product" are probably concerned.

Is he a lock on superstardom, a work in progress, or a real risk of being a failed talent?

He won't be a superstar and I doubt he will improve by any great leap, but he'll still be a good player if he can avoid the PC mafia.
On your two points:

1) Stern Words
What does that mean? Did he get stern words for doing bongs, rocking up late for training, hanging with "the wrong crowd", partying too much? Reality is he could have got "stern words" for everything from not following instructions during training, to being a major bong head. Off course everyone is running to the latter level of situation. Main reason I'm not worried if it was the latter the media would be pushing the allegations a lot harder (as Caro has done with him previously by mentioning him in most drug related non-Martin stories she has written).

2) Leaving the Club
This is a part of modern footy now. Thought we were a big risk to lose Lids, glad we didn't. This year its Jack, Cotch, and Martin all up for grabs. Odds are its hard to keep everyone. Hope we do, but all sides lose people. Its the whole point of the cap.
I find it strange that everyone says Dusty is the one who doesn't get the best out of himself. He didn't play footy for a few years when he was a teenager so was behind a number of his fellow draftees in terms of fitness when he was drafteed. And he's only been at the club for 3 seasons. This isn't Jarrad Waite or Kosi that we're talking about. He's been bloody good over his first three seasons. Anyway here are the top 20 from his draft:


There's maybe 3-5 guys on that list that haven't been dissapointing (for a variety of reasons) so far. I'd be far more concerned about Rohan, Sheppard, Morabito or even Trengove not reaching their potential.
I'm not concerned in the slightest but those involved with utilising football as "product" are probably concerned.
I would have thought it has more to do with whether he can make the most of his talent in an uber-professional environment. I don't care if he's a "bad boy"; I care if that means he can't bring it on the field due to club or fitness requirements
Got a feeling its a make or break year for Dusty and the club,Abit of tough love coming from both parties id say.The appointment of Choco could very well be a masterstroke not just for all the kids development,but Dusty,s inparticular.I think the main thing with Dusty is he needs stable interests outside football,Soon as he finds that the better both club and dusty will be.If they survive that long.
Every club has, has had, will who never tap into their potential and are remembered as good not great.

It's not just the club and supporters that will probably have the regret either down the track either.
Im against trading him while he has worth (I dont believe we'd get close to his value, even with gws).
I think its extremely important for us to go all out and try and help him with his issues. Not just to be seen doing the right thing, but so the club can also learn about managing troubled players.

Having said that, I think DM just needs a little more time to reach an acceptable maturity level for AFL.

He's still got time on his side and I'm sure Dimma will be very patient with him. Still deserves his shot until he proves otherwise.
On your two points:

1) Stern Words
What does that mean? Did he get stern words for doing bongs, rocking up late for training, hanging with "the wrong crowd", partying too much? Reality is he could have got "stern words" for everything from not following instructions during training, to being a major bong head. Off course everyone is running to the latter level of situation. Main reason I'm not worried if it was the latter the media would be pushing the allegations a lot harder (as Caro has done with him previously by mentioning him in most drug related non-Martin stories she has written).

well we don't know. You're right, it could be anything. But if he's needing to be "pulled back into line", that's not great whichever way you carve it. Is it? Bongs or turning up to training late or out late doing hookers and blow or whatever.

2) Leaving the Club
This is a part of modern footy now. Thought we were a big risk to lose Lids, glad we didn't. This year its Jack, Cotch, and Martin all up for grabs. Odds are its hard to keep everyone. Hope we do, but all sides lose people. Its the whole point of the cap.

Cap is different to needing to get another environment to get the best out of yourself. How often have we seen players need the reality of a second chance for the penny to drop?
I would have thought it has more to do with whether he can make the most of his talent in an uber-professional environment. I don't care if he's a "bad boy"; I care if that means he can't bring it on the field due to club or fitness requirements

I tend to agree with Breretons assessment that he may be/get a little too big to be a full time onballer.

I see him as a mid/swing forward that will play more forward as he gets older. A slightly lesser version of Ricciuto.
Fingers crossed he can stay in line, certainly has the talent to be a star. I believe Choco will have a good influence on him, and though he's had a couple of minor behaviour issues and some rumours being thrown around, he's yet to do anything drastically stupid ala Cousins or a Fev. I have faith in the kid, I'm at least going to give him a chance, until he proves otherwise.

Didn't Choco back in the day say that after interviewing Martin he'd never recruit him because he was "too dumb"?
I tend to agree with Breretons assessment that he may be/get a little too big to be a full time onballer.

I see him as a mid/swing forward that will play more forward as he gets older. A slightly lesser version of Ricciuto.
I also agree. He's going to be a powerful unit whatever happens, but midfield requires elite fitness and he may or may not get there
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