Should we squeal like the crows did

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Thread has gone off topic.
To the Crows fans posting here, remember you are doing so as a guest and while you will be, and have been, given every opportunity to reply and put your case forward, slagging off our club or its players will not be tolerated.
Everyone needs to get back on topic rather than making gross generalisations about each club.
Everyone also needs to go back to playing the ball, not the man (no any direct correlation to Taylor Walker intended:D )

I have said it all along about the Cows and their pathetic supporter group!
They will not ease off until they have the final say, as in this case, the illegal tackle on Morris by tri-coloured blockhead Taylor Walker.
I have been to many matches here in Adelaide (not involving Richmond) and have no hesitation in saying they are the worst supporter group of every club in the competition, and to cap it all off, their composite side cannot face the reality that Walker's tackle was darnright dangerous and deserved a 3 week MINIMUM penalty!
FACT: The AFL has admitted that Morris should've got the free kick.
OPINION: Everyone outside South Australia has looked at the incident and agreed it was reportable and worth at least 3 weeks

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It has been plasted all over the radio today in every discussion forum, I hate Adelaide's attitude at least most of them anyway, a handfull where saying if you do the crime you do the time.

What we did regarding Jake King last year doesn't sit well with me, I can't defend that action from my club.

On the TW issue:
He definitely deserved what he got, it was a very clumsy tackle in which he could have seriously injured Morris. I think the labeling of him as a thug is ridiculous, he's dumb as dog sh!t but not a thug. His suspension earlier in the year for his "sling tackle" on Harry Taylor was also ridiculous, should never have got games.

What we did regarding Jake King last year doesn't sit well with me, I can't defend that action from my club.

On the TW issue:
He definitely deserved what he got, it was a very clumsy tackle in which he could have seriously injured Morris. I think the labeling of him as a thug is ridiculous, he's dumb as dog sh!t but not a thug. His suspension earlier in the year for his "sling tackle" on Harry Taylor was also ridiculous, should never have got games.

so hang on a sec dude. so he slung Harry and he should not have got weeks for it? But this time it was fair because he slung Morris?
so hang on a sec dude. so he slung Harry and he should not have got weeks for it? But this time it was fair because he slung Morris?

I'm old school and don't believe there was anything wrong with the HT tackle.

The Morris tackle was completely different and Walker got his just desserts.
This guy trying to say it's Morris' fault for trying to kick the ball. :confused:

lol , Had a quick read of the Adelaide board abut the Tackle and some of the posts are very amusing, Just Like Graham Corns and that Idiot commentator on 5AA who sounds like he swallowed a bottle of helium, oh and the Old granny ringing up complaining its a Victorian Conspiracy because the crows are good again and thats why walker got 3 weeks from the MRP. :)
I'm amazed at how many Adelaide fans think it's some conspiracy and the tackle was fine. Compare that to Jackson getting done for a lap tap here and the common comment is 'he's an idiot, deserved it for being stupid'. I honestly cannot see how ANYONE who has played football at any level could think that tackle was fine. It's just plain dangerous and if someone did that to me and I didn't get injured you would get up wanting to kill them. I also like how they all bring up the Nahas incident, he probably should of been suspend, so what... it's not the same incident and just because he got off in no way means anyone else should just because of it. Bit like a murderer at trial going 'well OJ got off'.

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This guy trying to say it's Morris' fault for trying to kick the ball. :confused:

I keep on hearing from the Crows board that he flipped himself upside down when he tried to kick the ball. Looking at that footage there is no evidence of a kick for the ball, even if there was I can't see how a person can kick hard enough to bring themselves upside down.

If the Crow supporters can actually see a kick in that tackle then they should seriously consider take up umpiring.
I keep on hearing from the Crows board that he flipped himself upside down when he tried to kick the ball. Looking at that footage there is no evidence of a kick for the ball, even if there was I can't see how a person can kick hard enough to bring themselves upside down.

If the Crow supporters can actually see a kick in that tackle then they should seriously consider take up umpiring.[/quote

He did try and kick it and I even think he connected with his shin.
If they truly thought that Walker should 'walk free' from the consequences of a dangerous tackle, then, why didn't they challenge?

Hell Daniel Jackson challenges everything and Taylah girl couldn't challenge this one incident? That doesn't sound like an innocent man, that sounds like a man who knows what to expect from the penalties incurred by undertaking a sling tackle.

Well done to the AFL...I don't say that too often, it's important to try and stay consistent.

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Should we squeal like the crows did

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