Should we squeal like the crows did

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I know we get nothing out of this suspension as we have already played them but god its funny reading the crow fans going off on their forum, talks about how they should appeal and hope he only gets 1 week ..... oh man this is hilarious and talk about karma coming back to bite them on their arse over last year. Salty tears on that board.

I'd love to read what our medical report had in it, wonder if there really was a photo of Morris with a neck brace on. :D

Carrying on about a medical report when they dobbed Kingy in AFTER THE MATCH last year.
Talk about two faced!
The stupid thing is they had the same attitude at the game smug arrogant believing there own hypocrisy, I had one Guy behind me say when Rance missed a hand pass that it was deliberate, I turned and laughed then he started carrying on saying it should have been, the pass was so shit over and over, I had some old lady crows supporter telling him to shutup sitting next to me, it actually made me really think another visit to Aami.

I don't know, I'm. All for friendly rivalry but most of the crowed was pathetic.

You know that there is a concrete factory just down the road from AAMI....perhaps you should try some;)
Little old lady!!!!!GEEEZZZ:rolleyes:

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Carrying on about a medical report when they dobbed Kingy in AFTER THE MATCH last year.
Talk about two faced!

I seriously don't condone either club's actions .. our medical report, or their dobbing masked as 'clarification', but find it quite ironic the response from the Crows fans. I like to leave emotion out of things and be consistent (which most fans aren't), but find the recation by both clubs in the King ad Walker incidents as poor!
How anyone can argue that the reason Morris landed on his shoulder/neck because he tried to kick the ball over his head is absolutely ridiculous. You can't just pick someone up and dump them and expect to get away with it. The difference between Franklins tackle and Walkers sling is that walker lead the tackle with the head, Buddy didn't. Buddy wasn't as dangerous but it probably should have been a week suspension. Don't recall the nahas tackle some are using as examples so I can't comment.

Jackos hit on Knights was a bit soft, but jacko has a habit of doing stupid shit like this so im not upset about him being suspended.
No need to squeal. Video evidence they would have already have is proof enough. I can't understand how some people can defend this tackle at all. Yes Morris did not get injured but the tackle was incredibly dangerous and could not have gone un-punished.
If anyone is heading over to the Crows board to discuss the issue just a reminder to show some respect. Discuss the issue but leave the Bay 13 bullshit for the bay.
I reckon if you were to you poll the Adelaide board, 80% or more would agree that he probably deserved games. You just can't do that shit these days.

The angst comes from the hypocrisy of the MRP in not giving games to players like Buddy and NLM for acts that were just as reckless and actually caused damage!
I reckon if you were to you poll the Adelaide board, 80% or more would agree that he probably deserved games. You just can't do that shit these days.

The angst comes from the hypocrisy of the MRP in not giving games to players like Buddy and NLM for acts that were just as reckless and actually caused damage!

yep, so many players get away with shit it's unbelievable, so much inconsistency

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Tackling like that is indefensible no matter how much spin you want to try and put on it and is a disgrace. He should be happy with 3 weeks. Sanderson's analysis also was nothing short of very ordinary.
He was always going to get weeks for that tackle, never in doubt. Wouldn't be so much uproar if so many Crows fans were so biased and deluded on the tackle
I think there is an unwritten rule where a club down plays the injuries suffered to help the other clubs player (providing it's not obvious where that player will have to miss games due that injury). In this case because of what the dobbers did to King I think our club just thought "Where do them any favours?" and just stated the cold hard facts.
With the way the Crows supporters are behaving and now trying to link what they did last season to us providing a medical report is laughable. Suck shit Tex, you were lucky to get what you got. Karma crows, Karma.
And RT, they are still going at me on the bay. Lol :)
If Walker wanted to put Morris into a wheelchair he would have. He didn't, no one was hurt and should therefore have no case to answer.

gawd what rubbish , he drove him into the ground, 3 weeks was light considering the danger involved -- 6 weeks would have been a great example that players do need to exercise due care
Astounding flailing about going on re. this west of the border...
Apparently it's all Morris' fault... if he had not tried to keep disposing of the ball it would not have happened!!!
Apparently he should have just gone limp and let that banjo plucker from the Adelaide Hills pile drive him into the turf...
Also, even though said player looks like the coach ties his boot laces for him pre game, he is clever enough to make a split second adjustment to his method becasue "if he really wanted to hurt him he would have"!!!
And of course now we are a bunch of 'dobbers' for providing a medical report... which is a requirement when asked to do so!!!
FFS, Walker is referred to the MRP, we then provide a report... last year MRP had packed up for the day when some 'helpful' Crows ran to them twirling their schoolgirl pigtails... the hypocrisy is astonishing.

What a horrible bunch of sore whingers...

Look out, that packet of Colvan Salt & Vinegar is in danger of falling off your shoulders!!!!
Lets be realistic for a minute, he was commenting on what he saw live from the coaches box. I could understand if he'd watched it 10 times over on video and then made the comment, but that wasn't the case.

It actually looked far worse on the video than it did at normal speed live at the game.

Lets not be realistic for a minute and head down the hypothetical for a minute and talk about split seconds.
Lets say for arguments sake, in a split second decision, since that all it takes for not bad shit to become totally bad shit, Morris twisted somehow or Walker over slung him or something that ended up with paramedics -> wheel chair and the rest that can come with a broken neck. What would "Sando" have said on what he saw live from the coaches box? You see it has nothing to do with watching it 10 times over, when its all to do with watching what the end result was....
I have had a think about this and 3 weeks is getting off lightly for something like this, since what the MRP dont take into account is the difference in size of both players and the "courage" and "toughness" that goes with slinging someone who is nearly 20Kg lighter than you and half a foot shorter..yep Sando that is some tough footy...but Walker is a lucky boy, since nowadays there isnt a Scotty Turner patrolling our BL and showing him what a "tough" nut he aint..
Lets not be realistic for a minute and head down the hypothetical for a minute and talk about split seconds.
Lets say for arguments sake, in a split second decision, since that all it takes for not bad shit to become totally bad shit, Morris twisted somehow or Walker over slung him or something that ended up with paramedics -> wheel chair and the rest that can come with a broken neck. What would "Sando" have said on what he saw live from the coaches box? You see it has nothing to do with watching it 10 times over, when its all to do with watching what the end result was....
I have had a think about this and 3 weeks is getting off lightly for something like this, since what the MRP dont take into account is the difference in size of both players and the "courage" and "toughness" that goes with slinging someone who is nearly 20Kg lighter than you and half a foot shorter..yep Sando that is some tough footy...but Walker is a lucky boy, since nowadays there isnt a Scotty Turner patrolling our BL and showing him what a "tough" nut he aint..

Its a pity Staff wasn't around as well. Tex got off light.
Enjoy your 3 weeks off Tex, hope AFC don't win a game without you. Maybe try out for WWE during your weeks off, you got a great future in wrestling after your footy career!

*And let this remind any other club that decides to dob in a Tiger player (King) that RFC will not be messed with and that revenge will eventually be dished out in spades. Crows you started this last year, so now swallow your bitter pill. Remember we are "Ruthless Richmond" and will always be, so Eat 'Em Alive.

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Should we squeal like the crows did

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