Opinion Simmo is on very thin ice or he will be sanderson 2.0

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Been a Simpson fan since day dot, but even I'm starting to see gaping holes in what Simmo has been saying and what he's been doing.

How long has he been spouting "we're building a game plan which will hold up in big games" and yet that's so laughably inaccurate when describing this team.

Every single big game test they have failed, outside of the 2 finals which were obviously in the comfort of Domain stadium last year. Hawthorn has embarassed us twice, geelong once, Sydney once, and now Adelaide in a home game we had wrapped up.

Looking forward to games against Carlton and GWS to see how we really stack up.

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I say simmo because lots of other departments are under-performing and since e is the commander in chief, his head is on the chopping line. he either is too stupid to see it or he is too stubborn to change it. whats with his stock standard rehearsed press conference responses?? "we will look at the tape and look more closely". are you for real??
  • the midfield coaching team needs to be sacked. just have no clue or dont know what they want. if you looking for a specific player you communicate that with scouts. so they either have no clue or
  • scouts need to be sacked. when was the last time we recruited a decent midfield? masten was supposed to be a top 10 pick. sheppard was a top 10 draft supposed to be a midfield. wello was recruited as midfield. shuey is the only one who has actually performed in my opinion. Ill give Gaff a B+ because I only rate a player as A+ if they are a whole package- gaff aint. and please dont tell me its because he is a winger. if you are considered an elite AFL player, regardless of where you play, your fundemental KPI's are kicking skills, accumulating possession, tackle, and know how to shrug off tackles, 1%s and high game IQ. thats what makes you an elite, not just being good at few components. simple. same argument for priddis, redden, hutch. the only one who comes anywhere close to that criteria is Shuey and even he is not quiet there. so what the **** is our coaching staff doing??
  • game plan- our game plan worked last year because it was new, teams didnt know how to counter it and we got blindsided. By we I mean coaching staff, because the moment you get figured out( like crows under sando or port under hinkley) you have to show versatility or in other words coaching smarts. thats what scott did two weeks ago against giants at skilled stadium and won them the game. why?? because plan A didn't work so he went to plan B and C.
so, all of that inefficiencies comes down to the head coach because e has to oversee all these areas and make a final call. he is either incapable of finding a solution( lose your job) or he is incapable of identifying the problem( also needs to get sacked). unless he has a plan which he must be providing to the board or e has to be shown the door. he is on very thin ice. the only change he has made to the midfield has been mainly due to injury or illness not form which is a disgrace.how could masten get game after game? how could lecras get a game after tat?? schofield looked like poo. these guys need to understand as a professional athlete, the expectation is to perform at a certain level, if not, very simple, wafl, get some form and come back in. they need to know that nobody in that team is gtd a spot because of their names or reputation rather than performance. thats a major cultural problem we are having. maybe simmo doesn't even have the power to make such calls. who knows.

Bottom line is- change is required, you cannot run a successful organisation if you're romantically involved( Gary Vee line), you have to make some tough calls. this 22 will not win us a flag, even if they do it will not be sustainable. Just like what Hawthorn and every other club would like to do. win or at least make prelim few years in a row if you have a premireship window.swans are another great example of how an organisation should be run, not for quick short term impact. long term plan and executed. swans will be there an about for another 3 to 4 seasons, mark my words. then they will rebuild and do it again. Cats are doing that now. pies will be there soon.
You were going alright right up to "Pies will be there soon"
Seems a little bit of an overreaction, don't you think?

Not sure even Clarkson could improve this midfield.

But I'll entertain it - who do we replace him with?

James Hird.

Simpson is always saying that our midfielders are too small; Hird will make us big in no time.
What about getting in Jarrad Schofield as a midfield coach, the blokes taken Subiaco(who were spoon favourites at the time) to win the last 2 flags and are looking well within a chance of winning another!!!

Couldnt be any worse than Coxy running the show.

Coxy's not running the show, Rawlings is the midfield coach.
Coxy's not running the show, Rawlings is the midfield coach.

I think that's where the major issue is. We're too predictable not versatile enough. We have too many that aren't at the level they were last year. Shuey, Priddis, Gaff, Lecras all are below par. Maybe we really do miss Sheed, but that's only part of the puzzle.
Been a Simpson fan since day dot, but even I'm starting to see gaping holes in what Simmo has been saying and what he's been doing.

How long has he been spouting "we're building a game plan which will hold up in big games" and yet that's so laughably inaccurate when describing this team.

Every single big game test they have failed, outside of the 2 finals which were obviously in the comfort of Domain stadium last year. Hawthorn has embarassed us twice, geelong once, Sydney once, and now Adelaide in a home game we had wrapped up.

Looking forward to games against Carlton and GWS to see how we really stack up.

The problem is he can't come out and say we don't have the players to achieve what we want to achieve because it would offend his players, and you know how bad it is offending someone these days!!
So he just keeps saying we are working on it.
You know as well as I do that AFL coaches, administrators etc tell us what we want to hear or tell us enough to make it look as though they are on to it.

You can't play Hawthorns game plan without Hawthorns players!!

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He can only work with the cattle the recruiters and Woosha gave him. He's not stupid, he knows we have a list filled with B-grade talent. I have faith he will put his stamp on the club in a big way in the next few years and build us up to where we should be.
This type of logic has no place her. What he can not turn a soft C grade god son of Woodhouse into a Judd? who is this man???
He can only work with the cattle the recruiters and Woosha gave him. He's not stupid, he knows we have a list filled with B-grade talent. I have faith he will put his stamp on the club in a big way in the next few years and build us up to where we should be.
He contributed to that during the off-season.
I apologies.^^However, misspelling, grammar, or missing a coma or full stop has nothing to do with the validity of my points.^ Those who can't win an argument, start focusing on all the irrelevant points to make themselves feel good. This is a forum, I was half mad, half drunk when i posted this on a long weekend. For you to go to that length with the whole grammar lecture, gives me the impression of how much of a low life twat you would be, missing the whole point of the post and instead, tooting your own horn<comma>showboating your ******* "jackass" traits.

Please spare me of your banality. neither try to seduce me nor bore me with the belligerence of your insolence.^^How is that for a little English lecture?? shove that right up yours. Go preach somewhere else. Only get back to me if it is footy related<comma>you twat.^^Or continue being a low life correcting people, which is basically every single post in this forum when it comes to grammar, spelling and punctuation.

Toot toot ...
yes you can. just like any other big organisation, if you dont hit you KPIs, you will have to answer and ultimately, the coach makes the final call.

I get KPIs. I think the flaw in your logic is assuming that the coach runs the organisation, and has final call. Clubs are much bigger than that. Coaches just get fired because simpletons think that a cosmetic change is a fresh start and fixes the rot.
Just watched the replay of the highlights of the final against Hawthorn last year (just to see the comparison in form) and it put shivers down my back to see how well they played!! The desperation, running, supporting each other, tackling, decision making etc was a sight to see - what the hell has gone wrong this year is the big question we have all been asking, as a lot of the players are still playing this year. I know we no longer have Sinclair or Rosa who were playing that day but that wasn't the difference Nic Nat had a superb game but so did all the other players. They played like men possessed!! McKenzie of course was not there.

All I can put it down to is the change in game this year with less rotations, but the attitude and hunger has gone way south. Know I'm not saying anything that's not already obvious and hasn't been discussed previously, but it really is staggering as to how a teams form can drop off so much in just one pre-season. Even with losing Pyke (and if that's the reason) you would think that how he coached would have been instilled in their minds, unless there has been a change in tactics/instructions from the coaching staff of course.

As I've said in previous posts it's obvious it's not just the players out of form, but still no reason to start talking about sacking the coach. Plenty of credits in the Bank In my opinion.
Think Darling is the least of our problems. Sure he fades out of games, but he's no Robinson Crusoe Wouldn't have Pickett and is Coniglio all that good. Thought he was a bit inconsistent from what I've heard. McCarthy - no thanks.
That trade was only based on someone elses rumour that we're looking at trading darling and bringing in Mccarthy. Just trying to make a trade that worked for both teams
Just watched the replay of the highlights of the final against Hawthorn last year (just to see the comparison in form) and it put shivers down my back to see how well they played!! The desperation, running, supporting each other, tackling, decision making etc was a sight to see - what the hell has gone wrong this year is the big question we have all been asking, as a lot of the players are still playing this year. I know we no longer have Sinclair or Rosa who were playing that day but that wasn't the difference Nic Nat had a superb game but so did all the other players. They played like men possessed!! McKenzie of course was not there.

All I can put it down to is the change in game this year with less rotations, but the attitude and hunger has gone way south. Know I'm not saying anything that's not already obvious and hasn't been discussed previously, but it really is staggering as to how a teams form can drop off so much in just one pre-season. Even with losing Pyke (and if that's the reason) you would think that how he coached would have been instilled in their minds, unless there has been a change in tactics/instructions from the coaching staff of course.

As I've said in previous posts it's obvious it's not just the players out of form, but still no reason to start talking about sacking the coach. Plenty of credits in the Bank In my opinion.

I watched a part of a Fox Footy program (can't remember the name) last year where they discussed instances of 4 or more goals kicked in a row against all teams and I think we had the least number of instances; this year we may be be heading that list (this was certainly the case against Hawthorn, Geelong, Sydney and now Adelaide). Even in the Collingwood game this year, we gave up a lot of our lead before kicking on. Except the Hawthorn game, all of our other loses seem to follow a similar pattern - we work hard to get a lead (won the 1st quarter in all of our loses except the Hawthorn game) and then give up that lead too easily when the opposition get a bit of momentum.

If our coaches can identify what we did right last year to arrest the opposition momentum and replicate it this year then we will win more games than we loose.

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Opinion Simmo is on very thin ice or he will be sanderson 2.0

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