Coach Simpson’s final years - What went wrong

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Or...we could just let people talk about what they want to and if you don't want to read it then don't click on the thread?


If people want to trudge over old ground they can but I transferred the initial chat from the 2025 coach thread so that people could avoid it if they want by simply not clicking on the thread
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Watched part 2 of Simmo’s Backchat last night. Strongly recommend every West Coast fan gives it a watch too - almost relieving to see Simmo be able to speak in a candid and comfortable setting. Poor bloke has gone from a player and captain, straight into assistant coaching and straight into senior coaching for 30 years. Never had a chance to really speak as Simmo the dude instead of Simmo the AFL employee.

He’s a bit of a strange cat but it’s clear his main priority has always been looking after the players.
It is indeed a really good two part sit down chat.

Just not sure about the shirt selection. That shirt hasn't been good for about 2 years but he keeps backing it in. I think J. Schofield would make a more bold statement when it comes to shirt selection.
Definitely worth checking out that backchat episode, Simmo is pretty open about where certain things went wrong and for me it puts to bed some questions I'd had watching from afar.

Highlights would be,

+ 2015 GF prep was far from ideal, and we basically did everything differently in 2018. Kinda makes you wonder what might have been if they got it right the first time- as I've always felt we were a better side relative to the competition in 2015- but what can you do. 2nd year coach from Victoria in a GF with a travelling WA based team.

+ Schofield telling the story of Jetta being late to a final because he was playing call of duty and lost track of the time, Simmo still bristled a bit hearing it back and fair enough lol. Seems that was a challenging relationship but god love Jetts.

+ On the 2015 zone defence/web. "I guarantee Wellingham didn't know what was going on" lol.

+ 2016 and 2017 were poor years largely because they messed too much with a winning system looking for a greater edge, just an overcorrection that they realised and addressed in 2018.

Overall it just kind of drives home the point that a football club is full of human beings just trying things and learning and doing their best. As a fan you kinda expect that human error should be all but eliminated but in reality in every year all it takes for the half dozen or more clubs who could be genuine contenders to have a dud campaign is for the balance to be slightly off.

A very good coach could be defined as someone who, with a great list in its window, can find a way to rise above the mean and gets more right than they get wrong for once. Between 2015 and 2020 we had the ingredients to be the best side in the league and in 2 of those years it was between us and one other club. In 2018 we were that club. Simmo proved he was a very good coach, but just because you do something once doesn't really make you an expert and most who've done it once will never do it again. The past 6 seasons is just what never doing it again looks like no?

You kind wish we'd of had an all time great at the helm for the last 10 years and that maybe that means an extra cup or two in the trophy cabinet and a few less wooden spoons on the other side but it is what it is. All coaches have weaknesses and hindsight is 20/20. Time for someone else to have a crack and let's hope the next bloke is at least as good- because most aren't. It's a long road back and it's easy to be negative about the state Simmo left the club in, but don't look back in anger.

Much like Whoosh, he's more than likely left it in a much better state than we realise. I have to imagine we're in a better place than if someone who was an objectively bad coach had of been at the helm these last 3 years anyway.

Edit: Another thing that was mentioned in the pod, a large part of why Simpson was appointed and with regard to drafting certainly in the beginning of his tenure, was that the club's number 1 priority was bringing in people of "excellent character" following the collapse of the bad boiz era that netted the 2006 premiership. Character was more important even than football ability when selecting draftee's [according to Simmo] so in one way or another that's going to shape the playing group and present novel challenges. We certainly seem to have created a playing group what was inordinately family oriented [bloody kids everywhere] and loyal. Made a unique and tightly knit group at the front end [2018] but maybe toward the end where all the senior guys bodies started failing them- miraculously around the same time they had newborns through to toddlers sleeping under the same roof- and overwhelmingly refusing to explore greener pastures where most lists would experience some natural turnover in exchange for an improved draft hand, this project revealed some downsides. I suspect that the whole "credits crew" thing was probably also an unanticipated dimension to this culture of family and loyalty and good vibes that we pursued, and that's not really all on Simmo.
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Definitely worth checking out that backchat episode, Simmo is pretty open about where certain things went wrong and for me it puts to bed some questions I'd had watching from afar.

Highlights would be,

+ 2015 GF prep was far from ideal, and we basically did everything differently in 2018. Kinda makes you wonder what might have been if they got it right the first time- as I've always felt we were a better side relative to the competition in 2015- but what can you do. 2nd year coach from Victoria in a GF with a travelling WA based team.

+ Schofield telling the story of Jetta being late to a final because he was playing call of duty and lost track of the time, Simmo still bristled a bit hearing it back and fair enough lol. Seems that was a challenging relationship but god love Jetts.

+ On the 2015 zone defence/web. "I guarantee Wellingham didn't know what was going on" lol.

+ 2016 and 2017 were poor years largely because they messed too much with a winning system looking for a greater edge, just an overcorrection that they realised and addressed in 2018.

Overall it just kind of drives home the point that a football club is full of human beings just trying things and learning and doing their best. As a fan you kinda expect that human error should be all but eliminated but in reality in every year all it takes for the half dozen or more clubs who could be genuine contenders to have a dud campaign is for the balance to be slightly off.

A very good coach could be defined as someone who, with a great list in its window, can find a way to rise above the mean and gets more right than they get wrong for once. Between 2015 and 2020 we had the ingredients to be the best side in the league and in 2 of those years it was between us and one other club. In 2018 we were that club. Simmo proved he was a very good coach, but just because you do something once doesn't really make you an expert and most who've done it once will never do it again. The past 6 seasons is just what never doing it again looks like no?

You kind wish we'd of had an all time great at the helm for the last 10 years and that maybe that means an extra cup or two in the trophy cabinet and a few less wooden spoons on the other side but it is what it is. All coaches have weaknesses and hindsight is 20/20. Time for someone else to have a crack and let's hope the next bloke is at least as good- because most aren't. It's a long road back and it's easy to be negative about the state Simmo left the club in, but don't look back in anger.

Much like Whoosh, he's more than likely left it in a much better state than we realise. I have to imagine we're in a better place than if someone who was an objectively bad coach had of been at the helm these last 3 years anyway.

Simmo was a good coach who won us a flag and will forever be a premiership coach at our club.
But you could not plan to leave the club in a bigger mess than he has. The club is as low as any club could possibly be.
It’s not just Simmo who is responsible but as the senior coach on huge money it’s very much on him more than anyone.
We will move on and we will recover in time. But it’s a long way back.
Simmo was a good coach who won us a flag and will forever be a premiership coach at our club.
But you could not plan to leave the club in a bigger mess than he has. The club is as low as any club could possibly be.
It’s not just Simmo who is responsible but as the senior coach on huge money it’s very much on him more than anyone.
We will move on and we will recover in time. But it’s a long way back.

I'm not sure about this, for me it depends on what happens in the next 12 months. It might be a fairly short way back.

We had arguably the worst 3 years on the field of any club in history, but I'm not sure that the psychological scars are there that clubs like Melbourne had after similar periods down the bottom of the ladder. So the cost of those down years might be much less. With a pretty high rate of list turnover and other personnel changes off field, I think we can probably avoid a situation where failure becomes some sort of endemic new norm.

On the flip side, even when we might of been the form side of the competition during periods between 2015 and 2020 we never had the kind of true strength of character or hard edge that is the brand of many top sides. From memory a lot of that was a criticism of the Worsfold 2011/2012 era team as well. So even if the scars of the past 3 years are only skin deep, what lurks beneath the surface isn't exactly hardened steel either. Its up the the next generation of players to define their own identities now though, it looks to me that the young guys are from a different mould so lets back them in and hope to be surprised.

All in all, I'm sympathetic to the perfect storm thesis in which our poor from has been exaggerated and to a certain point is not a true account of where we sit. We needed access to the top of the draft and we needed to move on the coach, so to the extent we have done those things now I'm not too focused on just how badly Simmo coached. Best case scenario is that no coach- or at least Simmo specifically- could have done much better with the cards that were dealt and that's precipitated a change in direction for the club. It's now largely about a [mostly] new set of challenges facing a [mostly] new playing group and [mostly] new football department.
I forgot just how farrkked that hub situation the first time around was. Leaving for QLD with absolutely no word on anything else.

Also kind of disappointing to hear that the credits crew was pretty much a thing.
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I'm not sure about this, for me it depends on what happens in the next 12 months. It might be a fairly short way back.

We had arguably the worst 3 years on the field of any club in history, but I'm not sure that the psychological scars are there that clubs like Melbourne had after similar periods down the bottom of the ladder. So the cost of those down years might be much less. With a pretty high rate of list turnover and other personnel changes off field, I think we can probably avoid a situation where failure becomes some sort of endemic new norm.

On the flip side, even when we might of been the form side of the competition during periods between 2015 and 2020 we never had the kind of true strength of character or hard edge that is the brand of many top sides. From memory a lot of that was a criticism of the Worsfold 2011/2012 era team as well. So even if the scars of the past 3 years are only skin deep, what lurks beneath the surface isn't exactly hardened steel either. Its up the the next generation of players to define their own identities now though, it looks to me that the young guys are from a different mould so lets back them in and hope to be surprised.

All in all, I'm sympathetic to the perfect storm thesis in which our poor from has been exaggerated and to a certain point is not a true account of where we sit. We needed access to the top of the draft and we needed to move on the coach, so to the extent we have done those things now I'm not too focused on just how badly Simmo coached. Best case scenario is that no coach- or at least Simmo specifically- could have done much better with the cards that were dealt and that's precipitated a change in direction for the club. It's now largely about a [mostly] new set of challenges facing a [mostly] new playing group and [mostly] new football department.

Covid plus the two years of having 20+ players on the injured list absolutely ravaged the players and destroyed their confidence. Then trying to call on the Eagles WAFL players who win on average two games a year has bred a losers mentality and standards involving everything went into the toilet.

Hopefully a new coach with a harder edge can snap these blokes out of their three year malaise.

Would still be a good coach elsewhere, was just here too long and sounds like he well and truly knew it

I think he meant that had we nit won in 2018 it might have harder to stay because if you haven’t won a flag after 5 or 6 years the clock starts to tick on how much longer you get
I forgot just how farrkked that hub situation the first time around was. Leaving for QLD with absolutely no word on anything else.

Everyone seems to recall the WCE response when they were hubbing but not many recall the circumstances leading up to it, the impact on families and, initially, the undetermined duration and lack of clarity surrounding the hub duration.

Sure, should have got over it quicker than we did (for whatever reason) but the situation should never be discussed simply as the Eagles didn’t hub well.

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Quality journalism.

Compare Dixon, who has been washed up for years, to anyone and he looks to lack run and pace.

Geelongs talls kick 6 between them, so just call one them a "tall-small" and continue on your merry way with your forced narrative.
Lol - wtf is a "tall-small"? Cameron is a KPF through and through. Sure he can run, so could Buddy and Kennedy.

Would still be a good coach elsewhere, was just here too long and sounds like he well and truly knew it

He said something similar on Schofield’s podcast. Said that when he got to the club in 2014 that the players were ready for a new voice, and that he feels the current players are the same. Was very optimistic that they could respond quote well to the right coach. Exact quote was something like "they're so ready, I can feel it"
He said something similar on Schofield’s podcast. Said that when he got to the club in 2014 that the players were ready for a new voice, and that he feels the current players are the same. Was very optimistic that they could respond quote well to the right coach. Exact quote was something like "they're so ready, I can feel it"
So ready to actually try and not get flogged each week?

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Coach Simpson’s final years - What went wrong

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