Sledging - What is and isn't acceptable?

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Sledging is open slather with no rules or boundaries, although how low and personal some one sledges is something they have to live with and expect some consequences.

The idea of sledging is to put some one off their game, certain players are put off easier than others so some you need to sledge more personal.

Ive said some interesting things to players out on field but at the end of the game it stops there.

If an opposition player was having a shot for goal after the siren to win the granny, i would delve to lowest sledge possable to put him off his kick.
His kids, family disabilities etc...

Its a dog eat dog world out there, no place for nice guys.
Seriously, grow some stones. As long as it is not racist, which is against the rules, then everything is fair game.

I've had depression years ago, if someone jibbed at me about it then I would laugh it off. I've played during the times when racial abuse was fair game, you had to learn to have a thick skin, people stop yapping when they realise the taunts have no effect.

Any time someone has a go at you then put in that 10 or 20% more into the contest, use their comments to motivate you. That is why they have sports psychologists now who profile each player and say which ones are good targets to taunt and which are not. If it puts them off their game then go for it. There are no rules against it and Schwass was one of the biggest yappers at North in the 90s, he shouldn't really be criticising anyone.

Just suck it up you bunch of latte sipping pansies ffs.

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Did you only just suffer depression starting last year? Barracking for hawthorn and that?

If you open yourself up to being sledged, cop it.

What he said was so bad that it cause Des to lose the plot, but apparently it is fair game...

This is what the grey areas and a lack of a solid definitive standard causes.

It wasn't fair game according to the afl though

Des should've got rubbed out for weeks but he didn't

Interestingly not too much was done to Selwood - still not 100% sure why

Dessy wasn't done because of "exceptional and compelling circumstances by way of provocation" - then why wasn't Selwood done?

If it was fair game Des would've been let off and Selwood would have copped a heavy fine instead of being cleared

It it wasn't fair game Des would have got a heavy suspension and Selwood cleared

But neither cases happened, so it was neither fair game or not fair game
The only thing i think is unacceptable on a footy fieldis making fun of a family member with a disabilty or illness or the death of someone.

I am a depression sufferer myself, but even I would cop it on the footy field

The risk with the sledging of depression sufferers would clearly that it leads to something more serious if it's sustained and they don't feel able to cope.... And different people will have different tolerances for it... I think the NRL investigation and Slater's quick apology suggest that perhaps it's crossing the line...

A lot of effort goes into depression awareness, so it's a bit of a grey area for mine....
The only thing i think is unacceptable on a footy fieldis making fun of a family member with a disabilty or illness or the death of someone.

I am a depression sufferer myself, but even I would cop it on the footy field

One of the things people don't realise about depression is that it's an internal condition that isn't really dictated by the outside world but rather the person's reaction to it and how their brain is filtering things. Some idiot saying something on a footy field would have almost no effect because the depression sufferer is much more aware of what the condition is about. No off-hand sledge is going to push somebody to suicide. There are two types of depression - the chemical type which is not responsive to counselling - and for the same reason, not really affected by stupid footy sledging. The other type is more a reaction to life events or a pattern of negative thinking. The second type is possibly more reactive to sledging, but not very much - and even then, it's not the sledging about depression that would be effective, the sledging would need to be about what the sufferer is depressed about.

The typical reaction to a footy sledge from a depression sufferer would be, "what a nob" - because they know that the sledger has no understanding of the condition at all.

BTW, I realise that the above is a simplification and that there are overlaps between the two types of depression, but I thought I'd keep it simple for people who have never experienced it.
I enjoyed Judds comeback when West Coast players bagged him about his screwed shoulders.

"well they would be stuffed after i've been carrying you guys for the last 4 years"

That was quite good.

Some Pakistan cricketer also telling Mark Waugh..

"Atleast i'm the best cricketer in my family"

There really is no comeback for that.
Are is far too grey as the sledge has a varying effect depending on the reciepiants feeling on each sledge or his/her views.

e.g a sledge of 'dirty wog' may be water of one players back, while another player may have or has a family member who's suffered at the hands of racism etc.
If i am a carlton player and sees Benny cousin look a little down, i would go up to him and sledge him: 'hey benny boy, u looking for ur cocain mate, got some in my bag, wanna share it during half time break?'
He'd then say, no thanks, I only use the good shit that you can't afford because you're a shit player on a shit salary.....he then runs off with the footy.

If you sledge a good player, you better make it a ripper because good players usually have a strong, fighting mental capacity and feed off it.

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its no big deal if the AFL outlaws sledging..

it's not like anyone will stop watching/playing football if sledging is forbidden


But then there's always going to be grey area between what is defined as sledging and what isn't

it's all down to the interpretation/experiences of each individual player - both the one who is sledging and the one who is copping it

the depression example is a good one, one player who suffers depression may not give a rats if someone has a dig at him for it, but a player who suffers it and has lost someone due to suicide that is depression related, it may tweak a nerve

also the racism example - if a players family/friends have maybe copped a raw deal/assault because of their race then this may be more personal than just having a dig

therefore do your research before you "sledge"

every player is different so all reactions will be different
The risk with the sledging of depression sufferers would clearly that it leads to something more serious if it's sustained and they don't feel able to cope.... And different people will have different tolerances for it... I think the NRL investigation and Slater's quick apology suggest that perhaps it's crossing the line...

A lot of effort goes into depression awareness, so it's a bit of a grey area for mine....

If someone isn't mentally fit and can't handle the rigours of being a professional sportsman, then they shouldnt be competing. The whole idea of a sledge is to put someone off thier game. It might seem insensitive but if it works well mission accomplished
It wasn't fair game according to the afl though

Des should've got rubbed out for weeks but he didn't

Interestingly not too much was done to Selwood - still not 100% sure why

Dessy wasn't done because of "exceptional and compelling circumstances by way of provocation" - then why wasn't Selwood done?

If it was fair game Des would've been let off and Selwood would have copped a heavy fine instead of being cleared

It it wasn't fair game Des would have got a heavy suspension and Selwood cleared

But neither cases happened, so it was neither fair game or not fair game

Pure crybaby drivel !!!

Selwood abused a tattoo, which he had no idea represented Dimwits daughter.. Get over it.

The only joke was Headcase getting off on a striking charge because he used his race as an excuse...PATHETIC.
Pure crybaby drivel !!!

Selwood abused a tattoo, which he had no idea represented Dimwits daughter.. Get over it.

The only joke was Headcase getting off on a striking charge because he used his race as an excuse...PATHETIC.

Yet another deluded eagles fan :)

Des told Selwood that it was his daughter and selwood kept going

Otherwise why else would Dessy have got off a striking charge?

He should've got weeks under normal circumstances

But he didn't. Why?

Because Selwood kept going
what people have to realise these days, i don't necessarily 100% agree with this, is that the football field is now considered a work place, and the AFL (and other sporting organisations) have some sort of responsibility to the players to ensure they're mental well being is looked after whilst they are at work - and the sporting field is now considered part of a sportsmen's work place.

so in that regards, basically sporting organisation's are clamping down in these sort of incidents and in this world which is becoming increasingly politically correct they will do everything they can do stop them.
Serious illness (self or family) and kids should be off limits.

Really anything else, players need to HTFU. Sexist, hairist (what DO you call someone sledging on hair colour?!), racist, religious whatever. It should all be fine to go on the field. If players can't handle a sledge about these then they are soft.
I don't see why we're even having this conversation, theres no problem with sledging in the AFL. Over the line moments are few and far between and are generally solved with a quick Biff in the centre of the field.
Yet another deluded eagles fan :)

Des told Selwood that it was his daughter and selwood kept going

Otherwise why else would Dessy have got off a striking charge?

He should've got weeks under normal circumstances

But he didn't. Why?

Because Selwood kept going

Jeez your seats must be in the middle of the ground, or perhaps you are just accepting Dessie's version?

Perhaps he got off because of his major overreaction to copping a flogging all day was enough to convince the tribunal that it may be true, no way of proving and he's bringing race into it so we'll just say we can't work it out and let them both off.
Jeez your seats must be in the middle of the ground, or perhaps you are just accepting Dessie's version?

Perhaps he got off because of his major overreaction to copping a flogging all day was enough to convince the tribunal that it may be true, no way of proving and he's bringing race into it so we'll just say we can't work it out and let them both off.

I'm not accepting his story

Neither player had enough evidence

One thing in our favour was Peter Bell - he's a bloody lawyer and was one at the time and he was the one that went up to Selwood to ask him to apologise

I know there's a mentality to stick by your own team but if Dessy was lying would Belly have gone up to Selwood and asked him to apologise to Des?

Probably not - he wouldn't want to get himself involved in a potentially big legal dispute

The fact remains that the only way des could have gotten off the six week charge was if the claims were false - this was not the case - they were never really confirmed

The case was never solved and both players still got off - Selwood didn't even get a fine IIRC
[quote=im_a_lazy_sod;17182861]Yet another deluded eagles fan :)

Des told Selwood that it was his daughter and selwood kept going

Otherwise why else would Dessy have got off a striking charge?

He should've got weeks under normal circumstances

But he didn't. Why?

Because Selwood kept going[/quote]

Headcases version to get off a striking charge :rolleyes:

Yeah some real credibility there...Yet Im the deluded one....sheesh
[quote=im_a_lazy_sod;17182861]Yet another deluded eagles fan :)

Des told Selwood that it was his daughter and selwood kept going

Otherwise why else would Dessy have got off a striking charge?

He should've got weeks under normal circumstances

But he didn't. Why?

Because Selwood kept going

Headcases version to get off a striking charge :rolleyes:

Yeah some real credibility there...Yet Im the deluded one....sheesh[/quote]

Read this article then get back to me =)

NOONE that was on the field gave evidence/was a witness for selwood

Just the chairman as a PR stunt

Whereas Bell presented evidence as a Lawyer

Credibility count?

Headland 1, Selwood 0

Still will probably never know what was said until Selwood grows some and spills the beans

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Sledging - What is and isn't acceptable?

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