So... a guy got beheaded in front of my office today

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The guy killed has been identified.

Served as a machine gunner in Afghanistan.

Legitimate target.

yeah nah. its a good footy reply.

i dont like fighting them here. thats why we were in afpak right?

when can one had civilian agency? like jews in israel? i was on your side wrt legit target, but now, need to explore it further (not in jurisprudence terms), i am leaning to soldier/war actor, can assume a civilian agent/cy.
The fact you guys can disassociate a nationalist movement like the IRA that resorted to terrorism so easily from the religion of many of its members, yet will conveniently attribute the religion of these other guys who were otherwise acting (crazily) in a nationalist discourse by attacking a British soldier as a symbol of the system attacking their ancestral homes is quite astounding

Its easy right.

The IRA venerated Protestants in its legends - Wolfe Tone etc.

You show me one Sunni salafist jihadi who venerates any Shia battle heroes, and I'll admit I was wrong.

You can't, because there are none.

Salafist jihadis are about the installation of a worldwide hardline Sunni theocratic state.

The IRA wanted six shitty counties of the island of Ireland reuinted with the other 26 and ruled in a democratic fashion from Dublin.

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the guys with links to militants in Islamabad that were knocked off last year ;)

You got a link? I've been googled stratfor Islamabad assassination murders and variations of and got nothing.

Fundies get their tickets punched in Pakistan all the time so I'm sorry if a little winking emto isn't trigger a memory.
Muslims and Muslim Organisations denounce murders in the name of Islam.

Muslims and Muslim Organisations continue to preach and practice complete segregation from their host nation. Muslims first, love of country second.

That is, and will always be the problem with Islam (and to a further extent, mass immigration in uncontrolled numbers)
The guy killed has been identified.

Served as a machine gunner in Afghanistan.

Legitimate target.

So where do you draw the line?
Personal I don't draw any line I've stated time and again we should take restrictions off our armies and be done with these use wars.

Example the next time the nutter back in my home town chants his fundie rubbish saying death to the infidels and all his other tripe, can an Aussie trooper slot him at macca's in Alexandria?

He's all for the war against non believers actually got kicked out of the main mosque a few yrs ago (not that, that shit makes today tonight) is he a legitimate target?

If not why? Jihadist's don't wear a uniform their not regulars the only thing that identify's them is that they oppose western culture and values and want to kill unbelievers........he fits that bill, why not slot him?
shock and awe.

better code for terrorist strike you could not find

Also sanctions.

500,000 dead Iraqi civilian kids were worth it according to Madeleine Albright.

(When will the scaly black hands reach through the turf to drag her down to where she belongs?)
So where do you draw the line?
Personal I don't draw any line I've stated time and again we should take restrictions off our armies and be done with these use wars.

Example the next time the nutter back in my home town chants his fundie rubbish saying death to the infidels and all his other tripe, can an Aussie trooper slot him at macca's in Alexandria?

He's all for the war against non believers actually got kicked out of the main mosque a few yrs ago (not that, that shit makes today tonight) is he a legitimate target?

If not why? Jihadist's don't wear a uniform their not regulars the only thing that identify's them is that they oppose western culture and values and want to kill unbelievers........he fits that bill, why not slot him?

The difference between "us" and "them" is that we have laws and secular court system. So this bloke, if he is indeed calling for the murder of kufr and so on, should be dealt with by the relevant civilian authorities, in this case the police. Inciting violence is a serious crime.
Good ol Malifice....bigfootys resident dhimmi apologist at it again. If blokes being beheaded in broad daylight on the streets of London isnt enough for you to acknowledge there is a problem, I would hate to see what would. Its nauseating to see your continuing dismissal of anyone who has concerns as a bigoted nutbag.

And now your a mod. Christ.

Yep he and many others are far more concerned with the EDL. Imagine if it was a couple of EDL members who ran over a Muslim then chopped his head off, think these jokers might have harsh words to say about the ideology they follow? And if the EDL did do such a thing imagine the reaction, it would be close to civil war. Its only a matter of time before something like that happens and the shit will hit the fan in a big way.
The murder of Osama Bin Laden was more illegal and more heinous than the murder of this Lee rigby bloke imo.

Ah bullshit. He was an entirely legitimate target, couldn't be more legitimate. I can see why the Pakistanis would be pissed off at the breach of sovereignty but Bin Laden lived by the sword and died by the sword (or the 5.56mm round to be more accurate). No tears shed for him.
The difference between "us" and "them" is that we have laws and secular court system. So this bloke, if he is indeed calling for the murder of kufr and so on, should be dealt with by the relevant civilian authorities, in this case the police. Inciting violence is a serious crime.

So in your mind its perfect fine for a trooper to hacked to death in the street but not some jihadi?

What happened to what's good for goose is good for the gander?

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So in your mind its perfect fine for a trooper to hacked to death in the street but not some jihadi?

What happened to what's good for goose is good for the gander?

Well, this bloke isn't a jihadi according to anyt evidence but your view. To me he sounds like a bit of nutter. The guy killed in London was a serving British Army soldier who had been a combat machine gunner in Afghanistan.

I understand why the police didn't shoot to kill on the attackers (wanting to get information etc) but if they had just capped them I wouldn't have a problem with that.
Also sanctions.

500,000 dead Iraqi civilian kids were worth it according to Madeleine Albright.

(When will the scaly black hands reach through the turf to drag her down to where she belongs?)

looking for her ol prof at Denver, but i think i am conflating her old man, who was the mentor prof to condi. albright got her docterate under zbiggy b at columbia, world - grand chessboard all that shit. i thought she was under a neo con father like the father of william kristal for her edumications
So where do you draw the line?
Personal I don't draw any line I've stated time and again we should take restrictions off our armies and be done with these use wars.

Example the next time the nutter back in my home town chants his fundie rubbish saying death to the infidels and all his other tripe, can an Aussie trooper slot him at macca's in Alexandria?
called it istanbul for a century now.

they do serve hilal burgers, can order the big jihadi hold the bacon. oh sheet. i am thinking constantinople.

The difference between "us" and "them" is that we have laws and secular court system. So this bloke, if he is indeed calling for the murder of kufr and so on, should be dealt with by the relevant civilian authorities, in this case the police. Inciting violence is a serious crime.
So a double standard then, we can be punished "anywere" why cant they ? You are saying that Im a legitamate target in my house no were near the front line(for want of a better phrase) so then why cant i wander down to the local mosque and start topping guys that preach hate towards western values (again for want of a better phrase)
So a double standard then, we can be punished "anywere" why cant they ? You are saying that Im a legitamate target in my house no were near the front line(for want of a better phrase) so then why cant i wander down to the local mosque and start topping guys that preach hate towards western values (again for want of a better phrase)

Because, it would seem disappointingly for you Rambo, we are a country where the military is subordinate to the civilian institutions.

Sounds to me like you want to start a death squad every bit as bad any of them.
I don't see the observation that we kill jihadis anytime/anywhere as a statement of moral equivalency, per se. But I think it certainly contributes to what radicalised kids will view as morally acceptable.
Underprivileged, disenfranchised kids I'm guessing, whose hatred of the government and society equalled or exceeded their love of the prophet. Islam, I suspect, merely provided a conduit for their rage.

Nah, old mate that made the statement to the camera seems to be plenty privileged and enfranchised. Stable family, finished school, was studying at uni. Just a bit of a ****wit.
LouisCK said:
The murder of Osama Bin Laden was more illegal and more heinous than the murder of this Lee rigby bloke imo....... What a disgusting comment ,imagine if this poor guy's family ever stumbled upon this website and this thread ,plain to see where moderator sits on this one.​
Because, it would seem disappointingly for you Rambo, we are a country where the military is subordinate to the civilian institutions.

Sounds to me like you want to start a death squad every bit as bad any of them.
If this doesn't become an isolated incident and other muslim fanatics think that this is a great idea and wonder why they didn't think of this before and start hacking to death people in our cities going about their every day lives regardless of whether they may be off duty military personel or not ,what do you suggest should happen then? Cop it on the chin ?

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So... a guy got beheaded in front of my office today

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