So... a guy got beheaded in front of my office today

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question in good faith: have you actually read the Quran? I don't mean via Wally Ali, I mean read it your self?

thanks for the question. but i have not. and at the moment, have better things to do with my time.

but seeing other muslim scholars that do not get access to msm and the Today Tonight worldview, they interpret it unlike the militant angy voice we get access to in our media. no such thing as a promise of 67 virgins in hadith, no consent/endorsement of killing and murder. the opposite in fact. tho i would assume like other holy books, there are myriad of conflicting passages.

there are angry muslims. there are angry muslims who preach a jihad with a warped definition of bringing terror and death to infidel(s). but this would be a confirmation bias to extropolate it to one billion plus would not it.

hawkf see this?
malalai joya said it is worse for women and the us must get out. this 24 months back at a writers festival no laura bush sireee no not education for women laura

cannot take year dot for Al Qaeda and terrorism as 2001. look at when the communist gov't were overturned in kabul and the soviets entered the fray in 79 nigh 1980

then the CIA and financing mujihadeen.

actually was once a nascent middle class in that barren tribal wasteland before the soviets decided to bring muscle. obviously not the first time foreigners have ventured into afghanistan to be sent packing.

i am not defending the criminal. i am not defending islam. i just contest that he is considered a muslim. when everything else is denied, one element held up.
Well, I'm no fan of Drone strikes - It's the only strategy Obama has after caving in to both Left and Isolationist Republican Right.

Say what now? If he caved into an Isolationist Right(or left for that matter) the drones would be parked in a New Mexico airbase.
but seeing other muslim scholars that do not get access to msm and the Today Tonight worldview, they interpret it unlike the militant angy voice we get access to in our media. no such thing as a promise of 67 virgins in hadith, no consent/endorsement of killing and murder. the opposite in fact. tho i would assume like other holy books, there are myriad of conflicting passages.

well some scholars do, and some don't.

Look, as you have probably guessed I think all the Abrahamic religions are ludicrous. But lots of posters like to play the the et tu quoque Christianity game.

Jebus never had a rap sheet like this:

and from someone who has the read the Quran, this aggression is reflected in the text (on my reading of it)

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the paragraph that seems to have made you the angriest was probably his best one.

but my point stands. i contest his validity as a muslim. but i am sure the media will find the fure and brimstone equivalent types praising his act. i wont be.

hf, and many others, just skip over this point, and offer him benefit and credence in his words, and self indentifying as a muslim.

is it not a problem when you pick and choose which parts of his act and words you believe in and which you do not? me? me picking and choosing? well, i am leaning to believe the words that scholars have said interpreting hadith, saying murder is wrong, no 67 virgins, and the correct interpretation of jihad is not the militancy fight, but upholding other tenets. perhaps i am all too naive and one of these fu ckwits that HF describes <generic, not a direct answer to evo>

EDIT: typed before read Evo's reply. ta for the one from experience ;)
And that's the battle isn't it? To immediately stamp on rabid memes that turn a hummanitarian effort into an imperialist one...

mcchrystal, general stanley. former head of JSOC and then US forces in Afghanistand

We did an awful lot of capturing and killing in Iraq for several years before it started to have a real effect, and that came only when we were partnered with an effective counterinsurgency approach

McChrystal: We've Shot 'An Amazing Number' Of Innocent Afghans
shove your humanitarian adjective up your arse Hawkforce
well some scholars do, and some don't.

Look, as you have probably guessed I think all the Abrahamic religions are ludicrous. But lots of posters like to play the the et tu quoque Christianity game.

Jebus never had a rap sheet like this:

and from someone who has the read the Quran, this aggression is reflected in the text (on my reading of it)

Because "Jesus" is a myth based on someone who probably existed but wasn't a big deal at the time he was alive.

Muhammad was a real guy, a leader who actually did stuff and was recognised by historical accounts of his deeds.

If we want to compare rap sheets, the Catholic church wins the violence game every single time, and it's not even remotely close.
Because "Jesus" is a myth based on someone who probably existed but wasn't a big deal at the time he was alive.

Muhammad was a real guy, a leader who actually did stuff and was recognised by historical accounts of his deeds.

If we want to compare rap sheets, the Catholic church wins the violence game every single time, and it's not even remotely close.

can we separate the violence from the religion and the religion from the violence. arent they just demagogue tomes, all of the abrahamic screeds? less religion, more nature. just a tool to differentiate the other.

oh sheeet. HF expects me to engage in muslim apologia, and judeochristian polemics?

you can find me on stormfront for that shit if you wish to follow me. also, friend me on grindr
1 soldier dead in London....Moral outrage and riots.

100,000 men, women and children dead in Syria......meh.

Fantastic world we live in.
Problem with Syria is that the last time they armed the muj it kinda came back and bit them on the arse.
Anyone else find the timing of the Boston marathon and now this in London kind of suspect?

Any new Patriot Act types of laws up for review?

Does Australia still have our equivalent in place? I'm trying to think when the sunset clause for ours was... might not take the train for a while.
Yeah, I was thinking about this when I heard about it.

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Literally 50 meters up the road from where I work. Was outside having a smoke when it all went down.

Poor bastard was ran over, decapitated, and then dragged in the middle of the road by these two blokes.

Two blokes who then waited 20 minutes for the police to arrive asking us all to take pictures and film them. When the police did get there, the cops promptly shot both of them.

Two PC's waiting near the scene couldnt do anything as the perps had knives (one had the biggest cleaver I have ever seen) and one had a handgun (for some bizzare reason British police arent armed). They had to call in the armed response unit to deal with it. By which time the poor bastard they targetted was cactus.

Looks like a religiously/ politically motivated 'terror' attack. The killers appear to have targetted a soldier from the local barracks, and were chanting while cutting this poor guys head off. Dragged him into the middle of the road and then calmly waited 20 minutes for the police to arrive, before charging a squad of heavily armed coppers.

Odd day.

Cameron has called a COBRA meeting about it. Anti terror type stuff. Intresting.

That poor bastard. Pity the cops didnt fire more rounds.


I trust you are ok after such a traumatic experience?
Anyone else find the timing of the Boston marathon and now this in London kind of suspect?

Any new Patriot Act types of laws up for review?

Does Australia still have our equivalent in place? I'm trying to think when the sunset clause for ours was... might not take the train for a while.

and now paris

sounds like this is going to be a problem for another generation

blackcat does sudoko, no that aint a position in kama sutra

HOO RAH blackcat! What other nation has six global commands for full spectrum dominance?

CENTCOM - U.S Central Command - area of responsibility covers the "central" area of the globe and consists of 20 countries -- Afghanistan, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, and Yemen

NORTHCOM - U.S Northern Command - responsible for the continental United States, Alaska, Canada, Mexico and the surrounding water out to approximately 500 nautical miles

SOUTHCOM - U.S Southern Command - responsible for all military activities in Central & South America

AFRICOM - U.S Africa Command - responsible for all U.S. Department of Defense operations, exercises, and security cooperation on the African continent, its island nations, and surrounding waters

EUCOM - U.S European Command - area of responsibility includes 51 independent countries that extend beyond Europe into the Caucuses and includes Israel

USPACOM - U.S Pacific Command - area of responsibility encompasses 36 nations spread out over half the earth's surface and home to more than 50% of the world's population, stretching from the waters off the west coast of the U.S. to the western border of India, and from Antarctica to the North Pole.
Haven't you been paying attention? This thread decided There is no problem.

All that's missing is claims this is an "inside job"

I think everyone agrees its a big problem. We just all differ on the cause and motivation behind it.

FWIW, I hope I've made it clear that my biggest beef is with the fact the UK has so many urban ghettos and such shitty social programs, coupled with a huge immigration intake. Something has to give in that situation, and we're seeing it now as well as with the "adidas riots" of a year or two ago.
Why cant we just let them... be what they want to be?

Because they've got all the oil and wanted Russia to have it, now China. If that happens we'll`be like Greece or Spain. You have a brain, study the history of the British isles and what the colonies represented to their economy and their ability to compete with their European rivals.
Lets keep making excuses for Muslims guys.

Disenfranchisement. Unemployment. No sense of belonging.

Its all our fault.

We must do more to ensure they dont hate us.

Pottsie is post generated by the random cliche generator? - the whole "dirty stinking apologist" shtick is almost as bad as the blame the victim one
Because they've got all the oil and wanted Russia to have it, now China. If that happens we'll`be like Greece or Spain. You have a brain, study the history of the British isles and what the colonies represented to their economy and their ability to compete with their European rivals.

Right those russian troops that were sent to the middle to kill the natives did so because the Arabs wanted to give them all the oil. :rolleyes:

Your right about one thing it's all about the oil when it comes down to it, but no power be that Russian or Chinese gives two shits about the Middle East your dreaming.

China for example was involved and supported the war on terror so they could get their own slice of the pie.

But you keep on flying the anti west flag brother! Russia and china are no different they install and support those who back them, I mean do you really think Russia cares about Iran and Syria?

If the leaders in those countries are deemed no longer useful to any country that country does what it can to remove them, Nothing's changed.
I think everyone agrees its a big problem. We just all differ on the cause and motivation behind it.

FWIW, I hope I've made it clear that my biggest beef is with the fact the UK has so many urban ghettos and such shitty social programs, coupled with a huge immigration intake. Something has to give in that situation, and we're seeing it now as well as with the "adidas riots" of a year or two ago.

2005 Paris banlieue(s plural francais s'il vous plait)

Sarcastic went all cory bernadi

Sarcastic (aka sarkozy)
What im saying is, there are a crap ton of Muslims who genuinely feel aggrieved by 'the west'.

Why is that?

I would have thought your previous posts on the matter would provide a cornucopia of answers to your own question. Given your history I can't believe you accepted the flaccid reply you were given. Getting old and slow :p

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So... a guy got beheaded in front of my office today

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