Statewide League 2008

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Statewide $9m sweetener
August 05, 2008 12:00am
AFL Tasmania has upped the ante in its push for a State League, revealing a $9 million-plus budget for the first five years of the new competition.
This compares with the 2008 talent pathway budget (Devils, Mariners, state under-16s and under-15s) of $1.876 million.

Included in this $9 million budget is a minimum of $700,000 from the AFL that AFL Tasmania is prepared to spend on State League venues.

AFL Tasmania general manager Scott Wade said it was a great chance for the 10 invited clubs to lift the standard of Tasmanian football.

"Here is an opportunity for AFL Tasmania to invest more than $9 million into a State League over the next five years in our desire to improve the quality of football in Tasmania," Wade said yesterday.

"If clubs don't see that as an opportunity for them, then Tasmanian football is in a bad way."

So far Glenorchy has rejected the State League proposal, but the remaining nine clubs are awaiting more details before deciding whether to commit.

Wade said the budget allocated funding for: * $2.185 million for competition management and administration. * $1.525 million for competition marketing and sales. * $1.288 million for competition operations. * $3.415 million for game development.

"That is a total five-year expenditure of $8.413 million," he said.

"Of that, the $3.415 million for game development, we are suggesting 80 per cent will be direct cash grants to clubs.

"That expenditure is not money the clubs have to find, that is money we have to find and we are accountable for.

"The key point is that $8.413 million. There is no risk for clubs. The clubs don't have to generate that, and if AFL Tasmania doesn't generate that money, the clubs won't have to pay for it."

On top of this $8.413 million expenditure comes a $700,000 AFL grant under the AFL's Next Generation funding.

"Potentially we could get more, but that is the figure the AFL have told us has been allocated for Tasmania," Wade said.

"We are happy to make State League venues the priority for that $700,000. But if we don't get a State League we won't spend it on State League venues."

The direct club cash grants break down to a minimum of $54,600 over the five years, including the $50,000 game development grant.

Body: Wade said AFL Tasmania could cover this expenditure, with total revenue projections of $8.655 million through AFL, Tasmanian Government and sponsors, plus the $700,000 Next Generation funding.

Some of the invited clubs have argued it is going to cost more to leave their regional competitions to join a State League and would need to pay their players extra.

But Wade said AFL Tasmania did not believe this to be the case because it would cover umpire, travel and footballs expenses.

He said the draft salary cap was $60,000 plus a coach, which compared favourably with the Southern Premier League ($55,000) and the NTFL ($65,000) but was open to negotiations.

"If they are saying they have got to pay their players more, we are saying in a State League you have got the opportunity to generate more revenue because it is more attractive to sponsors," Wade said.

"Not one individual has come back and shown us how it is going to cost them more money because the reality is it is not going to cost them any more.",22884,24130732-13222,00.html
Hobart to crunch numbers
August 06, 2008 12:00am
HOBART'S distrust of the $9 million State League budget announced this week has prompted the Lions to form a special group to crunch the numbers.
The club's sub-committee plans to book a date with AFL Tasmania to go over the figures in the massive five-year State League budget with a fine toothed comb.

The committee includes an accountant, a lawyer and a small business owner.

Hobart president Phil Baker said yesterday he was confident it had the right mix of talent on the committee to make sense of the "rubbery figures".

"In fairness to AFL Tasmania, they did want to sit down and discuss it with our board," Baker said.

"We felt that a specialised sub-committee would be better-placed to go through the budget figures. We want our sub-committee to talk to AFL Tasmania's finance people and try to make sense of it, because a whole range of things need explanation.

"We don't trust the figures because there's no supporting matter as to how they were calculated and arrived at."

Starting next season, the first five years of the State League would budget $2.185 million for competition management and administration, $1.525 million for competition marketing and sales, $1.288 million for competition operations and $3.415 million for game development.

However, Baker said the numbers were not supported by facts. In particular, Hobart wants an explanation over the annual administration cost of $450,000.

"When we saw that we thought you've got to be joking," Baker said.

"We know what it costs to run the SFL competition, so we can't see why that figure is so high for the State League.

"There needs to be an explanation of how the figures are put together, not just say $450,000 for administration, $200,000 to promote the game."

Already, Glenorchy has unequivocally rejected the State League business plan.

Hobart is uncertain about the strength of the business plan, and now has doubts over the newly-released budget.

"We want our sub-committee to meet with AFL Tasmania's finance people as soon as possible so the club knows where it is going," Baker said.

"If they come back and say it's a goer, then good. If they say it's no good, then we'll put a cross through it."

AFL Tasmania has set the 10 clubs a deadline of September for a decision on whether of not they will compete in a State League next season .,22884,24136385-13222,00.html

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In other words "we believe that AFL Tasmania concocted rubbery figures on the back on an envelope that sounded great but have absolutely no substance"
Sounds similar to the attendance figures for Devils matches and how they are calculated, and how the old TFL used to come up with attendance figures for many matches during the Statewide League in the 90's. ;)
Statewide back on track
August 12, 2008
THE proposed state league appears on track for next season, with four of the five invited NTFL clubs to commit by the end of the week
A fifth Northern club is expected to sign on next month, locking in a commitment by AFL Tasmania to run a state league next year.

And there are suggestions Glenorchy's unwillingness to join the league is contrary to its own constitution.

Burnie, South Launceston, North Launceston and Launceston will hold meetings this week to commit to a 2009 state league.

The fifth Northern invitee, Devonport, is likely to follow suit at a meeting early next month.

If, or when, the five Northern clubs commit, AFL Tasmania has guaranteed they will have a state competition to play in next season.

Of the Southern clubs, North Hobart, Lauderdale and Hobart are most open to the proposal, while Clarence has major reservations, and Glenorchy has walked away.

But Glenorchy's constitution on its website states in rule 4.2 the basic object and purpose of the club is "to affiliate with and participate in senior and junior football rosters as may be arranged by the Football Tasmania Limited".

Football Tasmania Limited has been rebranded as AFL Tasmania, leaving suggestions it is in the Magpies' constitution that it has to join the state league.

Glenorchy general manager Leigh McAdam said yesterday he did not believe this was the case.

"We don't think so," McAdam said.

"The SFL is affiliated with AFL Tasmania, we think we are OK."

But he did say the constitutionality of Glenorchy's decision had not been brought up with the club's members.

Body: "No, it is something we haven't discussed as yet because we don't believe it is an issue for us," McAdam said.

AFL Tasmania general manager Scott Wade said he was aware of the rule in Glenorchy's constitution.

"According to the Glenorchy Football Club website, they are constitutionally bound to play in football competitions arranged by Football Tasmania, which is us," Wade said.

"They would be operating unconstitutionally as a football club, that is a decision for the members. I'm surprised the members haven't been advised about that."

Wade would not comment on the NTFL clubs' decision until they commit, but said he was confident progress was being made with their Southern counterparts.

"We are continuing to consult with the Southern clubs, and we think a number of a Southern clubs are looking at it in a positive manner," he said.

North Hobart will hold an information session with its board, members and AFL Tasmania representatives tonight before making its decision via a member vote next Tuesday.,22884,24166885-13222,00.html
Statewide back on track
August 12, 2008
THE proposed state league appears on track for next season, with four of the five invited NTFL clubs to commit by the end of the week
A fifth Northern club is expected to sign on next month, locking in a commitment by AFL Tasmania to run a state league next year.

And there are suggestions Glenorchy's unwillingness to join the league is contrary to its own constitution.

Burnie, South Launceston, North Launceston and Launceston will hold meetings this week to commit to a 2009 state league.

The fifth Northern invitee, Devonport, is likely to follow suit at a meeting early next month.

If, or when, the five Northern clubs commit, AFL Tasmania has guaranteed they will have a state competition to play in next season.

Of the Southern clubs, North Hobart, Lauderdale and Hobart are most open to the proposal, while Clarence has major reservations, and Glenorchy has walked away.

But Glenorchy's constitution on its website states in rule 4.2 the basic object and purpose of the club is "to affiliate with and participate in senior and junior football rosters as may be arranged by the Football Tasmania Limited".

Football Tasmania Limited has been rebranded as AFL Tasmania, leaving suggestions it is in the Magpies' constitution that it has to join the state league.

Glenorchy general manager Leigh McAdam said yesterday he did not believe this was the case.

"We don't think so," McAdam said.

"The SFL is affiliated with AFL Tasmania, we think we are OK."

But he did say the constitutionality of Glenorchy's decision had not been brought up with the club's members.

Body: "No, it is something we haven't discussed as yet because we don't believe it is an issue for us," McAdam said.

AFL Tasmania general manager Scott Wade said he was aware of the rule in Glenorchy's constitution.

"According to the Glenorchy Football Club website, they are constitutionally bound to play in football competitions arranged by Football Tasmania, which is us," Wade said.

"They would be operating unconstitutionally as a football club, that is a decision for the members. I'm surprised the members haven't been advised about that."

Wade would not comment on the NTFL clubs' decision until they commit, but said he was confident progress was being made with their Southern counterparts.

"We are continuing to consult with the Southern clubs, and we think a number of a Southern clubs are looking at it in a positive manner," he said.

North Hobart will hold an information session with its board, members and AFL Tasmania representatives tonight before making its decision via a member vote next Tuesday.,22884,24166885-13222,00.html

South Launceston have a meeting on Thursday to decide their direction.
Devonport will be on September 11.

Reading this it's getting more and more suspect by the day. Glenorchy wouldn't be stupid enough to breach their own constitution and as Leigh mentioned the SFL is affiliated to AFL Tas/Football Tas so for Wadey to come out and say that is a bit rich.
So have Clarence breached their constitution for having some reservations re this "proposal" Wadey?
Besides, Football Victoria are trading as AFL Victoria, but one thing I looked at on the ABN roll looking for AFL Tas and guess what they trade under? FOOTBALL TASMANIA LTD!

And besides, let's say it gets up for 2009 or 10, and Clarence and Glenorchy don't go for it. It wouldn't be a real state league comp really without them involved!
Well the circus just continues doesn't it.

You could make a movie out of all this.

AFL TAS please come clean, do the right thing by the players and make a decision on what will happen with the Devils.

Lets face it, everything has been exhausted in terms of trying to make the concept work and I think it just should be acknowledged that its maybe all too hard.

So finish 'em off pop the best players back to their local clubs, lets go statewide and get on with it.
Well the circus just continues doesn't it.

You could make a movie out of all this.

AFL TAS please come clean, do the right thing by the players and make a decision on what will happen with the Devils.

Lets face it, everything has been exhausted in terms of trying to make the concept work and I think it just should be acknowledged that its maybe all too hard.

So finish 'em off pop the best players back to their local clubs, lets go statewide and get on with it.

They wont come clean. They would be very concerned about the future of the VFL. Imagine the VFL falling over and a State Wide comp not up and running. What would they be able to control. Would they still keep their highly paid jobs to look after our mariners who play 6 practice games a year. They will very shortly throw more money at the clubs um and urying about joining up. Their jobs are on the line if they have nothing to control. The VFL is in a state never seen before. Zane Murphy was elevated to the VFL side on Saturday after playing the week before against the East Devonport under 19s. If thats where we are at its embarrassing
Glenorchy wouldn't be stupid enough to breach their own constitution and as Leigh mentioned the SFL is affiliated to AFL Tas/Football Tas so for Wadey to come out and say that is a bit rich.
So have Clarence breached their constitution for having some reservations re this "proposal" Wadey?
Interestingly enough, Hobart Football Club being known as the Lions and wearing a Maroon, Gold & Blue playing strip IS in direct breach of the Hobart Football Club constitution.
They've been in breach of it since 2005.

If I had a copy of it on hand I'd quote the lot, subsections and all. I have seen it for myself.

Interesting how some teams are encouraged by AFL Tasmania to breach club constitutions (IE: Hobart Lions) yet they kick up a stink about Glenorchy allegedly breaching theirs!
Our money pays for this??????

Statewide Football - a Better Way?

Labor Member for Franklin, Ross Butler and long time stalwart of the North Hobart Football Club, Owen Langford called for an alternative proposal for statewide AFL within Tasmania.​
Mr Butler an umpire in the Regional, Oatlands and Old Scholars competitions for 40 years, and Mr Langford, a 200 game player with North Hobart, are passionate about local football and its traditions.
Mr Butler said that two new representative teams could come from each of the state’s three major regions to compete in a roster of ten statewide games and three weeks of finals.
"The roster would start after the commencement of the local competitions and the statewide finals would be over before the start of the local finals," Mr Butler said.
"This would allow top players from clubs in all local competitions e.g. Premier, Regional, Old Scholars, Oatlands, to show loyalty to their local club and also play half the season at a higher standard.
"It would form an excellent foundation of higher skill levels in preparation for a Tasmanian AFL team," Mr Langford added.
"I hope that any Premier League clubs that are hesitant about committing to the statewide proposal by AFL Tasmania, would take up the alternative ideas and develop them further," Mr Butler said.
"In maintaining local rivalry with old foes and reviving the tradition of generous support for opponents when playing for a regional representative team, the best is maintained of football’s legacy," Mr Langford strongly commented.
Our money pays for this??????

Statewide Football - a Better Way?

Labor Member for Franklin, Ross Butler and long time stalwart of the North Hobart Football Club, Owen Langford called for an alternative proposal for statewide AFL within Tasmania.​
Mr Butler an umpire in the Regional, Oatlands and Old Scholars competitions for 40 years, and Mr Langford, a 200 game player with North Hobart, are passionate about local football and its traditions.
Mr Butler said that two new representative teams could come from each of the state’s three major regions to compete in a roster of ten statewide games and three weeks of finals.
"The roster would start after the commencement of the local competitions and the statewide finals would be over before the start of the local finals," Mr Butler said.
"This would allow top players from clubs in all local competitions e.g. Premier, Regional, Old Scholars, Oatlands, to show loyalty to their local club and also play half the season at a higher standard.
"It would form an excellent foundation of higher skill levels in preparation for a Tasmanian AFL team," Mr Langford added.
"I hope that any Premier League clubs that are hesitant about committing to the statewide proposal by AFL Tasmania, would take up the alternative ideas and develop them further," Mr Butler said.
"In maintaining local rivalry with old foes and reviving the tradition of generous support for opponents when playing for a regional representative team, the best is maintained of football’s legacy," Mr Langford strongly commented.

All respect to Mr Butler and Mr Langford but that is the biggest load of crap so far.

No player in his right mind would want to divide his energies between two clubs and so the creation of Regional teams is a joke.

Nice try Gents but I think the clubs and AFL TAS are starting to work through the issues at hand so don't complicate it anymore!

Personally I am looking forward to seeing Hobart back in the Tiger strip. though I still think a merger with Sandy Bay and go with HBT/Sandy BAy Lions would make sense. I would like to see that.

My major concers still are will finals be played at Nth Hobart Oval? WHen the lights go in I just can't believe a 5:30 Grand Final between Clarence and Nth Launceston wouldn't pull 10,000 +.

What say do the clubs have on this one? Will AFL TAS still want control on such decisions or will they finally realize they need to soften the stance and do what is best for the clubs.

Also draftee fees. Again will AFL TAS dictate terms here or will a more reasonable amount be given back to the club who fostered the player through junior teams?

What is AFL Tasmania's position on the above?

Scott we need to know.

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My major concers still are will finals be played at Nth Hobart Oval? WHen the lights go in I just can't believe a 5:30 Grand Final between Clarence and Nth Launceston wouldn't pull 10,000 +.
I read in the Fact Pack that AFL Tasmania's stance on finals venues, is the two venues would be Aurora Stadium in the North and Bellerive Oval in the South (God help us :rolleyes:)

North Hobart will not be used as a major venue any longer.

Christ, can you imagine a Grand Final at Bellerive, two-thirds of the crowd would be still trying to get access to the ground by ten minutes into the third quarter. :p

It's got nice shiny buildings and looks neat, but it's a poor football ground IMHO.
It looks like State Wide is a goer. The Ltn clubs will come out today and announce that they wiil be joining up. And why would'n they. 8 home games plus 2 gala days at Aura and games against other Ltn clubs in the area which gives them 12 games and 3 games in the South. Ltn came to Burnie and we had our poorest gate all year. They haven't got a following at all. They play at a ground that has no seating under cover. You would have thought after all the years of charging people to get their cars into the ground they might be able to afford some sort of stand. May be AFL Tas could build them one. Then again they have no surplus cash to spend. Didn't they make another substantial loss again this year. All the best because you are going to need it.
I read in the Fact Pack that AFL Tasmania's stance on finals venues, is the two venues would be Aurora Stadium in the North and Bellerive Oval in the South (God help us :rolleyes:)

North Hobart will not be used as a major venue any longer.

Christ, can you imagine a Grand Final at Bellerive, two-thirds of the crowd would be still trying to get access to the ground by ten minutes into the third quarter. :p

It's got nice shiny buildings and looks neat, but it's a poor football ground IMHO.

Could not agree more , nothing beats a good game at the home of tassie footy ................North Hobart oval :thumbsu:
It looks like State Wide is a goer. The Ltn clubs will come out today and announce that they wiil be joining up. And why would'n they. 8 home games plus 2 gala days at Aura and games against other Ltn clubs in the area which gives them 12 games and 3 games in the South. Ltn came to Burnie and we had our poorest gate all year. They haven't got a following at all. They play at a ground that has no seating under cover. You would have thought after all the years of charging people to get their cars into the ground they might be able to afford some sort of stand. May be AFL Tas could build them one. Then again they have no surplus cash to spend. Didn't they make another substantial loss again this year. All the best because you are going to need it.

They haven't been able to afford any grounds maintenance because they most likely pay players obese amounts. And AFL Tas build a grandstand for them?? More chance of that then me running the Olympic 100m final!

I can't honestly see how the clubs will benefit out of this, yeah they get travel paid for and expenses could go down, but the income side of things? Personally I'm hoping that if the league flops say in 5-10 years, that the NTFL has the balls to say "Stuff you!" when the clubs want to go back into the regional picture!

And Kingpin's friend Mr Wade? Well, 6 teams seems the minimum and we will get new clubs and rebuild defunct clubs if we have to! Oh f******ing please, I almost choked on my chips when I heard it!

I wouldn't think that the Southern Clubs would be conned by that statement, but then again who'd f***ing know!
I have been reliably informed (yeah yeah I know never a good start to a post!) that the Presidents of the SFL Premier League clubs involved in SWL discussions met last night and signed an agreement that they would remain as members of the SFL for the next three years.

Apparently these Clubs engaged solicitors to draw up this agreement which is supposedly binding.

Only one of the clubs involved resisted signing this document last night...

Drum roll pls........

yes that's right........ North Hobart.

Have been told that Nth. Hob.'s President, Paul Curtain, could not attend and sent a representative in his place last night. Unsure whether this is the reason behind why they didn't sign the agreement - however, I suspect that the real reason is that they are continuing discussions with AFLTas, the Hobart City Council and Aurora in their quest to have lights installed at Nth Hob. Oval. They can hardly hold one hand out to AFLTas pleading for funds for lights and give them the bird with the other.

Very interesting times if true.
Heard the exact same story today Flood.

Only variation was that the club that wouldn't sign was - Lauderdale!
The story I heard was that the Bombers were still a bit in shock at being included in the Statewide League over New Norfolk.
If think they'll find Hobart will be committing to the SFL for the time being at least when the club has its meeting this week.

My personal opinion is the League should probably commence, but no earlier than 2010.
It's all too rushed and a lot of things are too up in the air for it to be rushed through like this being such an important decision.
"Only variation was that the club that wouldn't sign was - Lauderdale! The story I heard was that the Bombers were still a bit in shock at being included in the Statewide League over New Norfolk."

Whats interesting (and this is not a dig at Lauderdale FC) is that Boyer Oval despite all the rain was in absolutely perfect condition on Saturday and Lauderdale nothing short of atrocious.

The 2nd half of the seniors was the worst game I have seen in a good while yet the round 4 drawn match - same ground/same teams was a ripper.

Isn't it time for all councils to wake up and put some serious $$$$ into at least getting the playing surfaces a bit better.

The TCA, Lauderdale and Kingston Oval are nothing short of embarrassing for the Premier League.
Despite an open mind, state league a worry
STATE LEAGUE - do we or don't we? That's the big question facing the members of Devonport and Burnie right at this moment.
I have an open mind about change in football and preface this article by emphasising I don't have an "anti-south" paranoia or a parochial slant to my football views.
Please, before you cast your vote, take a second to reflect on the performances of those administrators that have overseen football in our state over the last eight years.
Their form is not that great. Or am I being biased?
Roorat you are spot on.

The Devils are not the problem, nor the Mariners nor the Statewide League concept.

Everyone both Nth and Sth are absolutely disgusted with the way things have been handled on so many fronts and so until there is a change of leadership no-one will "buy" what they are trying to sell.

In business I thought it was all about looking after the customers. In this case we,the football community in Tasmania are the customers and have not been looked after.

This morning whilst walking the dog I heard how the Pakistani's have taken to the streets in celebration of their President stepping down. If this was to happen at AFL TAS I swear right here right now on this forum that I will run a full lap of Nth Hobart oval with camera and tripod in hand and wear nothing more than Blundstone boots and Speedos.

I just can't wait!
Interesting times indeed ! Threat and counter threat from all involved. It is like a juggling act.
The word is the Devils are definitely gone, it just need to be rubberstamped at tomorrow nights AFL Tas board meeting.
Where does that leave all clubs ? Plenty of wriggle room I'd suggest in terms of getting more money and guarantees out of AFL TAS.
If this was to happen at AFL TAS I swear right here right now on this forum that I will run a full lap of Nth Hobart oval with camera and tripod in hand and wear nothing more than Blundstone boots and Speedos.

And he'd go all the way if it wasn't so damned cold in Hobart at the moment...even Duff, believe it or not, has limits!
North Hobart commits to concept
August 20, 2008
THE first Southern football club has put its hand up for the proposed 2009 state league, with North Hobart last night committing to the concept.
After a general meeting with about 100 members, Demons chairman Paul Curtain said a "healthy majority" voted for inclusion -- on the provision other issues would be addressed by AFL Tasmania.

This follows the decision last Friday by the three Launceston clubs (North Launceston, South Launceston and Launceston) to join.

Like all 10 clubs invited to join the state league, Curtain said the Demons still had their concerns with the competition's blueprint.

However, as stated by their northern counterparts, the major factor is the club wants to play in the highest competition available.

"The club passed a motion that the North Hobart Football Club commits in principle to participate in a sustainable statewide league in 2010 or earlier," Curtain said.

"This is on the proviso that a number of issues are addressed by AFL Tasmania, and we will have a subcommittee investigating those.

"If those issues are accommodated then we are available . . . the ball is in their AFL Tasmania's court, we won't be committing until those issues are resolved.

"One of the motions passed is we want to play at all times in the highest level of competition that's available, as long as it's sustainable and viable.",22884,24211424-13222,00.html

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Statewide League 2008

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