Stenglein decides

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hey all, i guess we will be seeing lot more of each other over the next 4 weeks :D

can i just say that i do rate stenglien, always have and would really like him at the eagles BUT i wouldnt hold your breath waiting for butler or waters to be offered up, let alone seaby.

it will be an interesting scenario, u will more than likely get offered our first round pick, although i believe a 2nd rounder- closer to pick 20 would be fairer.

historically players of similar stature to stenglien like blumfield and heffernan have gone for second round picks or in some cases 3rd round picks. both have struggled at there new clubs but lets not forget they were both integral to a premiership with the bombers. they were both almost identical to stenglien in both age and games played, and some would say equally talented to stenglien. also, a brownlow medalist was traded for pick 16 3 years ago. as many people have said we did trade pick10 for chick. however, he was outstanding at the hawks averaging 20 possesions and a goal a game for his final 3 years at the club. so a look at that history suggests stenglien's value is probly pick 19-20 IMO, and thats being pretty generous. he's a good player, can do a good job in the midfield but he certainly isnt a world beater.

i can also see where your coming from asking for a first round pick or waters/ butler. i would if i was in the same position. however, if u look at it from our perspective these guys were our first 2 picks last year and proven to have alot of potential in the afl at just 18years of age. i dont think u guys would be jumping at trading waters for stenglien if u were in our position.
West Coasts picks are likely to be 12-13 and 28-29, or lower if they win a final.

Stenglein's true worth is higher than pick 28 in my opinion and is more around the late teens, as you seem to agree theorangeapple.

If the trade is done for a draft pick (and Reid has suggested this is not the preference) then I can only see it happening for the first round pick unless WC aquire a pick from elsewhere.


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theorangeapple said:
hey all, i guess we will be seeing lot more of each other over the next 4 weeks :D
Looks like it:p

theorangeapple said:
can i just say that i do rate stenglien, always have and would really like him at the eagles BUT i wouldnt hold your breath waiting for butler or waters to be offered up, let alone seaby.
I agree. The chances of us getting one of those 3 players are minimal.

theorangeapple said:
it will be an interesting scenario, u will more than likely get offered our first round pick, although i believe a 2nd rounder- closer to pick 20 would be fairer.
I agree that you are more than likely offer us your 1st round pick but I disagree with you that he is worth closer to pick 20 simply because of the depth of the draft.

theorangeapple said:
historically players of similar stature to stenglien like blumfield and heffernan have gone for second round picks or in some cases 3rd round picks. both have struggled at there new clubs but lets not forget they were both integral to a premiership with the bombers. they were both almost identical to stenglien in both age and games played, and some would say equally talented to stenglien. also, a brownlow medalist was traded for pick 16 3 years ago. as many people have said we did trade pick10 for chick. however, he was outstanding at the hawks averaging 20 possesions and a goal a game for his final 3 years at the club. so a look at that history suggests stenglien's value is probly pick 19-20 IMO, and thats being pretty generous. he's a good player, can do a good job in the midfield but he certainly isnt a world beater.
You are forgetting one very important aspect in all those cases. They were all moved on for slary cap reasons. For example Melbourne desperately wanted to offload Woewodin because his salary was a major strain on the club. The only way other clubs would have taken him on was for a below market value price. Same can be said for Blumfield, Heffernan and Carracella.

In this years draft Stenglein is worth a 1st rounder because as you were also told, it is the weakest draft in the last 6 or so years. When you are trading away draft picks you look at their value based on the depth and quality of the draft pool. If the draft pool is weak then you got to pay a lower pick than usual. Now in this years draft there is no question that Stenglein is worth your first rounder. With pick 20 you are no guarantee to pick up a player of equal quality and ability as Stenglein.

I still think it will be a 3 way trade that gets us a youngish midfielder, possibly Scott Thompson from Melbourne.

theorangeapple said:
i can also see where your coming from asking for a first round pick or waters/ butler. i would if i was in the same position. however, if u look at it from our perspective these guys were our first 2 picks last year and proven to have alot of potential in the afl at just 18years of age. i dont think u guys would be jumping at trading waters for stenglien if u were in our position.
Again I agree and thats why I said a number of times that I don't think it will happen
the official word from stinger - he read this, then left the media conference without answering questions

I have today informed the Adelaide Football Club that I wish to continue my AFL
career in 2005 onwards back at home in Perth.
This decision has not been easy and is based solely on family reasons as I have
now lived away from them for 6 years.
I wish to put on record that I have thoroughly enjoyed my time with the Adelaide
Football Club and will leave behind many good friends amongst the staff,
members, sponsors, supporters and most of all my team-mates at the Club.
I believe that the appointment of Neil Craig as Senior Coach will be a positive
move for the Club and I regret that I will not continue to benefit from his coaching
and be part of the Club’s imminent rise back up the AFL ladder.
Hopefully a trade can be arranged if not I will have to cross that bridge when I
come to it.
I have been placed under a fair bit of media scrutiny over the past few weeks and
will make no further comment beyond this statement as I leave the handling of any
transfers to the Adelaide Football Club management and my manager Colin Young
from Corporate Sports Australia.
Thank you
Tyson Stenglein
the official response from Reid:

The Adelaide Football Club reluctantly accepts Tyson Stenglein’s decision to seek
a trade back to Western Australia.
We have done our absolute best to convince Tyson to stay at our Club but he is
very determined to return home. Tyson’s decision is not related to monetary
matters, and based purely on family reasons.
Although our Club appreciates Tyson’s position it is quite adamant that no deal
will be done unless it is fair and equitable to the Adelaide Football Club.
The process of doing this deal will be dealt with by Tyson’s management and our
Club, and will not be further discussed. Hence this is the final statement the Club
will make on this issue until a deal is done or (otherwise).
John Reid
How about....

Stenglein to WCE
Wirrpunda to Coll
McGough to Adelaide

Let's face it, once a player decides he is going, the club is gonna get screwed. Look at us with Nick Davis. I reckon it's about time we try to cash in on one of these.
Hoggy said:
How about....

Stenglein to WCE
Wirrpunda to Coll
McGough to Adelaide

Let's face it, once a player decides he is going, the club is gonna get screwed. Look at us with Nick Davis. I reckon it's about time we try to cash in on one of these.

If my suggestion was laughed at, then McGough is worth a spanking.
Fred Phillis said:
the official word from stinger - he read this, then left the media conference without answering questions

I have today informed the Adelaide Football Club that I wish to continue my AFL
career in 2005 onwards back at home in Perth.
This decision has not been easy and is based solely on family reasons as I have
now lived away from them for 6 years.
I wish to put on record that I have thoroughly enjoyed my time with the Adelaide
Football Club and will leave behind many good friends amongst the staff,
members, sponsors, supporters and most of all my team-mates at the Club.
I believe that the appointment of Neil Craig as Senior Coach will be a positive
move for the Club and I regret that I will not continue to benefit from his coaching
and be part of the Club’s imminent rise back up the AFL ladder.
Hopefully a trade can be arranged if not I will have to cross that bridge when I
come to it.
I have been placed under a fair bit of media scrutiny over the past few weeks and
will make no further comment beyond this statement as I leave the handling of any
transfers to the Adelaide Football Club management and my manager Colin Young
from Corporate Sports Australia.
Thank you
Tyson Stenglein

sorry, but where does he say he wants to come to the eagles? the afl site begins its article as if he publicly stated he wants us.
Hoggy said:
How about....

Stenglein to WCE
Wirrpunda to Coll
McGough to Adelaide

Let's face it, once a player decides he is going, the club is gonna get screwed. Look at us with Nick Davis. I reckon it's about time we try to cash in on one of these.
The silly season has most certainly begun:rolleyes:

Can we please keep this thread with some sane and reasonable posts. None of the crap that some have been posting:rolleyes:

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Just out of interest, who would WC value higher at this stage, Waters or Butler?

John Reid said today

"So whatever comes in return has to be very, very high."
"I don't think you've got any option but to consider those things, because we've put a lot of time, a lot of effort, a lot of money into Tyson Stenglein.
"He's going home at 24 years of age a very accomplished midfielder and a lot of time and effort's gone into that from the football club.
"This is a national competition and people who go into that industry need to accept that.
"We've put a lot of time and effort into it and we'd want good compensation."
"We're talking about someone who finishes up in the top three or four in our club championship over three or four years, someone who's played 100 games, who's got leadership qualities, someone who's recognised as a good midfielder-tagger, and in his own right a good midfield player.
"Everyone will have different values on that, we won't discuss that publicly, but all I will say is you equate that in player terms it's pretty high.
"From our perspective our first priority quite clearly will be to get a player of equal value."
reid also said

"If things don't work out, and they're only going to work out if it suits us, and we won't be stupid, we understand, but we want something which is very equitable.
"If that didn't work out, I suppose that's one of the scenarios, that he may decide that rather than going in the pre-season draft, he may decide that Adelaide, which he knows and enjoys and has probably got some real feelings for, is always a possibility."
Fred Phillis said:
John Reid said today

"So whatever comes in return has to be very, very high."
"I don't think you've got any option but to consider those things, because we've put a lot of time, a lot of effort, a lot of money into Tyson Stenglein.
"He's going home at 24 years of age a very accomplished midfielder and a lot of time and effort's gone into that from the football club.
"This is a national competition and people who go into that industry need to accept that.
"We've put a lot of time and effort into it and we'd want good compensation."
"We're talking about someone who finishes up in the top three or four in our club championship over three or four years, someone who's played 100 games, who's got leadership qualities, someone who's recognised as a good midfielder-tagger, and in his own right a good midfield player.
"Everyone will have different values on that, we won't discuss that publicly, but all I will say is you equate that in player terms it's pretty high.
"From our perspective our first priority quite clearly will be to get a player of equal value."
Thanks for that mate. Certainly interesting times ahead:)

BTW, where do you get all these press releases and quotes from?????? Have you got a link?????:)
let's just say i have the inside running compared to many posters here, stiffy. not directly involved with the club though. can i leave it at that? :cool:

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