Such is Life: The Ben Cousins Story

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When the WC official said "the players didn't want to follow him anymore, they didn't look up to him as much", was I the only one thinking that "the players" meant one player in particular?

As soon as he said that, all that popped into my head was a bald guy at a carlton jumper presentation with dollar signs for pupils.

They didn't show him on his 'binge' at schoolies either
Does anyone have the exact quote where the ending is something like ".......until you end up in the back of an ambulance."

"Suzie and Nita, yeah, they were good times ... until I found myself in the back of an ambulance."
But how do they know that?

Wouldn't taking any drugs, change your performance on the field?
Honestly, you're just fishing aren't you??

Taking his footy achievments off him cos he took recreational drugs? If we took them off every player that had taken drugs, you'll find few with any awards left...

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Yes - it would make you play worse.

Coke, speed, valium, xanax and ecstacy certainly are not performance enhancing and anyone who thinks they are has never taken them before.

You would just be too scattered to think straight especially these days with the amount of knowledge a player has to go into a game with regarding rotations, zones etc.
For a once off game? Wrong.

Known plenty of footballers who have had a dip before a big final and then played like demons (of the biblical kind). Works especially well if the player isn't a regular drug user.

Of course there is always the chance they might have a heart attack tho..

Message to all media outlets who mercilessly flogged the line that all families should watch it together to prevent drug abuse ... thanks for nothing.

The only messages I got out of it were that drugs were expensive and hurt your Dad more than you.

The 'drugs are bad' message got lost every time Cousins got a twinkle in his eye and kept referring to his benders as 'good times'.
As I alluded to earlier, if they had of shown the whole doc minus the grey suit bits, and left them till the end a whole different view would be given to it. Shithouse editing from my view.
Bits where he is wasted and talking up how good it was to go on benders, is mixed with what appears to be recent footage of where he appears in control and remorsefull.
Sends a very confusing message of whether he is now in control, remorsefull and whether he thinks the drugs have been good or bad for him !!
And someone was like 'Go home, get some sleep' and I was like 'I've spent five days and ten grand to feel like this ... I'm not wasting it'
Been there. That's what the 'just say no' people will never understand. When you're on a roll like that there's no way you want to stop, not just because you're feeling so good at the time but also because you know how bad you'll feel as you come down.

Message to all media outlets who mercilessly flogged the line that all families should watch it together to prevent drug abuse ... thanks for nothing.

The only messages I got out of it were that drugs were expensive and hurt your Dad more than you.

The 'drugs are bad' message got lost every time Cousins got a twinkle in his eye and kept referring to his benders as 'good times'.
Surely it's not the job of a documentary ("presenting facts objectively without editorializing") to tell people what to think. The doco showed the facts, it's up to parents to discuss the implications with their children. Acknowledging that drugs make you feel good gives the kids some credit for intelligence, as opposed to alienating them by preaching temperance.

Ben has now moved to the top of morell's "Most want to Punch in the Face List". Nathan from Packed to the Rafters and Lady Ga Ga coming in for the second and third spots.
If you watch Packed to the Rafters maybe you should punch yourself in the face.;)

Did people really expect the show or Cousins to send across a message that drugs arn't fun or that they don't make the user feel absolutely magnificent?

The description of being "high" is not an accident.

Drugs make many people feel absolutely fricken fantastic when they are on them. That's why they take them and that's one of the reasons people become addicted to them.

You can't expect Ben to not say that when he was on them he was having the time of his life. You can't just say "drugs are bad" like the South Park counsellor because that message doesn't work. Drugs are often great fun but it's the repercussions that are bad.

The first episode gave a lot of background but only touched on the repercussions and i expect that it is the second episode that puts the focus on that important element more.

IMHO the documentary should never have been split into 2 parts as that part of the message may get lost on some people.
Quoted for spot-on-the-moneyness.

Yes - it would make you play worse.

Coke, speed, valium, xanax and ecstacy certainly are not performance enhancing and anyone who thinks they are has never taken them before.

You would just be too scattered to think straight especially these days with the amount of knowledge a player has to go into a game with regarding rotations, zones etc.
Coke and speed are performance-enhancing - that's why Edmund Hillary was on coke when he scaled Everest! They could certainly help you push that bit harder at training or in matches. The others, certainly not. (A mate of mine, a very experienced drug user, told me once how he'd seen an AFL star off his chops on pills, and made the observation: "footballers shouldn't take ecstacy: it makes them too self-aware".:D)

Bottom line is, drugs are out there and kids are going to be exposed to them. They do have a glamorous connotation - they can't not when they're constantly associated with rock stars and supermodels. So either we give kids credit for some intelligence and give them all the facts (drugs feel good but they can destroy you) or we lie to them and they don't believe us anyway, especially not once they've had a taste.

Young people have always taken mood enhancers/alterers of some description - look it up, it goes back centuries if not longer - and have always thought themselves indestructible. It's easy to think, "it won't happen to me" at the beginning when it's all fun and games, when you have no idea of the lows, or the grip it can get on you, or the effect on your loved ones.

The Cousins documentary might or might not prevent one, a hundred or a thousand kids from taking the first step down that slippery slope, but at least it's telling them the truth. And that is the only purpose and responsibility of any documentary.
Can't help but recall the scene in Trainspotting when they describe the fact that of course you get an awesomely good feeling from drugs, otherwise you wouldn't do it.

If they didn't address that in the doco, it wouldn't have any credibility. It's kinda why I think prohibition clearly doesn't and won't work.
Fair enough. Although if you said to your girl, "honey, you watch your show" and went and did something she'd appreciate like clean the bathroom, I guarantee you would be amply rewarded. As you've just proved, you can perve on starlets any time (as well as wander in when you hear their voices ;)).
Well it isn't really a more likely scenario. There are hundreds of thousands of drug addicts and only a minute percentage end up dying by overdose. Generally about a thousand per year nation wide.

I'd say it's more likely than becoming an AFL Brownlow medalist and premiership player with loads of cash, women and being worshiped by sycophants around the nation.
Narcissist who has life handed to him on platter, stuffs up. Narcissist gets it all back. Narcissist is celebrated and congratulated.

Getting yourself out of a hole, you dug yourself into, isn't an achievement.

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Where to start ???

To those "professionals" telling parents to watch this with their children as it will open their eyes to the downside of drugs, what a load of BS. ALL it has shown so far (hopefully it will change) is a smug, arrogant bastard who pushed the boundaries of "recreational" drug for a while then SMASHED through said boundaries, played the system to get away with it for as long as he could. He was then FORCED to go into rehab even though he never saw what he was doing as wrong (and from his attitude I doubt he does even now) and then snubbed the AFL after being allowed back into the club by shaving his head ............. It will be interesting to see what comes out regarding how he treated the drug testing at Richmond ............

People say he at least isn't pointing the fingure at anyone else or bring others down with him. Well he does point the figure at the WCE, suggesting that the club pumped him up to a level where he saw himself as invincible, and his "addictive" personality was fine when he was training but not when his drug habbit is involved ......... What was the line "they expect you to be a saint off the field and fight like a devil on it" or something like that.

And he hasn't once come across as taking responsibility for his actions. Sure he was FORCED to go into rehab after being suspended from the Eagles AFTER BEING ON A BENDER and didn't think he needed to be in LA until the end of the rehab. He again went on a bender after Mainweiging (sorry about the incorrect spelling) died, but the arrest was "a big set up" and "no charges would have stuck" despite being at what, day 3 of a bender, and having prescription drugs on him which on one hand he says he had a prescription for, yet on the other had claims they are more dangerous than his "recreational" drugs as he lost control of what he was doing when he took them, and that lead to him taking the other stuff .......... Even after he came back from rehab the first time he complained about the AFL "changing the conditions of returning", and complained about the media scrutiny. What do you expect ???

As for his version of events for the second time he "took a trip" back to LA, which lead to him being kicked out of the AFL, why would a "recovering drug addict" go to LA, go on a 5 day bender, have his father complain about the media attention "not helping his rehab" (i didn't realise 5 day benders were part of a rehab program) and then talk about it in a documentary where he is supposedly talking about the pitfals of drug use with a GIANT smirk on his face, acting like it was just a holiday that got out of control.

The whole documentary is nothing but a giant stroke on Cousin's ego and a way to make some money (god he started filming some of the crap YEARS ago, showing a calculated decision to make money out of his "addiction" he didn't think was a problem at the time).
I am sure if we wanted, we could find a documentary about drug users that end up dead or completely ruined.

This never intended to be that. It is about a glamorous, great looking guy that is was an amazing footballer. He almost threw it all away, but with considerable help, he has to some extent got his life back together. There is no suggestion that he is over his problems. It seemed to show that it has affected his family very badly.

I do not believe for one minute that it is warts and all. There are plenty of people going around that would not appreciate being shown in the doco and they weren't. Lots of blanked out faces and names and many unanswered questions.

I taped it because my wife was out, but did see bits and pieces of it.

The reality is, his good looks, success and the fact that he thumbs his nose at people that don't get him make him an easy target of jealous types. I would not think that I am the jealous type, but when you see his debauched lifestyle, it is easy to want a part of it !!!!!

I half hate him beacause he played for West Coast, but that says more about my pettiness than him.

I tend to think that Aker, Carey and Fevola are more unlikeable.
What I don't understand is why people are complaining about the amount of ads. It's on commerical TV!

FFS it's 2010 so the following inventions might be of use to you: the video recorder, the dvd recorder, the pvr, foxtel iq, the media centre etc. What you do is set the said recording device then wait 20 minutes after the program has started and then start watching. When an ad comes on you fast forward which saves you a lot of time and frustration. Not really rocket science. Why are people watching any ads in this day and age?
Narcissist who has life handed to him on platter, stuffs up. Narcissist gets it all back. Narcissist is celebrated and congratulated.
Handed to him on a platter? Did he not work extraordinarily hard?

Getting yourself out of a hole, you dug yourself into, isn't an achievement.
It sure as hell is.
+1. I got a similar impression out of it.

And to those who don't think amphetamines/stimulants are performance enhancing - theres been plenty of examples of atheletes using them - just look at the Tour de France, amphetamine use was rife, Tom Simpson even rode himself to death on them. They're mostly not used on game day - they're used in pre-season/training to help you train harder and reap the benefits of that - same as steroids.
Narcissist who has life handed to him on platter, stuffs up. Narcissist gets it all back. Narcissist is celebrated and congratulated.

Getting yourself out of a hole, you dug yourself into, isn't an achievement.

please explain?

not like he was born into a rich family and took over the business, he worked hard to have the luxury of doing what he could.
Handed to him on a platter? Did he not work extraordinarily hard?

No, in the mid 90s the eagles CEO was walking around the street one day and saw Ben passed out drunk in the gutter and went up to him and asked

'Can you please come and play for my professional football team?'
Where to start ???

To those "professionals" telling parents to watch this with their children as it will open their eyes to the downside of drugs, what a load of BS. ALL it has shown so far (hopefully it will change) is a smug, arrogant bastard who pushed the boundaries of "recreational" drug for a while then SMASHED through said boundaries, played the system to get away with it for as long as he could. He was then FORCED to go into rehab even though he never saw what he was doing as wrong (and from his attitude I doubt he does even now) and then snubbed the AFL after being allowed back into the club by shaving his head ............. It will be interesting to see what comes out regarding how he treated the drug testing at Richmond ............

People say he at least isn't pointing the fingure at anyone else or bring others down with him. Well he does point the figure at the WCE, suggesting that the club pumped him up to a level where he saw himself as invincible, and his "addictive" personality was fine when he was training but not when his drug habbit is involved ......... What was the line "they expect you to be a saint off the field and fight like a devil on it" or something like that.

And he hasn't once come across as taking responsibility for his actions. Sure he was FORCED to go into rehab after being suspended from the Eagles AFTER BEING ON A BENDER and didn't think he needed to be in LA until the end of the rehab. He again went on a bender after Mainweiging (sorry about the incorrect spelling) died, but the arrest was "a big set up" and "no charges would have stuck" despite being at what, day 3 of a bender, and having prescription drugs on him which on one hand he says he had a prescription for, yet on the other had claims they are more dangerous than his "recreational" drugs as he lost control of what he was doing when he took them, and that lead to him taking the other stuff .......... Even after he came back from rehab the first time he complained about the AFL "changing the conditions of returning", and complained about the media scrutiny. What do you expect ???

As for his version of events for the second time he "took a trip" back to LA, which lead to him being kicked out of the AFL, why would a "recovering drug addict" go to LA, go on a 5 day bender, have his father complain about the media attention "not helping his rehab" (i didn't realise 5 day benders were part of a rehab program) and then talk about it in a documentary where he is supposedly talking about the pitfals of drug use with a GIANT smirk on his face, acting like it was just a holiday that got out of control.

The whole documentary is nothing but a giant stroke on Cousin's ego and a way to make some money (god he started filming some of the crap YEARS ago, showing a calculated decision to make money out of his "addiction" he didn't think was a problem at the time).

How could you possibly be subjective with these opinions without seeing part 2? Did you just want him to come out and preach about how bad drugs are and spew up everything that is already pushed at young people everywhere?

It's very honest. He hasn't gone with a contrived approach. Of course he had good times, he loved it and a lot of this seems to have been shot before he fully recognised it was a problem (if he even has). I would strongly suspect that tonight will show a lot more of the harrowing downside, and if it doesn't, maybe then you can criticise it. But personally, I found a lot more value in an honest account about it, than I would have in some contrived, warm, fuzzy feeling public service announcement outlaying the dangers of drugs.
+1. I got a similar impression out of it.

And to those who don't think amphetamines/stimulants are performance enhancing - theres been plenty of examples of atheletes using them - just look at the Tour de France, amphetamine use was rife, Tom Simpson even rode himself to death on them. They're mostly not used on game day - they're used in pre-season/training to help you train harder and reap the benefits of that - same as steroids.

Yeah ok, well if you'd ever had any sort of prolonged use of meth-amphetamine in your life, even on a weekend social level, you would know that it makes it much more difficult to build and maintain muscle mass. Cousins would had to have been working almost twice as hard as his non-using teammates, to keep his body in the shape it was. Consistently using a substance that destroys muscle makes absolutely no sense for a professional athlete and for mine, certainly means it does not fall into the performance enchancing category.

Using an example from over 40 years ago really doesn't add much to your argument. Are you trying to say that absolutely no advances have been made in the field of performance enchancing drugs in that time? Because I would be very, very surprised to see a cyclist using amphetamines as a performance enchancer now, when EPO and the like exists.

The guy was a drug addict, and plain and simple. As you could see from his comments, he worked as hard as he did, just so he could go and blitz himself as a reward. It's scary to think how good he would have been had he applied the same work ethic, sans the drugs. How he managed to hold it all together for so long, while still playing brilliant football is mind boggling.

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Such is Life: The Ben Cousins Story

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