Sunrise: Nauseatingly 'Nice' TV.

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Norm Smith Medallist
Nov 9, 2004
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Fair enough when Sunrise first appeared on the breakfast tv landscape, it was a bit of a change to the diet of Celebrity Narcissm, Dicky Wilkins and Alan Jones soapbox rhetoric we had grown to expect from Nines 'Today' show. In that respect it was a godsend. But soon we realised there was another agenda. Seven wanted to create a self conciously 'uplifting' bit of television that traded on hokey populist sentementality of Today Tonight, but without the demonising of single mothers/minorities/young people and the unemployed.

Soon enough in case you didnt know already, we were constantly told how 'Kochy' was the best bloke ever, while 'Mel' looked as if she had been plucked straight out of a 'Family protecter 4x4' as she dropped her squeaky clean little kids off at some ABC Learning Child Care centre in Sydneys Eastern Suburbs. Natalie Barr, perhaps the ugliest female newsreader in this country in living memory (maybe that was the point though), was also there with her endless reminders about how she is from 'Bunnnno' and 'Im having a baby too'. At one point it seemed every woman on the show was knocked up or on maternity leave and every bloke seemed like he had knocked his wife up.

Then it all became about creating this perception that this was the 'peoples' show. Lots of talk about how to 'spend your surplus' and 'your good story of the day' 'your joke of the day' ' your happy thought for the day' and so on and so on. It was if the Waltons had just bought the Seven Network.

Please Mel, no more breastfeeding anecdotes. No more crap about your hubby because we dont know him and we dont give a rats arse anyway. No more crap about your kids. We have established your a 'soccer mum' now move on.

Kochy, no more self conscious attempts to make yourself look like a dag and all unpretentious like that 'I play mixed netball' episode we were subjected too a while back. No more attempts to appear as though you are in touch with the working class of this country. You are just some shylocked nose little accountant/finance 'expert' who somehow crossed out of the land of the Australian Financial Review and into mainstream tele. Its wealth and economics obsessed people like you that are destroying the fabric of this country Kochy. Know that next time you try and appear as though your a friend to the little man.

So who else hates Sunrise and its schmaltzy brand of niceness? It cant just be me.

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I agree completely with what you have just said. But you left out the worst one on the program (if he's still on there, I switched off long ago) that is the weather guy. Your thoughts on Grant Denyer?
my view:

it seems that all media (radio/tv shows like sunrise etc) are taking the "lets talk about ourselves and our families, that way people can relate" route. I remember in melbourne on fox fm tracey and matt in the morning did it well, and everyone else followed. Now we're being bombared with it.

Kudos to the cameraman at sunrise. it seems that when one of them tells a crap joke, he pans to everyone else to capture them laughing. must be hard to keep motivated.

sunrise = episode of rove in the morning

today on channel 9 at least discuss worthy news topics. however, the male host looks like a moron and is so sydney centric its not funny.
If I was forced to watch this for more than 30 seconds I would become a serial killer - Kochy is a tool and why do the female co-hosts have to be so thick - at least you get the idea that Mary Kostidis knows where the places she is reading about are!
I'm not a fan of Sunrise, but I think if it can put Today out of business then its done the TV world a huge favour. They should seal the Today studio with the whole cast in it and burn it to the ground while broadcasting. It would be the best television that show has ever done.
moistie said:
I'm not a fan of Sunrise, but I think if it can put Today out of business then its done the TV world a huge favour. They should seal the Today studio with the whole cast in it and burn it to the ground while broadcasting. It would be the best television that show has ever done.
I'm no fan of Sunrise either,but i get a laugh out of Kochie and Mel isnt a airhead,unlike Leila MacKinnon[geez i'm glad Grimshaw is back]
But why the fook 9 persists with Dickie Boy is beyond me.
The American entertainment reporter on Sunrise makes Dickie look like Humphrey B Bear.
Hate it, used to watch but the fake laughter puts me off, surf the net in the morning now, don't turn the telly on much at all anymore, can't wait for the day when the internet puts the television industry out of business.

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I like sunrise because of Kochy (We like to immitate him as much as Comedy Inc. does :D) and because it has the time in the bottom right hand corner, like TODAY.
I vaguely remember it being okay at one point but it really did jump the shark in a huge way. They have wrung every last drop out of the formula they possibly could, it’s plummeting into self parody at an amazing rate.

They are all just so utterly full of ********; there is not a single moment in the entire show that is the slightest bit sincere or real. You can not believe a single word that comes out of any of their mouths.

It’s only designed to be watched in short spurts; anything longer just makes you want to vomit.

Today is very poor also, it is still way to uptight, self-conscious and stiff. If 9 weren’t so pompous and didn’t take themselves so seriously they could pull that show out of the fire. Don’t know if that is going to happen, they might just wait around for the 7 show to disappear up its own clacker.
weevil said:
Today is very poor also, it is still way to uptight, self-conscious and stiff. If 9 weren’t so pompous and didn’t take themselves so seriously they could pull that show out of the fire. Don’t know if that is going to happen, they might just wait around for the 7 show to disappear up its own clacker.

Karl Stefanovic needs to loosen up a little and he is just so wet. He takes himself way to seriously. As for Tracey Grimshaw well she is just a right old pain in the proverbial rear buttocks. However, yes it is better than sunrise.

All i want in the morning is the ********ing news and I have to sit through this crap to watch it. I guess I could just switch on the radio.
Agree with everything Unit said.
Cheesy, schmaltzy show that used to really give me the schits when it used to be on in the background.
Kochy was a pompous prat, and how ditzy and stupid were the two women on the show?
The show of choice for the snot-set.
Today isn't much better, very clinical and sterile.
I stopped watching morning TV a long time ago, prefer the silence.
Its just too conservative and reminds me what your typical boring liberal voting 4wd driving mother and father would watch before going off to work.

Its nauseating tv at its worst.

And that Mel..oh how boring can someone be.
Yeah, when Koch first came on the show was pretty good. He was poltiically incorrect fairly often, and while some may not rate Nat Barr, her and Koch having digs at each other is the only remnant of when it was halfway decent.

Now its all about charity and community and really, who gives a ********? I don't want to watch the Salvation Army Family Hour.

If Channel Ten had old sitcoms on every morning, with a little clock in the corner, I would have that on every day.
Porthos said:
If Channel Ten had old sitcoms on every morning, with a little clock in the corner, I would have that on every day.

Now they do have "Aerobics Oz-Style" on every morning between 6.30 and 7.00. That is much easier to sit through than Sunrise and Today.
Sunrise does exactly what it sets out to do, and it does it very well.

I don't know where all this bile is coming from. Don't watch it.

Today is dreadful and that's mainly because it's not sure whether to ape Sunrise or be itself. I don't think it even knows what 'itself' is anymore.

Sunrise is essentially breakfast radio moved onto TV. It's a simple formula and gets the job done.
This show once featured the most cringeworthy sequence in Australian TV history, and I am surprised it wasn't mentioned elsewhere.

Everyday they had some promo about finding community spirit or something. It was introduced by a clip of the entire cast singing "Where is the love?" without a hint of irony.

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Sunrise: Nauseatingly 'Nice' TV.

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