The Big Alberton FL Issue Thread

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Re: Yarram to forfeit

So the forfeit happened. Does anyone know what happens now? Is it the VCFL or the Alberton League that steps in and does the fining etc?

The fine would be $800.00 but all clubs must vote. and agree to go ahead with it, or the fine can not be imposed. and more clubs are set to forfeit in the coming weeks.

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Re: Yarram to forfeit

The fine would be $800.00 but all clubs must vote. and agree to go ahead with it, or the fine can not be imposed. and more clubs are set to forfeit in the coming weeks.
Will wonthaggi go them for loss of income? they would be keen to put other clubs off forfeiting no doubt.
Re: Alberton Footy League

Disappointing weekend in footy for Tarwin on Saturday. Fish Creek were fantastic and played way beyond themselves and were outstanding. they were physically strong at the footy and really used Bazza well at Full Forward. Unfortunally for us it back to the drawing board for us and we now are coming back to the pack with the rest now with two loses. Burra now seem to be the team to challenge the Power who I hear may not be playing footy for a few weeks. It has been reported that Devon are not playing them either and there is more to come. This will be interesting to see what happens and whether the VCFL will forward that meeting on to an earlier date
Re: Alberton Footy League

Disappointing weekend in footy for Tarwin on Saturday. Fish Creek were fantastic and played way beyond themselves and were outstanding. they were physically strong at the footy and really used Bazza well at Full Forward. Unfortunally for us it back to the drawing board for us and we now are coming back to the pack with the rest now with two loses. Burra now seem to be the team to challenge the Power who I hear may not be playing footy for a few weeks. It has been reported that Devon are not playing them either and there is more to come. This will be interesting to see what happens and whether the VCFL will forward that meeting on to an earlier date
I understand what a few presidents are trying to do down there, and IMO the power should never have been let in that league, but really i think that it was a weak as piss call from last years premiers to not play this week, there could have been alternatives and at the end of the day it damages not just local footy, but local communities. Un australian for mine:thumbsdown:
Re: Alberton Footy League

I understand what a few presidents are trying to do down there, and IMO the power should never have been let in that league, but really i think that it was a weak as piss call from last years premiers to not play this week, there could have been alternatives and at the end of the day it damages not just local footy, but local communities. Un australian for mine:thumbsdown:

Quick, Straw Poll.
Was Yarram, right or wrong to Forfeit.?
l say wrong.
Re: Alberton Footy League

Yarram are copping all the flack because they were the first to do it. I would say Yarram had assurances from other clubs that they will do it also. They wouldnt be acting alone. They were the first but wont be the last.
Re: Alberton Footy League

I understand what a few presidents are trying to do down there, and IMO the power should never have been let in that league, but really i think that it was a weak as piss call from last years premiers to not play this week, there could have been alternatives and at the end of the day it damages not just local footy, but local communities. Un australian for mine:thumbsdown:
Wrong - SMUU has it exactly right. Typical geelong supporter, very smart.
Re: Yarram to forfeit

Lots of coverage in the leongatha paper today. the power are obviously none too pleased, i didn't know you could print the word piss in a local paper. anyhow, the presidents of the allies, fish creek and toora all said they were likely to follow suit but didn't fully commit whilst tarwin were also going to discuss.

the vcfl was going to hold discussions with the alberton committee to decide how to deal with yarram. the vcfl spokesman said yarrams actions were disgraceful.
Re: Yarram to forfeit

THE Yarram Football and Netball Club fired the first salvo in the escalating AFL war, forfeiting its game against league heavyweight Wonthaggi Power on Saturday.

The decision affected four grades of football and six grades of netball.

While there have been grumblings for some time from clubs about the Power’s inclusion in the league, Yarram is the first club to withdraw from a game in protest.

The move is unprecedented.

It is unlikely to be the last forfeiture this season. Wonthaggi may find itself without an opponent in six of its remaining 12 games.

As one club official said: “I think this will just keep rolling on.”

VCFL CEO Glenn Scott described Yarram’s decision not to play Wonthaggi as “disgraceful”, though it has yet to decide what action it will take, if any.

“The Yarram Football Club decision has deprived over 250 footballers and netballers - plus umpires, trainers, volunteers and supporters - of their weekend sport,” he said.

“I cannot remember a more selfish decision, which shows no respect for our game of Australian Rules football and netball. What this club, and any others contemplating such an irresponsible move, has done is play politics on a matter that cannot be changed by their actions to effectively go on strike.”

Other club presidents have already signalled they are likely to follow Yarram’s lead, forfeiting games against the Power.

Allies president Matt Moore, whose club is scheduled to play Wonthaggi on Saturday, said: “The club has not made a decision on whether we will follow the Yarram Football Club and forfeit all football and netball matches this Saturday.

“We are likely to follow suit, but a final decision has not been made by the members and committee at this early stage of the week,” he said.

“The decision will be made mid week and an announcement will be made immediately after that. The decision will include both football and netball.”

Fish Creek Football Club president Neil Park, whose club met last night, said the committee was likely to vote to forfeit its game against the Power on June 14.

Tarwin Football Club co-president Mark Reyment said his club was yet to vote on the motion, and was hoping to “find a solution within the guidelines of the league administration”.

Tarwin meets Wonthaggi in the final home and away game of the season.

Toora Football Club president Joe Pinzone said his club was “considering the action” and would likely forfeit its Round 10 game if “things don’t change”.

Mr Pinzone is calling on the Victorian Country Football League (VCFL) to bring forward its revue of the league.

“We want a new league where the clubs have a similar financial and resource status,” he said.

“People are saying Yarram’s action was unsportsmanlike, but what about the actions of Wonthaggi - a club in a town of 7000 people - threatening Supreme Court action against the league if it doesn’t get its own way?”

Mr Pinzone said the situation as it stands was untenable.

“This is not about Wonthaggi but the long term viability of country football,” he said.

“Toora was formed in 1891, but if the current situation remains I can’t guarantee the club’s future to 2011, let alone a hundred years beyond that.

“We want a new league so we can get back to grassroots footy, where country people can get together on the weekend and enjoy their sport without the financial burdens that are now placed on football clubs, because the VCFL is pitting small country towns against large country cities.”

Yarram secretary Anthony Rodaughan said in a press release that the club had “regretfully taken this drastic action in response to the continued ongoing participation of the Wonthaggi Football Club in the Alberton Football League”.

“This decision is not taken lightly and goes against the very fibre of our clubs’ hearts, but we are committed to this action for the greater good,” he said.

“It should be noted that we will not be the only Alberton League club to take this action in season 2008. A clear and immediate resolution to the current untenable solution is required and we hope that this regrettable action will be the catalyst for this outcome.

“It is impossible for the small clubs to compete against this might and we have grave fears for the short, medium and long term future of several clubs if this unbalanced situation is allowed to continue.”

The release said that Yarram had “also received support from football administrators beyond club level.

“The many expressions of support we have received are indeed gratifying. Whilst our players are disappointed at not playing, as is their nature, they understand and support the bigger and more important issues involved.”

Asked whether Yarram had the support of the other rebel clubs pushing for a new South Gippsland Football League, Mr Rodaughan replied, “seven clubs signed the letter to the VCFL threatening this action. I am uncertain as to the extent of their resolve, we would hope they honour their word, as we don’t want to be out on a limb.”

He went on to say: “The VCFL and AFL executive are unofficially sympathetic but won’t say so, I should think.”

One person who lent the club cautious support was Nationals leader Peter Ryan.

The former footballer said he hoped Saturday’s debacle would act as a catalyst for teams and the league to find a resolution.

He said he had enormous respect for Mr Rodaughan and the Yarram Football Club committee.

“I am sure it’s not a decision that was reached easily,” he said.

Mr Ryan said it was “terribly unfortunate” it should have happened and it was up to the league to revisit the matter.

As it stands, the situation is untenable, impacting on “the game we all love”.

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Re: Yarram to forfeit

if yarram make the finals & come up against wonni in september, do you think they would forfiet then?
good point. if i played for the Yarram footy club, i would be putting in a clearance immediately. The thing that keeps spinning me out is the fact THEY BEAT WONTHAGGI FOR THE FLAG LAST SEASON. Yarram footy club would have to be the laughing stock of gippsland football!
Re: Alberton Footy League

Below is what J Hehir had to say in his review of the WGFL

With the future of Wonthaggi Power under the spotlight there may be an opening for the team no one in the Alberton League wants to play to come to finish the season in West Gippsland Latrobe.
On Saturday last year�s premiers Yarram refused to play Wonthaggi, because they were too strong, and this meant about 200 footballers and netballers were denied the opportunity to participate.
This is an absolute disgrace for the game of football and netball and my information is all teams that play the Power for the rest of the season will refuse to play against them. Wonthaggi are due to play Devon Welshpool, Kilcunda Bass and Fish Creek in the next three rounds.
The powers at Yarram who made this decision to forfeit should hang their heads in shame. So what if Wonthaggi wins every game by big margins. If every team took that same attitude that they were going to get a flogging there would be forfeits every week throughout the State.
Some clubs I could name have not won a game for years but that does not stop them fronting up week after week to play the game they love.
These clubs play to keep their communities together. They play because it is a sport and an outlet to escape from the pressures of a hard working week. Also it is their social outlet.
They do not become petulant and take their bat and ball home when they cannot get their own way.
In my opinion if the VCFL had any muscle at all they would have had this situation resolved well before this. They have the chance to prove themselves as the leading body in country football to have this situation resolved this week. Surely for the betterment of the game they could find a solution. Where I see this going is to the courts and no one is the winner.
This is where the WGLFL can be proactive and invite Wonthaggi to complete their season in a new league. They could start this week by playing Garfield and the games at Sale and Maffra could be scheduled to ease the travelling arrangements by playing on a Sunday or playing the juniors at a differenrt venue. There are options.
Re: Alberton Footy League

I am going to say they should have played but I think Wonthaggi should go to a different league. I was talking to a Foster ex president and he explained whats happened over the years and it makes sense for them to head off. It is suggested they play in the Packenham league with the Bass and Phillip Island, with Inverloch to decide what they want to do. The VCFL need to drink a can off harden the **** up and take a stance. things are going to get messy and that is the scary thing
Re: Alberton Footy League

i have no problem what Yarram and the other teams are doing.

Its the VCFLs fault this is happening. How can they justify merging a team from a higher comp (huge town also) with another team in a lower competition and not think they will dominate and be to big.

The clubs have done everything they can and this seems to be the only way the VCFL will take notice or take their issues seriously.

I also find it funny blokes from EDFL- Goal sneak, Bigpapa etc saying its piss weak about what Yarram are doing. If Warragul merged with Dusties or Garfield with Bunyip and played in the EDFL and were smashing everyone you and your teams would be the first ones whinging about it.
Big papa, the 3 teams you have played at are whinging about this already with bigger towns close to Pakky.

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The Big Alberton FL Issue Thread

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