The Bulldogs and Umpires: Time for a Royal Commission?

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No. You’re not. You’re not providing really any substance as to why it’s biased though other than a number. Perhaps you could actually show some initiative and show which ones were wrong? Or is it easier to be a wooly boy?
It's called using my eyes and see the ump standing directly in front of the contest, watching your guys just throw the ball with reckless abandon and completely ignore it, then pluck one out against the opposition going the other way.

Happens every game Bulldogs play. Maddening to watch.
Explain the below thanks.

Western Bulldogs in finals 2016-21
2016 -
EF : 17-13
SF : 19-14
PF : 23-13
GF : 20-8
2019 -
EF : 34-28
2020 -
EF : 15-8
2021 -
EF : 22-14
SF : 28-19

Total across 8 finals : 178-117
The answer is “Discipline”…. All that happened was with 1 quarter to go the Dogs just turned up the Discipline
Why could that be? Melbourne are surely more deserving of an armchair ride than we are.
Close the first time you played them this season however you pipped them by 1 free;


Normality resumed in the return bout;


That's one hell of a discrepancy for only a 20pt win.

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Hawthorn fans and bagging another club about cheating. The irony is ridiculous after all the under the table payments as Don Scott tells us and the zones never moving.
Than we had #freekickhawthorn.
All those preliminary finals hawthorn needed umpiring help and 3 games in a row 2016 with big late terrible decisions to get you those wins.
Such a plastic club.


Apples and Oranges, as I don't recall during our era umpires consistently ignoring the Hawks throwing or dropping the ball, but I do recall the stats simply didn't support the 'Free Kick Hawthorn' moniker...
Lol your main argument wasn’t ranking distributions. Your argument was handouts and assistance by the league in order to stand on two feet. Which we’ve both received. Once you got busted on that, you turned to last years distributions by the league to try defend yourself.
Work out what your main argument is homor and get back to us.
No friend my argument was even more simplistic than that, it was without the VFL morphing into the AFL nobody was picking an underperforming poorly supported club from western Melbourne to enter the AFL

you got there by DeFault

Hence the ”Homer” quote you owe your existence to the two greatest words in the English language De-Fault
As the accuser I'm afraid you need to give us the rundown. And, please, be humble about it.
There's the numbers, even in losses you got favourable umpiring.

Please don't piss in my pocket by claiming the Bulldogs are more 'disciplined' than other teams.
Since when must the free kick count tally with wins?
Usually when you lost it means you're second to the ball on most occasions. it was obvious last night that second to the ball for the Bulldogs means nothing to the umpires when they paid Bontempelli a mark and shot on goal for being the second set of hands in a marking contest in the second half.

It's also telling that the 2 clubs people complain get the rub of the green the most are clear 1 and 2 on the free kick differential for the entire season, as well as severely getting the rub of the green so far in the finals:


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Eagles rd2
Port rd10
Suns rd18

That it? Jeez 🤐
Free kick Count was equal in Rounds 12 and 20.
We were +1 in rounds 5 and 6.

Looks like we're still capable of winning when we're not at our disciplined best.

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