Current The Bunker Part 2

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Theres 2 different email addresses listed in the article. Typo?

The memo, which was prepared by WA Police's Chief Information Officer Andrew Cann at the request of Assistant Commissioner Brad Royce in the wake of publicity into the ghost email address, stated that the email address was deleted in August 2012.

"Records show that email servers started responding to internal users that mail was undeliverable to from 6th August 2012.

Good pickup.

Seeing as how is the homepage of WAPOL
and that internet archives show the was listed for a period,
it appears that the email address is an embarrassing typo by WAtoday because it is missing the all important 'police' in it's 'email domain'.

Here's the first article that appeared to come from WAtoday on this on 28 July 2020 which has both the rogue email address and the more appropriately named email address that was meant to have been listed, but was not.

'WAtoday can now reveal that WA Police did in fact have the incorrect email address – – linked on its website as far back as February 2016.'

'Despite refuting Ms Callanan’s recollection of events and maintaining the website was correct, archived internet pages show police changed the link to the correct email address ( sometime in 2018, after Ms Callanan’s complaint.'
A Web administrator looks after Web pages, it’s usually the IT person who sets up the link, so that once, a particular choice has been selected an email screen appears, but the email address isn’t always visible. An IT person usually tells the person responsible for checking the email’s inbox, that it’s been set up. Due to the volume of correspondence expected WAPOL must have had quite a few people working in the correspondence recording section.

It’s possible to automatically forward emails to another email address, and to set up an email inbox so that certain emails are automatically sent to junk. I suppose emails could automatically be deleted, but, thinking they’d need to be programmed that way.

It’s more like it’s a form of internal sabotage, or WAPOL just aren't organized well enough. I'm aware BRE worked on the police phone systems, but surely he's not that smart.

It's a simple thing to do once you're in. He should not be underestimated in this regard imo, there's a reason why the best forensic IT specialists were flown in to work on the investigation. And if he did get in, they will find a reason not to tell us about it under national security concerns or something.

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at the time they tried to get records of what Telstra vehicles he had access to and discovered they had a pool of cars with no record keeping as to who was using what car when.
All the more reason to have a wide list of Telstra worker CSK POI/suspects (including the Rowe Park/Karrakatta Feb 1995 abduction/rape BRE pleaded guilty too). Even better would have been to apply the below described by-chance sampling’ method of to check DNA of the Telstra CSK POI/suspects, that might have had access to the Telstra car pools.

... when the squad discovered another hundred persons of interest who had no alibis. If they had no alibis, why had they not been interviewed and DNA-tested?
Whenever a man on this expanded list refused to let an officer stick a cotton bud inside his mouth and scrape it around to obtain a DNA sample, suspicion naturally piqued.
There was one peculiar way to check the DNA of an unwilling suspect, and police swung this into action.
Squads were sent out on amazing operations to test these suspects without their knowledge.
Cops give this trick the name ‘by-chance sampling’, the only legal way to obtain traces of DNA without alerting the subjects.
Plainclothes police followed their targets through public places until they discarded something that might harbour their DNA, such as a cigarette butt, drink can or used tissue.
Undercover officers, UCOs, were reduced to scavenging from café tables, gutters and rubbish bins for that vital clue, which might lead them straight to the Claremont serial killer.
At huge expense in time and resources, squads of UCOs were despatched all over Australia to follow high-priority suspects into cafés and pubs in the hope of retrieving a by-chance sample. Especially difficult were suspects living in rural areas, where a group of strangers driving hire cars into outback towns stuck out like sore thumbs. But the UCOs persisted and got their men, or at least their DNA samples.
In total, 16,000 men were DNA-tested in an operation that took an incredible three years, a determined but disheartening slog with no result.

(Christian, Bret. Stalking Claremont (p. 244). ABC Books. Kindle Edition.)
Looks like it tempted them into turning their heads away from the hard slog of basic detective work.
Caporn was a pig headed, smarmy, overconfident corrupt dickhead. They ran it off track with their bullshit secrecy clauses, say nothing to anyone opinion and a we will get you attitude, while they let a solvable case fall to the wayside and concentrated on BS they would never have been allowed to fund had Dennis Glennon not put all his and his friends money behind it. As well meaning as that was, it had a hand at derailing it IMO. It gave them carte blanche to go on without suitable oversight with a leader who had skyrocketed through the ranks on the back of another stitch-up. WAPOL didnt know WTF was going on.

Edit - I couldnt care less about hearing from people in BREs life who can give an insight into what he was like, we know what hes like, a disturbed freak, a rapist & a murderer! I want to hear from the pissed of cops who weren't listened to & were steered off course despite their better judgement who feel angry about how the case was handled. They will have a far more interesting story than those who knew BRE.
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Caporn was a pig headed, smarmy, overconfident corrupt dickhead.

'Caporn was considered a star investigator after he led the investigation into the brutal 1994 murder of jeweller Pamela Lawrence at her shop in Mosman Park. That investigation resulted in an arrest and conviction but was destined to end badly many years later. Caporn was personable, articulate, popular, clever, hard-working, tough and tactical – qualities that had propelled him through the ranks successfully and would continue to do so.'
(Christian, Bret. Stalking Claremont (p. 55). ABC Books. Kindle Edition.)

How many Caporns were there working on the CSK case?
'Caporn was considered a star investigator after he led the investigation into the brutal 1994 murder of jeweller Pamela Lawrence at her shop in Mosman Park. That investigation resulted in an arrest and conviction but was destined to end badly many years later. Caporn was personable, articulate, popular, clever, hard-working, tough and tactical – qualities that had propelled him through the ranks successfully and would continue to do so.'
(Christian, Bret. Stalking Claremont (p. 55). ABC Books. Kindle Edition.)

How many Caporns were there working on the CSK case?
My guess is - way too many!! All the while big noting themselves and patting each other on the back for being on such a high profile case, whilst do sweet FA !!
'Caporn was considered a star investigator after he led the investigation into the brutal 1994 murder of jeweller Pamela Lawrence at her shop in Mosman Park. That investigation resulted in an arrest and conviction but was destined to end badly many years later. Caporn was personable, articulate, popular, clever, hard-working, tough and tactical – qualities that had propelled him through the ranks successfully and would continue to do so.'
(Christian, Bret. Stalking Claremont (p. 55). ABC Books. Kindle Edition.)

How many Caporns were there working on the CSK case?
"Considered" Bfew. Important word perhaps overlooked there. He was as corrupt as they come & if you dont realise that, I'm not going to attempt to convince you. I know it.
'Caporn was considered a star investigator after he led the investigation into the brutal 1994 murder of jeweller Pamela Lawrence at her shop in Mosman Park. That investigation resulted in an arrest and conviction but was destined to end badly many years later. Caporn was personable, articulate, popular, clever, hard-working, tough and tactical – qualities that had propelled him through the ranks successfully and would continue to do so.'
(Christian, Bret. Stalking Claremont (p. 55). ABC Books. Kindle Edition.)

How many Caporns were there working on the CSK case?
Unfortunately clowns like Caporn exist everywhere. They seem to know how to fudge their figures and convince the people who matter that they're highly skilled. I remember working at a place and within a few weeks I came to the conclusion one of my team members was a complete fraud. I was promoted to a different part of the business but remained mates with a few guys. I was having a beer with this fraud's boss (who was my old boss) and asked him, "Hey you know "John"? You know he's a fraud right?" My old boss was none the wiser. I left it at, "can't believe people think he's an up and coming superstar, but will wait and see what happens. I don't want to influence you in any way, was just curious if you see what I see". So my old boss leaves and "John" gets a promoted to my old boss's position. A few months later and one of my old team mates comes to my desk and says, "See how XXX (C-level dude) and XXX (another C-level dude) from massive well known market leader, and one of our biggest clients just arrived to meet with our CEO? Well "John" has been doing this, this, this, and this, so they have come today to tell them they want John off their account immediately". John was fired that day.

What annoys me worse than frauds like Fraudporn - is the people who can't see it and give them everything they want.
Since I’ve taken part in the Bigfooty forums, I’ve read what people have had to say. I’m aware of certain aspects, what went wrong with the investigation, the mishaps, long time it took and the cost etc. Is anyone aware of what the minister for police has put in place with regard to overseeing police procedures with regard to serial murder. There was mention of umpteen reviews having taken place with the Macro investigation, which all seemed to have met the standard. It’s clear that standard needs to be much higher. The person in charge or responsible for apprehending SKs needs to be held accountable for their blunders, that’s standard practice within other organizations.

The people of Perth deserve much better, and are fortunate that BRE stopped killing when he did. In the past, serial killers have gone on to kill more regularly. The Birnies were only caught once Kate Moir had escaped and bought the matter to the police’s attention – alas, Kate needed to convince them she was a victim. The Birnies were killing at the rate of almost one per week/fortnight. Fortunately, for us, the Birnie pair weren’t overly bright. Thanks to Kate Moir the pair were taken off the streets. That was back in Nov 1986, so something major should have been put in place, back then. It doesn’t sound as though it was, and I don’t mean to be cynical.

Perhaps we should work on a list of what the minister for police needs to put in place and forward it to the prime minister. Not just a list of problems but recommendations as well. For example, a special team, needs to be established whose management must report to the board of police, who must keep the minister for police updated. The head of that team, must provide feedback, ensuring certain issues are in place such as correspondence reporting, what email inboxes have been established and who’s responsible for checking them. Ensure adequate funds are available for the processing of various evidence backlogs. The public needs to be more involved – they want vehicles, CCTV images and identikits shown via campaigns – we’ve got the technology. There needs to be ongoing identification of areas which require CCTV camera installation, thus ensuring the various municipal authorities provide them.
Having in person witnessed some very one-sided cat and entrapped mouse battles in recent years, associating the likes of convicted BRE with the personality of a cat had not occurred to me. But when I think of how some cute kitties turn into evil eyed sadistic killers acting on primal urges, in a drawn out game (for the cat), that often ends with it devouring nearly all of it's rodent prey, the BRE cat and mouse reference is really horrifying.

Does anyone know if BRE ever had cat or mice as childhood pets?
Bravincat? If he had a pet I'll put money on it that he was cruel to it, or "accidentally" killed it when quite a young child. (Smothering it with "love") 🤬

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"Considered" Bfew. Important word perhaps overlooked there. He was as corrupt as they come & if you dont realise that, I'm not going to attempt to convince you. I know it.
I thought I might have picked up the wrong book when I saw what Bret wrote about Caporn.

More sucking up than a Fergie feet fetishfest.

That Caporn was not blacklisted by the WA State Government for any further direct or indirect work for them, after his conduct in the Mallard case alone, was IMO, appalling and a serious error of judgement by the powers that be.
Unfortunately clowns like Caporn exist everywhere. They seem to know how to fudge their figures and convince the people who matter that they're highly skilled.
Sometimes referred to as skilled at 'managing up'.

It's often only a matter of time before they get promoted way beyond their actual professional and leadership competence, severe changes in technology and a much more complex business environment in many industries, has seen many of them crash and burn sooner rather than later over the past decade.
If he had a pet I'll put money on it that he was cruel to it, or "accidentally" killed it when quite a young child. (Smothering it with "love") 🤬
Or delivered any pet cat(s) he had, defenceless creatures whilst he sat back and got off on the carnage that followed :(
Since I’ve taken part in the Bigfooty forums, I’ve read what people have had to say. I’m aware of certain aspects, what went wrong with the investigation, the mishaps, long time it took and the cost etc. Is anyone aware of what the minister for police has put in place with regard to overseeing police procedures with regard to serial murder. There was mention of umpteen reviews having taken place with the Macro investigation, which all seemed to have met the standard. It’s clear that standard needs to be much higher. The person in charge or responsible for apprehending SKs needs to be held accountable for their blunders, that’s standard practice within other organizations.

The people of Perth deserve much better, and are fortunate that BRE stopped killing when he did. In the past, serial killers have gone on to kill more regularly. The Birnies were only caught once Kate Moir had escaped and bought the matter to the police’s attention – alas, Kate needed to convince them she was a victim. The Birnies were killing at the rate of almost one per week/fortnight. Fortunately, for us, the Birnie pair weren’t overly bright. Thanks to Kate Moir the pair were taken off the streets. That was back in Nov 1986, so something major should have been put in place, back then. It doesn’t sound as though it was, and I don’t mean to be cynical.

Perhaps we should work on a list of what the minister for police needs to put in place and forward it to the prime minister. Not just a list of problems but recommendations as well. For example, a special team, needs to be established whose management must report to the board of police, who must keep the minister for police updated. The head of that team, must provide feedback, ensuring certain issues are in place such as correspondence reporting, what email inboxes have been established and who’s responsible for checking them. Ensure adequate funds are available for the processing of various evidence backlogs. The public needs to be more involved – they want vehicles, CCTV images and identikits shown via campaigns – we’ve got the technology. There needs to be ongoing identification of areas which require CCTV camera installation, thus ensuring the various municipal authorities provide them.
Its not just serial killers LAM, it was the toxic culture, the corruption and the disjointed nature of the entire organisation that appears foremost to be in issue here & thats across the spectrum that is crime solving in WA. Page 205+ tells of the "secret" report the Schramm Review provided to KOK directly and that says it all about the way investigations & processes were handled. Scattered through prior pages speak to all manor of uncovered corrupt behaviours and inappropriate methods of coercion deemed to get results by the police force. These methods continue today for various groups of people considered to be "criminals" or whom are shown prejudice based upon their colour, race, lifestyle choices or whatever else it may be.
Our police force's motto "Protect & Serve" is little more than an obscene joke to many. Its a shame those that know about that better than most either don't have a voice that is listened to, or they flatly refuse to choose to make use of their voice & would be likely ridiculed & labeled as untrue if they did.
I have learnt some truths over the years about their operations that has been very difficult for me to accept, mainly because it goes against everything I was brought up to believe about police. Things Mr Average Joe wouldnt believe either if they were alerted as to their ways. I used to jump up & down screaming "but they cant do that to you, we all have rights". I now accept they can and will do whatever the hell they want to & they will always get away with it. Lying about things is just par for the course.
Someone should ask Bret if he is aware of a suspect who worked for Telstra and was offering lifts (in the early days of the investigation).

4. Former NT cop

Bret refers to what appears to be this Telstra ex-cop on p204 of his Stalking Claremont new release book.

a Telstra ‘person of interest’ had already been hauled in by police, creating a giant distraction. He was a former interstate police officer who had joined the telco, did not have alibis for the nights of the murders and had failed a lie-detector test. All incidents involving Telstra vehicles were collated – during the years women were being abducted from Claremont, drivers of a Holden or other vehicle had been involved in at least six other interactions with young women late at night in the Claremont and Cottesloe areas, each report mentioning a Telecom or Telstra connection. But it appears investigating officers were sidetracked by the innocent ex-cop, who was kept under surveillance and deemed worthy of a further probe. He was later eliminated by forensic evidence.
(Christian, Bret. Stalking Claremont (p. 204). ABC Books. Kindle Edition.)
Bret refers to what appears to be this Telstra ex-cop on p204 of his Stalking Claremont new release book.

a Telstra ‘person of interest’ had already been hauled in by police, creating a giant distraction. He was a former interstate police officer who had joined the telco, did not have alibis for the nights of the murders and had failed a lie-detector test. All incidents involving Telstra vehicles were collated – during the years women were being abducted from Claremont, drivers of a Holden or other vehicle had been involved in at least six other interactions with young women late at night in the Claremont and Cottesloe areas, each report mentioning a Telecom or Telstra connection. But it appears investigating officers were sidetracked by the innocent ex-cop, who was kept under surveillance and deemed worthy of a further probe. He was later eliminated by forensic evidence.
(Christian, Bret. Stalking Claremont (p. 204). ABC Books. Kindle Edition.)
He goes onto say a total of 23 Telstra employees investigated.
He goes onto say a total of 23 Telstra employees investigated.
And following on from that, that one of the review panel's (Schramm) into the Macro investigation recommended a wider review of the Telstra link than just those 23 Telstra employees.

In all, twenty-three Telstra employees had been investigated.
The panel recommended a much wider investigation of any Telstra link.

(Christian, Bret. Stalking Claremont (p. 204). ABC Books. Kindle Edition.)
Is it possible that BRE left the item at KK in order to take the heat off Lance Williams?

I don’t want to give BRE credit for anything. But the police surely would have thought that Lance Williams would have been unlikely to have dropped it off, given the frequent surveillance that he endured. Or was his surveillance ceased by that stage?

It was probably BRE toying with the police, or a sick ego trip. But it would have conceivably effected the direction of the investigation.
Is it possible that BRE left the item at KK in order to take the heat off Lance Williams?

I don’t want to give BRE credit for anything. But the police surely would have thought that Lance Williams would have been unlikely to have dropped it off, given the frequent surveillance that he endured. Or was his surveillance ceased by that stage?

It was probably BRE toying with the police, or a sick ego trip. But it would have conceivably effected the direction of the investigation.
Possible. But that indicates a conscience

Wouldnt having LW as the main POI be beneficial - even if the triggers have abated at this time - keeping LW 'hot' helps BRE more than re-directing suspicion
Its not just serial killers LAM, it was the toxic culture, the corruption and the disjointed nature of the entire organisation that appears foremost to be in issue here & thats across the spectrum that is crime solving in WA. Page 205+ tells of the "secret" report the Schramm Review provided to KOK directly and that says it all about the way investigations & processes were handled. Scattered through prior pages speak to all manor of uncovered corrupt behaviours and inappropriate methods of coercion deemed to get results by the police force. These methods continue today for various groups of people considered to be "criminals" or whom are shown prejudice based upon their colour, race, lifestyle choices or whatever else it may be.
Our police force's motto "Protect & Serve" is little more than an obscene joke to many. Its a shame those that know about that better than most either don't have a voice that is listened to, or they flatly refuse to choose to make use of their voice & would be likely ridiculed & labeled as untrue if they did.
I have learnt some truths over the years about their operations that has been very difficult for me to accept, mainly because it goes against everything I was brought up to believe about police. Things Mr Average Joe wouldnt believe either if they were alerted as to their ways. I used to jump up & down screaming "but they cant do that to you, we all have rights". I now accept they can and will do whatever the hell they want to & they will always get away with it. Lying about things is just par for the course.
Bret Christians Presumed Guilty covers most of this ground as well
Page 205+ tells of the "secret" report the Schramm Review provided to KOK directly and that says it all about the way investigations & processes were handled.
Who needs to spend money on designing, building. operating and maintaining IT systems, when you can save heaps of money, and still meet your KPI's by relying on feelings, tunnel vision and donations from the families and friends of wealthy and influential crime victims.
Is it possible that BRE left the item at KK in order to take the heat off Lance Williams?

I don’t want to give BRE credit for anything. But the police surely would have thought that Lance Williams would have been unlikely to have dropped it off, given the frequent surveillance that he endured. Or was his surveillance ceased by that stage?

It was probably BRE toying with the police, or a sick ego trip. But it would have conceivably effected the direction of the investigation.
Another possibility - could it have been a family member who did have a conscience and wanted LW to be free of suspicion

*random thought

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Current The Bunker Part 2

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