Mega Thread The Collingwood rollercoaster - all general angst and ranting directed here

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It is an interesting and intriguing point. And one I think that Knightmare has pondered on too at times.

Two things have come to mind for me.

One, I wonder how much the forward press gameplan prematurely wore out our players from the 2010 squad. Was there a price to be paid from that manic attack we loved so much.

Two, one of the things that is noticable for me is the sharp dichotomy in our development of young versus middle aged to older players. We are very good at early development; many of our players are ready to slot into an AFL intensity game at a young age and they appear to often improve rapidly up to say 22, even compared with other teams.

Conversely, there is often little to no further development after they reach this point. THe likes of Goldsack, Blair, Brown, heck even Sidebottom, for example, it is rare for our guys to find another gear, another string to their bow beyond about 22-23. And rare for them to find ways to modify their game to account for change in physical limitations. This last is also an intriguing part perhaps of our relative failure in mature aged drafting.

One area I am consistently concerned by as a result is our line development coaching.

Sidebottom is a pretty bloody good player, I wouldn't be putting him into the Goldsack, Blair catergory of not developing well. He has been one of the only shining lights to this season. Beams, Cloke, Pendlebury and Swan developed nicely too.

I do agree though that there was more hope than those to get excited about in the past. Coming into this season, I felt that although we lost a few senior players, the depth we had was good. Injuries have cruelled that depth, and we needed to put too much onto too few. Like Kennedy OR Broomhead would fit nicely into a senior side, but perhaps two weeks on, two off, when the other would come in. But we have both in at the moment.
Because they are flogs who take pleasure out of bagging our club.
nek minnit

Omg Kennedy dropped even with all those guys out injured. What a ******* joke.

Get ****** this is a ******* joke surely. I'm so ******* over this year just ******* get it over and done with ffs. I'm so ******* annoyed and pissed off about Kennedy getting dropped. ****.
We have a game plan were players try there best to pick the best option, and hit their targets, link up, run hard, tackle and keep the ball from staying in the oppositions hands. Game plans are awfully over rated. We are wanting our players to get the basics right. When we are doing that, Bucks will implement more difficult game plans.

That is not a directive from the coach. Choose best option is. Takes longer to kick than to handball, and if we don't move the ball quick enough, and direct enough, it causes tight contests, that cause higher ration of Handballs to Kicks. Simple.

We are needing an extra man back too, which leaves an extra man back for them. Keeffe and Frost are kids, and need help by someone unmanned filling the hole.

Part of being a good forward, is timing. Cloke constanly leads right to the ball. He is one speed fits all. When he does mix things up, lead and relead, push back, push forward, and loses the defender, he kills it. He is too predictable when he is playing bad. Bombing it long, a good strong forward will not just run to it, but he will position the ball to arrive when HE wants.

We have too many outside midfielders that hunt there own ball. We have not got enough inside ball winners. Ball was one, he is old and slow now. Adams will be a good one, but he is young and not fully at the level as yet.

Doesn't help when White has been terrible, Cloke has been inconsistent, Reid has been out all year. Fasolo injured, Elliott has been as good as expected, Blair has been terrible considering he should be the ultimate front and centre option.

Finally agree. Put Cloke at CHF, put White back to see how that works, try Toovey as a tagger. Try MacAffer as a defender, or up forward where he has had success before. Plenty of others that could be tried, but Bucks is a young coach, finding his feet with a side where the supporters are uncompromising, and expect the world. There is no such thing for Pies supporters as rebuilding. They pretend it is not happening.

Before every player moves sides, there are two ways they could go, up or down. I remember Pie supporters saying DO NOT GET Goddard. He will cost us too much. Do not get Hale he was on the downward slope. Do not get McIntosh, he is injury prone, and finished. Do not get Lailder, Grade one Dud. Do not get Rivers, he is damaged goods. Yes we have went ones that haven't set the world on fire, but hindsite is 20/20.

Rebuilding, bloody badly injured, average = young.

2002- Grand Finalists, 2003- Grand Finalists, 2004- THIRTEENTH, 2005- FIFTEENTH.

2010- Grand Finalists, 2011- Grand Finalists, 2012- Fourth, 2013- Sixth 2014- Tenth/Eleventh

Slower decline, but we will bounce back, as we did back then. Get over it.

Injuries = pathetic fitness. Too much left to too few. Maybe we miss our fitness guy more than what we thought. This new guy doesn't seem up to it. Maybe he will be given the arse at years end. Hard to see into the future, and see someone not working. Maybe Buckley is training training them too hard but we as supporters can't figure out the cause of the injuries. Not even sports science can undoubtably come up with our issues. If they can, they will try their best to rectify.

We are having our worst injury year, along with a clear objective to get rid of old, and bring in younger kids. We have a number of top picks because of this. When Malthouse's team was poor in 2004/5 did you say that yes we have Pendlebury and Thomas, but we are crap.

Yes, it has. No promotion of Martin, and a number of players not taught lessons. Buckley is not perfect. But if he got the Geelong job instead of that tool Scott, he would of been looked at like a champion coach by now. He is just as restricted with Collingwood as we are with him. Those that can't see that, are not understanding the landscape.

The players are to blame. The young ones are too young, and they can't help that, but I am disgusted at what Goldsack, Blair, Toovey, Harry and White has given us this year. They are all of the age that they should of lifted to help. Tell me who the coach was that made these players develop from Young kids, to senior experienced duds. Malthouse that's who. His cattle apart from White. Buckley always blames the whole team, him included. You hear what you want to hear. Eddie appointed the best coach available at the time. Champion player who demanded the most out of him self. Ultimate professional of the game that was the epitome of Commitment. I believe in his theory's of uncompromised professionalism, and if there is no buy in from duds like Malty's Cattle, they can go to a dud club like Thomas and Shaw did.

Do you really think Buckley would stand there and say, if in doubt, kick backward fifty meters? ARE YOU SERIOUS. Blame the idiot with the ball, and the idiots that are being lazy and not getting that separation from their direct opposition. ie: Goldsack, Blair, Young, White, Toovey, Harry.

We don't play on, because when we do we look up and lazyness from our senior players is up ahead. Only kids are having a crack, and the stars like Pendlebury, Beams, Sidey, Cloke. No run from half back is more of the same as previously answered.

We do all sorts of things. Short pass yet we miss targets, because young kids do that, and dud senior players, that are shitting me to tear do. Nothing to do with Buckley.

When we are fit, and all things going well we do this well. But the issue is all of what I have just said. Young kids, inconsistent, added with Malty's cattle, not stepping up as time goes on, and experience builds. Nothing to do with Game Plan. If we had a great one, we wouldn't be able to execute the plan. Youth, dud seniors repeating. Again, not Buckley.

Well maybe you shouldn't of dealt with the same issue in different ways LOL. It doesn't all come down to the coach. It comes down to a poor legacy left by the last coach. Along with a rebuild that is needed. Recruiting has been great since Buckley, Grundy, Kennedy, Broomhead, Sharenberg, Freeman, Langdon, Marsh, Adams, all will be very exciting, but NOT YET. Young cost us nothing, White next to nothing. Lynch, nothing, Armstrong nothing. All senior players that probably are doing as good as Malty's seniors Goldsack, Blair, Toovey, Lumumba.

Yeah yeah, we get it, we are an out of the eight side. You get that now and then. Maybe because Malthouse didn't build a sustainable model like Geelong and Hawthorn. If Buckley took over them sides when he did ours, the team would be exactly the same position as they are now.

Sorry mate I disagree. Either way we're entitled to our opinions.

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Nothing, we are no better than St Kilda at the moment, and with a full squad about as good as 7th or 8th.
The side is getting worse each year and the coaching panel has turned this team into a side that can't defend and can't attack and a fitness department can't keep players on the park.
The kids look ok but other than that the whole place looks a shit tip for now.:(.
Nothing, we are no better than St Kilda at the moment, and with a full squad about as good as 7th or 8th.
The side is getting worse each year and the coaching panel has turned this team into a side that can't defend and can't attack and a fitness department can't keep players on the park.
The kids look ok but other than that the whole place looks a shit tip for now.:(.
Umm mate, St kilda won like 4 games for the year before you go on slashing your wrists..
Nothing, we are no better than St Kilda at the moment, and with a full squad about as good as 7th or 8th.
The side is getting worse each year and the coaching panel has turned this team into a side that can't defend and can't attack and a fitness department can't keep players on the park.
The kids look ok but other than that the whole place looks a shit tip for now.:(.
This is not the thread for you.

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Gameplan atrocious, skills pathetic and going backwards at a rate of knots. Question marks about the coach and disharmony in the playing group. Disaster of a season.
Nothing, we are no better than St Kilda at the moment, and with a full squad about as good as 7th or 8th.
The side is getting worse each year and the coaching panel has turned this team into a side that can't defend and can't attack and a fitness department can't keep players on the park.
The kids look ok but other than that the whole place looks a shit tip for now.:(.
That is a load of crap, we had a harder draw in the first half of the season and still didn't have a full squad and we were top 4. Maybe we struggled to kick goals tonight as out 3 top goal scores from last year were injured this year.
Gameplan atrocious, skills pathetic and going backwards at a rate of knots. Question marks about the coach and disharmony in the playing group. Disaster of a season.

If these are the positives I would hate to see the negatives.
Lol for everyone who listed Gault as a positive. 1 game doesn't make an entire season,

Instead of laughing at other people why don't you tell us about your positives?

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