Certified Legendary Thread The Cult of Robbo - Volume 2

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Oh, oh my bad, folks. I've just read numerous pages and am now up to speed. Apparently better late than never.

In Robbo we trust:). I shall delete the unsavoury posts immediately.
Prospect Smasher....until you are deemed worthy Brother Eagles condemnation of you will remain as a reminder to you of the fate that becomes infidels and heretics who question TGO. Anyone who questions or calls TGO by unflattering names such as Slobbo or Yobbo shall be instantly cast out of the cult and issued with a Fatwa.

It is encouraging that you have seen the light and have opened yourself to TGO's teachings. Stand by TGO - he will not let you down.
Prospect Smasher....until you are deemed worthy Brother Eagles condemnation of you will remain as a reminder to you of the fate that becomes infidels and heretics who question TGO. Anyone who questions or calls TGO by unflattering names such as Slobbo or Yobbo shall be instantly cast out of the cult and issued with a Fatwa.

It is encouraging that you have seen the light and have opened yourself to TGO's teachings. Stand by TGO - he will not let you down.

My Son hacked my account.

I want to be marinated in all things TGO:):drunk:

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My Son hacked my account.

I want to be marinated in all things TGO:):drunk:

Brother Smash it is enlightening that a man wishes to sacrifice himself to TGO by laying naked covered in marinate for TGO.

I like no doubt the other brothers raise my Corona above my head like a Thundercat raises a sword towards you. May TGO have mercy on your soul.

* Raised and tipped Corona ensuring no spillage.
The Great Oaf has decreed that ''to blame Hird would be unconscionable'' (good word that).
Henceforth, 95 per cent of the football world is deserving of moral condemnation, while Lord James Albert is totally free of blame.
Imagine The Blessed One pronouncing "unconscionable".

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My Son hacked my account.

I want to be marinated in all things TGO:):drunk:

Brothers, on reflection, it's impossible to refrain from salivating at the kaleidoscope (good word that...) of potential constituent ingredients, that might compose this heady, blessed elixir...some of which must be sacred bodily emittances, from Him.

In which case, ambrosial, it would be.
Brothers, on reflection, it's impossible to refrain from salivating at the kaleidoscope (good word that...) of potential constituent ingredients, that might compose this heady, blessed elixir...some of which must be sacred bodily emittances, from Him.

In which case, ambrosial, it would be.

The real question is, does TGO give you the horn?
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