Certified Legendary Thread The Cult of Robbo - Volume 2

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Holy Zeus

What is going on? With his ancestry of Slobbo-Chikoarian, the TGO contemplates the season ahead in the usual way of opening the entrails of several Kebabs and measuring which way the steam blows.

"oill kick to the city enn".

"Oym gunna royt the shtory of the yeahh. Id'll be about the Hird uv course. Id'll win the Johnny Walkley Award."

"Shirlee it is toyme James was given a fair go."

Dressed in an old red and black dressing gown, TGO stretches Buddha like on his bed. His noggin rests against pillows of Dominos' boxes. The broad acre ashtray is abrim with Winnie Blue stubs.

"Thart Rozzee lino bloke coachin Freo has a lot to ansher for. Inshultin James the Hird with a crap job Oid only give to Pickers or Hutch the Jabberer."

"Jemmetriowe is to blame and Oill have him bang to roytes. He still runs the show pullin the strings of thart proyvett school boy Gillon (wart sort of noyme is that anyways)."

"Oy done moind the chemist. Eez doin a great job at the Dons.... but eez only keepin the seat warm... Jimmy is on the roise. Mark (hehe) moy words, goodns all, ee sarll reeturn"

Golden hued index fingers punch the keyboard. The city is full of stories. TGO is writing them all.
Holy Zeus

What is going on? With his ancestry of Slobbo-Chikoarian, the TGO contemplates the season ahead in the usual way of opening the entrails of several Kebabs and measuring which way the steam blows.

"oill kick to the city enn".

"Oym gunna royt the shtory of the yeahh. Id'll be about the Hird uv course. Id'll win the Johnny Walkley Award."

"Shirlee it is toyme James was given a fair go."

Dressed in an old red and black dressing gown, TGO stretches Buddha like on his bed. His noggin rests against pillows of Dominos' boxes. The broad acre ashtray is abrim with Winnie Blue stubs.

"Thart Rozzee lino bloke coachin Freo has a lot to ansher for. Inshultin James the Hird with a crap job Oid only give to Pickers or Hutch the Jabberer."

"Jemmetriowe is to blame and Oill have him bang to roytes. He still runs the show pullin the strings of thart proyvett school boy Gillon (wart sort of noyme is that anyways)."

"Oy done moind the chemist. Eez doin a great job at the Dons.... but eez only keepin the seat warm... Jimmy is on the roise. Mark (hehe) moy words, goodns all, ee sarll reeturn"

Golden hued index fingers punch the keyboard. The city is full of stories. TGO is writing them all.


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In 500 years time, the robots will study these tweets the same way we study ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics

View attachment 468113


Pfft, "Pocket texts" .., T'was no ordinary round of pocket billiards this (there's a faith-testing image for you).

While designed to throw off unbelievers, the telltale comma, in the third digital belch of the sequence is the unmissable, winking clue .., He speaks to us brothers, and the timing is no mere happenstance ... hark, of what though?

Commanding His ritual afternoon pizza of choice when asked what'll it be today boss? (Large capricciosa, no mushrooms, extra ham)

Like a master motivator mobilising the last remnants of a 3am King Street raiding party when the inevitable question arises 'where to next Robbo'? (Crown, I know a bloke)

Assembling the flock through the last gruelling stages of preseason on the eve of another campaign while foreshadowing the answer to the eternal question that lies within us all? (Have I got time for a snakes hiss, quick a dart, a couple of four'n'twenties and another tall cleanser before the quarter starts?)

Who can say, but like any great leader, He beseeches us to look within ourselves. Gather all the dhurries and rally the eskies brothers, for another searching pilgrimage beckons.

You know #


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Brothers I am feeling truly blessed. Was able to spend time last night in the Great One's aura as part of the Fox Footy Roadshow where our supreme being brings some underlings to the people to speak about life.
TGO brought the heathen Demon Lyon, The Kid and Nicky Dal along in his wake.
The ales and tales were flowing and the TGO was in fine form, smiting al those who would to question TGO - Buckley into his box and providing many an observation about the sporting universe. an ale never far from his side.
To complete my experience was observing TGO as i was leaving discussing financial arrangements with a wrapped tobacco product dispensing machine. Alone, in the dark, sharing the wealth and muttering utterances in his home town city of gold.
Truly spritual and confirming my faith in TGO. Long may he reign..
In preparation for His return tomorrow night I came across many of His previous 360 sermons on YouTube. Well worth a look if only to reacquaint yourself with His teachings. For example:

I'm looking forward to another year of discourse amongst the clergy again. Praise.

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With the imminent return of TGO. Is today classed as Christmas or Easter Sunday?

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Every Monday during the season is Easter Sunday for us - he rises from the dead for 26 weeks then hibernates - Week 1 of each season is no doubt the best as the Phoenix that is TGO rises from his slumber
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