The Flu- a warning

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Or just do what most sensible people do ..get a flu needle

My son has had the flu jab, but it didn't stop him getting this bastard of a thing which ended up in pneumonia and an inner ear infection. He has never had bronchial or respiratory issues previously, so this strain is obviously able to attack pretty much anyone. I've had it myself this year, but it's been strange as it will come on really strongly and then disappear and then come back again in 24 hour increments. certainly knocks you around. Oh well, what can you do, other than lock yourself away....:)
Was talking to a doctor who clearly stated that the flu jab was useless - people who have had the flu jab are still getting just as sick excpet lighter in the hip pocket.

It isn't a major killer - most who have gone to hospital are those with shot immune systems from children with poor diets and adults who smoke too much.

I blame McDonalds and John Howard. Nobody can have a sickday since his new IR Laws.:thumbsdown:
I've had it myself this year, but it's been strange as it will come on really strongly and then disappear and then come back again in 24 hour increments. certainly knocks you around. Oh well, what can you do, other than lock yourself away....:)

Yeah that's what mine's been doing. I'll be ok for a period then feel like absolute shit for awhile then be ok again.
Have had it for about 3 and half weeks now, couldn't get into my doctor, prick decided to take three weeks holiday :rolleyes: and the rest of the doctors in the place are overstretched and apparently had to turn away some 150 people in the couple of days preceeding my call to make an appointment.
Same goes for most others around the place here at the moment, all overstretched to the max. I've been fairly fortunate, I've had a lot worse and thought I might get through this winter without getting it, went to a 30th and my partner wasn't feeling the best and that's how I ended up with it.
Feel very tired and bad-tempered at times with it.

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Feel very tired and bad-tempered at times with it.
Don't want to harp-on about this illness but there's something I didn't mention that Kingpin has touched on. I found myself getting very aggressive, which isn't my nature and as I was getting over it a bit of depression came on. My wife had the exact same symptoms only her depression was worse -very strange indeed. Anyway, we are both back to ourselves now and trying to make up for the shitty way we have treated the kids of late. Get to see a Dr Kingpin you may be developing complications.
Don't want to harp-on about this illness but there's something I didn't mention that Kingpin has touched on. I found myself getting very aggressive, which isn't my nature and as I was getting over it a bit of depression came on. My wife had the exact same symptoms only her depression was worse -very strange indeed. Anyway, we are both back to ourselves now and trying to make up for the shitty way we have treated the kids of late. Get to see a Dr Kingpin you may be developing complications.

Thanks for that Jimmy, it's very interesting you mention that, my level of aggression of late has been severe at times.
I've suffered from depression in the past, but of late some of the moods I've been in (last night for example) have been some of the darkest I can ever remember - granted there's been a lot of things going on that aren't good - but I can usually handle those a bit better than what I have recently.
It's actually got to the point where I can tell I'm ready to go beserk but can't surpress it. Thursday night I literally exploded, I knew it looked terrible, but couldn't hold it back.
Probably my partner's the only one who can keep me calm in that sort of mood.
Can I ask, did you get to the point where you lost complete interest in everything at the time you were ill?
I'll definately ask about that when I visit the quack this week.
I tried the 40+% homebrew scotch method to try and burn it out a few weeks back, but it didn't work, this arvo I've had a few pints with the lads in the pub, so we'll see how that goes :thumbsu:
Can I ask, did you get to the point where you lost complete interest in everything at the time you were ill?
Yes I did and like you my moods were very dark. At one point I asked my wife to leave the house with my children - the thoughts I had at the time were dark and dangerous. Give you a tip - rug up and get out into the sun for a while today and see a that quack for a check-up. Everything is ok now with me although I can't seem to put the weight back on but I suppose that will come. Good luck mate:thumbsu:

Ps. Seriously, stay away from the alcohol until you are well over it. I reckon a heavy night I had 5 weeks ago set me on the road to ruin.
Most poeples immune systems are shot because of a poor diet, lack off exercise and too much smoking. The flu jab doesn't build up your immune system, it is a small dose of the flu designed trigger the white blood cells so that it recognises the bug. Certainly doesn't prevent you from getting the flu.

Poor diet and lifestyle = inability to fight off infections.

True. Maybe it's coincidence or not but since super size me I have been avoiding take-away more than usual, maybe that's the reason.
I did everything you mentioned and much more but when the bug enters your system you are knackered. Most people get a cold and think it is the flu. The difference is that the flu puts you in bed ...period. No amount of Codral, painkillers or natural remedies will alter the fact that you will be out of action for at least 3 days. Like I said I've only had the flu twice in living memory, the last time being 25 years ago. But good luck with your system:)

I hear you on the being put in bed thing. I got sick on Monday, and spent the vast majority of the next 3 days in bed sleeping, or trying to. I was simply too exhausted to do much else. I seem to be over the worst of it now; just have a cough that's hanging around like a bad smell; so hopefully it doesn't decide to come back again.
I hear you on the being put in bed thing. I got sick on Monday, and spent the vast majority of the next 3 days in bed sleeping, or trying to. I was simply too exhausted to do much else. I seem to be over the worst of it now; just have a cough that's hanging around like a bad smell; so hopefully it doesn't decide to come back again.
All the best:thumbsu:

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What a load of complete and utter rubbish ! I and my family have had the needle for the last few years ...not one of us has ended up sick as a result of the needle . Please stop posting unsubstansiated bullshit :rolleyes:

So, you still have to get a different one each year. I don't see the point in that.

Plus the virus is highly mutable and therefore the needle will not stop you getting sick, it will only immunise you against the form of the virus used to make the immunisation. It will lower your chances sure, but the possibility is still there. My sister has been sick since she had a flu needle this year (and she got it from me, more than likely, and I didn't have the needle), so it's hardly magic.

I'm sick at the moment, have been for about 6 days, but thankfully it hasn't developed into anything like the OP. Still it's a bitch, I just wish this goddamned cough would go away.
So, you still have to get a different one each year. I don't see the point in that.

Plus the virus is highly mutable and therefore the needle will not stop you getting sick, it will only immunise you against the form of the virus used to make the immunisation. It will lower your chances sure, but the possibility is still there. My sister has been sick since she had a flu needle this year (and she got it from me, more than likely, and I didn't have the needle), so it's hardly magic.

I'm sick at the moment, have been for about 6 days, but thankfully it hasn't developed into anything like the OP. Still it's a bitch, I just wish this goddamned cough would go away.
Dont want to curse you BG but believe me if you still have the cough there could be a return bout. The second time round was when I was flattened - 3 weeks after the initial onset. You can see from the posts of others that this thing keeps at you. I do hope that this is not the case with you.:)
The flu virus is a mutating organism. The best they can do with the flu shot is to try to isolate the most common and virulent strain (amongst hundreds of others) and immunise against that. Even before they finish the process the targetted virus has often changed so the immunisation wont work in any case. But look....if it makes you feels secure and you don't mind the mercury carrier agent that comes with the shot go right ahead. Oh....and sensible people research intravenous products before shoving it into their circulatory system. I did and decided not to.

And remind us all ...who is the sick one here ?? ;)
I picked up this flu that has been knocking people over some three weeks ago and left it to the last minute before seeing a Dr after things went pear shaped 5 days in (rust sputum, high fever, mental confusion). Turned out I had bacterial pnuemonia in addition to the flu. For the first time in 25 years I went on to A/B's (several courses). This bug seems to bring with it complications. I've known several people who went on to develop bronchitis and/or pnuemonia. So just a warning, if you're not improving after a couple of days see a quack for good measure.

no probs dude, dont sweat it, its not the HU6734-67023 Bird flu strain. The govt has got that one covered. Another shining example of our govt protecting us. BTW, has tony had his time in front of the cameras yet? Complete with concerned looks, intense plans etc? ;)
no probs dude, dont sweat it, its not the HU6734-67023 Bird flu strain. The govt has got that one covered. Another shining example of our govt protecting us. BTW, has tony had his time in front of the cameras yet? Complete with concerned looks, intense plans etc? ;)
Naah he does his best work when the flu he's talking about is hypothetical.
Naah he does his best work when the flu he's talking about is hypothetical.

naaa really? wow, so he is on the job. BTW you know how this flu has claimed the lives of aussies and the bird flu has claimed the lives of a hell of a lot of chickens, had he actually made an effort to make it a law that all kids at school have a hit of the vaccine? OR had a hit of the vaccine, seeing as this non dangerous flu, arrived here from you know where? naaa, not our moronic "health" minister. He is to busy with the important stuff. Stockpiling tamiflu, to cover the nation, so the profit projections of certain drug companies make their stock market price soar.;)

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The Flu- a warning

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