FTA-TV The Front Bar

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I can't remember any show like this having a greater dichotomy in back to back guests than the Front Bar has had tonight, going from one of the most turgid interviews in sport in Cameron Smith (from the blood money tour), to one of the more likeable and charismatic sportspeople we've had in Pat Rafter.

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Hope that Andy is back tomorrow night. I don't like the guy. But at least he seems interested. Mel was shocking last week. Looked like that she didn't want to be there or doesn't like Mick and Sam.
I literally watched three mnutes of some show on youtube and wondered why she on there as doubt she would really know much about football. Think she from Sydney and more a soccer person so I doubt she knows much about football and much about the Aussie rules footy community.

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Hope that Andy is back tomorrow night. I don't like the guy. But at least he seems interested. Mel was shocking last week. Looked like that she didn't want to be there or doesn't like Mick and Sam.

That's just Mel McLaughlin - knowledgeable, but always sounds like she's mainlined Xanax before the light on the camera turns red.

Aside from Sam Pang, the true heroes of The Front Bar are the show's researchers. The archival footage they dig up every week - regardless of the guest or the sport - is exceptional. And the production is tight (a remarkable success considering the live filming and the booze).
First Aussie rule’s episode for the year last night. Guests were meh. Find Gil‘s smug responses annoying.

Thought Selwood was interesting when they showed him rugby throwing and mentioned ducking. I thought he looked a bit uncomfortable and then admitted that he had thrown the ball multiple times because he doesn’t get caught. Just confirms that to Joel the end justifies the means, including blatantly cheating.

All fine to get away with it on the field Joel but then don’t look hurt or be surprised when others call you on it. It has tainted his legacy, no matter how much he or Geelong supporters like to claim otherwise
Still think the opening 10 minutes of TFB is as good as any FTA entertainment there is.

That's either an indictment on Australian comedy or a credit to the guys for getting the formula right. Mixture of both imo.
Not like a bit of bogan aussie sport banter with beers in front of them isnt going to work.
Taking candy from a baby, low hanging fruit.
The first 10 secs is all I needed one time to flick it over.

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