The Great Beat-Up: The Drug Problem at West Coast *MB thread*

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Re: The Great Beat-Up: The Drug Problem at West Coast

Reports of a man in Perth , standing on a cliff's edge, dressed in a West coast jumper threatening to jump .According to a witness the man is mumbling over and over "Media beat-up":)
Re: The Great Beat-Up: The Drug Problem at West Coast

Ah yes, Gunnar LongShanks. I remember him well. Didn't he once work as an upaid spin doctor for a footy club? Bit of a fall from grace really. I've heard he was once an esteemed journalist. For a journalist to be reduced to being a PR operative is always sad. Whatever happened to him?

You don't say? He was found lying on the floor of a motel room in an unconscious state, after ingesting a mixture of his own hubris, arrogance and bombast? Very sad indeed. We may never see his like again.

Edit: I've checked, and it would appear that the last sign of a pulse from Gunnar was around 10 P.M. on Monday night. If we can isolate something which happened around this time which may have caused his disappearance, we may be on the right trail. Hmm, can't think of anything offhand. The thot plickens.

My tip is that once Round 1 rolls around and Juddy get his first hard ball get for the season, we'll see his "Has there ever been a better midfielder?" thread bumped once again.

It's a shame that Plonker Longshanks has disappeared faster than line of Charlie up an Eagles player's nose. He was a great champion of Debate. It would've been interesting to see how his skills held up under fire. Downhill skiier...
Re: The Great Beat-Up: The Drug Problem at West Coast

My tip is that once Round 1 rolls around and Juddy get his first hard ball get for the season, we'll see his "Has there ever been a better midfielder?" thread bumped once again.

It's a shame that Plonker Longshanks has disappeared faster than line of Charlie up an Eagles player's nose. He was a great champion of Debate. It would've been interesting to see how his skills held up under fire. Downhill skiier...
Gunnar has been seen holed up at VVanda's house, both were heard muttering something about BigFooty and those nasty peoples

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Re: The Great Beat-Up: The Drug Problem at West Coast

My tip is that once Round 1 rolls around and Juddy get his first hard ball get for the season, we'll see his "Has there ever been a better midfielder?" thread bumped once again.

It's a shame that Plonker Longshanks has disappeared faster than line of Charlie up an Eagles player's nose. He was a great champion of Debate. It would've been interesting to see how his skills held up under fire. Downhill skiier...
Yes.I too, expect a Mark Twain like return with claims that reports of his death have been greatly exaggerated.

Meanwhile, shadenfreude will suffice.
Re: The Great Beat-Up: The Drug Problem at West Coast

What does the list stand at now?

Kerr and Cousins have a fight at Club Bayview
Andrew Embley smashes some dudes eye socket in Claremont
Daniel Kerr forges a Valium prescription
Quentin Lynch runs from the cops
Add in Jacko beating up his family
Gardiner and Cousins refuse to give a statement regarding a serious nightclub shooting, despite requests of there club
Gardiner crashes car
Cousins runs from booze bus
Cousins unconcious pissed in Melbourne
Cousins suspended
Chick and Embley have a fight

McDougall and his housemate (Kerr/Cousins/Fletcher ?) having a fight, polcie called. McDougall leaves the club.
Re: The Great Beat-Up: The Drug Problem at West Coast

You seem pretty quiet to me Big Man. Is there something you're trying to sell... I mean, tell us?

Nope nothing at all.....:cool:

No. You can suffer through the bad times like this poor Hawks supporter has had to do in the last five years.[/QUOTE]

Fair enough. I'll be sticking with my drug footy club for decades. :thumbsu:
Re: The Great Beat-Up: The Drug Problem at West Coast

Woosha must tackle drug culture head-on

20th March 2007, 15:00 WST

Dear Woosha: So you’re comfortable? At first I couldn’t believe my ears when I heard you refuse to answer questions about drug use by your players after the Western Bulldogs game on Saturday.

I thought you said you were “uncomfortable” with the situation at the club.

Finally, I hoped against hope, Woosha is letting his true feelings be known.

But I watched a later news bulletin and heard your comment clearly: “I am comfortable with it all.”

And then, calling on media minder Gary Stocks to end the press conference, you walked away and left the questions hanging in the air. How could you be comfortable? The reputation of your club is being dragged through the mud by the players. There are serious suspicions the Eagles have for years covered up much of the drug-use scandal among some of the team. Sponsors are increasingly wary of signing up any of the playing group. And frankly, if I was the parent of an aspiring AFL rookie, I’d be worried about him being drafted to the Eagles.

Why would you want to put any young footballer into what appears to be a dangerous culture? But, Woosha, what has perplexed many people is the club’s attitude to drug use by its players doesn’t seem to accord with what we see as your personal standards. You are one of the most admired people in WA. What people respect, apart from your on-field courage and toughness, is your straightness and sense of decency. When you were included in The West Australian’s 100 Most Influetial People, the selection was uniformly applauded.

But where’s your influence over this crisis affecting your players? As a dispassionate observer, it seems to me this issue has been handled as a series of spot fires requiring some corporate spin rather than as a cancer in the club’s culture that needs to be cut out.

As I understand it, your decision on Saturday not to answer questions on drug use was because club chairman Dalton Gooding and CEO Trevor Nisbett had put the official position during the week.

Frankly, the public is far more interested in what you’ve got to say.

Dalton Gooding’s bombshell admission last Thursday that the Eagles had a drug problem with “a very small minority” of players posed as many questions as it answered.

For a start, his line that the club doesn’t know what happened to midfielder Chad Fletcher — who allegedly flatlined twice in a Las Vegas hospital — is simply unbelievable.

“It was an end-of-season players’ trip, it was a private trip, not a club-sanctioned trip,” he said.

“We understand Chad with some alcohol issues got quite seriously ill and we understand he was in hospital for two or three days.

“We don’t know the full circumstances but we’re just pleased that he recovered and is alive and well.”

John, you know that a senior football department official, match committee member Tim Gepp, was in Las Vegas with the players.

Are we to believe he doesn’t know exactly what happened — and hasn’t told you? Surely a member of your match committee wasn’t out on the tear with the boys?

Surely a professional outfit like the Eagles must have included him in the group for a good reason?
What is completely unravelling now, started fraying a long time ago.

My belief is things really started to go pear-shaped when the Eagles refused to sack Daniel Kerr in October 2004 after he fronted the courts for forging a valium prescription.

Why an Eagles star needed to falsify one of the club doctor’s scripts to get 50 valium pills has never been satisfactorily explained.

That it was tolerated by the club told the players if you are good enough on the field, what you do off the field will be “handled”.

Was the $5000 club fine on Kerr ever really paid? What was the 240 hours of football-related community service over 40 weeks that was the bulk of his club penalty? It certainly doesn’t appear to have changed his attitude.

Add that to the laughable $400 court fine and a spent conviction. Daniel — and the rest of the players — must have thought he was bullet-proof.

The versions of events told inside and outside the court never stacked up and must have amused those who knew the full story.

Kerr’s lawyer said his knee swelled up after an operation on September 18 and he couldn’t sleep for two days. That hardly explains why he decided on self-medication rather than medical attention. The lawyer told the court “some idiot” gave Kerr a blank prescription at a Brownlow Medal party on September 20.

Did the Eagles ever find the “idiot” who was handing out its club doctor’s prescription forms? There is an even more interesting question. Kerr’s season was over. The players were partying, as we know they like to do after the season.

Why did Daniel Kerr need something to help him sleep when he went to the pharmacy with the forged script? Did anyone in the Eagles ever want the answer to that question?

Woosha, I suspect you were not comfortable about that incident — or any of the many others that have followed it. That story didn’t stack up, just like the Chad Fletcher story doesn’t. And the more you go along with the club’s corporate line, the more you are personally compromised by it.

Re: The Great Beat-Up: The Drug Problem at West Coast

Top thread

It's been a long time since we have seen a self pwning of such magnitude.
And couldn't have happened to a bigger tosser as well :thumbsu:
Re: The Great Beat-Up: The Drug Problem at West Coast

Drugs are everywhere, footballers or not everyone takes them, the West Coast are just the ones sstupid enough to get caught.

Anyone here can go to CQ on Saturday nights to view this them selves, I was who witness with my own eyes Graham Polak smoking a ciggy staggering all over the place clearly effected by alcohole and what not and then being ejected by security, he was being a nuisance and looked like a goose. No more than 5 weeks back I saw Lance Whitnall stumbling around chewing his lips and sucking any last bit of salivia left in his mouth like he was stuck in the Saudi Arabia desert, I never saw him with 1 drink in his hand besides a bottle of water, the guy litteraly had no idea.

None of this is made up and any journo with any brains about them who wanted to prove this point could do so at CQ on any Saturday night, its that simple.
Re: The Great Beat-Up: The Drug Problem at West Coast

From the World series song in the mid 70's c'mon Aussie c'mon

You've been training all the summer
And there's not a team in more disarray
And that's the way it got to be
Cause your against this media bias
This is outrageous you know

Cousins is running from another booze bus
Kerr's making divots in taxi driver's faces
Fletcher's taking drugs
Lynchie's is playing havoc with the cops
And teammates are punching on
Woosha's making excuses
Judd's freakin out
and Gooding is wielding the axe

C'mon Gunnar c'mon c'mon
C'mon Gunnar c'mon c'mon
C'mon Gunnar c'mon c'mon
C'mom Gunnar c'mon

Cmon Gunnar have the balls to show up here and face the music , let's see your spin on this :)

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Re: The Great Beat-Up: The Drug Problem at West Coast

moistie said:
No. You can suffer through the bad times like this poor Hawks supporter has had to do in the last five years.

Fair enough. I'll be sticking with my drug footy club for decades. :thumbsu:
I don't blame you. You'll have quite a few years of high competativeness from your current list before you'll have to suffer a rebuilding program.

But for now, I will enjoy seeing a few of the more obnoxiously vocal Eagles supporters (yourself not included) egos pricked.
Re: The Great Beat-Up: The Drug Problem at West Coast

The question is who will return first Gunnar or Benny ?

I dont think any Eagle supporter would. Should we take this to the Eagles board?

Is Gunnar still posting elsewhere on the site?
Re: The Great Beat-Up: The Drug Problem at West Coast

Drugs are everywhere, footballers or not everyone takes them, the West Coast are just the ones sstupid enough to get caught.

Anyone here can go to CQ on Saturday nights to view this them selves, I was who witness with my own eyes Graham Polak smoking a ciggy staggering all over the place clearly effected by alcohole and what not and then being ejected by security, he was being a nuisance and looked like a goose. No more than 5 weeks back I saw Lance Whitnall stumbling around chewing his lips and sucking any last bit of salivia left in his mouth like he was stuck in the Saudi Arabia desert, I never saw him with 1 drink in his hand besides a bottle of water, the guy litteraly had no idea.

None of this is made up and any journo with any brains about them who wanted to prove this point could do so at CQ on any Saturday night, its that simple.

CQ is ****ing awesome, but yes seen bout 100 footabllers tehre in the past couple of months
Re: The Great Beat-Up: The Drug Problem at West Coast

I don't blame you. You'll have quite a few years of high competativeness from your current list before you'll have to suffer a rebuilding program.

But for now, I will enjoy seeing a few of the more obnoxiously vocal Eagles supporters (yourself not included) egos pricked.
Thats fair, we can be quite unbearable.

I dont think any Eagle supporter would. Should we take this to the Eagles board?

Is Gunnar still posting elsewhere on the site?

Probably writing in his column at his paper.

IF that is what he does. ;)
Re: The Great Beat-Up: The Drug Problem at West Coast

Thats fair, we can be quite unbearable.

Probably writing in his column at his paper.

IF that is what he does. ;)

He's a journalist for the Halls Creek Primary School Gazette.

Hence, this thread ebing moved to Bay13...mind you, who moved it to Bay13...would almost bet my left nut it was an Eagles admin. Any way that we c an find out who moved it?
Re: The Great Beat-Up: The Drug Problem at West Coast

Hi I'm Dummer Longstank- The media reports of Ben Cousins being suspended are simply that media hype and a press beat up. Show me the evidence people, prove to me one undisputed incidence of Cousins not being able to play at all this year, all I want is one solid piece of factual evidence.

There is none and if you find it and I don't seem to be around, look for the big busted ass poking in the air from where I have firmly planted my head in a nice soothing bucket of sand.

Failing drug tests are not evidence of drug use, perhaps Benny was too busy over the weekend to study.
Is Cousins' suspension drug-related?

I haven't seen that confirmed anywhere - have you?
Re: The Great Beat-Up: The Drug Problem at West Coast

And we could hear Gunnar all the way over in the eastern states saying "DOH"

This has got to be the funniest thing to happen on BigFooty

Drug Problem??? What Drug Problem?????

This latest episode is evidence of an ongoing issue with Cousins and his off-field issues.

Whether that links to the issue of illegal drugs remains to be seen - has he actually failed a drug test yet?

Cousins' suspension hasn't provided any more evidence of West Coast's so-called drug problem than was apparent last week.
Re: The Great Beat-Up: The Drug Problem at West Coast

Cmon Gunnar have the balls to show up here and face the music , let's see your spin on this :)
My spin?

I don't have any spin.

It appears Cousins' list of off-field ill-discipline has reached a point where the club feels the need to suspend him.

The timing sucks and it's unfortunate that it's come to this.

Hopefully Cousins can get his act together and get back on the field ASAP.

What kind of spin were you expecting?
Re: The Great Beat-Up: The Drug Problem at West Coast

Is Cousins' suspension drug-related?

I haven't seen that confirmed anywhere - have you?

You sir are an imbecile, a pathetic, moronic being that probably denies the existance of your own nose. Sad hey?? No proof it's drug related, if thats the case theres no proof there is a football team called the west coast eagles, though if they continue in the current vein there may not be.

Gunnar Longface taking denial to exciting new heights
Re: The Great Beat-Up: The Drug Problem at West Coast

People can call me names and claim fraudulent vindication.

But until anyone can actually provide real evidence of illicit drug use, you're all whistling in the wind.

Does anyone know that Cousins has been using drugs?

Has that been confirmed?

Or have you just rushed to that conclusion because the Victorian media has been peddling that assumption?

I've been saying the same thing throughout this thread - show me the evidence.

Cousins' suspension is a concern, but I'd like someone to talk me through the link between the latest episode and the Eagles' so-called drug problem.

Can anyone do better than "He missed training because he was high"?
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