The Great Beat-Up: The Drug Problem at West Coast *MB thread*

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Re: The Great Beat-Up: The Drug Problem at West Coast

It's not like me to kick a bloke when he's down.

But god Gunnar is a tosser and this just proves it:D
Re: The Great Beat-Up: The Drug Problem at West Coast

Oh dear.

West Coast, "We don't have a drug problem now, we've delisted Daniel Chick and now Ben Cousins. Daniel Kerr is on his last warning. The rest of the playing group has been couselled."
Reporters, "s****** s******."
Freo Supporters, "Ha Ha Such is life."
Others just shake their heads going I knew he came back from the US to early.
Re: The Great Beat-Up: The Drug Problem at West Coast

So who has West Coast got left in the midfield? Not going to be nearly as hard to shut it down. Where are they going to slide to? I reckon 9th.
Re: The Great Beat-Up: The Drug Problem at West Coast

So who has West Coast got left in the midfield? Not going to be nearly as hard to shut it down. Where are they going to slide to? I reckon 9th.

Kerr, Priddis, Selwood, Braun, Embley, Fletcher, Stenglien, Nicoski, Rosa, AND COUSINS.

Still a super talented midfield and no easier to shut down.
Re: The Great Beat-Up: The Drug Problem at West Coast

This whole issue of drugs in AFL, and of West Coast supposedly being the worst offenders, is a total beat-up.

Rumour and innuendo are no substitute for real evidence, but that hasn't stopped commentators from inflating this issue at every opportunity.

The Footy Show interview with West Coast chairman Dalton Gooding was presented as some kind of massive expose - maybe I missed it, but was anything actually revealed?

Gooding basically admitted their had been some discipline problems at the club, before saying the club wouldn't tolerate any more stuff-ups and that illicit drugs were unacceptable. What was the big revelation here? What else was he going to say? You'd get the same line on drugs and discipline from every chairman in the league.

This whole saga is marked as a beat-up by the complete lack of real information. I'm yet to see a shred of evidence that there is a "drug problem" in the AFL, or at West Coast or any other club.

Notice the way Hutchison kept referring to "a perception back East" that West Coast had a drug problem. That perception was emphasised because Hutchison had no actual evidence to use as a starting point for his questions. A perception - that's what's driving this beat-up.

I love the way commentators use "anecdotal evidence" to build their case. What does that phrase mean in this context? Rumour? Hearsay? In most reporting, that would not be sufficient to drive a story - but in this issue, that's considered a smoking gun.

Craig Hutchison spuriously linked Cousins getting locked up and Kerr assaulting a taxi driver with a supposed drug problem at West Coast. How does that work? Were drugs a factor in either incident?

Then there's the Fletcher incident. If anyone knows what happened in Las Vegas, then let's hear it. It's unsound to just assume it was a drug overdose in the absence of any real information?

Like I said - show me the evidence. Don't just recite unsubstantiated rumours or point to incidents that had nothing to do with drugs.

Quite frankly, I couldn't care less what Ben Cousins or any other player does or doesn't ingest in a nightclub. I have no interested whatsoever in this half-baked soap opera that surrounds players' off-field activities. The public appetite for this stuff mystifies me.

I thought most people follow football because they like the spectacle and the contest. Players will be judged on what they do on-field - and rightly so. Why is there such interest in everything else?

That said, the way this story about the "drug problem" has been manufactured needs to be pointed out.

People should demand some facts instead of just lapping up innuendo that feeds their dislike of the Eagles.

You imbecile :D
Re: The Great Beat-Up: The Drug Problem at West Coast

LMAO!!! This is too funny to read. Dude WC are the worst as far as drugs go and have been since they started in 86.

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Re: The Great Beat-Up: The Drug Problem at West Coast

Kerr, Priddis, Selwood, Braun, Embley, Fletcher, Stenglien, Nicoski, Rosa, AND COUSINS.

Still a super talented midfield and no easier to shut down.

Actually, much easier to shut down without Judd and possibly Cousins.

That's like saying Geelong's midfield wouldn't be easier to shut down without Bartel and Ablett.
Re: The Great Beat-Up: The Drug Problem at West Coast

Actually, much easier to shut down without Judd and possibly Cousins.

That's like saying Geelong's midfield wouldn't be easier to shut down without Bartel and Ablett.

Yes but opponents slack off due to Judd not being there and the names mentioned will slaughter them.
Re: The Great Beat-Up: The Drug Problem at West Coast

I've said it already - show me the evidence.

I don't think you can accuse me of being in denial when no evidence has actually been presnted.

In reality, the media and the public - particularly in Victoria - are so desperate to inflate these half-baked smears against West Coast that they'll swallow anything, even it's totally unproven.

Damn those Victorian police going all the way to Perth to frame poor Benny :D

Re: The Great Beat-Up: The Drug Problem at West Coast

Originally Posted by PC
This one will be about 5th best/controversial thread

There are a few more stories to come

Crystal ball time

Number 1 thread will be bigger than an ex captain and drugs

Number 2 will be C Judd going back to ....

Number 3 will be the Ben Cousins one

Number 4 could well be this one or an unknown story or a major major injury

How did I do ;):cool:
Re: The Great Beat-Up: The Drug Problem at West Coast

So who has West Coast got left in the midfield? Not going to be nearly as hard to shut it down. Where are they going to slide to? I reckon 9th.

Only 9th?

Keep going downwards LOL....

Great thread this is... lovely to see such a s**tstain of a club continue to fall from grace.

Drugs are bad, mmmkay?
Re: The Great Beat-Up: The Drug Problem at West Coast

Great thread this is... lovely to see such a s**tstain of a club continue to fall from grace.
Must be sad to finish below "a s**tstain of a club" & Fremantle.

Grim future for the Dee's
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