The Heatwave

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I'm surprised that a thread about the heat has got over 500 posts.

What is really annoying is doing exercise in like 40 degree-ish heat.
I can't cop people like this. I really can't.

Have you ever been to war? By your own admission, no you haven't. Your relatives may have been to war but i dont know if that qualifies as "seeing enough".

Yet you encourage conscription to "sort out the younger generation". I spose that sorting out requires a few bullets through a gut fired from a machine gun nest does it? It seems fashionable to bash the younger generation today, the ironic thing is that the young men and women who fought in armed conflict and died, the last thing they would want is for another war that results in another mass massacre.

Why don't you pull your head in mate.

We are lucky yes, but it still doesn't mean that we are not screwing stuff up for future generations with the way we are acting today. In principle that young poster had a point, in future years Australia will be left with a burden from the current generation with regards to the environment
, especially The Great Barrier Reef.

why don't you f off! Don't tell me to pull my head in you little twerp. FFS you are such a knob. I wasn't advocating actual war. I was using it as an example of how the younger generation have NFI these days. Many older people talk about how war makes boys men and teaches them what the real world can be like.

To think i would actually WANT a war to teach young men not to sweat small stuff or act like F wits is insane and makes it clear you are as dumb as your posting suggests.:rolleyes:

Nice work replying to the same post twice too. Tosser :rolleyes:
Why do people have to experience killing someone, or violence, to be a real man?

And furthermore, where the **** does that leave the women?

Why do you have so much anger, dear footyfreak? Is it the heat?

no it's dealing with idiots that have an inability to understand simple things or they take every word literally.

People don't have to kill each other to become real men, it was just an example know what, ICBF.

And furthermore, where the **** does that leave the women?

most women are stupid by nature and nothing is going to fix that.
why don't you f off! Don't tell me to pull my head in you little twerp. FFS you are such a knob. I wasn't advocating actual war. I was using it as an example of how the younger generation have NFI these days. Many older people talk about how war makes boys men and teaches them what the real world can be like.

To think i would actually WANT a war to teach young men not to sweat small stuff or act like F wits is insane and makes it clear you are as dumb as your posting suggests.:rolleyes:

Nice work replying to the same post twice too. Tosser :rolleyes:

You said in your original post that "you need war with a conscription" to sort out the younger generation. Im just going on what you wrote.

The younger poster made mention of the belief that future generations are going to have to deal with the mistakes made by this generation. He is correct, especially with regards to the environment. The Great Barrier Reef may be no more in 50 years.

You told him to harden up basically and go to India and see how hard it is there or something along those lines, then you made a comment about needing a war with conscription to show the younger generation how easy they have it compared to those who fought in armed conflict when drafted in at 18 years of age.

The young poster had a valid point which you wrongly dismissed and then made a fool of yourself.

Well done sir.

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no it's dealing with idiots that have an inability to understand simple things or they take every word literally.

People don't have to kill each other to become real men, it was just an example know what, ICBF.

most women are stupid by nature and nothing is going to fix that.

You really are a class act aren't you, no surprise you support Collingwood.
no it's dealing with idiots that have an inability to understand simple things or they take every word literally.

People don't tend to like abuse. Calling someone an idiot from the outset will never result in a good debate.

People don't have to kill each other to become real men, it was just an example know what, ICBF.


You've shown your inability to argue on these boards without resorting to name-calling, sexism, bigotry, and some sort of misplaced arrogance. We get it. Run along now.
Why do people have to experience killing someone, or violence, to be a real man?

And furthermore, where the **** does that leave the women?

Why do you have so much anger, dear footyfreak? Is it the heat?

Nursing. :thumbsu:
You said in your original post that "you need war with a conscription" to sort out the younger generation. Im just going on what you wrote.

The younger poster made mention of the belief that future generations are going to have to deal with the mistakes made by this generation. He is correct, especially with regards to the environment. The Great Barrier Reef may be no more in 50 years.

You told him to harden up basically and go to India and see how hard it is there or something along those lines, then you made a comment about needing a war with conscription to show the younger generation how easy they have it compared to those who fought in armed conflict when drafted in at 18 years of age.

The young poster had a valid point which you wrongly dismissed and then made a fool of yourself.

Well done sir.

I have no idea what you are on about. The only person who has made a fool of themselves is you coz i never wrote that :rolleyes:

Re the conscription comment, well if you took that literally that i want war to change young peoples attitudes then you really are stupid. I was making a point about young people today. It's a throw away line. Like an old bloke saying "you know what will fix these young hoodlums, draft em into the army and send them off to war, that'll teach em"

It doesn't mean they literally want another war FFS :rolleyes:
People don't tend to like abuse. Calling someone an idiot from the outset will never result in a good debate.


You've shown your inability to argue on these boards without resorting to name-calling, sexism, bigotry, and some sort of misplaced arrogance. We get it. Run along now.

I had already made my point in the previous post. You chose not to read it or you couldn't understand a very simple explanation. So i couldn't be bothered writing the same thing again coz you probably wouldn't understand it the second time around.
You really are a class act aren't you, no surprise you support Collingwood.

more class than someone who steals booze from someone's party that's for sure (and yes i know you have tried to say it was a joke after everyone bagged you but i don't believe it for a second).

Don't get ya knickers in a knot, I love women and think there are many many very smart ones out there. Most though are pretty stupid.
My mistake, I was looking for a response in English...

I wasn't advocating actual war. I was using it as an example of how the younger generation have NFI these days. Many older people talk about how war makes boys men and teaches them what the real world can be like.

To think i would actually WANT a war to teach young men not to sweat small stuff or act like F wits is insane

WOW, you couldn't understand that :confused::eek::eek:
Keep digging. You're not doing yourself any favours.

(Hint: your posts have no coherency.)

War is not a default state of nature and therefore to say that the "younger generation have NFI" without going to war is, quite frankly, a load of shit.

Oh FFS :rolleyes:

No i think it is you who are doing yourself no favours by missing the point made in my original post and then failing to understand it even when explained several times.


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The Heatwave

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