The Heatwave

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In the outer northern suburbs where i live it is always 1.5-2 degrees hotter than the CBD, i don't know why they quote the CBD temp as the high for the day.What...nobody lives outside of the CBD?In the case of Adelaide,about 8 people live in the city,who ****en cares what the temp is there?
I'm just old enough to remember the long standing Tasmanian record of 40.8 in Hobart in the middle 70's - I can remember my great grandmother complaining about it being the hottest day since the war.
Subsequently, that record has been well and truly broken at least 4 or 5 times in the last two days.
Scamander on the East Coast had 42.2 yesterday, Fingal in the North has had 41.0 and 41.6, St Helens 41,several other areas reported record overnight temperatures and 40 degree max's.
Launceston Airport hit 40 as was Cressy, Launceston City was 39, also their highest ever recorded temp.
A lot of heat records have all been smashed in the North, not so in Hobart, it has been VERY humid down South, it's been an absolute nightmare at work with the high humidity.
Today we only recorded 23-32 down in Hobes, which really sucked compared to the rest of the places.
The heat's fine, the humidity has been a real problem though :thumbsdown:
Work nights, so sleep during the day. :eek:

In Tas, so it wasn't extra bad, only 32. Couldn't sleep, so I grabbed a roll up mattress and went under the house, into the garage. Must have been about 20 in there :confused:. I wake up at one stage freezing, go back into the house for a blanket and it still has to be 30+ inside. Go to sleep for another 3 hrs and wake up cold again, go back in the house and it's still close to 30.

Anyway, figured out where to sleep when it's roasting. :cool:

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Actually had a fairly good (albeit short) sleep again last night. Was woken up at 4AM thanks to some idiots making noise next door which included a bottle smashing on the ground.

Had a small battle with my sister in regards to the use of the cooling, she wanted it on throughout the night (even though she wasn't going to be home through most of it), i stuck to my guns and said it would be turned OFF when i would be going to bed - she scoffed at the notion, even though late last night the temperature was dropping outside and likewise with the temperature inside (and i was now on the verge of needing a jumper).

She's the kind of person that thinks it's hot at when it reaches 25 degrees or over, i usually don't use the cooler myself.... but changed my tune coming home to a house that had a 30-35 degree temperature on a 40+ degree day. While other households seem to have no issues with running their systems 24/7, it doesn't sit right with me (why use it when i don't feel it's necessary ?).

My mum is not going to be too impressed when she returns home late next week to find a few of her plants have failed to live through the last few days (and i did try to water them as best i could with a freaking kettle).
This is not a it sucks to be you thread, while you lot have been in the middle of a heat wave things have been totally different up north.

We are in the middle of a big wet, in Townsville we have only had four days in January without rain and about 700mm for the month. North, south and west have also copped heaps with some towns out west getting near record January totals. Average temperature range is about 24 to 30

Northern places like Tully and Cairns have got more than Townsville as usual. Every dam is at 100% capacity and overflowing. Out west in places like Cloncurry before christmas they were trucking and bringing in their water by rail, the dam at Mt Isa is full for the first time in five years, they were down to 30 days left before they had to do the same.

The main highway North is cut at Ingham and expected to be cut south of Townsville this morning, most towns in the Gulf are isolated. There is concern that a low of the coast may develop into a cyclone either on the weekend or next week no one can be sure the experts are watching closely.

If it does develop and is above catogary three it will cause havoc as the ground is so wet and unstable.

I havent had my air con on all year and like most up hear love the rain and rejoice that we are having a big wet.

Australia is a big country while you have suffered a heat wave the weather here has been excellent. I am no expert but would the monsoon trough through Northern Australia push all the hot dry air south causing the heat wave?

Anyway stay cool down there keep an eye on your loved ones and elderly and I hope you get some cool weather shortly.
Send some of your water down our way.

Well we have plenty would if I could, here is a rough idea of how much we have.

The Burdekin Falls dam which is south of Townsville completed in1987 is Queenslands largest dam.It has the biggest spillway in Australia and a catchment area the size of Victoria is currently at 123% capacity or 2.2 million megalitres.

Between Jan 5 and Jan 15, 800,000 million megalitres have passed over the dam wall. If as expected today the water over the spillway reaches the 3metre mark an estimated 500,000 million megalitres will spill over in 24 hours or the capacity of Sydney Harbour every 24 hours.

Looks like its going to be a ripper Barra season and the rain will flush all the big buck mud crabs out as well:thumbsu:
Well we have plenty would if I could, here is a rough idea of how much we have.

The Burdekin Falls dam which is south of Townsville completed in1987 is Queenslands largest dam.It has the biggest spillway in Australia and a catchment area the size of Victoria is currently at 123% capacity or 2.2 million megalitres.

Between Jan 5 and Jan 15, 800,000 million megalitres have passed over the dam wall. If as expected today the water over the spillway reaches the 3metre mark an estimated 500,000 million megalitres will spill over in 24 hours or the capacity of Sydney Harbour every 24 hours.

Looks like its going to be a ripper Barra season and the rain will flush all the big buck mud crabs out as well:thumbsu:

Holy crap some BIG numbers there.....
I'm in Hobart & tried to dig a hole out the back the other day & the spade bounced back up at me. She's bone dry down here.
According to BOM, Melbourne at 1pm EDT it's 26.9, it seems like it won't be hotter than 32 degrees in Melbourne today and the forecasted 37 degrees won't be met. In Adelaide at 12:35 CDT it's 37.9 and it's likely that the forecasted 40 degrees will be met.
Yes, we've had a cool change.....its only 37, expected top temp today in my area is 39......bring on winter..please!

Cozi, they are is still very very hot and horrible..
Melbourne's high today was just 29.5 at 10:21am, currently 25.8.

Safe to say that it won't get to 37 or even 30 :thumbsu:. What a surprise!

Although it did hit 37 out at "Cold"stream

However, it's been as high as 40.5 in Adelaide.

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Checking the BOM website it looks like it's just gonna be a muggy, warmish day in Melbourne rather than the scorcher that was forecast. Strangely, the eastern suburbs are much warmer.

I'm loving it, this is more ideal weather :thumbsu:

Now we've just got to hope that the bush fire situation gets under control before it attacks the powerlines - been following it, last i read it the fire was less than 2km from them :eek:
This country is such a shambles (just have power on now finally after 5 hours without). Overpopulated (for how arid it is), poor infrastructure, 'drought' that's lasted umpteen years, heavy water restrictions, power crisis with new record-breaking high temperatures, shite public transport.

It's only going to get worse
This country is such a shambles (just have power on now finally after 5 hours without). Overpopulated (for how arid it is), poor infrastructure, 'drought' that's lasted umpteen years, heavy water restrictions, power crisis with new record-breaking high temperatures, shite public transport.

It's only going to get worse

Pre-menstrual much, or is it just the heat frying your brains?

I seriously suggest you visit other parts of the world for a more realistic comparison. Young people with your ridiculous sense of entitlement are a disgrace.

Don't like it then **** off, instead of carrying on like a pathetic whinging softcokc bum.
I agree with Magpie.

As a 17 year old, my generation and future generations will be left to deal with the crap state that the world is in due to actions (or lack of said actions) by earlier generations. :)
I agree with Magpie.

As a 17 year old, my generation and future generations will be left to deal with the crap state that the world is in due to actions (or lack of said actions) by earlier generations. :)

Don't worry, your head will explode (thankfully) in a year or so when smugness finally fills your entire head.
This country is such a shambles (just have power on now finally after 5 hours without). Overpopulated (for how arid it is), poor infrastructure, 'drought' that's lasted umpteen years, heavy water restrictions, power crisis with new record-breaking high temperatures, shite public transport.

It's only going to get worse

Bugger off. We're fine over here
I think this sums up the heatwave so far nicely:


Bear with me if this doesn't work, haven't embedded a video for a while.
Pre-menstrual much, or is it just the heat frying your brains?

I seriously suggest you visit other parts of the world for a more realistic comparison. Young people with your ridiculous sense of entitlement are a disgrace.

Don't like it then **** off, instead of carrying on like a pathetic whinging softcokc bum.

likka for PM

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The Heatwave

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