The major problem with video games

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Sep 21, 2004
AFL Club
There are too many good ones. Honestly, who gets time to play them all properly?

I wish I could be a teenager again, and fantasise about getting fired so I can sit around all day playing my shit with copious packets of cheese and onion Pringles and vanilla coke by my side.

Below is a list of games Ive purchased in 2011 and either not played or under played.

Rage (50% done)
Batman (15% done)
Skyrim (10 hours in)
Uncharted 3 (havent played)
Assassins Creed Revelations (15% done)
Dead Space 2 (50% done)
Portal 2 (50% done)
Halo CE (40% done)

And that's not including the MP components of Red Dead, Saints Row and a few others that I simply can't touch.
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I sometimes wish I was 10 years old again. When I would buy a game, play it till I completely finished it and then replayed it until I scrounged up enough money for a new one or a special occasion (birthday, christmas) came around and someone gave me a new one.

These days that I make my own money I probably play half to two thirds of the games I buy and seldom to utter completion.

@Jabso; Don't even start me on the Steam games I haven't even downloaded yet...

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I can sympathise with the OP here. There are still many games I haven't even opened.

At the risk of sounding like an old codger I think part of the reason is because the playing hours to finish games these days are much longer then back in the past.
I was looking at a video of the big releases expected for 2012 and it's looking a bit weaker then last year...
2011 just had so many great games and i am only just starting to catch up
Luckily dark souls and skyrim aren't exactly my type of games because those two alone could eat up your whole life
i think if i ever had as many games coming in as you lot do, i think there would end up being a couple of games sitting unwrapped that i'd never end up playing.

i tend to buy one, finish it then get something else. not a big fan of switching between games all the time myself. (mp aside) although i think i did probably miss out on a few decent games over the years due to gears of war mp.

on another note, for those of you who have games building up, do you find yourself rushing to finish off a game to get going on the next?
I vowed I would never buy more than 2 or 3 games near each other after I bought 7 PS2 games on clearance years back and never played 6 of them.

I tend to finish one off before I buy another, and if I have one sitting around that I haven't played yet I don't buy another. No point getting games on release if you don't play them until 12 months later when they're 1/3rd the price (looking at you Final Fantasy XIII.)
I think the main probelm is the way the industry is these days. Middle of the road shovel ware will get you no where anymore, it has to be AAA, with millions of dollars spent on development that will be a known seller, thats why we are seeing so many sequels these days. UC3, MW3, BF3, SR 3, ME 3, D3, Batman AC are guaranteed money in the bank. Very few companies can afford to take a risk and have it backfire on them if an IP flops

The other side of the spectrum are the indie games on XBL, PSN and Steam. These games can be hits and make money with small teams (think Braid, Minecraft etc) but is pretty rare

So while the developers and publishers play safe and release sequel after sequel, we'll all still have the same problem. Too many good games with too little time
Great thread.

Bought my Xbox on December 7, bought NBA 2k12, L.A. Noire and got Halo Reach and Fable 3 but also purchased Pure/LEGO Batman (for a buck), Mafia 2 (for a fiver), Fable 2 (my gal wanted to play #2 before #3, she's about an hour or so in) and have Project Gotham Racing and F1 2010 (old, I know) on the way for basically nothing through eBay. I've finally won a championship in Association Mode in NBA 2k12 (siming everything but the elimination games), am yet to touch XBox Live mode (doubt I'll get good enough to give it a crack this season, perhaps next, without being humiliated), have played HR for a few hours (perhaps 5% through) and would hazard a guess that I'm about 40-60% of the way into Fable 3. I'm also looking at getting Skyrim among others.

Simply with full time study year round and really beginning to settle down with my girlfriend there isn't enough time in the day to play more than an hour or two on gaming without feeling that I'm cheating myself or others elsewhere.

Don't even get me started on the splurge I made on Steam/GMG/Get Games/GG pc games in their sales the past few weeks.


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Max Payne 3 could be awesome
Mass effect 3 should be awesome

theres 2 right there that im wanting this year

Then there will prob be gta 5 so there will be plenty more must buys in 2012.

Its mainly the last 3-4 months thats theres been a crap load of great games released an i play 1 till i finish it then move on.
Ive never replayed games not even mass effect 2.
If i replay them i will never get onto the next 1
Ive still got Assasins creed revelations,saints row 3, La noire sitting waiting to be started.
Not enough time need to give up working for a living.
Oh, I know. I have so many games from previous Steam sales which I've never installed - GTA IV, Mass Effect 2, King's Bounty, Empire & Napoleon: Total War... Even those I do play can last under an hour if they don't grab me.

There's just not enough time in the day for all the games, especially when you consider retro games.
Just to add
On the original xbox i got it chipped and the chip came with all the games that had been released.....i never really played it after that, just was 2 much
Just read the Assasins creed wikipedia page, the game is a carbon copy of the first two.

Grab Holidays for Skyrim, I do not know a man who has put under 40 hours of gameplay into it

0 hours in Skyrim, and no interest in putting a minute into it. :p There you go.

I have a serious problem with games. I read about them, watch trailers and they become "must buys" on release, and I now have ~40-45 PS3 games, a couple I haven't touched, and most are about half way completed. :eek:

I grabbed a couple of cheapies after christmas (2 for $40 bin) Singulatiry and Kane and Lynch 2. neither have been touched, well I've done the first mission in K&L but that's as far as i've gone. Singulatiry still has the plastic wrapping on it.

Next year doesn't look as bad, but still;

NHL13 (get every year)
Twisted Metal
Diablo 3

good lord.
Theold uni days were the best for playing games. At the time I had a bungalow at my parents house. On my days off I would smoked a few j's and play a game from 12pm right threw to 3-4am. Only stopping for the occassional food break, which in most cases was home delivered pizza. that way I could eat while I played.

These days whether it either be because I work heaps, don't smoke the gunga anymore or I am too old for locking myself down in a game for 15 hours, I just can't seem to do it. I might play for an hour to 2 max in any one sitting. And those are only 1-3 sittings per week
Only had PS3 for just over a year. Started off with only GT5 and NBA2K11 last year and then added AFL Live in April or whenever it was when it came out. That kept me going till late in the year when I decided to jump into BF3. Happy as larry playing that each night for a little bit once the kids and wife were in bed. Then at Xmas got given RDR, LA Noire and Fifa 12. No idea when I'm going to play them. To top it off, had some credit on Zavvi so decided to order UC 1&2 double pack yesterday.

Definitely done my dash for a while now. My best days were just out of uni where I was working on oil rigs. Could be back in town for 4 or 5 weeks at a time. What else was I meant to do during the day while mates were at work? The old XBox got a flogging in those days.
Mass Effect 3 and Diablo 3 are going to destroy me this year, let alone any other games coming out.

^ this.

D3 alone will be strong enough to wipe out 6 months of people's lives... let alone anything else.

But ME3 will take atleast 60 hours solo play thru, another 60 for 2nd play thru... + XX hours in MultiPlayer (new this time around).

Throw in another Treyarch CoD release and a few new sports titles and we're all set.

Still... unless you're > 20... I doubt many here realize the beast that D3 will be:

- Diablo sold 2.5 million copies back in 96-01 when mainstream gaming was still finding its feet.
- Diablo 2 sold 4 million copies in 2000... and it's expansion LoD sold about 3 million in 2001.

*** these were > 10 years ago with a lower gaming population.

For comparison sakes MW3 sales were 6.5 million on the 1st day (not sure on RTD figures).

... but then again that is across multiple platforms (not just PC as above).

Anyway, i am a D 'fan', but irrespective it will be interesting to see it unleashed on a new generation in a larger gaming market.
^ this.

D3 alone will be strong enough to wipe out 6 months of people's lives... let alone anything else.

But ME3 will take atleast 60 hours solo play thru, another 60 for 2nd play thru... + XX hours in MultiPlayer (new this time around).

Throw in another Treyarch CoD release and a few new sports titles and we're all set.

Still... unless you're > 20... I doubt many here realize the beast that D3 will be:

- Diablo sold 2.5 million copies back in 96-01 when mainstream gaming was still finding its feet.
- Diablo 2 sold 4 million copies in 2000... and it's expansion LoD sold about 3 million in 2001.

*** these were > 10 years ago with a lower gaming population.

For comparison sakes MW3 sales were 6.5 million on the 1st day (not sure on RTD figures).

... but then again that is across multiple platforms (not just PC as above).

Anyway, i am a D 'fan', but irrespective it will be interesting to see it unleashed on a new generation in a larger gaming market.

D3 won't compare to anything like MW3, it'll be a great seller, but it just won't have the marketing behind it. Plus as you mentioned, its on 1 format compared to 3. I reckon they'd be happy with 2 million 1st day....
D3 won't compare to anything like MW3, it'll be a great seller, but it just won't have the marketing behind it. Plus as you mentioned, its on 1 format compared to 3. I reckon they'd be happy with 2 million 1st day....

Agree... the MW3 reference wasn't for 'competing' purposes but rather 'comparing'. Just reeling off sales figures is pointless unless you give people scope and something to compare too. :)
D3 won't compare to anything like MW3, it'll be a great seller, but it just won't have the marketing behind it. Plus as you mentioned, its on 1 format compared to 3. I reckon they'd be happy with 2 million 1st day....

If it gets 2 million on the first day then in my opinion that would make it even more successful than MW3 simply because of it being on the one format.

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The major problem with video games

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