Current Trial The Murder of 9yo Charlise Mutten - Blue Mountains * Justin Stein Sentenced to Life in Prison

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The maximum sentence.

Justice Helen Wilson told the NSW Supreme Court today Stein failed to demonstrate "any shred of remorse" for such a "shockingly callous crime".

"Having murdered a nine-year-old girl, all the offender's energy was spent covering his tracks and directing blame elsewhere," Justice Wilson said.

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How a little boy saved murdered Charlise Mutten’s mum​

Amid harrowing grief and crippling drug addiction after her fiance mercilessly killed her nine-year-old daughter, Kallista Mutten gave birth to a baby boy. Not letting him down is her reason for living
Well Well Well - First I've heard KM went ahead with the birth.

I have no words.

How a little boy saved murdered Charlise Mutten’s mum​

Amid harrowing grief and crippling drug addiction after her fiance mercilessly killed her nine-year-old daughter, Kallista Mutten gave birth to a baby boy. Not letting him down is her reason for living
Well Well Well - First I've heard KM went ahead with the birth.

I have no words.
I hope she can rebuild her life for both of their sakes.

How a little boy saved murdered Charlise Mutten’s mum​

Amid harrowing grief and crippling drug addiction after her fiance mercilessly killed her nine-year-old daughter, Kallista Mutten gave birth to a baby boy. Not letting him down is her reason for living
Well Well Well - First I've heard KM went ahead with the birth.

I have no words.

And presumably he was able to remain in her care? Unbelievable.

How a little boy saved murdered Charlise Mutten’s mum​

Amid harrowing grief and crippling drug addiction after her fiance mercilessly killed her nine-year-old daughter, Kallista Mutten gave birth to a baby boy. Not letting him down is her reason for living
Well Well Well - First I've heard KM went ahead with the birth.

I have no words.
>I wonder how much she was paid for this and how much went to the baby rather than in her veins. She should be in jail.

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Well I guess it explains why her parents recently started speaking with her again. No doubt they want to keep a close eye on their grandson.

I gather the bub is with them now -

"The boy is in the care of relatives while Kallista, by her own admission, gets herself better."

That's exactly the same reason that Charlise was in the care of her Grandparents.
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I gather the bub is with them now -

"The boy is in the care of relatives while Kallista, by her own admission, gets herself better."

That's exactly the same reason that Charlise was in the care of her Grandparents.
Hopefully she will never have unescorted visits again or we will have another death being investigated but she will really promise that she means to fix her life that time.

On SM-A136B using mobile app
Hopefully she will never have unescorted visits again or we will have another death being investigated but she will really promise that she means to fix her life that time.

On SM-A136B using mobile app
She can’t be trusted to find a decent partner, poor girl. They just keep picking the same sort.
She can’t be trusted to find a decent partner, poor girl. They just keep picking the same sort.

Kallista's options for a decent partner are essentially non-existent. There'll be some men, mostly crims, who want to know her simply for her background and having her head in the paper, she needs to recognise them. These aren't the 'right' men.

I think she's a bit thick and ego driven so I hope she's told until she understands it.

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Kallista's options for a decent partner are essentially non-existent. There'll be some men, mostly crims, who want to know her simply for her background and having her head in the paper, she needs to recognise them. These aren't the 'right' men.

I think she's a bit thick and ego driven so I hope she's told until she understands it.

Odd attracts "odd" always.

KM's an addict - so she'll be around those "types 24/7" Dealers - pimps - friends - acquaintances - jail mates.

She has already killed her friend in the car whilst "high" + her own daughter has been murdered whilst supposed to be under KM "care".

There was no care of Charlise. It was neglect.

KM has caused the trauma in her own life.
Kallista's options for a decent partner are essentially non-existent. There'll be some men, mostly crims, who want to know her simply for her background and having her head in the paper, she needs to recognise them. These aren't the 'right' men.

I think she's a bit thick and ego driven so I hope she's told until she understands it.

I’m no expert but if she started using drugs in her teens, then there’s a number of studies that suggest she will be developmentally stunted as a result. The effects of drug and alcohol use on the developing brain can be devastating.
I gather the bub is with them now -

"The boy is in the care of relatives while Kallista, by her own admission, gets herself better."

That's exactly the same reason that Charlise was in the care of her Grandparents.

I feel a bit better knowing the son is with his grandparents and not Kallista or the narcissistic mother of the child killer.
Odd attracts "odd" always.

KM's an addict - so she'll be around those "types 24/7" Dealers - pimps - friends - acquaintances - jail mates.

She has already killed her friend in the car whilst "high" + her own daughter has been murdered whilst supposed to be under KM "care".

There was no care of Charlise. It was neglect.

KM has caused the trauma in her own life.
Getting high was the number one priority, over looking after her daughter. We can surmise that the “friends” she was with at the caravan park were fellow travellers, so to speak. She was glad to take up Stinker’s offer to look after Charlise for a couple of days and didn’t question his motives, which were having the little girl alone and doing what he liked with her. 😡
What happened to him at Cranbrook School.
Was he a border there, or just a day boy?
Any old boys reading that have any goss on him?

Here we go.

Private schoolboy to ‘wicked’ killer: Justin Stein will never leave prison for the ‘callous’ murder of Charlise Mutten

Lauren Ferri
August 31, 2024 - 9:41AM

Since making headlines for the “callous” murder of Charlise, old school friends of Stein have taken to online forums to speak of their experience with him.

One described him as an “absolute and utter piece of sh*t”.

“He was a compulsive liar, manipulated his friends and family, random people he met,” the former schoolfriend said.

“Ripped people off left right and centre – always in trouble with the police … he started using heroin and his room became a shooting gallery for hyper-privileged private school kids.”

Another described him as a “psychopath” who was a “pathological liar”.

“I met him during his teen years and nothing’s changed,” the former friend said.

“He was a pathological liar, drug addict/seller and thief, who would take advantage of anyone who came near him.”
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Ms Stein, 56, told the Daily Telegraph in an exclusive interview.

“Justin’s had a pretty tortured life.

It would hurt anyone (to have a child go through this), it doesn’t matter who you are it would hurt you because parents know their children and, you know, as I said, the mother is the one they need to talk to.”
Maybe he inherited some poor genes, or he was exposed too much to some adults, as a child who exhibited manipulative behavior in how they treated people, and how he was treated.
old school friends of Stein have taken to online forums to speak of their experience with him.
Reddit comments from 3 different accounts 2-3 months ago from Post: Charlise Mutten murder trial: alleged killer Justin Stein says he didn’t know schoolgirl’s body was on back of ute.

'I used to buy weed from Justin back in high school. He used to grow his own (his parents let him grow commercial quantities in their own home, for some reason) and there was nothing like it, so I put up with him, but I can say that even then he was an absolute and utter piece of shit.

He was a compulsive liar, manipulated his friends and family, random people he met. Ripped people off left right and centre - always in trouble with the police. I stopped going over there when he started using heroin and his room became a shooting gallery for hyper-privileged private school kids.

I ran into him a few years later and he looked clean and sober. Said he'd been to rehab and it was just "coca-cola and ciggies from now on". He was starting a job on a fishing trawler because he loved fishing. I said "good for you man" and he looked genuinely touched that I cared. I guess we can all see how long that lasted.'


'I knew this guy when I was 18. He is a true psychopath (true anti social personality disorder) . He once have his girlfriend at the time a needle filled with pesticide so she can commit suicide… hence I stole his girlfriend and we never spoke to him again. I have no doubt in my mind he did it… he would always talk about what he would do if he commits murder. This was during a bad time in my life and hung with the wrong crowd. I hated him with every fibre in my body. I hope he’s in prison for life
And always a pathological liar'


'I met him during his teen years and nothing's changed. He was a pathological liar, drug addict/seller and thief, who would take advantage of anyone who come near him.

The biggest surprise is that (some of) his family is supporting him, especially his mum. Annemie would hide valuables because he'd steal anything not bolted down. Can't see how anyone who has ever met Justin doesn't immediately know this was him. Truly a piece of shit.'
'I used to buy weed from Justin back in high school. He used to grow his own (his parents let him grow commercial quantities in their own home, for some reason) and there was nothing like it, so I put up with him, but I can say that even then he was an absolute and utter piece of shit.

The rumours that Stein's parents and more specifically his mother were enablers, is probably true.
It’s sounds all too familiar doesn’t it? Another entitled rich kid whose parents continue to enable him and this is the result.
How that he's in jail for the rest of his life, IMO, his mother, father or another close family member should publicly reveal (without getting remunerated to do so) all the alleged (by his mother) problems he had when younger, that caused this.

It's in the public interest to know this.
"The biggest surprise is that (some of) his family is supporting him, especially his mum. Annemie would hide valuables because he'd steal anything not bolted down."

Doesn't sound like enabling at all, rather trying to cope with a drug addict scum son.
"The biggest surprise is that (some of) his family is supporting him, especially his mum. Annemie would hide valuables because he'd steal anything not bolted down."

Doesn't sound like enabling at all, rather trying to cope with a drug addict scum son.
He did phone her and try to get her to dig up the guns he'd buried, iirc. By then it was too late anyway.

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Current Trial The Murder of 9yo Charlise Mutten - Blue Mountains * Justin Stein Sentenced to Life in Prison

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