Play Nice The NM Devil's Chessboard Thread - Part II

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The Russian collusion lie was a huuuggggeee mistake. It was the moment that regular people stopped trusting the government and msm.

That happened waaaaay before imo, Iraq being the real start, then folks watching in disgust as Obama didn't bring any real CHANGE and certainly not any justice after the Wall Street led economic collapse.
Can you post a link to the story you did a screen shot of?

There's multiple sites publishing essentially the same report.

Here's the Kyiv Post;


Here's a Ukranian tracker;


Here's another;

Here's another;

There's multiple sites publishing essentially the same report.

Here's the Kyiv Post;

View attachment 2038035

Here's a Ukranian tracker;

View attachment 2038036

Here's another;

Here's another;

If those figures were remotely accurate, the war (and Russia) would look very very different.

Nobody takes them seriously lol.
There's multiple sites publishing essentially the same report.

Here's the Kyiv Post;

View attachment 2038035

Here's a Ukranian tracker;

View attachment 2038036

Here's another;

Here's another;

So the third link Kiev Independent is that where you took a screen shot of, as its verbatim?
And not the Kiev Post?
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So the third link Kiev Independent is that where you took a screen shot of, as its verbatim?
And not the Kiev Post?

What does it matter? They're all just the same US/UK intelligence cutouts. Don't get involved in boring fights with posters just trying to troll and drag the thread off course. It's "should have gone to the Gold Coast" level stuff.
What does it matter? They're all just the same US/UK intelligence cutouts. Don't get involved in boring fights with posters just trying to troll and drag the thread off course. It's "should have gone to the Gold Coast" level stuff.
I know this, its' a pointless argument by someone who has resorted to taking screenshots and not even knowing where those screenshots come from.
The whole episode is pointless, kind of like war
Don't get involved in boring fights with posters just trying to troll and drag the thread off course.

All I did was post on-topic information sourced directly from the Ukranian military.

I'm not the one who has spent the last two pages going back-and-forth with my little clique about how we're right and everyone else is wrong. I also haven't abused anyone.

You'd do well to keep that in mind next time you try and accuse me of being the one "trolling" or "dragging the thread off course".
I know this, its' a pointless argument by someone who has resorted to taking screenshots and not even knowing where those screenshots come from.

I use screenshots instead of links because too many people here only read the headlines.

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