Play Nice The NM Devil's Chessboard Thread - Part II

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A stark indicator of the loss of diplomatic standing that Putin has experienced since invading Ukraine.

SINGAPORE: Malaysia leads 35 countries in the percentage of respondents expressing favourable opinions of Russia, while Singapore saw an increase in those sharing the same views, according to a new Pew Research Centre survey.

Released on Tuesday (July 2), the nationally representative surveys looked into global perceptions on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

In Malaysia, the number of people with a favourable view of Russia leapt 10 percentage points from 2022 to 57 per cent, while 61 per cent of people had confidence in President Vladimir Putin to “do the right thing regarding global affairs”, up 2 percentage points.

In Singapore, the percentage of respondents who held a favourable view of Russia saw a six point increase from 2022 to 34 per cent, while those surveyed who had the confidence that Putin would do the right thing in world affairs inched up 1 percentage point to 37 per cent
Keen to hear why the subtle difference in far right US politics has any impact on the physics of glide bombs or the importance of the terrain in the Zaph area.

But you chose to platform one and dismiss the other.

It's not a "subtle difference".

I fundamentally disagree and ideologically oppose classic neo-con Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld politicians. Without question. They are right-wing/conservative (but not far-right) imbeciles.

However, what I can say about them that can't be said for the far-right MAGA types is that they at least mostly want to essentially maintain the status-quo that has resulted in the most sustained period of peace we've seen*. They pursue their objectives with at least an element of responsibility and respect for the international order.

*Yeah, the Iraq War was awful. And I marched against it in protest multiple times. So don't get me wrong; they are far from perfect. I cannot understate my ideological objection and opposition to them.

But such is the level of corruption, illegaility, immorality, and just plain incompetence that the new MAGA cookers display that Trump actually makes Bush look far less-shit in comparison.
SINGAPORE: Malaysia leads 35 countries in the percentage of respondents expressing favourable opinions of Russia, while Singapore saw an increase in those sharing the same views, according to a new Pew Research Centre survey.

Released on Tuesday (July 2), the nationally representative surveys looked into global perceptions on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

In Malaysia, the number of people with a favourable view of Russia leapt 10 percentage points from 2022 to 57 per cent, while 61 per cent of people had confidence in President Vladimir Putin to “do the right thing regarding global affairs”, up 2 percentage points.

In Singapore, the percentage of respondents who held a favourable view of Russia saw a six point increase from 2022 to 34 per cent, while those surveyed who had the confidence that Putin would do the right thing in world affairs inched up 1 percentage point to 37 per cent

Interesting that both Malaysia and Singapore are such an outlier compared to the other countries included in the Pew study.

My guess would be it is largely based on the Russian tourist dollars that flow to those places. Similar reason why Greece leads the way in Europe.

Regardless, ugly numbers across the board.

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Remember when someone here said with a straight face that Russia isn't destroying Ukraine like Israel is destroying Gaza?

You are such a bad faith actor. It is very transparent and your frankly disgusting false equivalence says everything about your character.
You are such a bad faith actor. It is very transparent and your frankly disgusting false equivalence says everything about your character.

Another post to remember when I'm accused of derailing this thread with trolls and personal attacks.

Come get your mans, Warlord/ferball/DR.
I wouldn't accuse my worst enemy of the stuff you engage in. You have no shame either.

Let's hear specifics.

What is it you think I'm doing wrong?
Let's hear specifics.

What is it you think I'm doing wrong?
You are comparing a ****ing genocide by an apartheid state with collateral damage which has been seen on both sides of the war between Ukraine and Russia.

There is no equivalence and says everything about you. You let the veil and your true feelings slip far more often than you think. Now you are laughing about it.
It's something that I'll be fascinated to see you reconcile in the coming months and years, especially when Trump probably wins the US election and things go to shit, including in Europe and Ukraine.

So having declared me to be a Trumpy In Waiting you're now going to lurk coiled in the internet scrub waiting until in 2025 (presuming Trump wins which I do not think is a guaranteed thing let alone a good thing) until I make some observation that deviates inches from the hardcore Resistance narrative and then you will emerge victorious having proven I'm ackchually a big nasty right winger.

Whatever, go for it.

I think Trump getting in will be a seismically bad moment for the US and the world, not so much of him but as the social and economic death squads that will come in with him and what they will do to what remains an agreed basis for administrative state across the Anglosphere.

Personally, given the threats that confront us at every level - from the climate and genuine democratic values - I don't think pissing away endless amounts of what remains of our social capital and our economic capital on who controls Kramatorsk is wise

Ya know, if the Democratic establishment wasn't so focused on imperial adventures, Trump would never have got in.
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It's not a "subtle difference".

I fundamentally disagree and ideologically oppose classic neo-con Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld politicians. Without question. They are right-wing/conservative (but not far-right) imbeciles.

However, what I can say about them that can't be said for the far-right MAGA types is that they at least mostly want to essentially maintain the status-quo that has resulted in the most sustained period of peace we've seen*. They pursue their objectives with at least an element of responsibility and respect for the international order.

Dude these are the people who stole the 2000 election and invaded Iraq and now you're trying to airbrush them omg.

*Yeah, the Iraq War was awful. And I marched against it in protest multiple times. So don't get me wrong; they are far from perfect. I cannot understate my ideological objection and opposition to them.

Yet they still dared go ahead with it.

But such is the level of corruption, illegaility, immorality, and just plain incompetence that the new MAGA cookers display that Trump actually makes Bush look far less-shit in comparison.


He was far less shit - he had his act together enough to actually steal 2000, Trump stuffed up 2020 lol.

Man, here we are, tell me, was Jenna or Barbara your fave?

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Personally, given the threats that confront us at every level - from the climate and genuine democratic values - I don't think pissing away endless amounts of what remains of our social capital and our economic capital on who controls Kramatorsk is a wise is wise.

So you would have been an enthusiastic supporter of the Munich Agreement in 1938?

The world had just gone through a financial crisis. We surely couldn't piss away endless amounts of what remains of our social and economic capital on who controls Krakow, right? That wouldn't be wise.
Dude these are the people who stole the 2000 election and invaded Iraq and now you're trying to airbrush them omg.

No, I'm really not.

I went to pains in my post to talk about how they're awful.

But that doesn't change the fact that the MAGA cookers are significantly worse.
Jeez by the time November rolls round it won't be me supporting Trump, it'll be you lol

Me: the Republicans are bad and the MAGA Republicans are the worst of them all

TW: lol Chad supports the MAGA republicans.

First things first: lol.

Secondly... I see those reports from those people. I don't "shut them off". I am aware of them. But they are laughably transparent in terms of the agenda they are pushing.

Honestly, over the last few years the thing that probably surprises me the most is how much you have thrown your lot in with the far-right MAGA types who have wholeheartedly embraced the Pro-Russian/Anti-Ukraine/Anti-NATO/Anti-US types.

It's something that I'll be fascinated to see you reconcile in the coming months and years, especially when Trump probably wins the US election and things go to shit, including in Europe and Ukraine.
Mate things have been shit for a long time now.

Sure they will get worse but they're already pretty ****ed up.

I don't know anyone on the left who isn't some degree of Anti-NATO, Anti-US and that includes the activists in the US who were among the first people in the world to get named "social justice warriors", a name they wear with pride btw. We've had nearly 35 years of Bush's New World Order (its not a "UN is evil" conspiracy theory, its US foreign policy since 1990) and the world is significantly worse off.

Your problem is you see the world thru the lens of US politics and act as if there is some significant difference for people in the Global South or BIPOC people everywhere if the person who wins the US election is a far right MAGA type or a less far right/right-wing-centrist Clinton type.

There is no effective difference between these ****s.

The Ukrainians are doing it too. They also released some of the worst war criminals and Nazis at the start of the fight, Tornado Battalion guys etc who had been jailed for their gangsterism
Yeah true, but when people talk about Russia doing it as if its something unusual cos they're desperate, they're wrong. Its standard practise in Russia and has been since the Tsars.
I don't know anyone on the left who isn't some degree of Anti-NATO, Anti-US...

I suspect this is largely a generational divide.

Lefty's who were young in the 60s, 70s, and 80s largely still fit this mold. That's fine. It's a product of that era.

But younger generations of the left have shifted towards a more social progressivism and in this regard America is no longer the great Satan.
Dude these are the people who stole the 2000 election and invaded Iraq and now you're trying to airbrush them omg.

Yet they still dared go ahead with it.


He was far less shit - he had his act together enough to actually steal 2000, Trump stuffed up 2020 lol.

Man, here we are, tell me, was Jenna or Barbara your fave?
Ever seen that show "That's my Bush".

Fact is Bush was barely more competent than Trump, and for the record, my shit canning of Trump resulted in a thread on the Main North Board about how terrible he was (ie useless and incompetent,) during covid while he was still president because people got sick of me pointing out his countless failings in the normal covid thread.

Bush was responsible for 9/11 (not because he organised it but because his admin were so useless they failed to prevent it,) for the military debacle in Iraq, the birth of ISIS, the failure in Afghhanistan and at home for FEMAs inability to respond appropriately to Hurricane Katrina, the GFC, FISA, torture as a justifiable western policy and probably a bunch of other stuff I've forgotten. If he's a better president than Trump its by the skin of his balls and no more.

He wouldn't have stolen that election with his more competent brother's help and his dad's mates at his side.
I suspect this is largely a generational divide.

Lefty's who were young in the 60s, 70s, and 80s largely still fit this mold. That's fine. It's a product of that era.

But younger generations of the left have shifted towards a more social progressivism and in this regard America is no longer the great Satan.
Well they're stupid then ... because during the 90s and this century the US has done more damage to the world than it ever did during the cold war, while it was carrying out coups in Iran, the Congo and Chile ... okay then as much damage.

I think you're mistaking the left for middle class people with university education. What some people call the surplus of the elite/ruling class.

Social progressivism isn't a US political thing. Large numbers of Americans (probably 100million of them) support Trump stacking the supreme court because they are opposed to abortion.

Since 2000 America has done more to prevent effective action on climate change than any other country, they still don't have proper universal medicare, in the 2000s they made torture and extraprdinary rendition legal, overturning centuries of liberal thought. They failed to support the popular uprising in Egypt (leaving it a choice between their man Sisi and the MB) while turning similar movements in other ME countries into their own geopolitical play things.

The only socially progressive thing the US has done this century is the recognition of LGTBQI people, and even then it was something that was happening in the US since Stonewall in the 1969. And to quote Immortal Technique ... they might even have a black president, but he's useless 'Cause he does not control the economy, stupid!

Its not a generational divide, its a divide between people who have their eyes open and people who don't.
So you would have been an enthusiastic supporter of the Munich Agreement in 1938?

The world had just gone through a financial crisis. We surely couldn't piss away endless amounts of what remains of our social and economic capital on who controls Krakow, right? That wouldn't be wise.

Were they are aware of the climate heating emergency in 1938
Were they are aware of the climate heating emergency in 1938
They were aware it was a possibility. Antarctic researchers in the 1960s were starting to be very confident it was a real thing driven by increasing CO2.

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Play Nice The NM Devil's Chessboard Thread - Part II

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