Play Nice The NM Devil's Chessboard Thread - Part II

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Immortal Technique is a 9/11 truther and general conspiracy theorist tin-foil hat type. Shit, he's been on Alex Jones' InfoWars multiple times talking about the deep state and the New World Order etc.

Good rapper. Hardly someone to look to as a reliable source lol.
Immortal Technique sold over $400,000 worth of cds out of the back of his car at rap battles in New York and used the money to fund an orphange in Afghanistan and for land purchases for indigenous people in South America. When you've done anything like that you'll have the right to criticise him. Till then its just pathetic.

BTW - If you're not a conspiracy theorist then the reality is you're blind and complacent. And 95% of publicly discussed conspiracies are bullshit. Once upon a time calling out Iran Contra made you a conspiracy theorist.

Without the first 9/11 truthers there wouldn't have been a 9/11 commission and the original truth movement was those people criticising what they saw as the white washing of that commission. If you knew history you'd know that. Look up the Jersey Widows, the people conservatives like Anne Coulter, Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly called traitors.

And you call me out of touch. I'm sure I'm out of touch with the haute bourgeois and surplus elites in their ivory towers, in fact I'd hope I am.
BTW - If you're not a conspiracy theorist then the reality is you're blind and complacent. And 95% of publicly discussed conspiracies are bullshit. Once upon a time calling out Iran Contra made you a conspiracy theorist.

Without the first 9/11 truthers there wouldn't have been a 9/11 commission and the original truth movement was those people criticising what they saw as the white washing of that commission. If you knew history you'd know that. Look up the Jersey Widows, the people conservatives like Anne Coulter, Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly called traitors.

And you call me out of touch. I'm sure I'm out of touch with the haute bourgeois and surplus elites in their ivory towers, in fact I'd hope I am.


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How ironic that you use the image of an old white power broker to express your laughter.

Sorry, last time I used a classic meme of a basketball player you called me racist for doing so.

Is a little asian girl okay in your mind? Do I have your permission, oh wise one?

This conversation is gold…
Interested Ooo GIF by reactionseditor
Sorry, last time I used a classic meme of a basketball player you called me racist for doing so.

Is a little asian girl okay in your mind? Do I have your permission, oh wise one?

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You left out the bit about Filipe Coronel selling 400,000 bucks worth of truly independent music out of his car and using the money to directly make people in the third world's lives better when you started your cute memes.

When someone does that they can think what they like about the world.

What's even cuter is that you're laughing at established historical facts like Iran Contra or the fact it was the Jersey Girls that caused the 9/11 commission to happen and that their supporters were the first people to use the term 9/11 truth because they weren't satisfied with it. None of them were saying the US government did it, that the towers were rigged with explosives or any of that crap.

This is why Bojan called you a bad faith actor upthread.

Cos you pretend recognising established historical facts is somehow crazy, illegitimate or the same as showing support for Trump or Nigel Farage.
You left out the bit about Filipe Coronel selling 400,000 bucks worth of truly independent music out of his car and using the money to directly make people in the third world's lives better when you started your cute memes.

When someone does that they can think what they like about the world.

What's even cuter is that you're laughing at established historical facts like Iran Contra or the fact it was the Jersey Girls that caused the 9/11 commission to happen and that their supporters were the first people to use the term 9/11 truth because they weren't satisfied with it. None of them were saying the US government did it, that the towers were rigged with explosives or any of that crap.

This is why Bojan called you a bad faith actor upthread.

Cos you pretend recognising established historical facts is somehow crazy, illegitimate or the same as showing support for Trump or Nigel Farage.

Yeah, nah. Nice try, but nah.

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Yeah, nah. Nice try, but nah.
That's not even an answer. It really seems you don't argue in good faith or try to communicate. You have a dogmatic position and you stick to it like glue whatever the facts of the situation are and are incapable of engaging or arguing for the value of your position.

Anyway that's your cross to bear or karma or whatever. It isn't my problem.

Its clear you identify with the ruling class and with power and believe there can be a kinder gentler machine gun hand, but you're sadly mistaken.

This is the Devil's Chessboard thread (well named too). We discuss geopolitics and the clash of empires. There are no good guys or moral actors on this game board and if you think there are its because one or more of those empires are trying to convince you of that so they can get something out of it.
Nah. I disagree. It is a generational divide, because the younger generations don't think in absolutes.

You have to understand that for kids who grew up in the post-cold war era, the biggest political issues of their lives have largely been driven by conservatives pushing culture-war nonsense.

I'm talking about;
  • Demonizing the gay community during the HIV epidemic
  • Demonizing the black community during the war against rap music
  • Demonizing everyone in the stupid war on drugs
  • Demonizing women in the war against abortion
  • Demonizing Muslims post-9/11
  • Demonizing the LGBTIQA+ communities in the war against marriage equality
  • Demonizing progressives who advocated for gun control after far too many mass/school shootings
  • Demonizing everyone who isn't white anglo Christian in their invented "war on Christmas"
  • Demonizing BIPOC communities in their war against BLM
  • Etc etc etc
For every one of these issues, it was conservative Americans who led the charges in pushing them. But it was also progressive Americans who led the charge against them, and in a society dominated by American culture thanks to the internet shrinking the world, the progressive youth of the Millennial and Gen Z eras have been shaped by these movements.

And that's the point I'm trying to make. These cohorts don't lump all Americans in together as one group like Gen X and older people tend to do. For these younger cohorts it wasn't "America" who tortured prisoners at Abu Ghraib. It was the product of a conservative neo-con government under Bush. Which is why you saw such immense global support for Obama, for example.
A lot of this was led or co-led by Joe Biden
That's not even an answer. It really seems you don't argue in good faith or try to communicate. You have a dogmatic position and you stick to it like glue whatever the facts of the situation are and are incapable of engaging or arguing for the value of your position.

So just to recap.
  • There's no Western lefty kids - they don't exist
  • Any real Western leftys love China and Russia
  • Conspiracy theories are cool and you are "blind" if you think otherwise
  • Using reaction GIFs is racist
  • There is no culture war, only a class war
  • Every political issue has been promoted by elites to prevent a class war
  • No one cares about Black Lives Matter, because companies like Coca-Cola are killing people
  • The New World Order is real
  • The 9/11 Commission only happened because of conspiracies
  • Rappers who go on InfoWars with Alex Jones are good sources of information
  • Russia was justified to invade Ukraine
  • Nobody cares about gun control
  • Saying American culture dominates the world is a white supremacist take, or something
Did I miss anything?
Election day here in England. Local conservative does more than most MP's for the local community. My vote won't mean much given I live in a very safe seat and Labour have chucked up a 18-20 year old who is very green. I feel sorry for the kid tbh but can't fault his enthusiasm. The UK is ****ed either way really. Still undecided on what to do but I have some time.
Election day here in England. Local conservative does more than most MP's for the local community. My vote won't mean much given I live in a very safe seat and Labour have chucked up a 18-20 year old who is very green. I feel sorry for the kid tbh but can't fault his enthusiasm. The UK is ****ed either way really. Still undecided on what to do but I have some time.
Forgone conclusion sir kier is going to get in?
War time with Russia is about to ramp up if so.
So just to recap.
  • There's no Western lefty kids - they don't exist
  • Any real Western leftys love China and Russia
  • Conspiracy theories are cool and you are "blind" if you think otherwise
  • Using reaction GIFs is racist
  • There is no culture war, only a class war
  • Every political issue has been promoted by elites to prevent a class war
  • No one cares about Black Lives Matter, because companies like Coca-Cola are killing people
  • The New World Order is real
  • The 9/11 Commission only happened because of conspiracies
  • Rappers who go on InfoWars with Alex Jones are good sources of information
  • Russia was justified to invade Ukraine
  • Nobody cares about gun control
  • Saying American culture dominates the world is a white supremacist take, or something
Did I miss anything?
You are a piece of work aren't you.
You are a piece of work aren't you.

Sorry, is there something in that list you don't agree with? I can quote you on any of the dotpoints if you'd like?
Interesting that both Malaysia and Singapore are such an outlier compared to the other countries included in the Pew study.

My guess would be it is largely based on the Russian tourist dollars that flow to those places
Not many Russian tourists go to Singapore and Malaysia. Most go to Vietnam and Thailand.
So just to recap.
  • There's no Western lefty kids - they don't exist
  • Any real Western leftys love China and Russia
  • Conspiracy theories are cool and you are "blind" if you think otherwise
  • Using reaction GIFs is racist
  • There is no culture war, only a class war
  • Every political issue has been promoted by elites to prevent a class war
  • No one cares about Black Lives Matter, because companies like Coca-Cola are killing people
  • The New World Order is real
  • The 9/11 Commission only happened because of conspiracies
  • Rappers who go on InfoWars with Alex Jones are good sources of information
  • Russia was justified to invade Ukraine
  • Nobody cares about gun control
  • Saying American culture dominates the world is a white supremacist take, or something
Did I miss anything?
can you add this number 1.
They ain’t no war but the class war baby…
And the unwritten part of the slogan
People shouldn’t go fight in wars to support the rich and powerful, instead we should fight for the struggle at home.
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Play Nice The NM Devil's Chessboard Thread - Part II

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