Play Nice The NM Devil's Chessboard Thread - Part II

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If the Democrats didn’t make up the Russian collusion lie, which i fell for I would.

Wasn't a lie. Dozens of convictions in court. But sure.

If the Democrats didn’t gaslight people into believing that Biden is of sound mind, (where is he btw? Where’s the weekly presser?) and still capable of being president, when he’s clearly not, and hasn’t been for a long time, I would not be as critical.

He is capable of being President and is of sound mind. He's just too old to stay in the job until 2028. There's a big difference between now and 2028.

"Where is he btw?" He was just in Chicago. Maybe you missed it. He gave a great speech. You should check it out. And while you're doing that, tell me if you still think he's "clearly not" of sound mind;

Wasn't a lie. Dozens of convictions in court. But sure.

He is capable of being President and is of sound mind. He's just too old to stay in the job until 2028. There's a big difference between now and 2028.

"Where is he btw?" He was just in Chicago. Maybe you missed it. He gave a great speech. You should check it out. And while you're doing that, tell me if you still think he's "clearly not" of sound mind;

Keep drinking that cool aid mate 🥤

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You're one of those people who doesn't like it when you don't get the last word, aren't you.

Nah not really. I’m just one of those people who realise when the conversation isn’t going anywhere and nothing productive will come of it….and it was becoming boring to me.

If i wasn’t tired maybe I would have taken your bait about being a friend of Trump or whatever you wrote, but I don’t care enough right now.

Obviously it seems like I took your bait about getting the last word, but that’s not why I responded, I really don’t care enough about your opinion to feel the need to do that. You’re just a random poster on a football forum in a sub forum about politics.

Truth is, I’m coaching at 8:45am tomorrow morning so I have to be there at 7 to set up so I just wanted to end the back and forth
Is this real? Andrews is a Zionist?

That's your take from what I wrote?


Show me where Bezos has;
  • Slandered the LGBTIQA+ community
  • Publicly attacked individual politicians
  • Publicly promoted conspiracy theories
  • Palled around with neo nazis
  • Maliciously killed public investment in infrastructure
  • Platformer and encouraged literal bigots
I'll wait.

Bezos is a tax avoiding, union breaking scab piece of shit.
Being eaten by a lion is absolutely worse than being eaten by a shark.

A lion goes in for repeated quick bites and eats you while you're alive.

A shark does one quick but massive bite that will instantly kill you.

View attachment 2090169

Who told you that rubbish?
Wasn't a lie. Dozens of convictions in court. But sure.

He is capable of being President and is of sound mind. He's just too old to stay in the job until 2028. There's a big difference between now and 2028.

"Where is he btw?" He was just in Chicago. Maybe you missed it. He gave a great speech. You should check it out. And while you're doing that, tell me if you still think he's "clearly not" of sound mind;

All he has proven that Biden can read off a teleprompter.
There’s a reason debates in America are held in high regard.

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He's plenty public.

He gives interviews frequently. He's just... boring. And un-controversial.

In May 2014, the International Trade Union Confederation named Bezos the "World's Worst Boss", with its general secretary Sharan Burrow saying: "Jeff Bezos represents the inhumanity of employers who are promoting the North American corporate model"

Sharan Burrow is Australian and former President of the ACTU.

Bezos is a deeply hateful far right wing figure.
Hahahahahaha no there is not.

Trump isn't "anti war". He's said he fully supports Israel's actions in Gaza and wants Israel to "finish the job". Trump is only anti the war in Ukraine and anti NATO, because he is Putin's puppet.

Trump is a conspiracy theorist and crackpot. That doesn't make him "left" in any sense of the word.

Get outta here with that total nonsense.

Anyone who thinks Trump is "Putin's puppet" is also a conspiracy theorist and crackpot.
When i talk about the US provoking Russia I'm talking about the Trump Admin as well as the Biden one.

The Rand and Stratfor analysis of the risks and benefits of various ways to stress Russia that were published in 2019 (before covid) specifically mention maintaining the US levels of lethal aid to Ukraine posing the risk of provoking Russia, they also said increasing those levels increased that risk. They were referring to the aid Trumps admin supplied.

They used that aid in the conflict with "Russian aligned seperatists" or as you'd most likely refer to it ... basically Russia.

Didn't he only interfere with Ukrainian lethal aid because he was trying to get some sort of domestic political advantage against Biden via his frackwit son?

Trump's admin oversaw vast weapons transfers to Ukraine aye
So why defend one?

They're both ****ed. Just cos one rainbow washes his shitful behaviour doesn't make him any better.

Modern day liberals prioritise the culture war stuff over class politics.

They also prioritise imperial aims - that are now laundered through the culture war prisms - over class politics.
Is this real? Andrews is a Zionist?

Yep, certainly is.
Modern day liberals prioritise the culture war stuff over class politics.

They also prioritise imperial aims - that are now laundered through the culture war prisms - over class politics.
There was a term amongst democrats for these people in the 60s, who claimed to be left but cared more about foreign policy and supporting the Vietnam war then supporting workers rights..
I wonder what it was.
Fair out, they really do have a lot of presence in governments. Even that Argentinian lunatic is an Israeli stooge.
I wouldn’t read to much into it. Andrews is a pole climbing chameleon, he would’ve cozied up to the Israel lobby for power and stabbed them in the back if he thought he’d get more votes for supporting free Palestine.
I wouldn’t read to much into it. Andrews is a pole climbing chameleon, he would’ve cozied up to the Israel lobby for power and stabbed them in the back if he thought he’d get more votes for supporting free Palestine.

Lol he's just a Labor dork who was at Monash in the early 90s

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Play Nice The NM Devil's Chessboard Thread - Part II

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