I can't help but think of Pyke's first game in charge when he had to pick between VB or Hartigan and picked VB which meant we went small down back with Talia, Lever and Cheney when North had Jarred Waite, Drew Petrie and Ben Brown. We lost by 10, all 3 of those guys kicked multiple goals and Pyke learnt his lesson and never did it again.
This is my issue with Nicks and why I don't think he is going to make it as a coach.
All coaches make mistakes, the good ones learn from them.
We have seen Nicks in his fourth season still making the same mistakes:
- sub use - wrong player selected/wrong player subbed out.
- selection - as mentioned this fascination of not valuing KPD, over reliance on out of form senior players, not resting injured/fatigued players.
- player roles - putting the wrong player in a position
- gameplan - pushing a forward up to the ball, leaving us out numbered in our forward line then bombing in long. A decent defense will not allow our KPF to make the contest with their spare man.