The Otherworldly Circus - The America Thread

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What does a Russian defeat look like?
This thread moves way too fast for me to keep up, but just to give my armchair view on this:

I think it would have to involve territorial control going back to where it was before the 2022 invasion, and would preferably involve Ukraine regaining control over some or all of the territory that Russia invaded prior to that. I think anything much less would incentivise future Russian aggression and send the message more broadly that such wars of aggression are a viable tool for achieving geopolitical aims, thus increasing the probability of further war and bloodshed in future.

Whether or not there is the will to achieve that amongst Ukraine's allies is another thing.
This thread moves way too fast for me to keep up, but just to give my armchair view on this:

I think it would have to involve territorial control going back to where it was before the 2022 invasion, and would preferably involve Ukraine regaining control over some or all of the territory that Russia invaded prior to that. I think anything much less would incentivise future Russian aggression and send the message more broadly that such wars of aggression are a viable tool for achieving geopolitical aims, thus increasing the probability of further war and bloodshed in future.

Whether or not there is the will to achieve that amongst Ukraine's allies is another thing.
How long would this take to achieve?

How many dead on both sides?

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Tulsi Gabbard has officially endorsed Trump (no, was she never a libertarian/contrarian type as others on this thread believed).

She joins RFK jnr to be on the Trump Gang.

Shocked to be standing here.

Hmmmm - in wonder if any of our regular posters fell for the grift, or both grifts for that matter?
Tulsi should have gone close for the 2020 Dems nomination.

She was a good performer and roasted (ended) Harris's run by calling out FACTS about her record. (Tulsi was 3%. BJ Harris was 1% at the time).

She has an outstanding congressional record and was vice chair of the DNC.

A perfect candidate in every way. Veteran, POC, female.

But she called the party out for it's pro war stance and said she was done when asked to endorse an Obama missile strike (as member of the congressional committee) despite not being briefed about it or having it justified to her. She just got a call asking to approve it!!

You're correct the Tulsi was never more than a Democrat, but
in the words of Reagan, "I didn't leave the democrats, the democrats left me".

You can be meh on RFK, but Tulsi is the real deal.
Tulsi should have gone close for the 2020 Dems nomination.

She was a good performer and roasted (ended) Harris's run by calling out FACTS about her record. (Tulsi was 3%. BJ Harris was 1% at the time).

She has an outstanding congressional record and was vice chair of the DNC.

A perfect candidate in every way. Veteran, POC, female.

But she called the party out for it's pro war stance and said she was done when asked to endorse an Obama missile strike (as member of the congressional committee) despite not being briefed about it or having it justified to her. She just got a call asking to approve it!!

You're correct the Tulsi was never more than a Democrat, but
in the words of Reagan, "I didn't leave the democrats, the democrats left me".

You can be meh on RFK, but Tulsi is the real deal.
Tulsi is a fraud, she blows with the wind to get attention.

If she wasn’t hot would you follow her?
Which candidate pushed a cemetery employee out of the way to get a photograph by a grave in a sensitive, restricted area? Then called the employee 'despicable' for doing her job?

It's hard to imagine a world in which a Democrat could do thst . I'm not a Democrat supporter by any means.

Americans revere the army uniform more than most nations. Its a measure of the amount of Kool Aid being drunk that this incident barely raises a murmur.
Which candidate pushed a cemetery employee out of the way to get a photograph by a grave in a sensitive, restricted area? Then called the employee 'despicable' for doing her job?

It's hard to imagine a world in which a Democrat could do thst . I'm not a Democrat supporter by any means.

Americans revere the army uniform more than most nations. Its a measure of the amount of Kool Aid being drunk that this incident barely raises a murmur.

The MSM has done a bang up job of telling you only half of the story. Here's the other half so you get the full picture:

Trump was invited by the families of the troops. Biden and Harris were not invited. Biden spent the day on the beach Harris..did stuff.

This is what the families of the fallen 13 soldiers posted:

On the three-year anniversary of the Abbey Gate bombing, the president and his team conducted themselves with nothing but the utmost respect and dignity for all of our service members, especially our beloved children,” the group said in a statement posted on the campaign’s social media accounts.

The group said they had given the Trump campaign permission to photograph and record the event “ensuring these sacred moments of remembrance were respectfully captured.”
The MSM has done a bang up job of telling you only half of the story. Here's the other half so you get the full picture:

Trump was invited by the families of the troops. Biden and Harris were not invited. Biden spent the day on the beach Harris..did stuff.

This is what the families of the fallen 13 soldiers posted:

On the three-year anniversary of the Abbey Gate bombing, the president and his team conducted themselves with nothing but the utmost respect and dignity for all of our service members, especially our beloved children,” the group said in a statement posted on the campaign’s social media accounts.

The group said they had given the Trump campaign permission to photograph and record the event “ensuring these sacred moments of remembrance were respectfully captured.”

I would counter by saying that they are Trump supporters, who invited their best beloved leader to the cemetery. But their deceased loved ones aren't the only graves in that area (to my understanding) and they don't get to bend the rules for a photo op.
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I would counter by saying that they are Trump supporters, who invited their best beloved leader to the cemetery. But their deceased loved ones aren't the only graves in that area (to my understanding) and they don't get to bend the rules for a photo op.
I don’t reckon anyone in those graves are going to complain

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I would counter by saying that they are Trump supporters, who invited their best beloved leader to the cemetery. But their deceased loved ones aren't the only graves in that area (to my understanding) and they don't get to bend the rules for a photo op.

I would counter they were the grieving families commemorating the third anniversary of their children's deaths near their graves with the former President they invited when a pinhead government employee tried to tell them it was against the rules to take photo
Because it was against the rules . And the government employee didn't press charges . She's backed up by the army & Arlington cemetery.

Blaming her makes one sound like the sort of unit who gives grief to the Hungry Jack's employee when they get your order wrong.
Tulsi is a fraud, she blows with the wind to get attention.

If she wasn’t hot would you follow her?
How is Tulsi a fraud?

She absolutely should've gotten a better run with her presidential run. I liked her and Andrew Yang back in 2020 but the DNC would never allow an outsider.
I would counter by saying that they are Trump supporters, who invited their best beloved leader to the cemetery. But their deceased loved ones aren't the only graves in that area (to my understanding) and they don't get to bend the rules for a photo op.

That's hardly the point.

No ,Trump runs only with his rules.
Typical, him and his sycophants are deplorable.
An innocent has nothing to prove and doesn't have to do a thing.

This defence may play on social media and the rightwing media ecosphere, but will fall flat before a judge and jury.

Like it does every time he appears before them.

However, I encourage him to go with it and he can be just another prisoner yelling their innocence into the void.

If the interference by the FBI in the truthful reporting of his laptop which AT THE TIME may have swayed enough voters towards Trump-Trump only needed to find a few of them-40,000 or so in key States to win the election.
Or it may not of given how inconsequential it turned out to be.

We're talking about a FBI and DoJ that were under the control of a Trump appointed Director and Attorney General. Right?

And if it did it would've been a genuine case of election interference due to the fact that the the laptop had nothing at all to do with Joe Biden. Sure it was salacious and and has led to Hunter Bidens current felonony gun and tax avoidance charges. Who cares, he wasn't win th ballot. All that it achieved was making public the weird obsession that Republicans had with pictures of Hunters dick. But thats all there was. Indeed it was such a non event that James Comers Republican House Oversight Committee had to quietly walk away from their sham investigation. The laptop was supposed to be the smoking gun that would lead to Biden impeachment, as a way of deflecting from Trumps but it blew up in their collective faces.

The Democrats and the Democrat-run government departments would not have dared to have Hunter Biden pardoned.

It's a Presidential decision and may yet happen. I'll laugh my arse off if it does.

Just like when Donald Trump pardoned 73 people on his last day in office including Steve Bannon who is currently sitting in prison.

Presidential pardons and clemency rulings are a ridiculous and corrupt system regardless of who does it.

The only surprising thing about Harris taking over Biden is that it didn't happen after the mid-terms.

Why? The midterms were an historically good result for democrats and a disaster for Republicans.

Its also shone a light on the fact that Republicans have no interest, nor any idea how to govern after they just barely took control of the house.

I really have overestimated you.

Anyone with half a brain could see she was the quintessential focus group diversity hire from the time she was appointed VP after the 2020 election, with a view to displacing Biden because she fits the image the Democrats want to project.
Dont be obtuse. She was nominated and campaigned as Bidens VP before the election.

You don’t understand how politics actually works, do you?

But I'll play your stupid game.

Fancy having a VP with the view to that person appealing to as wide demographic as possible. Somebody who has the age profile and qualifications to do the job if called upon by the death or incapacity of the sitting President. You know LITERALLY the one job of the V.P.

Instead of what Trump did by doubling down on appealing to a base that has never shown an ability to grow beyond 40% with another generic white guy. A guy who's one job is to never outshine him.

He's a political genius thats for certain.

What, you thought she go there on merit with just 4% of the Democrat votes in 2020?

So what? The Democrats knew that they had the candidate to defeat Trump in the election right in front of them, and they were proven correct. Biden didn't have to be terribly good all he had to be was not Trump.

If you're going to pull out an unfavourable poll result for Harris from >4 years ago. When she was a little known senator from California. Ive got some for you that are somewhat more current. As of today Harris leads Trump in nationwide polls by anywhere between 2 and 8%.

How do you like them apples?

Like he said: by being a dictator for one day.

You guys need to make up your mind. Was this said in jest or was it a genuine threat?

We both know why he only said it once though don't we?

It will be for the overall good of the nation to put control of it back to the people and away from the politicized public service.
By people you mean vetted and avowed Trump loyalist, right?

Thats docent seem very in line with the fundamental principles of American democracy.

The deep state is not a thing, no matter how much you cranks try and will it into existence.

Even if all that happens someone else will take his place.
Be assured, it will happen.

Because, the rule of law and being held to account for ones actions is a thing.

Donald Trump for better or worse is a one off demagogue . Every single Republican who has tried to tap into his tired carnival barker dystopian schtick has failed miserably when attempting it on the national stage where it counts.

None have his name recognition nor his malevolent charisma.

The madness of the Democrats can't last.

It's all projection. All the time with you guys.
Because it was against the rules . And the government employee didn't press charges . She's backed up by the army & Arlington cemetery.

Blaming her makes one sound like the sort of unit who gives grief to the Hungry Jack's employee when they get your order wrong.

Ok the army can make criminal charges against the families then. Rules and all that
I would counter they were the grieving families commemorating the third anniversary of their children's deaths near their graves with the former President they invited when a pinhead government employee tried to tell them it was against the rules to take photo
So no rule , ever, applies to Trump ?

If people think that I guess you call those followers cultists.
The MSM has done a bang up job of telling you only half of the story. Here's the other half so you get the full picture:

Trump was invited by the families of the troops. Biden and Harris were not invited. Biden spent the day on the beach Harris..did stuff.

This is what the families of the fallen 13 soldiers posted:

On the three-year anniversary of the Abbey Gate bombing, the president and his team conducted themselves with nothing but the utmost respect and dignity for all of our service members, especially our beloved children,” the group said in a statement posted on the campaign’s social media accounts.

The group said they had given the Trump campaign permission to photograph and record the event “ensuring these sacred moments of remembrance were respectfully captured.”

“Truth Social” 😂
I have no doubt these families gave permission to film the event.
The cemetery has strict rules of where you can and cannot film. Of course your man doesn’t believe any rule applies to him.

But carry on, it’s a tough gig you have defending this pathetic human being.
The Family was used as a political prop for a ghoulish photo op by somebody who sowed the seeds of the shambolic withdrawal from Afghanistan with his Doha Agreement. I could go into the timeline of those events again, but like then doing so would be falling on deaf ears.

I dont know about you, but when I visit a loved one in a cemetery the last thing I think of doing is posing by their grave site smiling and giving a big thumbs up. I'm weird like that.

Especially in an place where this kind of obvious political posturing is expressly prohibited (something pointed out to Trumps staff) on what is sacred ground. Im guessing that those that are less cheerful in the image are actual veterans who have an understanding of the solemnity that a visit to Arlington evokes.

If you've ever been there and I have. You'd understand the weight of history that the place has and why it's not supposed to be used for what is blatantly part of a campaign.

The Family was used as a political prop for a ghoulish photo op by somebody who sowed the seeds of the shambolic withdrawal from Afghanistan with his Doha Agreement. I could go into the timeline of those events again, but like then doing so would be falling on deaf ears.

I dont know about you, but when I visit a loved one in a cemetery the last thing I think of doing is posing by their grave site smiling and giving a big thumbs up. I'm weird like that.

Especially in an place where this kind of obvious political posturing is expressly prohibited (something pointed out to Trumps staff) on what is sacred ground. Im guessing that those that are less cheerful in the image are actual veterans who have an understanding of the solemnity that a visit to Arlington evokes.

If you've ever been there and I have. You'd understand the weight of history that the place has and why it's not supposed to be used for what is blatantly part of a campaign.


If that was Gallipoli it might raise a few eyebrows back home, no?
This defence may play on social media and the rightwing media ecosphere, but will fall flat before a judge and jury.

Like it does every time he appears before them.

However, I encourage him to go with it and he can be just another prisoner yelling their innocence into the void.

No mater how much the regressive want to shift the burden of proof on to the accused, its not how the legal system works. Innocent till proven otherwise.

Or it may not of given how inconsequential it turned out to be.

We're talking about a FBI and DoJ that were under the control of a Trump appointed Director and Attorney General. Right?

And if it did it would've been a genuine case of election interference due to the fact that the the laptop had nothing at all to do with Joe Biden. Sure it was salacious and and has led to Hunter Bidens current felonony gun and tax avoidance charges. Who cares, he wasn't win th ballot. All that it achieved was making public the weird obsession that Republicans had with pictures of Hunters dick. But thats all there was. Indeed it was such a non event that James Comers Republican House Oversight Committee had to quietly walk away from their sham investigation. The laptop was supposed to be the smoking gun that would lead to Biden impeachment, as a way of deflecting from Trumps but it blew up in their collective faces.

Other than Hunters dick it would have also exposed that Hunter Biden lobbied the US government for help in securing a lucrative energy contract in Italy while his father The Big Guy Joe Biden was vice-president.

It's a Presidential decision and may yet happen. I'll laugh my arse off if it does.

Just like when Donald Trump pardoned 73 people on his last day in office including Steve Bannon who is currently sitting in prison.

Presidential pardons and clemency rulings are a ridiculous and corrupt system regardless of who does it.

Don't blame the player, blame the game.

Why? The midterms were an historically good result for democrats and a disaster for Republicans.

Its also shone a light on the fact that Republicans have no interest, nor any idea how to govern after they just barely took control of the house.

I really have overestimated you.

Yes the silly old bastard didn't remember that he was supposed to do badly in the mid-terms to pave the way for Harris.

Dont be obtuse. She was nominated and campaigned as Bidens VP before the election.

You don’t understand how politics actually works, do you?

But I'll play your stupid game.

Fancy having a VP with the view to that person appealing to as wide demographic as possible. Somebody who has the age profile and qualifications to do the job if called upon by the death or incapacity of the sitting President. You know LITERALLY the one job of the V.P.

Haha. Harris epitomizes whats wrong when diversity hires are allowed to climb all the way to the top.

Instead of what Trump did by doubling down on appealing to a base that has never shown an ability to grow beyond 40% with another generic white guy. A guy who's one job is to never outshine him.

He's a political genius thats for certain.

And yet he was the 45th President.

So what? The Democrats knew that they had the candidate to defeat Trump in the election right in front of them, and they were proven correct. Biden didn't have to be terribly good all he had to be was not Trump.

Yes and the BLM army certainly did help their cause. Useful idiots certainly are useful.

If you're going to pull out an unfavourable poll result for Harris from >4 years ago. When she was a little known senator from California. Ive got some for you that are somewhat more current. As of today Harris leads Trump in nationwide polls by anywhere between 2 and 8%.

Unfavourable? She should never have been anywhere near the VP with single digit popularity FROM HER OWN BASE.

How do you like them apples?

You guys need to make up your mind. Was this said in jest or was it a genuine threat?

We both know why he only said it once though don't we?

I'm hoping he meant it.

By people you mean vetted and avowed Trump loyalist, right?

Thats docent seem very in line with the fundamental principles of American democracy.

The deep state is not a thing, no matter how much you cranks try and will it into existence.


The participants want the secret history of the 2020 election told, even though it sounds like a paranoid fever dream — a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information.

No that wasn't Trump or the Republicans. It was the other mob.

Be assured, it will happen.

Not if he wins. There will be hell to pay.
The Family was used as a political prop for a ghoulish photo op by somebody who sowed the seeds of the shambolic withdrawal from Afghanistan with his Doha Agreement. I could go into the timeline of those events again, but like then doing so would be falling on deaf ears.

I dont know about you, but when I visit a loved one in a cemetery the last thing I think of doing is posing by their grave site smiling and giving a big thumbs up. I'm weird like that.

Especially in an place where this kind of obvious political posturing is expressly prohibited (something pointed out to Trumps staff) on what is sacred ground. Im guessing that those that are less cheerful in the image are actual veterans who have an understanding of the solemnity that a visit to Arlington evokes.

If you've ever been there and I have. You'd understand the weight of history that the place has and why it's not supposed to be used for what is blatantly part of a campaign.


Spin and more spin from Normie.

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The Otherworldly Circus - The America Thread

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