Food, Drink & Dining Out The Perth Thread - Part 3

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Part 4 is here:

I had to read that a couple of times to realise you gave the cop a lift and not the bloke he was chasing.
lol and that's why you should always proof read stuff kids.

you're batman
Felt more like Robin. It all happened so quick but I wish I'd said 'I've got a clear shot here, give me your gun!' but instead I was wondering if he'd say anything about my radar detector. He didn't.
Was just part of a police chase. On my way to work and saw a cop running along the road in the rain, no car in sight. Thought wtf? Saw the fella he was chasing about 100m ahead so I pulled over and asked Mr Plod if he needed a lift. He said yep, jumped in, I threw the shift into sports mode and floored it. :D Bloke ran off into some bushes. Cop jumped out and went after him on foot again. Pretty surreal start to the morning.

Step on it Stephanie!

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Not sure why that suggestion would cause you to arc up, there was no ill will behind it, although I realise it’s extremeky invasive. There’s been a few elderly with dementia go missing lately and it would be ideal if with the push of a button we could do the whole “find my phone” on them. I would of suggested a bracelet or similar but no guarantees they would be wearing it.
Wasn't arcing up, just taking the piss ;) Though not a fan of tagging people in general. First dementia patients, then kids, then its Black Mirror...
People with dementia are perfectly capable of achieving their goals, their bodies work, so their minds are frustrated and they are confused but they get the idea that someone or something they know is outside then they can do everything you can to get outside.

They don't handle discomfort well at all, if you think of how you'd feel if you were hurting and didn't know why, you might claw at the sore lump under your skin.

Then there is the caring. Its 24 hours a day. Dementia patients will sit down, then stand up and walk around unsure why they are doing it then sit down, but are suddenly compelled to stand up again. All through the day and night. They don't sleep and the dementia symptoms get worse, they finally settle and sleep then wake up and it's like they are almost themselves again, you've been caring for this family member and there's your little glimpse of them to power you through another 22 hour day of caring.

You're exhausted, you make mistakes and the dementia sufferer is compelled to see what's outside. Then they are gone.

Especially at night, you haven't heard the shuffling around the living room at 2am so you haven't woken up like usual to put them back in bed, you've slept the most you have in months and wake up to find them missing.

I don't envy anyone going through it.

Thank you
Wasn’t aware of all that. Terrible disease and I can’t help but Think of him out there somewhere in this weather.
I’m not sitting in judgement because I don’t know the circumstances or what they have in place but how do old people with dementia even have the opportunity to go missing - “they went out for a walk”. There should some sort of monitor/tracker inserted below the skin when they are first diagnosed so that we can track them in these situations.

I've seen elderly family members go through Alzheimers/dementia. What they are capable of can be mind boggling. It's a disease you need to see the funny moments in because most of the time it's horribly depressing. I know of one old lady (mid to late 70s so not decrepit) who escaped from a nursing home and went walkies. Luckily she was found a few hours later. She scaled the fence which was 5 or 6 foot high. You took one look at the fence and then one look a little old lady who was probably 5'3'' and 50kg and thought 'how???'.

Agree with tracking them, though. No expert on GPS trackers but my dog has a one of those ID chip things in his ear which is barely the size of a small fingernail. Even a bracelet that identifies them as sufferers would be beneficial. My grandma went to the same cafe down the road for years before she started losing it so was lucky that the owners knew her. She'd go and get a cup of tea and a scone or whatever old ladies buy then hand over a $50 or $100 note and go to leave. The owners would either catch her before she left to return her change or carry it over until the next visit. A lot of people out there would just pocket it each day.
Was just part of a police chase. On my way to work and saw a cop running along the road in the rain, no car in sight. Thought wtf? Saw the fella he was chasing about 100m ahead so I pulled over and asked Mr Plod if he needed a lift. He said yep, jumped in, I threw the shift into sports mode and floored it. :D Bloke ran off into some bushes. Cop jumped out and went after him on foot again. Pretty surreal start to the morning.

Bit of a worry when cops have to hitch rides with people to try and catch criminals.

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How else are Ingsoc going to keep me in check?

P.S. you have 40,000 posts. Good on you.
Thanks. What a way to bring it up.

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