Food, Drink & Dining Out The Perth Thread - Part 3

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Part 4 is here:

The 'vigorous exercise' one was a pearler.

However, the 'overreaction' one was a fair one - in hindsight, yes it was overkill, but he's right in that if it was bubbling around the city and then started exploding people would rightly be angry that action was not taken early.
I think that journalist has asked a fair few dumb questions so far. I believe the lockdown was the correct thing to do, these 5 days have flown by and like you say, people would've been outraged if it spread and went out of control and then we had to enter a 5 week lockdown. He can't win really
There's been reports from the UK for months that, that is pretty much what's been happening in areas where medical resources are stretched to breaking point.

Doctors making choices on who is more likely to survive so they're not unnecessarily wasting resources on those less likely to survive.

Ya. We're not faced with that shit choice though and I don't see why we should be actively trying to get into that position.

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I'll just go to the pub and have a constant supply of pints so that I won't have to put the mask on

I was going to do that anyway.

But where do you draw the line? If I am sitting at a table can I keep it off the whole time? Like sometimes I wait a minute or so between sips or bites. If I get up to go to the toilet do put it back on?
The 'vigorous exercise' one was a pearler.

However, the 'overreaction' one was a fair one - in hindsight, yes it was overkill, but he's right in that if it was bubbling around the city and then started exploding people would rightly be angry that action was not taken early.
I don’t think the initial lockdown was an overreaction given it was a new strain and the infected person had travelled widely. Some of the remaining restrictions are an overreaction, given we haven’t actually had any community transmission. We got lucky, it’s ok to admit that.

Too many questions are being answered with ‘common sense’. But that’s because it’s not clear. No masks inside but try if you have visitors, masks outside unless you’re a bride and groom, masks in restaurants but take them off when... after the meal or in between bites? They have left themselves open to questions.
I was going to do that anyway.

But where do you draw the line? If I am sitting at a table can I keep it off the whole time? Like sometimes I wait a minute or so between sips or bites. If I get up to go to the toilet do put it back on?

Like that whole 'vigorous exercise' question just use common sense. You won't get fined for having a mask off while nursing your entree or for only having a light jog instead of a medium one.

Anyway, it will hopefully only be 8 days of incorporating masks into your life.
I don’t think the initial lockdown was an overreaction given it was a new strain and the infected person had travelled widely. Some of the remaining restrictions are an overreaction, given we haven’t actually had any community transmission. We got lucky, it’s ok to admit that.

Too many questions are being answered with ‘common sense’. But that’s because it’s not clear. No masks inside but try if you have visitors, masks outside unless you’re a bride and groom, masks in restaurants but take them off when... after the meal or in between bites? They have left themselves open to questions.

Maybe I will be proven wrong but police won't warn or fine you for skirting those grey areas, surely. If you're around people, mask up, unless it's for reasons where it's not practical (like eating and drinking or playing sport).
Maybe I will be proven wrong but police won't warn or fine you for skirting those grey areas, surely. If you're around people, mask up, unless it's for reasons where it's not practical (like eating and drinking or playing sport).

Ever since this whole thing started I think the WA police have shown themselves to be fairly pragmatic when enforcing the various rules that have been implemented. Certainly in comparison to some of the other states
Well done Perf, this vagabond wasn't wearing a mask.

you should offer her a bed at your place and then she won’t need to wear a “muzzle” at all

Maybe you live in the wrong area or maybe you aren't intimidating enough.

I forget I'm a big ex rugby player, that might be why I can get away with not wearing a mask and doing the QR code stuff, people are scared of me.

Do you seriously know how much of a dick that makes you sound - are you the owner of a bubble tea shop
you should offer her a bed at your place and then she won’t need to wear a “muzzle” at all

Do you seriously know how much of a dick that makes you sound - are you the owner of a bubble tea shop

Why does that make me a dick? If you're a big unit people are less likely to ask you to wear a mask or use a tracing app for fear of gettin beaten up,

No idea what you mean by the bubble tea shop.

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Wow there are some dumb questions in this press conference
You can see why though, judging by some of the questions in this thread. McGowan kept going with the "common sense" answer, yet it's clear there are a lot of people out there who do not possess that.
You can see why though, judging by some of the questions in this thread. McGowan kept going with the "common sense" answer, yet it's clear there are a lot of people out there who do not possess that.

That's because it's been beaten out of so many people. If it hadn't you wouldn't need to spend 3 hours doing a Task Hazard Analysis for a 3 minute job.

If you don't get politicians, company bosses to spell it out in clear and simple terms, they just leave themelves an out.

If you've ever seen the movie, Margin Call, Jeremy Irons character at one point says, 'explain it as though you were speaking to a small child or a golden retriever.'

Have you ever been in a work meeting when management is rolling out some new procedure and the first basic question that everyone else in the room thought of straight away, is asked and it stops management in their tracks and they look like a deer caught in the headlights?

Everyone walks out afterwards thinking, 'How could they not have thought of that, it's COMMON SENSE?'

Unfortunately, when it comes to the workplace and general life rules and regulations , common sense has been legislated out.
That's because it's been beaten out of so many people. If it hadn't you wouldn't need to spend 3 hours doing a Task Hazard Analysis for a 3 minute job.

If you don't get politicians, company bosses to spell it out in clear and simple terms, they just leave themelves an out.

If you've ever seen the movie, Margin Call, Jeremy Irons character at one point says, 'explain it as though you were speaking to a small child or a golden retriever.'

Have you ever been in a work meeting when management is rolling out some new procedure and the first basic question that everyone else in the room thought of straight away, is asked and it stops management in their tracks and they look like a deer caught in the headlights?

Everyone walks out afterwards thinking, 'How could they not have thought of that, it's COMMON SENSE?'

Unfortunately, when it comes to the workplace and general life rules and regulations , common sense has been legislated out.

I once sat in on a Rio Tinto safety meeting in a project office of around 100 people.

The guy was waffling on about some 'incident' and the 25 year old HR girl with no experience in mining, engineering, or anything outside an office job said something like 'isn't that something you teach young kids?' or words to that effect. Silence was deafening, and golden.
I remember one time in the minesite cribroom one of the guys cut his finger on the jagged foil edge of the jumbo milo tin. About half a dozen people saw it and the look on the boss' face was priceless because he knew he'd have to write it up and report it as an incident. Sure enough, there it was on the pre shift information sheet that goes out to the whole site the next morning. Cut finger on milo tin.
...and how are they going? I've been hearing plenty about people being administered the vaccines but no follow ups.
People act as if the vax has only just been made yesterday. These vaccines have been in development well before COVID-19 came about.
People act as if the vax has only just been made yesterday. These vaccines have been in development well before COVID-19 came about.

My question had nothing to do with how, when or where they were developed, my question merely asked how effective they are.

When know they're claimed efficacy, but what's the word on the street, how are they doing, how do we know how they're doing, how is it measured?

Governments the world over think they're going to be a magic bullet, what if they're not, what's the plan?
Years ago Kalgoorlie nickel smelter this nimrod somehow managed to nick his own own finger with a hacksaw, how the **** you could even manage this I'll never know. From then on we were only allowed to cut anything up on these little portable work benches :rolleyes:

I know we're off track now, but since you brought it up. Leinster underground, a heavy vehicle fitter was removing the seat from a 1700 bogger and it was rusted on so he needed to cut it off with a grinder, which he did, except he didn't have a face shield or even glasses on. The grinder bites, he slices through his top lip and part of his nose. He gets stood down along with his supervisor (who was actually on the shitter when this happened) pending an investigation. The outcome? The fitter kept his job, all corded grinders were removed from site and we ordered in $40,000 worth of new cordless ones. To use a grinder in the u/g w'shop you first had to do your hot works certificate, get permission from your supervisor, who had to get permission from the superintendent who had to get permission from either the general manager or the registered manager that was rostered on.

I asked one of the maintenance superintendents how they went using a grinder now on nightshift, he said we just don't do it, we don't want to be waking the registered manager up all the time at 1 and 2 in the morning. I told him he was mad. I'd be ringing them up at every available opportunity, make it annoying for them and see how quick it changes back again.

After 3 or so months, there was not big fanfare or announcement, it just quietly went back to how it had always been because it was inconvenient for the idiot managers that came up with the policy.
Why does that make me a dick? If you're a big unit people are less likely to ask you to wear a mask or use a tracing app for fear of gettin beaten up,

No idea what you mean by the bubble tea shop.
I for one am terrified of fat people beating me up.
That's because it's been beaten out of so many people. If it hadn't you wouldn't need to spend 3 hours doing a Task Hazard Analysis for a 3 minute job.

If you don't get politicians, company bosses to spell it out in clear and simple terms, they just leave themelves an out.

If you've ever seen the movie, Margin Call, Jeremy Irons character at one point says, 'explain it as though you were speaking to a small child or a golden retriever.'

Have you ever been in a work meeting when management is rolling out some new procedure and the first basic question that everyone else in the room thought of straight away, is asked and it stops management in their tracks and they look like a deer caught in the headlights?

Everyone walks out afterwards thinking, 'How could they not have thought of that, it's COMMON SENSE?'

Unfortunately, when it comes to the workplace and general life rules and regulations , common sense has been legislated out.
Yeah great points. And I know from personal experience, being in safety, how things need to be 100% clear for the majority to get it.

I get it's the media's role but it makes for excruciating viewing. We know all of these things will be put out in easy to read dot points (which they were before the press conference even ended), so there's no need to break down every little scenario right there and then. I mean, do we really need him to tell us to take the mask off to put food into our mouths?
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