The Power are now taking money from their premiership stars

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I don't like the entire suggestion Geoffa32 but not even you're stupid enough to go beyond the realm when the intimation is the 2004 Premiership side and that side alone.

Storm in a tea cup or not I'm not a fan of this notion.

I can think of 119 reasons why this sucks.
The 2007 team should pay..But its been great for a chuckle:D
Exactly, sounds VERY desperate. Haven't Poort taken notice of what clubs like Melbourne do to reduce debt?

Fail. Where do you think the idea came from?
It was actually Jim Stynes who suggested this as idea to Port as it was something they did to get their debt down. I think you'll find Richmond are doing the same thing.
I don't like the entire suggestion Geoffa32 but not even you're stupid enough to go beyond the realm when the intimation is the 2004 Premiership side and that side alone.

Storm in a tea cup or not I'm not a fan of this notion.

Why were only the AFL Premiership players targeted though? Afterall, guys like Macca and Ando could well afford it and are PAFC Premiership players?
Wasn't a big push for ONEclub that the club share one history?

You get the feelimg there is still a real separation?
Afterall a caller rang in today and asked why the websites were not linked easier. Haysies response was that it will be streamlined, but done in a way as to not offend supporters of other SANFL clubs. And yet Geelong and Collimgwood have one complete website for their AFL and VFL sides.

Not to mention joint BnF nights. I wonder if Port Power will invite Maric Thommo, Stevo Stiffy and Milera to their BnF night. Or the Magpie one will be separate?

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Fail. Where do you think the idea came from?
It was actually Jim Stynes who suggested this as idea to Port as it was something they did to get their debt down. I think you'll find Richmond are doing the same thing.

Didnt Melbourne do it as part of a dinner to raise funds. Not just a random text message.

Nothing wrong with ex players donating, it is the way it is asked which id the joke.
Oh yes he is

So Asa how much have you chipped in. I understand you cant go to games. You brag about how you retired early and enjoy the finer things in life. Surely a cheque of a few thousand has passed from you to the club.

Afterall you should remember the old days when the club stayed afloat on the cheques of supporters. Not to mention the envelopes of cash that floated around the club Saturday nights and went to players that had good games.
I know the concept of text messaging is probably a strange one to you old fogies, but it's actually quite common these days. Oh, and by the way, congratulations on figuring out how to use this new-fangled Internet deely.
They can have a dinner to. Most popular question on the night will be. Do you want fries with that

I believe the PrinceOf Wales does a mean Schnitty Night.

Five grand for a schnitty, sounds about right .

Almost certain Stewie Dew would front if food was involved. Assuming he and Damien and Shaun all got the text message too. They would have , wouldn't they?

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So Asa how much have you chipped in. I understand you cant go to games. You brag about how you retired early and enjoy the finer things in life. Surely a cheque of a few thousand has passed from you to the club.

Would you also like to check out my tax returns?

Afterall you should remember the old days when the club stayed afloat on the cheques of supporters. Not to mention the envelopes of cash that floated around the club Saturday nights and went to players that had good games.

I remember all the good times, and occasional bad ones, from the 1960's onwards

I know I have remained loyal to my club, I also know you are beneath contempt being a despicable turncoat.

You are the very worst type of crows supporter, a Port Adelaide supporter who went to and stayed with the crows

You make me sick
Reported on 10 news that the Power are now asking their 2004 premiership stars for $5000 handouts to help control the debt.:thumbsdown: Disgraceful form.
You spat that out pretty much as Aiston and Shuttleworth spewed forth there vitriol on channel 10 yesterday. Funny how it never even got a mention on channel 7.

You must sit there watching tv, hovering over your keyboard, just waiting for any little piece of anti Port information you can childlishly tap out. Pathetic really.
Would you also like to check out my tax returns?

I remember all the good times, and occasional bad ones, from the 1960's onwards

I know I have remained loyal to my club, I also know you are beneath contempt being a despicable turncoat.

You are the very worst type of crows supporter, a Port Adelaide supporter who went to and stayed with the crows

You make me sick

How about those guys that chat over there on the POrt board and are not members. Since 2007 the game has changed and it is too hard to get to see their club play. But I bet that will change when Port play finals again.

Reminds me of a bloke I was chatting to in the Port Dock Hotel a few weeks back. He knew I came from the Crows trial game. Tore into me for being a "Crowie" etc. How he supports a real club rah rah rah. For some reason the topic got to experiences at the game. He told me how the last Port game he went to was at Etihad and he sat in the area where they have little TVs. I then said how he must struggle now having to slum it at Footy Park after that. He quipped, Dont go to games. Turns out the only games he has been to were the two Grand Finals a couple of Prelims and that game at Etihad a "client" paid for.

I sense this guy is a fair representative of a few Port "supporters"

These guys would make me sick. Especially now that the club is on its knees begging for money. IMO there is no excuse for anyone who posts on BF to not be a member. Not to mention anyone who claims they "love the club".

I wonder how many of them will be there Saturday. I will ponder that as I watch the games buying beers and food hoping some of it goes to the Power.
How about those guys that chat over there on the POrt board and are not members.

Who are they. show us the proof

I sense this guy is a fair representative of a few Port "supporters"

So in other words you have no idea, and no facts.

These guys would make me sick.

I see you do not want to address the issue of being a turncoat, a Judas Iscariot, a filthy mongrel that has turned his back on the club he professes to support

I wonder how many of them will be there Saturday. I will ponder that as I watch the games buying beers and food hoping some of it goes to the Power.

Take an abacus to count them if you are so ****ing interested

I'm sure you will find some obscure way to use the information to troll Port Adelaide .......... again ..... :rolleyes:
Who are they. show us the proof

So in other words you have no idea, and no facts.

I see you do not want to address the issue of being a turncoat, a Judas Iscariot, a filthy mongrel that has turned his back on the club he professes to support

Take an abacus to count them if you are so ****ing interested

I'm sure you will find some obscure way to use the information to troll Port Adelaide .......... again ..... :rolleyes:

I will let Collingwood member Scott Hodges know how you feel next time I see him.

You retorted "might wany to be a member first" to one non member when he suggested he could.sell some software
Tredders just announced he was not going to donate to the club and is disgusted in the way it was handled. He also mentioned that someone with high authroity in the club acted independantly with this promotion which suggests what a rabble this lot are.
What poor form and how bad does this make the club look especially leading up to their OnePooort Power celebration.
What do you think of people who hit the report button

Is there not enough traffic elsewhere to keep you occupied, so you have to come back to Bigfooty?

Follow the rules a post wont be reported, if you don't like that have a cry to Fred or AA or whoever the else you want to have a whinge at. You are sounding more like a sook every day. Usually only children have a temper tantrum when they do not get their own way, are you no better than that?

or post private messages on BF?

If nothing private is disclosed, what is the harm?

Personal stuff is naturally off limits, a concept foreign to several crowbots.

Posting crap about a blokes family is below the belt, my retaliatory efforts were wrong, I regret them, I paid the price for doing so

Others have paid the price because they could not stop doing so

Do you have an issue with that?

Do you have an issue with common decency?

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The Power are now taking money from their premiership stars

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