FTA-TV The "Prisoner" Appreciation Thread *Post 557 - No spoilers*

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I just loved the way Vera was feeding off Bea's misery from being dumped by Ken Pearce. She even put Meg in her place when she tried her new do gooder role.

I agree about the visits. Then to top it off the Governor takes Doreen out for a date with her love-match.

N thbloke was like 50 hahaha

Won't be the last time you'll see Ernie Bourne in the show either. Ernie actually plays three different characters in the show (the doctor of Lizzie's brother when he insists she visits him to cut him out of his will very early in the show, Doreen's pen-friend, and Mervyn Pringle).
Amanda Muggleton's acting is first rate. And now we're seeing a very cold and unstable side of Chrissy Latham, which is very fitting given that she is a murderess.
It looks like union rep Colleen Powell has had a promotion to senior officer! This should make things interesting. Minus her glasses now too!

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Tonight's episode is a great segway into the next few weeks - love the scene where the Pentridge officer tries to drag Bea out of the dining room and she just laughs at him. Sorta blows up in her face when she's shanghaied to Barnhurst.

And yes you will see Barnhurst in the next week

Interesting to see that we've just come out of Amanda Muggleton's favourite storyline (involving the father of Elizabeth) and we're about to head into Val Lehman's favourite storyline
Colleen powell is making Vinegar **** look nice.
Very odd bit where Judy attacks Mrs Barry,who then gets taken off to get medical treatment.Powell says to Fletch "I'm going to see Mrs Davison" and walks off,so you assume Powell has headed to her office.She enters Mrs D's office and Mrs D is already getting the new that Mrs Barry will be in hospital for a few days.How long did it take Powell to get to Mrs D's office ? :confused:
Another little glitch was despite the screws spot checks and taking everything out of the cells one prisoner managed to have a dirty great big cooking pot to smash on the door when they were make all the noise. What the?

Have you ever seen Vera enjoy her work so much?

Bea laughing at that puny Prison guard LOL

Why didn't Chrissie just say he was guy she picked up at the bar as one night stand? But Chrissies story is a classic scenario of how the system creates victims and then punishes them. Amanda Muggleton was not what you'd call beautiful but she was definitely shagable
Prisoner just gets better! I'm absolutely loving it at the moment. Erica Davidson has finally been given the arse (although you just know she'll be back) and Fletch is put in charge. I'm really enjoying Colleen Powell - she plays hardball with both the prisoners and the governor! And don't forget Vera - she continues to shine. A bunch of screw heavies have been brought in and Smith has been hauled off to Barnhurst in the middle of the night! If you ask me, these are things that should have happened at Wentworth long ago! :D

Meanwhile Amanda Muggleton is just outstanding as troubled Chrissy who has now gone back to hooking and has now just been sprung. TV doesn't get any better than this!
another case of her residing in a different cell block so it gives them the freedom to have them come and go without explanation. But I agree she has dropped off the side of the earth it seems
I've skipped a huge amount of episodes, found a prisoner dvd box set at the video store. Just random episodes.

Just watched Ritas introduction. She would be a fashion icon atm with those high jeans and tats!

and her comment about the freak "Looks like she plays fullback fo collingwood" lol

anyway enjoy it guys. This show is a pisser. So bad yet so good to watch.

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When Judy said she'd go on a hunger strike until Erica and Bea returned, i laughed heartily.
I shouldn't have because sure enough, Davidson's back (and somehow in a position of power with the department) and i'm sure their little scheme, whatever it is, will find a way to succeed (as they all seem to) and get Bea back as well.

At which point they prison will again be back to square one, with exactly the same setup that saw the department send in someone to fix the place after numerous escapes, and then sack Mrs. Davidson.

I hope the real corrections department wasn't so weak willed and illogical back then.
When Judy said she'd go on a hunger strike until Erica and Bea returned, i laughed heartily.

I liked how Judy and Doreen said they were going on a hunger strike.Well DUH,you've blocked yourselves in so how were you going to get food if you wanted it ?

Interesting to see the future Governor at Wentworth as a screw at Barnhurst [yes it's actually different characters]
I liked how Judy and Doreen said they were going on a hunger strike.Well DUH,you've blocked yourselves in so how were you going to get food if you wanted it ?

Interesting to see the future Governor at Wentworth as a screw at Barnhurst [yes it's actually different characters]

A Lightbulb just went off as while I was watching some of it last night, all I could do was think, 'i know your face from shows before Prisoner but where do I know it now".

Also, didn't watch the credits, but am I crazy but was the actress playing Chrissie's sis-in-law the same one who popped up on Neighbours in the earlier years as one of Paul Robinsons's many wives, Gail??? Must look again tonight as put a longer dark wig on her, better make-up and clothes, and hey presto.

I think the episodes that are being shown now are the ones that I missed when I went off it for a while. Can someone let me know what Bea did to the Barnhurst prisoners after their mushroom picking please?
well so far she has done anything about the mushy picking. The Barnhurst bullies know she didn't allow drugs into Wentworth so they were trying to heavy her to make sure she doesn't interfere with the mushy supply there. But something tells me Bea will soon put her foot down.

Can you imagine a top dog/queen bee in a Prison not allowing drugs? I mean these days the prison heavies would expect a cut from the profits. Bea is really a Prison Governors delight in this case. Ironic!
Also, didn't watch the credits, but am I crazy but was the actress playing Chrissie's sis-in-law the same one who popped up on Neighbours in the earlier years as one of Paul Robinsons's many wives, Gail??? Must look again tonight as put a longer dark wig on her, better make-up and clothes, and hey presto.

I thought she looked a lot like Paul's wife Gail but it wasn't.Fiona Corke played Gail and does appear in Prisoner a lot later in a couple of episodes.Not sure who the Prisoner actress is.
Nearly every 80s Australian actor has a role in Prisoner at some point.

OMG Bea at Barnhurst! This show just gets better. :D

And how big a wuss is Douglas giving into the prisoners demands and putting bloody useless Davidson back in charge? Why did no one think of taking matches off the prisoners? Ohh dear, the craziness continues, but you gotta love it! :D
Also, didn't watch the credits, but am I crazy but was the actress playing Chrissie's sis-in-law the same one who popped up on Neighbours in the earlier years as one of Paul Robinsons's many wives, Gail??? Must look again tonight as put a longer dark wig on her, better make-up and clothes, and hey presto.

I thought she looked very familiar before later realising that she also played Noeline's sister in an earlier episode of Prisoner. It's amazing how they recycle actors on this show thinking audiences have such short attention spans. Shane Bourne find it tough in the real estate game only to recently become a bartender, for instance. ;)
Tomorrow episode will be episode 200 - the next storyline involving Bea is actually Val Lehman's favourite storyline in the show. When she introduced the episode on the DVD's, she mentioned it was the only storyline where the writers went to her and ask what she storyline would she like to see Bea involved in.
I thought she looked very familiar before later realising that she also played Noeline's sister in an earlier episode of Prisoner. It's amazing how they recycle actors on this show thinking audiences have such short attention spans. Shane Bourne find it tough in the real estate game only to recently become a bartender, for instance. ;)

There were many a recycled actor throughout Prisoner - Ray Meagher and Kirsty Child both played 3 different characters, and Gerda Nicholson (Barnhurst's officer Roberts) will play a high profile role later in the series.
Where has Margo disappeared to?

I'm sure she'll be back but it's weird that after such a big storyline she has seemingly disappeared with no real explanation and no exploration of her story and mindset since returning to Wentworth.

She's baaaaaaaack and she's bitchier than ever.Don't screw with Margo when she's Top Dog :eek:

Love how they transfer Bea from Barnhurst back to Wentworth - in a Combi van :D
Wait, so they transported a double murderer (who has escaped custody numerous times) in a combi?

Lizzie could escape in that situation.

There were many a recycled actor throughout Prisoner - Ray Meagher and Kirsty Child both played 3 different characters

Really? Given how unique he looks and how memorable a character Geoff Butler was, i didn't think they'd be able to use him again.

Speaking of actors with more than one role, didn't the actress playing Hazel Kent start out as a nurse beside Dr. Miller in the early episodes?

She's baaaaaaaack and she's bitchier than ever.Don't screw with Margo when she's Top Dog :eek:

It was weird how they didn't even mention her absence.
Even if they just explained it away as her moving blocks for a few weeks it would have made sense, but to just have her in the line for food as if nothing's changed is kinda weird.

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FTA-TV The "Prisoner" Appreciation Thread *Post 557 - No spoilers*

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