Play Nice The Reach is King thread

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Maybe it's a ploy to the advertisers.

"If I was going to buy a grand total of one advertising slot on TV at random throughout the course of the entire year on either the AFL or NRL, which would likely get me more viewers?"

By some measurements the greater number might technically be the NRL. But it's a pointless question to ask!

Interestingly advertisers preferences was given as the reason for the shift to reach. This goes to your diminishing returns point. Most advertisers would be buying blocks of adds over several weeks of games (if not the whole season). It makes sense that reach would be more important for these considerations

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I'm not sure if Vlandys knows he is talking shit or actually believes what he is saying.

Either way he is good fr the NRL.
I'm not sure if Vlandys knows he is talking s**t or actually believes what he is saying.

Either way he is good fr the NRL.

He is a promoter, most people believe it coz they only see the headline and give him a platform and back him in, never call out his b.s.

It works well for their sport. If only we had an administrator promoting our sport. Not openly lying like Vlandy's does, but at least promoting the AFL's national dominances. It gives the competition free media and promotion and would be good for the game.
He is a promoter, most people believe it coz they only see the headline and give him a platform and back him in, never call out his b.s.

It works well for their sport. If only we had an administrator promoting our sport. Not openly lying like Vlandy's does, but at least promoting the AFL's national dominances. It gives the competition free media and promotion and would be good for the game.

Actually I think there is something to be said for not being cocky and hubristic particularly when you are the dominant sport (eg speak softly and carry a big stick).....perhaps a different scenario when you are numero dos but I also think that Vlandys isn't doing much that is sustainable for the NRL.
Actually I think there is something to be said for not being cocky and hubristic particularly when you are the dominant sport (eg speak softly and carry a big stick).....perhaps a different scenario when you are numero dos but I also think that Vlandys isn't doing much that is sustainable for the NRL.

I wouldn't address them directly, but subtlety highlight the crowds, tv ratings etc. Talking up the sport makes it grow even bigger. Hopefully Vlandy's has left the door open in QLD, if the new stadium goes ahead, that's even more of a boost to afl in Brisbane.

On another note, it's interesting to see this. People dancing around the fact the afl gets more viewers by still quoting the old formula. I think over time this rhetoric will change. I've always found it funny the nrl and league fans propagate they are being ripped off for tv money, when as I've always said, the tv networks aren't stupid, they know the true amount of eyeballs and value of both sports, so the money is likely accurate. The AFL should be getting about 1/3rd more, which they will be getting come next year.

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I'm not sure if Vlandys knows he is talking s**t or actually believes what he is saying.

Either way he is good fr the NRL.
All charlatans like bogan media tart V'Landy's know that they are spinning +++ + but they don't let that get in the way of the truth.

I blame the fawning Sydney sports media as well inc Fox Sports for falling for his half truths and out and out lies.

As master Nazi propagandist Goebels allegedly once said "Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth

I've worked out the perfect analogy

It is like he has a smaller penis by both length and girth but it is slightly relatively bigger in ratio to his tiny hands and so he is gloating to the world about that metric

Seriously why would you be posting a table that includes viewer minutes, reach and game length and claim victory?
I've worked out the perfect analogy

It is like he has a smaller penis by both length and girth but it is slightly relatively bigger in ratio to his tiny hands and so he is gloating to the world about that metric

Seriously why would you be posting a table that includes viewer minutes, reach and game length and claim victory?

It's the ultimate win-win as both codes get exactly what they most desire.

The AFL get to reach more people for longer which will deliver them an actual better outcome for growth of the game and bigger media rights deals.

The NRL get a figure they can boast about in legacy and social media.
It's the ultimate win-win as both codes get exactly what they most desire.

The AFL get to reach more people for longer which will deliver them an actual better outcome for growth of the game and bigger media rights deals.

The NRL get a figure they can boast about in legacy and social media.

Yeah I reckon the problem for them though is that metric only really works when you can't see the other metrics that put it into context (i.e highlight it is dumb to use averages to compare sports of different lengths)
I've worked out the perfect analogy

It is like he has a smaller penis by both length and girth but it is slightly relatively bigger in ratio to his tiny hands and so he is gloating to the world about that metric

Seriously why would you be posting a table that includes viewer minutes, reach and game length and claim victory?

But you see the propaganda machine works.

The common man has no chance of knowing the truth.

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It's compelling really. I would reorder it to put the bvod audience a few columns back where it belongs, it's only habit and stubbornness as to why the so called tv experts keep ramming this old stat down our throats.

It's actually funny, for years I pointed out that the tv networks know the true viewer numbers and value of each sport and that's why they pay 1/3rd more for the AFL tv rights. It just proves they were digging deeper and knew information like this all along and what the tv networks truly value (ie. Amount of people reached and the hours of content being consumed, instead of the same league fan watching all 8 stand alone games every weekend by themselves and the averages metric misleadingly inflating the optics of popularity).
It's compelling really. I would reorder it to put the bvod audience a few columns back where it belongs, it's only habit and stubbornness as to why the so called tv experts keep ramming this old stat down our throats.

It's actually funny, for years I pointed out that the tv networks know the true viewer numbers and value of each sport and that's why they pay 1/3rd more for the AFL tv rights. It just proves they were digging deeper and knew information like this all along and what the tv networks truly value (ie. Amount of people reached and the hours of content being consumed, instead of the same league fan watching all 8 stand alone games every weekend by themselves and the averages metric misleadingly inflating the optics of popularity).
Not entirely relevant for Fox who generates revenue mainly through selling of subcriptions.

Though it should be noted the FTA/Fox split between the two codes is fundamentally different to how the two companies sell their media deals. NRL gets more money by giving more exclusivity to Fox but presumably to the detriment of the longer-term health of the sport itsefl
I found this interesting and somewhat good news. The front bar is national on the main channel everywhere now and is getting reasonably good ratings. These idiots still use averages, which I think is only accurate for tv shows that aren't of the flick on, flick off nature. But still showing a good national audience and the comments are interesting.

I found this interesting and somewhat good news. The front bar is national on the main channel everywhere now and is getting reasonably good ratings. These idiots still use averages, which I think is only accurate for tv shows that aren't of the flick on, flick off nature. But still showing a good national audience and the comments are interesting.

Yep well done to the Seven network in having the guts to run the The Front Bar in prime time in what is usually a hostile Sydney market!

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