The Review

Who will leave as a result of the review?

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The amount of criticism is directly proportionate to the success we've enjoyed (or lack thereof).

Our club is structurally flawed, you've accepted that yourself previously. It's difficult to see how you can reconcile that with a claim that persons who have held that belief are 'never happy' nuffies to be disregarded.
Especially if you think about certain things that people want.

One example:

Wanting us to legitimately approach rebuilding and obtain top end talent - when have we done this since Bigfooty opened?

Bonus examples:

Winning a flag

Matchday selection being done to best counter opposition in finals - not done since Blight.

I don't think it is fair to judge people on one of the only avenues to vent about the club where it is visible and remains for posterity.

Especially because of...

Super bonus example:

Lack of member control of the club, in fact it not actually being a club.

What are we supposed to be over the moon about?

Ultra final example:
Winning games of entertaining footy.

We do this sometimes, and it why people see-saw and jump from one extreme to the other, because the odd period where we play well in the Home and Away season is all we have and 6 out of the last 10 seasons we have been shit, so it is literally clamouring for some hope that this is it, we have turned the corner.

Now in fairness, the moral outragers can get back to me when we finally win another flag.
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I'm going to go completely opposite here but I hope one part of the review says that Fagan spends too much time reading emails and responding to them

Out of 60,000+ members how many emails must he receive? And each and every one of them expect him to respond.

So how can he do his job effectively? Sure a lot of them have pictures of Burton in flames or similar , and some are actually quite readable and intelligent , but he cant have the time , surely

*based around Deep Work from Hidden Brain podcast

I ran into Fages a few weeks ago and asked him about the emails he gets since I have emailed him in the past and always received a response. He reckons he gets about 20 emails after a loss, so really not that many. Have always found him to be quite candid in his responses as well
If Burton is the problem I think it says a fair bit about how weak Don Pyke is. I think Burton is a problem but I think supporters are overestimating his influenece. It all rests on Don in my opinion.

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I ran into Fages a few weeks ago and asked him about the emails he gets since I have emailed him in the past and always received a response. He reckons he gets about 20 emails after a loss, so really not that many. Have always found him to be quite candid in his responses as well
Did he say if mine were the best?
Absolutely laughable that the people involved in the review haven't already been locked away and confirmed.

I bet they haven't even defined the scope, either.

The fact that this has been an ongoing discussion for the last 6 weeks (ignoring the same discussion last year!), the fact that we do not know who is doing the review, is absolutely damning, and clearly demonstrates that they were hoping to avoid it.
Well they had to completely dump that weak KPMG team they had lined up to exonerate themselves when they realised everyone was onto them and quickly put together a team at the last moment.

I have no doubt theses people are only just being contacted.
Chapman said they would announce the two football appointments to the review panel midweek. It’s Wednesday night. I wonder when/if they will do so
I ran into Fages a few weeks ago and asked him about the emails he gets since I have emailed him in the past and always received a response. He reckons he gets about 20 emails after a loss, so really not that many. Have always found him to be quite candid in his responses as well
You knows it's not Fagan replying to these emails right?
Chapman said they would announce the two football appointments to the review panel midweek. It’s Wednesday night. I wonder when/if they will do so
Yep if it’s not tomorrow then this is another example of our shit show

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Chapman said they would announce the two football appointments to the review panel midweek. It’s Wednesday night. I wonder when/if they will do so
He lied .. or they cannot find anyone interested in being associated with this train crash
It’s him, I’ve even spoken to him after one. The way he speaks is the way he writes
I'm sure he gets them compiled and read.

If Shuttleworth is even half competent he would have a social engagement platform like Radian6 set up that would monitor, alert and respond to these things.
I'm sure he gets them compiled and read.

If Shuttleworth is even half competent he would have a social engagement platform like Radian6 set up that would monitor, alert and respond to these things.
Nah, they get them and reply. I’ve emailed Harper, Chapman, Trigg and Fagan and spoken to the last 3.

Have you ever sent them an email? Try it and let me know if you think it’s not them replying
I comment when I a) have the expertise - which is big business only, and b) have visibility. All I can see is the board structure which is far from best practice, and the organisational strategy, which has drifted from our core purpose. Further, I can objectively assess that the team is better on paper than where we finished, and it's not due to injuries this year, therefore there's something wrong in the football department. That's objectivity. Subjectivity, which is rife on this board, is what I'm talking about. "The players hate Burton", "Roo protects his mates" etc. is all just a bunch of subjective codswallop perpetuated by a Bigfooty circle jerk. Of course the club doesn't listen to Bigfooty because that's what the majority of posts are.

I'm not sure that 'the list is better on paper' stuff is really all that objective, or that different from the sort of viewpoints that you decry.
Is our downturn since 2017 any mystery? We keep picking the same players who are getting older and worse.

Hopefully the review uncovers who the imbeciles on the selection committee that champion this method are and we can fire them out of a cannon.
I'm not sure that 'the list is better on paper' stuff is really all that objective, or that different from the sort of viewpoints that you decry.

You don't think a reasonable person would think we should have finished higher than 11th with our list and no injuries? I suppose there's no truely objective way to assess it.
Is our downturn since 2017 any mystery? We keep picking the same players who are getting older and worse.

Hopefully the review uncovers who the imbeciles on the selection committee that champion this method are and we can fire them out of a cannon.
Roo said something like they’ve stayed loyal to the guys who got to the Grand Final.

That in itself tells you all you need to know. First off we were flogged and embarrassed so you should actually try to improve the side, not stay ****ing loyal. Second, it’s not the same side, we lost players and as you pointed out we are older.

I just can’t believe how bad a football club we’ve turned out to be.
I'm sure he gets them compiled and read.

If Shuttleworth is even half competent he would have a social engagement platform like Radian6 set up that would monitor, alert and respond to these things.

Shuttleworth does a great job, just ask him. He is a massive 'yes' man and incompetent.
Aren't you forgetting the North Korean style censorship of the muffin meeting? Those questions were perfectly reasonable, but feenix67 and co only received the barest of lip service, and had to wait months for it.

Just their actions with regards to that tells me all I need to know.
The fact I supplied them with the notes I took at the meeting, and they chose to re-write them, rather than the stated intention of verifying my notes and adding answers to questions we didn't have time for on the day, was the most unnerving to me.