Radio The SEN Thread 10

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I'm in Qld at the moment....let me tell you I don't care how many mistakes SEN makes, I miss it BIG TIME...

..we are so damned lucky to have a radio station totally devoted to sport 24hrs....nothing remotely like it up here and I miss not being able to listen day or night to the different shows just whenever I like..

Cant listen online as I only have a pre-paid usb with to be careful with the usage:(

Some people out there really need to just shut up and appreciate what we have in SEN, faults and all......other states have nothing!

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Catching up with What’s Up with Rita “Softpaws” Panacea

What’s up with the Sate of Origin haters? Sure, having a bunch of bogans from the shallow end of the gene pool invading our fair city might be problematic but these Origin fans come cashed up and ready to spend. It was near impossible to find a hotel room in the city this week, and bars and restaurants were full of northerners drinking themselves silly. And the numbers don’t lie. This was the most watched State of Origin game on record and more people squeezed into Etihad than any AFL game ever. Melbourne once again showed that it is without rival as the world’s sporting capital.

What’s up with the Melbourne Football Club selecting Liam Jurrah? Never mind his uninspiring performances in the VFL, how does a man facing charges so serious that they carry twenty years in jail get selected to an AFL side. Players have received club suspensions when facing trivial charges when compared to Jurrah. Heck, plenty get suspended for nothing more than breaking team rules, like drinking when injured. Are we treating Jurrah differently? Is this the bigotry of low expectations? Let’s stop the BS. Family disputes leading to violence – particularly when fuelled by alcohol – are not some unique, mystical issue that only affects indigenous communities, despite what some featherbrained footy journo think.

What’s up with the AFL inexplicably backward approach to Father/Son eligibility? For an organization that prides itself on being inclusive and progressive it is staggering that they have made a point of making adopted boys ineligible for the Father/son rule. Presumably boys conceived via IVF with donor sperm are also included if biology is all that matters to the AFL. [Do we] DNA-test all Father/son picks from now on? That would be interesting or do we enter the twenty-first century and acknowledge that adopted children are just as worthy, loved, and legitimate as biological offspring.

What’s up with supposedly reputable news sources reporting information gleaned from fake Twitter accounts? Both Fox Sports and the ABC this week reported false information Twittered by a parody Caroline Wilson account. Now it’s not hard to tell that this account is fake. They’ve managed to fool the geniuses at Fox and ABC who reported that the Demons’ board had an emergency board meeting to discuss Mark Neeld’s future. It seems that in their haste to be first to, too many journos forget that being accurate is also part of the job description.

What’s up with the Herald Sun acting as Ricky Nixon’s PR machine? Anytime he hasn’t been in the news for another meltdown or acts of arse-clownery and is suffering from relevance deprivation syndrome, the biggest selling paper in the country sees fit to give him free publicity for whatever hair brain scheme he has come up with. There was the fee ads for his memorabilia sale, the motivational speaking tour, corporate box entertainment. And now the Ricky Nixon wrestling troupe and reality show. By giving this guy the attention he so desperately craves, the paper does nothing more than cheapen its own image.

What’s up with the Wiggles? Have our skivvied friends had one too many puffs of the magic dragon? Because their recent behaviour is nothing short of bizarre. Why invite so much scorn and adverse publicity by dumping much loved yellow Wiggle Stan to bring back Greg if only months later, Greg retires along with Jeff and Murray. And why not mend some bridges and bring back Sam now? Won’t somebody think of the children.;)

What’s up with the Nena-Pasadena furore? I’ve had a look at the offending ads and it’s predictably juvenile and moronic, just what you’d expect from a T-shirt company whose target demographic is Gen Y pretty boys who are happy to spend a hundred bucks on a two-dollar shirt. Why in God’s name is the AFL and the normally sensible folk like Bev O’Connor getting hysterical over a little enterprise that no one had ever heard of until yesterday. All they’ve done is give a fledgling business a huge free kick.

What’s up with the assistant police commissioner all but ruling out any charges arising from the re-investigation of the Steven Milne case? What exactly is the point of wasting good resources and having the sex crime squad examine the evidence if the decision has already been made that charges will not be made? We’ve already had a lengthy OPR review that found the original investigation was flawed. Why put the alleged victim, and Milne, through any more grief?

What’s up with Craig Thompson and his increasing desperate and delusional claims? Crazy conspiracy theories are one thing but now he and his supporters are suggesting that if we don’t believe his fantasy explanations then he might do something! The last refute of the cowardly narcissist is to hint of self-harm as a way of escaping scrutiny. If Thompson is genuinely under that type of stress then he should stop having press conferences and hand in his resignation. Only the most dim-witted and partisan fool could fall for his frankly laughable version of events. Thankfully the polls tell us such idiocy is confided to a small minority that sadly include his wife.

What’s up with Melbourne cafes and restaurants ripping off honest hard-working patrons with outrageously inflated breakfast prices? Just how do these thieving eateries justify charging upwards of thirty dollars for a couple of eggs, some toast and a glass of juice? Throw in a couple of coffees and a pastry, and a breakfast steak can be a very expensive start to the day.

What’s up with women breast-feeding toddlers and beyond? Now I’m all for breast feeding; the research is conclusive, it’s better for bub in every way. But when bub can cut up his own food then it’s time to unlatch him from your bosom ladies. This new attachment-parenting craze is a thousand types of crazy, and that’s exactly why it’s growing in popularity.


What’s up with Daniel Harford? And his ginormous head!? It’s clear to me and others at SEN that the latest ratings result have gone straight to his head, boosting his already healthy ego to a point where he has become an insufferable w***er. …:D

…The feline has won me over. Even if she doesn't look like Salma Hayek.:(
Yeah she bags bogans yet was quite happy to draw a wage from the bogans daily news intake "A Current Affair"! :eek:
Talks incessantly about "Twitter", Z Grade celebs, crap magazines and other meaningless drivel.
Hungry for Bulldogs Respect
Now at the start of the year I ranked the clubs one to eighteen with Collingwood on top and GWS on the bottom for the hame-and-away season. Of all the Victorian clubs I ranked the Western Bulldogs to finish the lowest on the ladder. I had them thirteenth and looking at a season of pain. Tonight the Dogs go into their clash with Geelong as quiet achievers. Under Brendan McCartney the Bulldogs have made no rash promises, McCartney’s men and boys have won four of their past five games and have dropped highly competitive games to Adelaide and Collingwood by just eighteen and twenty-one points. The Doggies experienced players like Boyd and Minson and Cross and Lake, Griffen, Giansiracusa, Cooney, Murphy, Hargrave have given plenty this year. And I do like the promise of Cordy and Roughead and Libba, Wallis, Dahlhaus, and Veszpremi. Something is building at the Whitten Oval without fanfare. When they beat the Cats tonight it will be revealed to all.
I’m KB, that’s my Take

Once KB said the Cats era was done there should be no doubt as to whether he’ll follow through via his predictions. Last week he gave Carlton little chance (with home field advantage) of beating the Crows, now he’s picked the Bullies to upset the Pussies. But wait, as Dees fans know, it’s Friday. So it’s time to drop a Jägermeister depth charge in your morning Red Bull to prepare a little venom for a morning with Grunk Denham! Grunk tentatively agrees but wastes no time in raining on KB’s Bulldogs parade by quickly pointing out that three victories came against easy beats, Melbourne, GWS, and Gold Coast. But mostly lots of respect as this Friday goes to the Dogs.


Occupy Punt Road protester

Vickery Vickery Dock:
KB: [A]nd Vickery gets another chance to prove that he’s better than Matthew Kreuzer, who by the way, [Grunk], is not Kreuuuuzing just at the moment for the Blues, [Grunk]. He’s going like a double-decker bus.
Grunk: Ahh, well he’s probably still going a little bit better than Vickery.

KB: SO Vickery by the end of the year may turn out to even be better than Kreuzer?
Grunk: Well-

KB: This is his chance against Hawthorn.
Grunk: He’ll turn out pretty well, Vickery but I don’t know if he’ll ever be as good as Kreuzer. But, you know, gee, so you’re going for the Western Bulldogs and Richmond in the opening two [games]?

KB: Yes! I think the Bulldogs can knock off the Cats tonight and I do think the Tigers can get Hawthorn.
Grunk: You’re zip and two just for starters.

Round 9:
Vickery – 6 disp, no goals, 56 DT points:(
Kreuuuuzing: 20 disp, one goal, 79 DT points;)

Hide the Decline:
Grunk: Just think, last week with a minute-forty to go against Collingwood, scores were level. There’s no decline.
KB: Ah, let me just check the ladder, um, [Grunk], after eight rounds ah, Geelong are tenth.

Thou Shalt Not Spruik:
I remember Cameron Schwab just prior to the Brisbane game in round one talking it up: ‘massive; you know we’re gonna be a lot better team this year,’ et cetera, et cetera. Don McLardy almost compared Melbourne this year to where Geelong was at the end of 2006. Yeah, too bigger spruik. Shouldn’t have been on.
- Grunk Denham

I Shall Spruik:
And without a recognized ruckman I think the Swans will defeat St. Kilda. I’ve just got to reiterate, KB, too, Geelong tonight; Hawthorn tomorrow night; both certainties.
- Grunk Denham


Journalistic Semantics Department
“Probably almost certain” quote of the Week:
I guess the big question is now, will they[Davey and Sylvia] be at Melbourne next year? I would suggest out of the two of them, Colin Sylvia is probably almost certain not to be.
- Grunk Denham with a huge probably-almost call there.

Surveying The Weekly Denhamography
a) Melbourne has never stopped trying to oversell their club and that’s been their major problem this year.
b) Sheahan article on Melbourne told us nothing we didn’t know.
c) Don’t need a midseason draft!
d) Brad Scott luckiest man and North luckiest club this past week thanks to Melbourne.
e) Cameron Schwab’s been CEO at four clubs in three stints resulting in about ten years of finishing thirteenth or worse.
f) How did Magner become a star this year leapfrogging about ten blokes we were told were going to be great footballers?
g) Ryan Griffen has really turned it around after “I used to say that Ryan Griffen was the most overrated player in the AFL.”
h) Colin Sylvia almost certain not to be at Melbourne next year.
i) Maybe the Western Bulldogs and Richmond have gone past North Melbourne.
j) “I had Adelaide [finishing] fifteenth. There you go. What a mug.”

KB Tips: Western Bulldogs, Richmond, St. Kilda, Essendon, Port Adelaide, Adelaide, North Melbourne, Carlton, West Coast.

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Hungry for Tiger Power
Now at the start of the year Hawthorn were premiership favourites. They had the game’s best player in Buddy Franklin, and Jarryd Roughead was fit and the dynamic duo were back together. Cyril Rioli was ready to explode and be a match winner and the Hawks’ precise kicking was going to slice through opposition sides. The media and the bookmakers just kept winding in their odds. On Saturday they hardly had a winner and the concern now is making the finals. But maybe not is all lost, or look as bad. For the Hawks lost to the new premiership favourites.
I’m KB, that’s my Take

A little tongue-in-cheek boast from the host? Will Putz Smith agree? First things first. What’s worst, listening an old windbag on radio talkback speaking via hands-free, or, listening to an old windbag speaking from the john? Whatever the answer – and perish the thought of the latter possibility:eek: - Putz is up to something not quite professional to start this morning and it has him sounding a little more skewif than usual in his own echo chamber. After the first commercial break things are back to as normal as much as they can be with a clearer sounding big oaf.

Manic Monday means ticks and crosses for a big weekend in sport and usual gripes from the masses are all in play as talkback lashes the predictable suspects: Bulldogs’ forward line, Carlton’s struggles to put away the Dees, Fremantle’s unwatchable Lyon-brand of footy, and, Mensa Talkback caller suggesting Brice Gibbs should be dropped from the Blues line-up. The SEN heavyweight duo dismisses such folly about Gibbs, but …

KB references his previous comments about Deledio being as every bit as good as Murphy and Gibbs being howled down. There’ll be little sidling today as KB suggests Deledio “is probably better than Gibbs at the moment.” … Lots of Tigers excitement on tap today. … Carlton lucky to actually be in front at 3QT, says KB who credits Mitch Robinson for the fact they were in front. … Praise to the travelling Pies who KB gave a “snowflake’s chance” of beating the Crows. … Smith goads KB by suggesting the AFL will have to ban marking contests after Lachlan Keeffe was injured based on the sliding ban. …


The Essendon-hating puffer fish from Woodend is actually a little subdued today as KB puffs up the Tigers chances. One has to feel for this fella after he said how choked up he was when he turned around to his son during the game as Richmond were finally showing “positive signs for a long period of time after eight/nine weeks and still keep our head up.” After thirty years of futility I guess these fans take every morsal they can get, but “chocked up” in round nine? Jumpin’ Jimmy Jess!

KB asks if Alex Rance the best full-back in the AFL? Oh boy, if the 2012 Richmond surge continues this could get unbearable.:( A clearly heard Laurie from McLeod suggests KB is the best Richmond player he’s ever seen as is asked by KB to repeat himself due to breaking up on the line. Laurie queries the Bombers improvement and KB throws a few names out before heading down a well worn predictable path:

Laurie: [Essendon] were fairly mediocre about three years ago but know they’re really challenging.
KB: Yes they are. Well I mean that’s what happens isn’t it? You bring a lot of young players in – I know I suggested a couple of times (just a couple???) that maybe Matthew Knights kick-started by giving the young players a chance but not too many Essendon fans want to give him any credit whatsoever.:rolleyes:

More Bryce Gibbs trashing and umpire whining shows how quickly perceptions in footy can change … A fake Richmond supporter (they often give it away in premising their comments) calls the puffer fish from Woodend “that d***head from Woodend” and smartly gets the first and only Houdini of the day from the day. Lots of love continues for the Tigers, this time for recruiting. … Putz hails Nathan Buckley for the seamless transition from the Malthouse era and KB spruiks the upcoming interview on Tuesday at 10 o’clock with the coach of his premiership tip.

Some crazy calls as always as the news approaches including a swap with the Dees into the VFL and Port Melbourne with Gary Ayes up to the AFL. The last gasp gambit of Schwab and Neeld using the Richmond of a couple of years ago (0-9 in 2010) to suggest that Melbourne have never been better placed has Putz riled up and reminding everyone Neeld’s not coaching Richmond. Leigh from Lilydale is a Hawks fan who went head to head with the Richmond cheer squad on Saturday and he showers all sorts of praise on that day’s chief combatant who happens to be the aforementioned puffer fish from Woodend: “I had an opportunity to meet him – a more humble, passionate, and proud supporter you’ll never meet. … He’s just a ripping bloke.” In person he probably really is a ripping bloke despite all his hang-ups with the feared Essendon Football Club.

KB: He’s very passionate about the Tigers. He doesn’t try and fly overboard; only if he’s talking about the Bombers. He doesn’t like the Bombers.
Putz: I think that might be a blind spot, Kevin.

Who could really blame any wood duck Richmond fan for hating Essendon? Since Richmond’s last flag, Essendon has made the finals every 1.5 years, a semi-final every 2.2 years, a preliminary final every 3.1 years, and a grand final every 4.4 years; topping that of with four premierships whilst Richmond have made the finals once every 10.3 years. :(

SMS: Darren Glass – you one-eyed Tiger donkey!
SMS: Darren Glass is the best full-back again this year. Without him West Coast would be in trouble.

Guus of the Week: Mark Webber
Goose of the Week: Ricky Stuart (NSW League coach)

The eleven o’clock hour featured the now often disappointing Dr. Turf who didn’t elaborate on the allegation he made on Saturday morning that Damien Fleming left the After the Bounce show in a dispute over repeatedly being called "Pinhead" by the other members of the show.
Dear Teo, you constantly belittle Demons and Dogs on their lack of success!
Yet Stkilda's poor history is never belittled by yourself!
You completely miss the point of a call I made a few weeks back.
Tonights Girly Hissy fit was terrible:thumbsdown:
Hungry for Forwards Forward
It’s not rocket science, I’m glad a modern day great in Shane Crawford recognizes gun forwards are at their most dangerous closest to goal, in the Herald Sun today. I’ve hammered on about this ad nauseam. Stars like Buddy Franklin and Jack Riewoldt send shivers up the spines of opposition backs. Who cares how touches they get outside fifty? I recall the great Gary Ablett Snr playing centre, wing, even half-back and staring, but his impact was nothing compared to him staying inside fifty. Rotating forward lines are a modern day essential but those rules don’t apply to the champs. Players like Franklin and Riewoldt should be chained to the goal post restricting them to the paint of fifty.
I’m KB, that’s my Take

Poor old KB and his dark demonic days as the Tigers coach. Those days ended when Neville Crowe paid a visit to KB’s home with the opinion that he should have been winning more games with the list they had. KB told him to “get out.” So after that fateful day the media career began in earnest and as of Curmudgeon Tuesday, May 29, 2012, the boogie man of KB’s coaching career still haunts him with vengeance. No, not Mr. Crowe, but the most explosive player ever, Gary Ablett Snr. Today was not the first time he has referenced Ablett to make his point. A number of times he has recounted the relief during his coaching career of seeing Gary Ablett Snr up on the wing chasing the ball. KB said just last week how he loved to see Gazza in the middle because he wasn’t going to kick goals up there. I wonder how often Snr went chasing kicks?


This begs another question, how did Snr go against the Bartlett inspired Tigers? Kev coached four years (1988-’91) which saw Gazza go up against the Tigers six times. C’mon, surely, can’t be that bad? In those games the “Big Master” averaged 7.6 goals per game from 10.8 scoring shots (Yeeeouch), 9.2 marks, and 21 possessions a game. He kicked double digit goal tallies three times: 10, 14, and 12. And it didn’t stop there. During KB's tenure Dunstall hit him up for 6.6 goals a game playing out of the goal square, and was only held below six goals on one occasion. Coach KB was about as successful at stopping the opposition’s meal ticket as Wile E. Coyote.

KB gets busy ranting with Putz Smith on the subject of classic forwards playing in the forward line exclusively. … Next is Putz’s article in a paper that very few people read where he’s called for Melbourne’s president, Don McLardy and GM, Cameron Schwab to stop fantasizing where the club is at. Says they are deluded about where there on-field list is at, and the board lacks football expertise. He also says during Stynes absence due to illness the club had a vacuum and failed to make decisions. He also cites the Schwab/Bailey mess late last year which led to Dean Bailey getting the boot. Melbourne’s plight at the moment is due to lack of leadership. ... Whew, those poor old Dees.:(

The Orforn Hawks and their star forward playing up the field were big on today’s Talkback/SMS/rant menu and it seems the only people on the planet that want Franklin outside fifty are Hawks’ coaches. … Seem to be lots of panic over the Hawks but the moderate Putz Smith isn’t writing Hawthorn off as a flag chance. “We’re hitting the panic button here, but is Hawthorn hitting the panic button? The three matches before that, Kevin, they won by 35, 66, and 56 points.” Kev queries whether Jeff Kennett is being missed? Kennett hater Smith erupts and lashes the idea of “Cappuccino Jeff” being missed and ends up accusing KB of turning it into “Mickey Mouse hour.”

KB reiterates that modern day coaches are sheep. … Putz wants to know what happened to the story about the Nathan Buckley having lost the players earlier in the season as the Maggies now keep winning. … Interestingly the top ten influential athletes in Australia has the interest of KB who is sorted out on the topic by Putz who strangely criticizes an SMS suggestion of Andrew Bogut (not in the top ten) and even has to be corrected by KB on the pronunciation of the player’s name. Hmmm, the bearded codger seems pretty miffed and grumpy since Kennett’s name was mentioned and luckily the news ends his grumpy SEN week.

Gibberish of the Week: Donald McDonald for alleging confusion on the Lindsay Thomas omission and not being on the same page as Brad Scott.

Quote of the Day:
Freo – they may go through a game this year without scoring!
- KB

SMS: No Jeff Kennett – no Hawthorn.
SMS: Take the froth of a cappuccino and its flat white. Take the Jeff from Hawthorn and they’re flat.
SMS: Jeff Kennett was the reason Hawthorn were successful; with him gone so are Hawthorn’s chances.

Miss me yet?;)
Anyone else find it bizarre that both Mark Allen (particularly) and David Schwarz appeared genuinely ignorant about what Futsal is?
Anyone else find it bizarre that both Mark Allen (particularly) and David Schwarz appeared genuinely ignorant about what Futsal is?

The only ever time I've heard of it was in high school because it was a big soccer school, outside of that I've never heard the term 'futsal' ever used. Indoor soccer, sure, but never futsal.
The only ever time I've heard of it was in high school because it was a big soccer school, outside of that I've never heard the term 'futsal' ever used. Indoor soccer, sure, but never futsal.

Yep I had no idea what he was talking about either.

Opened the wiki article and thought 'oh, indoor soccer.'

I played plenty of 'futsal' at primary/high school apparently.
The only ever time I've heard of it was in high school because it was a big soccer school, outside of that I've never heard the term 'futsal' ever used. Indoor soccer, sure, but never futsal.

I wouldn't have expected either of the hosts to have known which teams play it, be able to name any players, know of its history or even have a detailed knowledge of the rules.

But I'd expect that the hosts of a show of an all-sport show on an all-sport station would not be totally ignorant to the term as Marko and the Ox appeared to be. It is the official indoor soccer game of FIFA and features a World Cup every four years, and, according to the caller, 90,000 people in Victoria play it. So it's not completely obscure.

Again, I wouldn't have expected either of the hosts to possess a great deal of knowledge about the sport itself, but had the caller not eventually mentioned the words "indoor soccer", I think that both would still be none-the-wiser as to the "Futsal" term.
I wouldn't have expected either of the hosts to have known which teams play it, be able to name any players, know of its history or even have a detailed knowledge of the rules.

But I'd expect that the hosts of a show of an all-sport show on an all-sport station would not be totally ignorant to the term as Marko and the Ox appeared to be. It is the official indoor soccer game of FIFA and features a World Cup every four years, and, according to the caller, 90,000 people in Victoria play it. So it's not completely obscure.

Again, I wouldn't have expected either of the hosts to possess a great deal of knowledge about the sport itself, but had the caller not eventually mentioned the words "indoor soccer", I think that both would still be none-the-wiser as to the "Futsal" term.

I agree and yes I was on the soapbox for the first time tonight. It was great not to have idiot apart from a-dog on the soap box.
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